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Super Charismatic People Do These 5 Things Everywhere They Go
Business man exuding confidence with his body language

Super Charismatic People Do These 5 Things Everywhere They Go

To many, charisma is a nebulous term that’s hard to nail down.

Is it confidence? Smooth talk? An infectious smile? It turns out, it’s kind of all of those things and more.

Charisma is often defined as a kind of attractiveness that can influence those around you. It offers a desirable sway over people, which is beneficial in situations ranging from business negotiations to positions of leadership.

However, figuring out how to become more charismatic can seem like an impossible task if you feel you weren't born with natural charm.

But what makes someone charismatic can, in fact, be broken down into several basic qualities.

Being a leader gives you charisma. If you look and study the leaders who have succeeded, that's where charisma comes from, from the leading.

– Seth Godin

Here are some of the most important skills you need to master to become the most charismatic person in any room:

1. Communicate masterfully

Effective communication is easily one of the single most important qualities you need to master the art of charisma. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that many of the points on this list are different aspects of effective human communication.

Mastery of verbal communication is a whole subject in itself, but it includes:

  • Learning how to become a good listener
  • How to speak more intentionally
  • Reading the body language of those you’re communicating with
  • Improving public speaking skills

Charisma is, essentially, a byproduct of a particular type of communication. By mastering the above points, you can communicate in a way the exudes charisma.

2. Use the full power of body languagea-simple-method-for-building-up-confidence

Now we move into the more intangible qualities of a charismatic person.

Body language is an extension of your ability to communicate verbally. A powerful, uplifting story told by someone standing perfectly still isn’t nearly as powerful as someone raising their hands to describe an “Aha!” moment or jumping with excitement to signify a joyful surprise.

In addition, how you carry yourself communicates either confidence or a lack of it, with a straight posture illustrating the former and curling or hunching of the body the latter. A smile helps too!

3. Maintain a high energy level

Charismatic people typically have very high energy.

I know what you’re thinking: I’m not naturally energetic. The thing is, you don’t have to be. The important point to remember is that charisma only comes into play when you’re interacting with others, so you just need high energy during specific interactions.

I say that because it’s pretty easy to adopt an exercise that pumps you up before interactions, whether that’s a few jumping jacks before a speech or something more lasting such as a morning routine that includes affirmations and exercise.

4. Great storytelling

The power of storytelling goes beyond a great book, movie, T.V. show, or advertising campaign. By becoming a great storyteller, you can influence others to see your side of things in a more effective way. It's about keeping people engaged.

Another great benefit of storytelling is it allows others to connect with you on a personal level (assuming you're sharing personal stories), as this increases your likeability and charm.

5. Create an emotional connection


Most of the points I mentioned here are particular actions you can take to become more charismatic. However, I included this point last because it’s different. Less of a particular action and more of a strategy to influence your actions, it’s the glue that holds everything together.

Everything you do needs to communicate certain things emotionally. When it comes to charisma, exuding confidence, certainty, and knowledge also boils down to feeling passionate about a topic.

Body language is great for communicating confidence and certainty, while verbal communication is better for communicating knowledge and wisdom– so keep that in mind when considering what kind of emotional connection you want to establish, and don't forget to channel your passion through these forms of communication.

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