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Tyra Banks: Work What You've Got
Tyra Banks: Work What You've Got
Goalcast Originals

Tyra Banks: Work What You've Got

Tyra Banks - Get What You Want

Tyra Banks talks about how her modelling career was almost blown up by an overabundant booty, and shares how she decided to work her qualities to ger to her goals.


"My booty started getting bigger and bigger, and thicker and thicker. And my mom was my manager but not that mom-ager telling me what to do, more of a protector. And my Italian modeling agency gave my mother a list of designers that did not want to hire me anymore because my booty was getting too big.

"And I started crying and I'm like, 'Well Mama, I don't know what to do. What should I do? I don't know what to do. Should I diet, should I exercise every day? Should I start restricting food?' And she said, 'No. You know what we gonna do?' And I said, 'What?' And she said, 'We're gonna get some pizza.' And so we went to a pizzeria in Milan and you guys know at pizzerias, whether it's in Italy or America how they have that table cloth that's paper? My mama said, 'This is our notebook. Pull out a pen.'

"And we wrote down every single client that we could think of that likes ass. That appreciates some ass. And my mama's that kind of mama that tells it like it is."

"Strategy, strategy, strategy."

"Strategy, strategy. So who likes ass?"

"Because a lot of people would have quit. I mean, really. I think there's a lot of models who would have said, 'This business, either I should become anorexic..."

"Yes. Or I should quit."

"Or I should quit."

"And we said, 'You know what? Let's figure it out. Let's try to figure out how I can work with what I have to get what I want.'

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