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Simon Sinek: Two Ways To See The World

Simon Sinek: Two Ways To See The World

Simon Sinek - Go After Whatever You Want

Simon Sinek shares a personal story about going for what you want and putting aside the excuses in order to get it.


"There were some free bagels and they had picnic tables set up. On one side was a group of volunteers. On the table were boxes of bagels and on the other side was a long line of runners waiting to get their free bagel. I said to my friend, "Let's get a bagel." He looked at me and said, "The line is too long." I said, "Free bagel." He said, "I don't want to wait in line." I was like, "Free bagel." He says, "Nah, it's too long."

That's when I realized that there's two ways to see the world. Some people see the thing that they want, and some people see the thing that prevents them from getting the thing that they want. I could only see the bagels. He could only see the line. I walked up to the line. I leaned in between two people, put my hand in the box and pulled out two bagels and no one got made at me because the rule is you can go after whatever you want. You just cannot deny anyone else to go after whatever they want.

I had to sacrifice choice. I didn't get to choose which bagel I got. I got whatever I pulled out, but I didn't have to wait in line. The point is you don't have to wait in line. You don't have to do it the way everybody else has done it. You can do it your way. You can break the rules. You just can't get in the way of somebody else getting what they want."

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