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Wentworth Miller: A Message About Love And Tolerance

Wentworth Miller: A Message About Love And Tolerance

Wentworth Miller - Us and We

Prison Break star Wentworth Miller shares an inspirational message about acceptance and love for all people.


"I wasn't born in this country, I didn't grow up in any one particular religion, I have a mixed raced background, and I'm gay. The first time I tried to kill myself I was 15. I waited until my family went away for the weekend and I was alone in the house. Then I swallowed a bottle of pills. I don't remember what happened over the next couple of days, but I'm pretty sure, come Monday morning, I was on the bus back to school pretending everything was fine. When someone asks me if that was a cry for help, I say no because I told no one. You only cry for help if you believe there's help to cry for.

Several weeks ago when I was drafting my letter to the St. Petersburg International Film Festival declining their invitation to attend, a small, nagging voice in my head insisted that no one would notice, that no one was watching or listening or caring. But this time, finally, I knew that voice was wrong. I thought, "If even one person notices this letter, in which I speak my truth, and integrate my small story into a much larger and more important one, it's worth sending." I thought, "Let me be to someone else what no one was to me. Let me send a message to that kid, maybe in America, maybe some place far overseas, maybe somewhere deep inside; a kid who's being targeted at home or at school or in the streets; that someone is watching and listening and caring; that there is an us, that there is a we; and that kid or teenager or adult, is loved and they are not alone."

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