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Try these 4 easy tips to keep yourself from giving up

Try these 4 easy tips to keep yourself from giving up

It happens to all of us. We set ambitious goals for ourselves, and in the beginning we are really motivated to achieve them, but after a while the motivation fades and the harsh reality of the challenge sets in. We feel discouraged and ultimately we give up. This is normal and it happens to all of us. So here are 4 easy tips to keep yourself from giving up.

1. Share your goals with your loved ones

By sharing your goals with the people who care about you, you insure they are there to support you when you are down or when you want to give up. When your friends and family know what you intend to achieve, they will most definitely encourage you to pursue your dream when you most need it. Sharing your goal also creates accountability. The thought of  disappointing your friends or family will keep you from giving up. If you are not convinced, think about this. When you are not sure you can achieve something, like jogging everyday for example, you are less inclined to share it, right? That's because you know that once it's out there, you have no other choice but to do it! So step up, don’t second guess yourself. If you want to achieve something, share it with your loved ones.

2. Treat Yourself

We all like to treat ourselves every once in a while, and that is even more true when we face challenges. Knowing that you will get something after you achieve your goal helps you stay focused during hard times. Don’t worry, your treat doesn’t have to be complicated, it all depends on what makes you happy. It could be a nice healthy cake, a day at the spa with friends or even a gift card from your favorite store. The important thing is that you only treat yourself when you’ve completed what you’ve set yourself. Don’t even think about cheating, because anyways why would you fool yourself? The treat is just a strategy so that you get through the tough times and reach your targets.

3. Don't forget: You are stronger than you think

When things get tough, try to remember that you are strong enough to get through whatever challenges you might face along the way. This strategy will help you greatly when you feel like giving up. Try to visualize yourself achieving your goal, and always believe in yourself. Trust that you are strong enough to reach your goals no matter how high you set them. Your goals are yours, you have created them for yourself, so you have the capacity to achieve them. When something you tried does not work, do not worry, stay strong and don’t be afraid to try new things. When one door closes, usually many more open up. So, commit yourself, don’t give up, and have faith in your potential.

4. Don’t compare yourself with others.

Sometimes, the grass may look greener on the other side, but we have no idea how hard it might have been to get that grass so perfectly green. People live their fair share of struggles even when you might think everything is going fine in their lives. When you see someone who looks successful don’t compare yourself. Try instead to figure out the steps they might have taken, the commitments they had to set for themselves, and the challenges they had to overcome in order to reach that point. Instead, let that be an inspiration to you. If someone else could do it, you most certainly can do it too. Don’t compare, get inspired!

Let us know in the comments if you have any tricks to not give up.

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