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Why Paul Walker Left His Only Daughter With Vin Diesel
Life Stories

Why Paul Walker Left His Only Daughter With Vin Diesel

When the tragic news of Paul Walker's death surfaced, the world was left in shock. As one of the most beloved stars of the Fast and Furious franchise, his passing was felt deeply by fans around the globe. But perhaps the most devastating impact was felt by his daughter, Meadow Walker, who was left without a father.

rapper eminem poses for a picture

The Truth Behind Eminem's Relationship With His Mom

There is no doubt Eminem is a complicated person. His 25-year career has been defined by feuds, violence and toxic male aggression. However, amid the chaos, the rapper has maintained the ability to lay bare his vulnerabilities and acknowledge his weaknesses. Nothing illustrates that complexity better than the fraught relationship between Eminem and Eminem's mom, Debbie Nelson Mathers (maiden name Nelson). Marshall Mathers, better known as Eminem, didn’t have the best upbringing. Raised in poverty, his parents grappled with addiction and relationship troubles, scarring the young rapper as he was beginning to carve out an identity. As such, he harbored resentment for his mom and dad, and swore he would break the pattern when it came to his own daughter. Of course, reality doesn’t often pan out the way you hoped. The Detroit rapper had to stand up and address his failures head-on. Through this journey, he could rediscover his relationship with his mother, and the place she occupies in his life. What Happened With Eminem's Mom? (Photo by Nicky J. Sims/Redferns)Debbie was only 18 years old when she gave birth to Marshall Bruce Mathers III. Eminem’s father, Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr., abandoned them as soon as his son was born, leaving the young mother to raise their child alone. RELATED: Dave Bautista Realized Why He Hated Being Rich - Until He Did One Thing for His MomThe mother-and-son duo faced destitution and eviction at every turn, and moved frequently, in search of financial stability. Debbie was in no position to shoulder the responsibilities of parenthood. However, Eminem's mother worked hard to make ends meet, even if the outcomes weren’t always satisfactory. Unfortunately, her childcare abilities weren’t up to her son’s liking. As is his modus operandi, Eminem badmouthed Debbie in the charged lyrics to "My Name Is," the opening track of his 1999 album The Slim Shady LP. In the song, he claims his mother did “more dope than” he did: “I told her I'd grow up to be a famous rapper / Make a record about doin' drugs and name it after her.”Debbie Mathers Sues Eminem Over 'My Name Is' LyricsYoung Marshall Mathers III and mom Debbie Nelson Mathers (Image: My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem)Debbie Mathers Briggs (her current husband, John Briggs, is her fourth) was blindsided by the admission. Shortly after the release of "My Name Is," she sued her son for $11 million, claiming defamation of character. Eminem’s team responded by saying his music only reflected the truth. His lawyer also said the lawsuit was a “result of a lifelong strained relationship between [Eminem] and mother,” and that it was pretty “painful” to be sued by your own mother. Debbie was awarded a $25,000 settlement in 2001, but $23,354.25 of that went to her attorney.The animosity between Eminem and his mother didn’t subside, however. In 2002, Eminem released "Cleanin' Out My Closet," in which he accused her of suffering from Münchausen syndrome by proxy, a disorder in which a caregiver makes up an illness or injury in a person under their care. RELATED: How Tom Hanks' Tragic Childhood Changed Him - ForeverAs if that weren't enough, he made more references to her substance abuse in the song "My Mom": “My mom loved Valium and lots of drugs /That's why I am like I am 'cause I'm like her.” He also wrote how she added Valium in his food multiple times. and would threaten to throw him in the basement if he didn’t eat his meal. My mom/ There's no one else quite like my mom /I know I should let bygones be bygones/ But she's the reason why I am high on what I'm high onEminem, "My Mom"Why Did Eminem Apologize To His Mom?It’s difficult to distinguish who’s telling the truth when the atmosphere is so incendiary. However, Debbie did try to provide a context in her 2008 memoir My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem.RELATED: How Stranger Things' Jamie Campbell Bower Overcame Addiction“At first I went along with it for Marshall's sake -- if I made one mistake as a mother, it was giving in to my eldest son's every whim,” she wrote, alluding to how she may have added Valium to his food. but only at his insistence. She also insisted that it was an uphill battle to care for her son, given her wretched circumstances. Just because she made some terrible decisions of her own doesn’t mean Eminem should have taken the liberty to defame her at every opportunity. He never knew his father, and I did all I could to make up for it. I wasn't happy when he made up a whole new life for himself - what mother wants to be known as a pill-popping alcoholic who lives on welfare?Debbie Nelson on My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem.With time, Eminem forgave his mother and apologized to her. There’s only so much room for hatred and anger, and when the years weigh down on you, you begin to realize how everyone goes through a hard time. Who Was Eminem's Father?Eminem, in a promo for his Detroit restaurant, Mom's SpaghettiIn his 2013 song "Headlights," Eminem discussed forgiving his mother, questioning if he had taken his resentment “too far.” He also shed light on the role of his father, Marshall Bruce Mathers, Jr. — or lack thereof — in exacerbating tensions between himself and his mother. If he hadn’t abandoned the family at such a critical juncture, mother and son wouldn’t have had to endure so much hardship.RELATED: Ben Affleck’s Sobriety Journey Proves You’re More Than Your Parents’ MistakesAt the end of the day, the 50-year-old “loves” his mother, and says she’s “still beautiful” to him. She “did her best” to raise him and his younger half-brother, Nate, even though the “cross” she bore was the heaviest of all. But regardless, I don't hate you 'cause, Ma / You're still beautiful to me, 'cause you're my Ma [...] All you did, all you said, you did your best to raise us both /Foster care, that cross you bear, few may be as heavy as yours.Eminem, "Headlights"Eminem opened Mom's Spaghetti restaurant in Detroit in 2021. However, it's not a sign that he's mended fences with mother Debbie (by all accounts, their relationship remains strained). Instead, it's a reference to his song "Lose Yourself," from the soundtrack to his 2002 acting debut, 8 Mile. The menu includes vegan meatballs, and a spaghetti sandwich (Eminem's favorite).Let Go of BitternessEminem clung onto so much rage in the first 40 years of his life that he and his mother still remain a little “estranged." It’s OK to feel a grudge, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t call out people for their dangerous behavior. However, as you grow older, consider whether the antagonism is worth your time. Our priorities shift, we become wiser, and we tend to forgive ourselves and each other for the past. The bitterness will only deter you in your journey, haunting you every step of the way till you’re ready to combust. Instead, free yourself. It feels good to look forward to the future and not have any regrets about the past. So if you have the opportunity to rid yourself of the bitterness, take it. KEEP READING: Eminem Celebrates 10 Years Sober, Inspires People Struggling with Addiction to Open Up

friends ready for game night
Pop Culture

Hard Trivia Questions for Your Next Game Night

People love trivia, that’s just a fact. That explains the popularity of long-running shows like Jeopardy or Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, and countless volumes of trivia books. Despite its close relationship to "trivial," trivia can be of great importance, particularly to those who love nothing more than to challenge -- and, ideally, beating -- their friends in battles of knowledge. And for that, they require hard trivia questions for the next big game night. RELATED: Do the 36 Questions Really Lead to Love? But how do you plan the best trivia night for your friends? You come up with the best trivia questions, and difficult trivia questions definitely rank among them. Note, however, that doesn't mean the hardest trivia questions. It’s remarkably easy to come up with dozens of hard trivia questions that require knowledge too obscure to answer -- or to be any fun. We’ll share a few examples of bad trivia questions below for reference. One secret to creating great (and fun) trivia questions that aren't too challenging is to come up with ones that can have more than one correct answer. That way, you allow people to plumb the depths of their knowledge, and find not only the right answer but also enjoy that boost of self-confidence that comes with getting it right. And really, when you’re having a trivia night with friends, isn’t that more important than stumping everyone? If you agree with that sentiment, then, by all means, avoid questions like those found in the first segment Skip ahead: Hard Trivia Questions About American History Hard Trivia Questions About Geography Hard Trivia Questions About The Human Body Hard Trivia Questions About Sports Hard Trivia Questions About World War II Hard Trivia Questions About Everything Else! Examples of Bad Trivia Questions for Your Game NightKangchenjunga, the world's third-highest mountain, by Noor Salim on Unsplash Here are five examples of trivia questions that are too difficult to be considered fun. Why? Because they are almost surely unanswerable by most players. Thus, they risk leaving people feeling as if they came up short. RELATED: Truth or Dare Questions for Your Next Game Night 1. What is the capital of Togo? (It’s Benin, but unless players have prepared specifically for geography, this is probably too obscure.) 2. What is the third-tallest mountain on Earth? (It’s Kangchenjunga, in the Himalayas, in the border region between Nepal and India. However, almost no one is going to readily answer that.) 3. What is the 10th decimal digit of pi? (It’s 5, but people who can recite pi to 3.14159, a standard number of digits recalled, will feel they perhaps should have known.) 4. Who was Teddy Roosevelt’s first lady? (It was Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt, but this is a “gotcha” question, because it's rather obscure, and because she wasn't his first wife.) 5. Name five former U.S. secretaries of state. (There are plenty to name, but this question asks for too many responses to be much fun!) Now, let’s move on to some great hard trivia questions. Hard Trivia Questions About American HistoryThe Lincoln Memorial photo by Pixabay from Pexels These questions have a single correct answer. Plus, U.S. history is a subject in which most American citizens can be expected to have at least some grounding. RELATED: 101 Deep Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend, Girlfriend or Partner 1. What is the oldest European-founded city in the United States? (St. Augustine, Florida, founded in 1565) 2. Name all four U.S. presidents who were assassinated while in office. (Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy) Ford Model T photo by Matthew Lancaster on Unsplash 3. In which war did the most Americans die? (the American Civil War, in which an estimated 620,000 men, or 2 percent of the U.S. population at the time, lost their lives) 4. In what year did the first Ford Model T sell? (1908) 5. Who was the first U.S. president to appear on television? (Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on April 30, 1939, during the opening session of the New York World's Fair) 6. What does the middle initial "S" stand for in U.S. President Harry S. Truman's name? (This is a little tricky. Truman had no middle name. His parents gave him the middle initials as a compromise to honor both grandfathers, Anderson Shipp Truman and Solomon Young) Hard Trivia Questions About GeographyMount Whitney, in California. Photo by Nico on Unsplash Most of these have multiple correct responses, which is a great way to make a hard trivia question a bit easier to field. And it's more fun for a wider group of participants. RELATED: 100 of the Best Questions to Ask People to Get to Know Them 1. In what state is the tallest mountain in the continental United States? (California) 2. Name two of the five deepest points in the world’s oceans. (Mariana Trench, Puerto Rico Trench/Milwaukee Deep, Java Trench, South Sandwich Trench, Molloy Hole) 3. Name five countries whose names begin with the letter G. (Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana) 4. What is tallest mountain in Australia? (Mount Kosciuszko) 5. What is the longest river in Europe? (Volga) 6. Which country's flag features a dragon? (Three possible answers: Bhutan, Malta or Wales) Hard Trivia Questions About the Human BodyPhoto by Nhia Moua on Unsplash These questions can be fun with players of different ages. Kids often will know more about the human body than adults do, because they more recently learned about it. RELATED: The Most Powerful Questions to Ask Your Partner to Connect on a Deeper Level 1. Name the three bones found in the inner ear. (Hammer, anvil, stirrup) 2. How many total chromosomes does a human cell have? (46 – 23 pairs, but 26 total) 3. What is the second-biggest organ in the human body? (Liver) 4. Name four types of bone found below your pelvis. (Femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges) 5. Does an average head of full hair have about 1,000, 7,500, 10,000 or 15,000 hairs? (10,000) Hard Trivia Questions About SportsPhoto by Prapoth Panchuea on Unsplash These questions mostly have single answers, as statistics are such an important part of sports. RELATED: You’re Making Friends Wrong – Here’s How to Do It Right 1. Which sport is older, basketball or American football? (Football) 2. In which decade was baseball’s first perfect game thrown? (1880s) 3. Name five positions on a soccer/football team. (Goalkeeper, sweeper, center back, full back, defensive midfielder, central midfielder, attacking midfielder, wing back, winger, striker, forward) 4. This Major League Baseball team (currently) has the second-most World Series wins. (Cardinals, 11) 5. Who (currently) holds the all-time point record in the National Basketball Association? (Kareem Abdul-Jabar, 38,387) 6. In which year was the first football World Cup held? (1930) Hard Trivia Questions About World War IIPhoto by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash What can we say? People love trivia about the Second World War. RELATED: Are You a Good Friend? These Tips Will Help You Become an Even Better One 1. On what day did Nazi Germany invade Poland? (Sept. 1, 1939) 2. Name three European countries that remained neutral during World War II. (Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey) 3. On what date was victory declared in Europe? (May 8, 1945) 4. Name three types of American World War II fighter planes. (P-51 Mustang, P-47 Thunderbolt, P-38 Lightning, P-40 Warhawk, F4 Corsair, F6 Hellcat, P-63 Kingcobra, etc.) 5. What was the deadliest battle of World War II? (Battle of Stalingrad, with approximately 2 million casualties) Hard Trivia Questions About Everything Else!Image: Disney Sometimes, it's more fun to take a wide-open approach. So here are 10 more great trivia questions from all sorts of topic areas. RELATED: 6 Ways to Build New, Meaningful Friendships as an Adult 1. How many legs does a centipede have? (30) 2. Name one of the only African countries that were never colonized. (Ethiopia and Liberia) 3. How many humps does a dromedary camel have? (One) 4. Who was the youngest U.S. president ever? (Teddy Roosevelt, at 42) 5. In which decade were the first artificial Christmas trees manufactured? (1930s) 6. What is the hardest natural substance on Earth? (Diamond) 7. What is the best-selling album of all time? (Michael Jackson’s Thriller) 8. Who was the youngest British prime minister ever? (William Pitt the Younger, at 24) 9. What is the only mammal that is fully covered in scales? (Pangolin) 10. Who was the first Disney princess? (Snow White) KEEP READING: What Are Interesting Questions to Ask a Guy?

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Snoop Dogg Confronts the Man That Got Tupac Killed (Video)

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Musician Jelly Roll speaking into a mic and a teen wearing a cowboy hat looking shocked.
Uplifting News

Bullied Teen Makes Desperate Plea at Jelly Roll's Concert - So, He Changes Her Life

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Jennifer Hudson's Horrific Family Tragedy-How the Singer Forgave and Healed

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Jennifer Garner helps homeless man in a wheelchair wear new shoes.
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Jennifer Garner Spots a Homeless Man Wearing Old Shoes - the Paparazzi Records Her Next Move

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