About Eliza Theiss

Writer, baker, daydreamer. Lover of fries, Mazzy Star and urban fantasy. Kindness makes my heart melt.

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January 31, 2019
Do you find it hard to do nothing at all and disconnect? Does being away from your email make you worry? Do you often take on extra projects even when you are swamped? Do you crave the pressure of a deadline? Stress addiction is no joke — it’s a serious issue that could severely impact your health.
January 25, 2019
We may be living in the golden age of mental health awareness, but many of us still struggle to identify or just simply understand, the issues we deal with. Are you stressed due to too much work and not enough sleep, or are you actually dealing with anxiety, worried sick nearly daily, but not knowing why?
January 24, 2019
Throughout the ages, books have provided spiritual guidance, sparked social and political changes, allowed us to escape the drudgery of every day and quite literally changed the course of history. Check out these 5 life-changing books, beloved by millions for the priceless life lessons they have taught us all.
November 1, 2018
Married to the second-richest man alive today, Melinda Gates was reticent to date her boss when they met more than 30 years ago. But shared values, a commitment to grow and work together, and a dedication to make the world a better place brought the Gates’s 24 years of happy marriage with many more on the horizon.