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The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Success: 10 Resources to Help You Become Your Own Boss
Powerful Business Woman

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Success: 10 Resources to Help You Become Your Own Boss

The 21st century has brought great new opportunities for entrepreneurs. The digital revolution has completely changed the way we live -- and the landscape for aspiring CEOs and innovators.


However, the world is also moving faster than ever, and the competition is thick, so you have to gain every advantage you can get to turn your passion or idea into a sustainable business.

Entrepreneurship requires an unvanquished spirit of curiosity, an openness to learning, a letting go of OldCo so you're free to create NewCo.

– Michael E. Gerber

This is where this guide comes in. We've outlined the 10 best resources on entrepreneurship to help you acquire the tools and knowledge you need to start your entrepreneurial journey (and keep it going). Whether you're looking to work remotely as a freelancer or want to turn your passion into a career, the resources below will help you get there.

1. Personality Traits that Successful Entrepreneurs Value More than all Others

If you want to know what the absolute most important traits and skills are to develop as an entrepreneur, look no further. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, this will tell you everything you need to know about what makes a successful entrepreneur tick.

Read here: 5 Personality Traits that Successful Entrepreneurs Value More than all Others

2. How To Find Your Passion

If you haven’t yet found your calling, it’s important to do that first before venturing off into any long-term business effort.

That’s not just because you shouldn’t settle for anything less than doing what you love (after all, why become an entrepreneur if you’re doing that?), but also because you’ll never be able to maintain the energy and motivation to get passed tough challenges without this passion to drive you.

Read here: How To Find Your Passion

3. Dangerous Misconceptions About Entrepreneurship That You Should Know About


If you’re relatively new to entrepreneurship, there are some dangerous misconceptions that can hold you and your entrepreneurial efforts back which won’t be immediately obvious. Learn what those misconceptions are and how to keep from falling victim to them by reading this.

Read here: Dangerous Misconceptions About Entrepreneurship That You Should Know About

4. How to Build a Brand in the Digital Age — An Entrepreneur’s Starter Guide

With social media, building a strong brand is more important than ever before. But if you don’t know anything about what it takes to build a brand, don’t worry, this will help you figure out everything you need to get started.

Read here: How to Build a Brand in the Digital Age — An Entrepreneur’s Starter Guide

5. Things You Need to Know If You Want to Be an Entrepreneur

If you want to be an entrepreneur, there are a few things that you really need to know. I can’t stress these points enough– if you have dreams or plans of becoming (or are already) an entrepreneur, you need to read this sooner than later.

Read here: 6 Things You Need to Know If You Want to Be an Entrepreneur

6. The 3 Questions No Entrepreneur Wants to Ask (but You Must)

If you want to build a long and fruitful self-employed career, there are three critically important questions you must ask yourself.

This is yet another thing you really can’t put off, as it affects your entire path through entrepreneurship in several critical ways. But, the good news is, if you can be ready for these things ahead of time, you’ll be far better prepared.

Read here: The 3 Questions No Entrepreneur Wants to Ask (but You Must)

7. With Grace and Grit: A Guide to Sticking it Out for Entrepreneurs

When Life Gives You Lemons, Crush Them!

If you haven’t already figured it out yet, entrepreneurship is tough -- really tough. You need to have the right amount of toughness to get through the inevitable challenges you’ll face along the way. Building resilience is key.

Read here: With Grace and Grit: A Guide to Sticking it Out for Entrepreneurs

8. Why Entrepreneurship Is an Effective Path to Happiness (and How to Get Started)

Aspiring business leaders have more opportunities than ever, but the path to success is also very different from what it used to be.

People who might not otherwise have considered themselves entrepreneurs are now deciding to take this path because starting a business gives them the opportunity to do what they love and live on their own terms.

Read here: Why Entrepreneurship Is an Effective Path to Happiness (and How to Get Started)

9. Entrepreneurship and the Architecture of Success: Setting Smart Long-Term Goals

Entrepreneurship is a long-term game. If you hope to find success in your chosen endeavor, you need to have a well-defined plan and the structure to make that plan a reality.

Read here: Entrepreneurship and the Architecture of Success: Setting Smart Long-Term Goals

10. Hacks Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Use to Stay Laser-Focused

Are you a seasoned entrepreneur looking for some extra tips for staying focused? Making your vision a reality is hard and requires a laser focus over a very long period of time. Fortunately, there are some simple hacks that can help you keep your eyes on the prize.

Read here: 5 Hacks Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Use to Stay Laser-Focused

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