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Nick Vujicic: I Am Not Disabled
Nick Vujicic - I Am Not Disabled
Goalcast Originals

Nick Vujicic: I Am Not Disabled

Nick Vujicic - There Is Hope

Born without arms and legs, Nick Vujicic thought he would never know happiness. But then he found his purpose, and with it, hope.


"People were looking at me, people were pointing their finger at me and laughing. I was born this way, and no doctor knows why I was born this way, my parents don't know why I was born this way, Lady Gaga don't know why I was born this way. In my life, seeing everyone with arms and legs, my brother and sister have arms and legs, I never imagined that I would be happy, but we've got to understand that brokenness is brokenness, but hope is hope. Some people say, 'Well, all you need is just to be positive.' Well, it's easy for you to say, that's what I'm thinking. People who have arms and legs, it's easy for you.

"I just want you to know though that there is something I have come here to prepare a message for you, to let you know that there is hope beyond what you see. When in life, we have things in life that come and we try to figure out, well, who am I and what am I doing, and what's my purpose? Is there any purpose at all to my life in the end? I stand before you without arms and legs telling you right now that I am absolutely not disabled. There is something greater, something greater than the disabilities around you, or limitations around you. There is hope."

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