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Healthy Habits, Happy Worker: 5 Tips for Boosting Well-Being at Work
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Healthy Habits, Happy Worker: 5 Tips for Boosting Well-Being at Work

Most people spend 40 hours plus at work. For some, it is their home away from home. But sitting at a desk every day, if you have such a luxury, can do more harm than good. Have you seen the new standing desks? They promote good circulation, allow a person to move around while they work, and prevent aching joints and muscles from sitting in the same position hour after hour. Since you must work to make a living, you must learn the importance of work-life balance, and of keeping healthy habits that enhance your well-being on the job. Here are some tips to ensure that you stay healthy and happy at work.

Healthy Habits Happy Workers: 5 Tips for Boosting Well-Being at Work

Healthy Habits, Happy Worker: 5 Tips for Boosting Well-Being at Work

The greatest wealth is health.

- Virgil

1. Stand up for what’s right

As mentioned above, standing desks are all the rage, but you may wonder if they are more hype than help. According to Smithsonian Magazine, sitting all day long for years can cause serious health problems. Did you know that you can become obese, develop diabetes or even cancer from a sedentary lifestyle? Some experts are comparing sitting to the smoking epidemic of the 1980s. It is important to step up and get out of that cubicle. Standing allows you to move around, pace, and even jump up and down if you want. All of this burns more calories and takes the strain off your back and neck. Many people who stare at a computer screen all day have neck problems. Standing while working may be the answer to having a healthier and happier body.

2. Toss out the trash snacks

When people are stressed, they eat. It is easy to have a drawer full of snacks from the vending machine on your desk. You can snack when you're mad, snack when you're happy, and snack from pure boredom. Yet all that will do is pack on the pounds. Rather, you should be more focused on eating healthier. If you tend to be a grazer or someone that likes to snack all the time, then make better food choices. Apple slices with peanut butter are an excellent snack. What about some carrots with ranch dressing or celery sticks with cream cheese? You can find all sorts of things to calm your cravings without wrecking your caloric intake for the day. Trail mix, cheese, yogurt, and health bars are just a few things to keep on hand.

A standing desk can be a great boost to your health and well-being on the job

3. Mess equals stress: Clean up your space!

Do you need to declutter your desk? A clean and tidy workspace can enhance your focus and productivity. A messy desk can raise your stress levels. When you are constantly digging through piles of paper trying to find what you need, you are wasting time and energy. You can limit your distractions and increase your output by simply cleaning up your space. Also, bosses notice employees who are neat and tidy. In many cases, it is reflective of their work product.

4. Work out at work

Moving is one of the best ways to burn calories. Some people make a game of it. For every hour that they sit, they get up and walk for five minutes. It can be a quick jolt to the bathroom, the break room, or simply to get supplies. The key is to keep moving. Take your 15-minute breaks moving around too. There are probably some people in your workplace that are health-conscious. Get a buddy or two and make it a routine. You will have someone to talk to and motivate you when you feel like surfing the web rather than walking. Get a pedometer or watch that counts your steps to track your progress. Paths For All found that those who walk during work are less stressed, more focused, and have 27 percent fewer sick days.

5. Learn to meditate

Many people enjoyed the famous movie The Karate Kid. During the movie, Mr. Miyagi taught Daniel the important art of breathing. It helped him to center, stay focused, and to shed the angst he was feeling. The same concept can be used in the office. Asian cultures have used meditation to focus for thousands of years. Did you know that workplace stress can lead to mental health issues? Guided imagery or visualization, as well as yoga, are great ways to practice calming yourself. It is simple, inexpensive and great for relaxation and stress reduction. You can meditate at your desk and no one will know your secret to remaining calm, cool, and collected.

You must work. However, you have the power to improve the health and positivity of your workspace, lifestyle and attitude. By incorporating a few of the items above, you can ensure that you are a happy and productive member of your team. Who knows, by utilizing some of these tips above, you could even catch the boss's attention and get a well-deserved raise.

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