Waitress Blessed With $1,200 Tip
There are many mixed opinions when it comes to tipping. But the reality is that many servers rely on tips to make a decent living, working hard to ensure customer satisfaction with each and every meal.But even the best of servers don’t expect their patrons to go above and beyond like this group of diners did one day in Georgia.The Holiday Time Uplifting Story James Deal / FacebookIt was December, and Janet Ballard was working the lunch shift at Cracker Barrel. She had been at the chain for more than a decade, so it was business as usual for the server when a group of 12 came in to eat. It was not, however, a routine meal for the patrons who came in that day.You see, the group had come into the eatery with the intention of spreading generosity. They were a bunch of church-going friends who wanted to lift someone up ahead of the holidays, and they had hatched a plan.In what James Deal described in a Facebook post as the “1st Annual 100 dollar breakfast,” each of the 12 diners left Ballard a $100 tip at the end of the meal. In total, they pooled together $1,200 and put it in a card for their server.“I read the card, and it had scriptures on it, which let me know they were good people,” Ballard told Today. “They were very genuine individuals. They were total strangers.”The Surprise of a Lifetime Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash Ballard was shocked as she counted the money and was choked up by the time she reached $400. She couldn’t believe that these strangers had been so generous, and she grew more and more emotional as someone filmed her. “I don’t really like to cry with a camera in my face, but I didn’t even care at this point,” she recalled. “I had 12 total strangers saying, ‘Hey, we care enough about you because of how you made us feel while we were dining and we want to be a blessing to you and your family.'”According to Ballard, the money was an answer to her prayers. She had needed help paying her taxes and was stressed out about her car payment. With this money, she was able to pay down both.Paying It Forward Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash Deal and the rest of the group wanted to share their moment of giving in order to inspire others to do the same. That’s why they posted it on Facebook, where many weighed in on how nice it was to see such generosity, especially so close to the holidays. But social media users weren’t the only ones who were inspired.Ballard was so touched that she decided to use some of the money to help uplift others as well. After work, she went out for lunch and “blessed” her server with a large tip. Then she treated herself to a pedicure and gave the manicurist a large tip before the appointment began.“Because of the gift of love and caring and sharing I’m able to not only be a better Janet, but I am able to be an example for people this time of year who don’t have hope,” she added to Today.It's That Time of Year - Do the Unexpected! Photo by Dominic Kurniawan Suryaputra on Unsplash Sometimes it’s just nice to see good people receive nice things, especially when it comes as a surprise. That’s one reason this story went viral and why so many people have responded to it. It’s an inspiring tale that reminds us to try and do something nice and unexpected for others in our own walks of life.It can be something small, like shoveling snow for a neighbor or baking someone you love a treat. Or it can be a larger, more organized thing, like a group of friends pooling extra money together for a life-changing gift to a stranger.Whatever you decide to do to uplift someone else, there’s no time like the present. With the holidays here, there are plenty of people out there who could use a little boost of joy.More from Goalcast:Shaq Visits His Favorite Restaurant With an Unusual Request – Then, He Shocks the Watchful Owner With a SurpriseExhausted Dad of 4 Doesn’t Notice a Stranger Watching Him Closely at Work – Is Shocked When He Finds This Note on a Bill Teen Waitress Loses Both Parents—Then She Gets a Surprise Tip That Changes Her Life
Stranger Pays $110 Bill After Man Forgets His Wallet
We've all been there: you’ve loaded up your shopping cart or ordered a service, only to reach for your wallet and realize that it’s not there. It can be an embarrassing and anxiety-inducing scenario, one that sets the tone for the day.A man faced a similar situation one day when he couldn’t remember his new PIN at a gas station. But when a stranger stepped in to help, he did more than save this man’s day.Did We Just Become Best Friends? Tyson Crawley / FacebookOne morning, a man named Tyson Crawley pulled up at a gas station. He filled his truck with diesel and topped up with petrol. Then he entered the station and ordered a couple of iced coffees. When he went to pay, things went sideways.Crawley had transferred all his money to a new bank account the night before and realized he didn’t have his new bank card on him. He tried to pay from a joint account but, for the life of him, could not remember the PIN.“After searching through my iPhone bank app to figure out how to reset my PIN I had failed,” Crawley recalled in a Facebook post. “My dog was barking wildly, I had to get to work, and I was starting to freak.”RELATED: Single Mom Gives Stranger $7 for Christmas – Then, He Leads Her to the Parking LotSurprise: A Stranger Had Him CoveredAs Crawley began panicking, a man who had purchased a coffee right before him and exited the store witnessed the ordeal. He came back inside.“Do you need some money?” he asked.Crawley said no, that he just couldn’t remember his code, and it was okay. The man said it was fine, and then walked around to the register. When Crawley realized what he was doing, he insisted it was okay; he had the money but just needed to figure out his PIN.“It’s a free country, isn’t it?” the stranger asked. “I can help a brother out, can’t I?”Crawley was stunned. The bill was $110, but eventually, he accepted the kind man’s help. He then passed him the receipt and asked him to write down his number so that he could contact him and pay him back immediately.RELATED: Stranger Gives Woman Advice About Her Toxic Relationship – Receives an Unexpected Email From Her 6 Years LaterFinal Twist: A Follow-Up RequestThe attendant, whom Crawley said was just as stunned as he was, passed the man a pen. The stranger wrote on it, folded it down, and handed it to Crawley. Crawley was so overwhelmed and grateful that he insisted they take a photo together. Then the man left. “I turned around to the attendant and she said, ‘Well that doesn’t happen every day,’” Crawley recalled. “I turned around to leave, and he was gone, literally gone. I went outside and could not see him anywhere.”It was then that Crawley opened the receipt to look at the number and he received another shock. Instead of a phone number, the man had written down his name along with three game-changing words.“John. Pass it on.” Tyson Crawley / FacebookPaying It ForwardCrawley wrapped his Facebook post with an important reminder.“Please be beautiful people, and remember it's not about keeping up with the joneses, having the biggest house, most expensive car, the largest bank account, but work with each other, after all, what is money compared to the quality of human life?” he wrote.Money comes and goes, but who we are as people and how we interact with one another is the essence of our being. Helping each other out when times are tough, even when we don’t know the person, is what makes us human, and what can make this life so beautiful.So the next time you’re in a position to pay it forward, why not? Go ahead and buy that coffee for the person behind you. Pay that parking meter that’s about to expire for a total stranger. Donate toys to a toy drive, leave a super generous tip, or give a secret gift.At the end of the day, it’s how we show up for each other and help one another out that matters. Everything else is just extra. <3
Struggling Single Mom Has $150,000 Debt Erased Entirely
We've all heard it: if you work hard and go to school, you will get a good-paying job and be able to afford decent things in life. In reality, many people invest in continuing education and are then stuck paying off student loans for a large chunk of their lives. That’s what happened to Jasmin Ford, a nurse in Chicago. She was dealing with a large debt and struggling to pay it off by working two jobs. Then, something incredible happened to her – the debt vanished. Here's how it all went down.
Rude Customer Has a Disagreement Over $6 - Teen Employees Have the Perfect Response
Working in customer service can be challenging, especially when you’re dealing with rude and demanding clients. That’s particularly true for some teens, who work these jobs for part-time money and are often bullied by adults. Perhaps that’s why people are applauding these teen girls for the way they expertly handled an over-the-top customer.