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How Josh Radnor Got Depressed Despite The Success Of How I Met Your Mother
Mental Health

How Josh Radnor Got Depressed Despite The Success Of How I Met Your Mother

Josh Radnor - Remake The World

Transcript: "The strangest thing happened as the show got more successful, I got more depressed. In my more awakened moments, I try to remember that everything that comes my way is potentially my teacher. Everything is an opportunity to go against my tired habits and practice something new. I believe deeply there can be no outer peace without inner peace and that we always have a choice that in every moment we're making the world with our thoughts, our words, and our actions.

I think we can all take a little better care of each other, be better examples for each other. I don't know about you guys but this to me is really exciting stuff. This, I suspect, is how we remake the world. One word, one sentence, one story at a time."

- Josh Radnor (Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother)

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