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  • Richard Nolan

    Richard Nolan is a blogger and a private tutor, sharing his experience in spheres of blogging self-growth, and psychology. Nowadays writing for numerous blogs and gives useful tips for bloggers, students, and teachers. Also, Richard works as a half-time writer and blog editor for ProWritersCenter
5 Simple Ways To Naturally Boost Your Energy
Diet & Exercise

5 Simple Ways To Naturally Boost Your Energy

Humanity will never stop inventing the tricks to be full of energy throughout the day. Starting with coffee to energy drinks, cocktails, and pills – they sound helpful, but not healthy at all. Why don't you change your regimen instead and see whether your body can accumulate energy in a natural way? Let me show you how I did it and what made me always energized to stay active. 5 Simple Ways To Naturally Boost Your Energy 1) Wake Up Early Even if it’s Sunday and you want to get some more sleep, you will later regret it. When you sleep more than your body needs, the consequences may frequently include dizziness and headache. It is recommended to get up with the first sunlight. If your schedule is flexible, don’t spend your morning time sleeping only because you have a chance to. The topic of early morning is tightly related to the topic of an early night. Get rid of all the temptations to stay awake late at night. If you can’t fall asleep, try drinking some mint tea or practicing some relaxation activities. If you are probably suffering from insomnia, you will need more advanced ways to manage it or even see a doctor. Your sleep cycle is crucial for your energy supply, and it’s not enough just to sleep 7-8 hours a day. The quality of your sleep is even more important. 2) Rest Your Mind If you are concerned about something or excited while sleeping and your mind can’t relax. To clear your mind before the bedtime, you are advised not to watch any movies, especially horrors or thrillers at least 2 hours before you sleep. Try to avoid TV or some serious discussions and arguments with your friends or family. One more helpful method to clear out your thoughts is evening Yoga. By concentrating on your breath and creating a relaxing environment, you achieve inner peace and thus prepare for a healthy and peaceful sleep. 3) Eat Better While some foods may give extra energy to your body, some may take it away. Consuming too many carbs will have an energy-draining effect while proteins will boost your energy levels. Nevertheless, whatever food you eat, overeating will make you sleepy and powerless. Also, if you want all your body to rest at night instead of digesting your tasty supper, don't eat anything at least 2 hours before your bedtime. I am not referring only to those who are on a diet or those who don't want to gain fat. Late meals also affect your sleep quality a lot. When the morning comes, make sure your breakfast is healthy and full – it's your source of energy for the biggest part of the day. 4) Drink Lots of Water Water is essential to your body. You’ve heard a lot of times how important it is to drink plenty of water daily but still cannot get used to it. Though it is a huge source of energy. It is highly recommended to start your day with a glass of water, not coffee. There is nothing wrong with drinking coffee in the morning, but preferably after a glass of water and rich breakfast. If you can’t make sure you drink 2 L of water daily, drink a glass of water before each meal. In terms of tea, give preference to green tea with lemon and without sugar. An excellent alternative to coffee, but weaker. Also, eat a lot of fruits that are juicy. One more trick with water. Did you ever feel sleepy after having a cold shower? In case you’ve never tried, it works much better than any coffee or energy drink. Even washing your face and ears with cold water works pretty well. If you make cold shower your daily habit, you will always feel you are full of energy. You might hate it in the beginning, but you will definitely cherish it when it becomes your regular habit. 5) Exercise Daily It might seem that exercising only takes your energy away, but the truth is that it creates a balance in your body. Without a nutrition-exercising balance, the metabolism processes slow down, and the body does not receive the sufficient portion of energy. To restore natural physical processes in your body, it’s essential to balance healthy nutrition with regular workouts. Try to walk daily whenever you have a chance. If your workplace is approximately 30-min away, don’t hesitate to drive. It might take you even more when commuting in the traffic jam. Practicing Yoga on a daily basis will not only make your sleep healthier but also become a perfect workout for you. Prefer morning Yoga? A perfect way to bring some positive energy into your day. Different outdoor activities, like morning jogging and biking, will also make you refreshed during the day. After all, it is advisable to spend as much time outside as possible. Can’t force yourself to exercise regularly, despite all its healthy benefits you know about? Then you should probably add more fun to it. Encourage your friends to train with you or pick up some motivating songs for your training playlist. Practice Yoga with candles, special music, flowers or other things that make you feel comfortable. Taking control over your energy levels is your personal responsibility. When you are recharged and full of energy, you might expect to be highly productive during the day, beat laziness and handle more things faster. Getting refreshed is not a trick. It is just about following your inner body desires. If you manage to give your body what it requires, you are bound to receive the correspondent amount of energy in return. Believe it or not, but tailoring your daily regimen to your body needs is even more than possible, even in this busy world we live in.

How to Be More Proactive: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to Be More Proactive: A Step-By-Step Guide

When an unexpected situation happens, there are two ways to act – blaming the circumstances and waiting desperately for someone to do something or analyzing it properly and respond in a timely and reasonable manner. The second type of thinking is what we call proactivity. Being proactive means relying on your own choices instead of luck and circumstances. It's about controlling the situation rather than simply waiting for the outcomes. A proactive person is a good problem-solver, even when not asked for it. It's all about the mindset you possess. But fortunately, it is also a skill that can be developed and trained. Uncover your proactivity capabilities, even if they are hidden deep inside you. All it takes are these steps to follow. How to Be More Proactive: A Step-By-Step Guide Stay Focused on a Solution, Not on a Problem Solving any problem becomes practically impossible if this problem easily makes you depressed and focused on all the negative outcomes it brings. Stop blaming yourself or blaming others – look for the ways this problem can be solved. Don’t focus on things that you cannot control, it will only make you run into a more severe depression. You should accept the fact that everyone faces obstacles, challenges or problems. But only successful and proactive people handle them effectively due to their problem-solving skills. Rely on Yourself Do you think someone else would be willing to do things for you, achieve something for you or fix your problems? Of course, your family and friends will support you but you have to be the one responsible for your own success. Take the initiative in your hands and start acting. Remember that the fastest and most effective way to get something is by working on it yourself, even if it involves other people who might help or support you along the way. Stop relying on your luck or strong willpower. Don't expect the right time to come. Success comes to those who move forward, regardless of hardships. The fact that you desperately want something is not enough. You have to work hard for it. Analyze Your Steps in Advance Spontaneous actions may do more harm than good while well-considered and well-planned ones will clarify the situation and bring you closer to the solution. Before you decide to act, think of any consequences it might bring. Use your analytical skills or work on developing them. You will need a lot of it, if you wish to become proactive. Want to fix the problem quickly? The more serious your problem is, the deeper you need to analyze it. A proactive person needs to be able to predict the results and take the behavior of others into account. You'd better take small steps that you are more capable to control. This way, it will be easier for you to go back and change the plan if something goes wrong. What you have to understand also is that failure will undoubtedly happen, even if you plan everything in advance, so be prepared to change course when it happens. Set Realistic Goals There is nothing bad in dreaming, but does it make sense to dream if you can't do anything to make it come true? Your dreams can be lofty, but then you should choose goals that have at least the smallest chance of being realized. Life is too short to dream without acting. If you want something – get it. How? Create the smaller goals that will need to be achieved on your path to reaching your dream, like a puzzle. Make the puzzle pieces small and achievable. Psychologists agree that unrealistic goals lead to disappointment and unwillingness to set new ones. Meanwhile, realistic goals add confidence and motivation to work on anything you are up to. Remember your excitement when you've managed to achieve something and you enthusiastically said to yourself: ‘I did it!'. You realize that it wasn't that difficult and you truly believe that you are capable of achieving more. Consistency in Anything You Do or Say If your words and actions are not consistent, people will stop relying on you. What is even more dissatisfying is that you will not be able to rely on yourself. If you learn to do as you say, your time management skills will improve, you will be able to get more things done faster and you will always take your own promises seriously. Consistency is crucial if you want to be proactive, no matter whether you made promises to others or to yourself. Take it, as a rule, to stop saying things you are not certain you will want to do. Set realistic deadlines to avoid over promising and don't change the plans if they have already been confirmed by others. Actively Participate Proactive mindset will only streamline your leadership capabilities. Depending on how you participate in conversations with your team, you can influence the outcomes. Instead of solely reacting to the solutions suggested by others, make sure you suggest your own. A proactive person will never be indifferent to anything that needs to be solved in a team, he/she will always play an active role in finding a solution. Even if you see the areas in a company that need to be addressed, don't be shy or afraid to share your observations, ideas or predictions with your supervisors or colleagues. Conclusion Having proactive mindset will influence different areas of your life. Increased consistency will boost your motivation to do sports on a regular basis and keep promises that you've made to your friends, while self-reliance will help you find the way out of different situations in your life. Active participation, for example, can help you become a better parent to your kids. Just remember that proactivity is something you can acquire and train. Each step towards proactivity that I described above will bring you closer to the mindset that you need to live the life of your dreams. Are there any other ways that helped either you or your friends to become proactive? I would be delighted if you share.