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Quentin Tarantino: Communicate Your Vision
Quentin Tarantino: Communication Your Vision
Goalcast Originals

Quentin Tarantino: Communicate Your Vision

Quentin Tarantino - Express Your Vision

Quentin Tarantino talks about his difficult beginnings as a filmmaker, and says the most important thing is to have a vision and to know how to express it.


"Is this real? Or am I just being a dreamer? That sword of Damocles that had hung over my head from the moment that I tried to really seriously consider being a filmmaker, how daunting it was! Because I didn't go to film school or anything, and the fact that I didn't know how to do those different things, always put me into the debate amongst myself, dreamer or artist? That was always ammunition for the dreamer side of the debate.

"Then one answer like that, that sword of Damocles went away. It's not your job to create your vision. It's your job to have a vision, and then it's your job to hire talented individuals, to hire talented artists who understand your vision. You articulate it to them, and then they take your vision and they create it.

"Because I did have a vision, I did know what I want. I could describe it. That I could do, I can describe it, I can talk about it. That is what I know I can do. Pretty much since then, that's what I did. What you need to know is you need to have a vision and you need to know how to express it."

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