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  • Amanda Shaw

    Amanda Shaw is a writer, teacher, and translator who, after living in various places across the U.S., as well as France, eventually settled down on a little island near Montreal, Quebec. Her goal in writing is to create engaging, custom content to raise awareness, inform and instruct, and simply make the world a better place!
Couple on a red carpet and a man kissing a woman's head
Uplifting News

Jelly Roll Is Kicked Out Of His High School - Years Later, He Returns With a Surprise

High school is either one of the best times or one of the worst times of your life, depending on how you lived it. You might have nostalgia for the “good old days,” or you might want to leave that part of your life far, far behind.For famous country star Jelly Roll, the high school years were especially dramatic. In fact, he’s been quite open in the past about those years of drug addiction and legal battles. Things got so bad that he was actually kicked out of his high school in Nashville, Tennessee.

Boy Abandoned by His Parents Is Accused of Being a Child Witch - One Woman Completely Changes His Life
Uplifting News

Boy Abandoned by His Parents Is Accused of Being a Child Witch - One Woman Completely Changes His Life

Anja Lovén was 30 years old when she saw a British documentary about a child witch. She sat there in shock — and then in rage — as the television program detailed how these "witch children" are tortured, abandoned, even buried alive. Many countries in Africa, and around the world, have a long history of the practice of witchcraft.Historically, the elderly, the disabled, and anyone considered “different” were the main targets of accusations. But in the last 40 years, despite the practice being illegal, more and more children have been accused of being witches. Especially vulnerable, children are often unable to defend themselves and suffer the most horrific abuse.The Life of a “Child Witch”Under the guise of “exorcism,” an accused child witch in Africa can be made to ingest dangerous substances, blinded, beaten, or even set on fire. Witch doctors, shamans and religious leaders will try to coerce parents into paying large amounts of money for these exorcisms.Some parents can’t or won’t pay. Those unfortunate children carry the label of 'witch' with them for the rest of their lives — which is often quite short because they are most often abandoned.Without family, friends, shelter or food, these children are doomed to wander around the outskirts of communities. They scavenge for food in dumps. The sad truth is that they almost always die of dehydration, starvation, disease and neglect. The Boy Who Changed Her LifeThe images of these deplorable practices were burned into Anja’s brain that day when she watched the documentary. She couldn’t stop thinking about the injustice and about the leaders who were turning a blind eye to it. A few years later, she decided that she couldn’t just continue her life, knowing what she did now. She quit her job, sold everything she had, and headed to Nigeria. It was there that Anja came upon a tiny, naked, emaciated boy — a "child witch" — who stole her heart. As she knelt down next to him to gather him in her arms, someone took a picture. It went viral.But that day, Anja’s mind was on one thing only: get help for this boy. She gave him water and drove him to the nearest hospital. Later, she would admit that she didn’t have much hope that he would survive. He was literally on the brink of death, wandering around a small village, starving and alone. Anja was told that he had been abandoned by his parents eight full months ago. It was clear that he didn’t have much time left.He Has a NameJust before Anja handed the boy over to doctors, she decided to give him a name: Hope. “I was so sure he would not survive,” she remembers. “Every breath he took was a struggle, and I did not want him to die without a name, without dignity, so I named him Hope.”At the hospital, the frail child was treated for parasites and given blood transfusions. The situation looked bleak. Anja took to the internet to voice her outrage — and support poured in from all over the world.In no time at all, over a million dollars had been raised. It was enough to not only cover the boy’s medical expenses but also to start a nonprofit organization to rescue so-called child witches. Land of HopeToday, Anja is on a mission. Her nonprofit organization, called Land of Hope, raises awareness for the plight of the "child witches" and provides the accused with care, stability and love at the orphanage Anja opened with her Nigerian husband, humanitarian lawyer and worker David Umem.Two months after Anja rescued him from his life-threatening ordeal, Hope made a full recovery. He now runs around with a while pack of children at the orphanage. He has also since met his biological mother and father. Hope’s mother was only 15 years old when she gave birth to the boy, given in marriage to a village leader more than four times older than her. When her son was accused of being a child witch, she left him behind. Hope and his parents are taking steps to mend their relationship, but Hope still calls Anja his mom.Anja and David treat all the children at Land of Hope like their own, but they also have a biological son, David Jr., who grew up at the heart of his parents’ mission.“I want him to know the most important thing you can do in life is to help other people in need and be a good person,” says Anja of her son. “To listen, be empathic, and not judge other people. I hope he will remember his mother as someone who helped other people.”Indeed, on Land of Hope’s website, “hope” is an acronym: Help One Person Everyday. It’s a simple mantra with the potential for big impact that everyone in the world can implement right now.More from Goalcast:Overwhelmed Workers Sob After Manager Abandons Them – The “Host” Gives Two Customers an IdeaRed-Skinned Newborn Baby Is Abandoned by Her Parents – But a Couple Who Can’t Have Their Own Kids Take Her In17-Year-Old Mom Abandons Her Newborn Baby at Hospital – When a Priest Finds Out, He Takes Him in as His Own

Rookie Police Officer Follows His Gut  And His Decision Changes 3 Kids Lives Forever
Uplifting News

Rookie Police Officer Follows His Gut And His Decision Changes 3 Kids Lives Forever

The first time that Vacaville police officers came into contact with the three young boys, it was because their mother had called in to say she couldn’t find one of them. Rookie officer Isaac Stevens felt that more was going on, though, and so he decided to visit the woman and her sons and do a welfare check. The instant he stepped into the apartment, he realized he had made the right decision.“I was shocked that kids were living in conditions like this,” says Stevens, who describes the apartment as ‘filthy.’ The boys were only 2, 4, and 8 when Stevens visited them. And they were alone.Finding a Foster FamilyThe next step was to contact Child Welfare and try to find a foster family. Stevens knew he had to do it, but he also knew that it wasn’t a magic pill that would make all the boys’ problems go away. Like most places across the country, Solano County had a shortage of foster families. Would they be able to place the boys? Would the brothers be split apart?As fate would have it, one foster family on the list was a distant relation of the boys’ biological mother. James and Mae Lancaster said they would take the boys — all three of them.“We were 100% all in, right from the time we heard they needed a home," says James Lancaster. He and his wife Mae received the call in the middle of the night. They immediately made their way to the police station and were waiting outside on the steps when Stevens arrived with the boys.Keeping the Boys TogetherBoth James and Mae know firsthand the importance of a strong family bond and insisted on keeping the brothers together. James grew up in a disadvantaged, inner city neighborhood of San Francisco. His mom was a single parent, and James watched her struggle. “I felt a duty to these three kids,” he says. The Lancasters decided to become foster parents.Mae and James would not be new parents, though. They had lost a son more than a decade earlier. But now, new life was suddenly breathed back into their family.“They’ve given me…my life back,” says Mae. “It’s very rewarding, watching them grow, play sports and do good in school.”James echoes Mae’s sentiments and encourages others to consider becoming foster families. He’s proud to point out how far the boys have come since they found a stable, loving home with the Lancasters. He says the boys’ confidence has skyrocketed and that they’re happy.“At the end, we’re trying to raise good citizens, good people,” he emphasizes.Guest of HonorThat’s why, after fostering the boys for a time, the Lancasters were thrilled to officially adopt them. And who was at the top of the guest list for the ceremony? Officer Stevens, the very person whose gut instinct had led the boys to their new home, where they would thrive.The three brothers may have had a rocky start in life, but now they can relax and just be kids. The Lancasters say that their priority is spending time together as a family, and to that end, their plans include a trip to Disney — the happiest place on earth.More from Goalcast:Policeman Shows Up at School and Grills Confused Teen – Then Someone Grabs Him From BehindPolice Officer Catches Single Dad Shoplifting for His Son – Decides on a Surprising “Punishment”No One Shows Up to Boy’s Birthday Party TWO Years in a Row – Then Policemen Knock on His Door

Stranger Tests Woman by Asking Her for Money - Little Did She Know What He Was Planning
Uplifting News

Stranger Tests Woman by Asking Her for Money - Little Did She Know What He Was Planning

In a viral video exemplifying true generosity, an older woman pushes a cart down a street. Inside the cart sits her small dog. A man approaches her. We can’t see him in the video, though. The camera focuses on the woman in the blue-striped shirt, pushing her dog along and carrying a stick in her hand.“Hi,” the man says as he approaches her, “we’re out of petrol. Can you help us?” He asks her for a small amount of money.The woman hesitates, shakes her head and sighs. She’d clearly like to help, but she apologizes for having nothing to give, nothing at all. She seems to look around in desperation, truly wishing she could help the man. But as she repeats sadly, she has nothing to give.“I have nothing, nothing…not even a cent,” she replies.“How come you don’t have even a cent?” The man continues to ask her questions. Where does she live? The woman explains that she stays in a shack behind the post office. What’s the name of your pet? “Chickie,” she replies.A Test of Human InteractionIn such a situation, where someone on the street is asking for money, most people would just keep walking, not even bothering to give the person the time of day, much less money. This woman who was living in a shack took the time to make eye contact with the man, answer him honestly, and have a civil conversation. It was her own form of generosity.She wanted to help, but she just couldn’t. Like a neighbor, she explained her situation and even told the man the name of her dog. When he asked her a question, she didn’t keep walking. She stopped and talked to him.Stranger Gives Woman a GiftLittle did she know, the man begging for money was South African philanthropist and motivational speaker Bi Phakathi. Sometimes called the “Secret Santa” of South Africa, he takes great lengths to keep his identity a secret. Many of his videos have gone viral, and he has over 2 million followers on Instagram. But he always remains behind the camera. He prefers to keep the focus on the act of generosity and compassion, not on himself. He believes everyone should be able to live with dignity, and he films his interactions with the poor and the homeless in the hope that others will be inspired to follow in his footsteps.In this video, once the woman tells him the name of her dog, he hands her some money. She’s shocked and doesn’t want to take it at first; but as he explains, he was just testing her. He knew her story, and he was there to help.Unbelievable GenerosityThe woman is visibly touched and grateful. When the man gives her the money, she audibly exhales. Her relief and gratitude are tangible. Bi Phakathi doesn’t stop there. He continues to give her more and more money, much to her disbelief. He sticks more bills in the cart with Chickie. The woman shakes her head, thanking him over and over.Bi Phakathi saw a woman in need and recognized the generosity of her soul. As he continues to hand her money, the woman says that she’s going to buy food. Then, she says that she’s going to share the money with the others that live in shacks around her. She wants to make a meal for her community. She’s going to pay it forward.A True Gift to OthersBi Phakathi’s charitable work is itself inspired by the generosity of his own parents. He honors their spirit and goes above and beyond: covering medical expenses, buying homes for the homeless, and providing job training to help people get on their feet and be self-sufficient. He always remains behind the camera, focusing on the work he’s doing rather than on the man who is doing it. And his videos have touched the hearts of millions of viewers. After seeing how he helped this kind, unassuming woman, viewers were quick share what stood out to them:“In her condition, she was thoughtful of people like her, what an amazing human being.”“It’s always the people that don’t have that is willing to help others. Bless her for her good heart…You left a lump in my throat.”“If we only had more generous people like this, what a different world this place would be.”There are works of generosity and there are those of compassion. A connection was made that day through an act of kindness: in the gift of financial help, but also and especially in the gift of human connection and understanding.More from Goalcast:Stranger Hands Something to Homeless Man on Metro – It Ends Up Completely Changing His LifeFreezing Homeless Man Goes to a Closed McDonald’s – Manager Defies All Rules and Does This“Homeless” Man Insists on Paying for an Expensive Lunch at Restaurant – So the Server Tells Him a Lie

Angry Neighbors Try to Shut Down Boys Hot Dog Stand  But Help Comes From an Unexpected Source
Uplifting News

Angry Neighbors Try to Shut Down Boys Hot Dog Stand But Help Comes From an Unexpected Source

Like many kids his age, 13-year-old Jaequan Faulkner wanted to have his own money to spend. He could have asked for a weekly allowance. He could have saved up his birthday money. But Jaequan wanted to earn that money — and he had an idea. The entrepreneurial young man set up a hot dog stand in front of his house.Most neighbours encouraged the boy. They commended him on his work ethic. They bought his hot dogs and wished him success. Even the local police, out on the streets of Jaequan’s neighborhood in Minneapolis, stopped by for hot dogs. After talking to the young teen, they learned that his efforts were not just to make some pocket change. He also insisted that he wanted to learn what it takes to operate a small business. The officers were impressed and shared Jaequan’s story on social media, encouraging others to support the boy.That’s when 'Mr. Faulkner’s Old Fashion Hot Dogs' became the talk of the town. The little hot dog stand suddenly got very busy. “I didn’t think it would go this far,” admits his uncle, “but I saw that he was very serious about getting started.”But Not Everyone Wanted Him to SucceedDeane BayasBut as quickly as customers poured in to support the young entrepreneur, calls were made to the city to denounce young Jaequan as operating against the law. After all, Jaequan didn’t have a permit.To every adult that once put up a lemonade stand in their childhood, that complaint might seem silly. But city officials had to take it seriously. Any food stand has to have a permit. Permits regulate where such food trucks, carts and stands can be located. They also help control for sanitary conditions and safe food handling.Still, the Minneapolis Environmental Health Director, Dan Huff, did not want to shut down Jaequan’s hot dog stand — and the boy’s dream. Instead, Huff saw it as a learning opportunity. “Let’s turn this situation around and help him become a legitimate business owner,” Huff said.The Little Hot Dog Stand That CouldThat’s when Jaequan’s dream really did come true.Huff helped the boy learn what it really takes to run a business. The director and his team pooled their own money to purchase a 10-day permit for Jaequan’s hot dog stand. They helped the boy set up a tent over his table to protect himself and his customers from the elements. They provided the boy with meat thermometers and showed him how to ensure that the hot dogs he was selling were safe for human consumption. Finally, they set Jaequan up with a hand-washing station and explained the guidelines for safe food handling.Now, the young owner-operator of 'Mr. Faulkner’s Old Fashion Hot Dogs' was running a real business. The phone calls to denounce Jaequan’s small business suddenly stopped coming in. Instead, other community organizations took notice and stepped in to make sure Jaequan’s hot dog stand, like many small businesses, didn’t fizzle out in its first year.The Northside Economic Opportunity Network (NEON), a nonprofit organization, offered coaching to the boy on all aspects of operating a business, from setting prices to attracting new customers to growing the business. Now, Jaequan has a proper food cart, signage and even a uniform.Hot Dogs and HappinessWhile the business seems to be taking off and the money continues to roll in, Jaequan remains humble and customer-focused. “When I see someone passing by with a frown, and I can turn that into a smile just by selling them a hot dog, that’s my reward.”The support from the community has given Jaequan’s fledgling business new wings. The young teen is more determined than ever to make his business succeed, now that he knows his community is behind him. “Can’t nobody stop you but you!” He exclaims with a big smile.When his hot dog stand was denounced to city officials, they had a choice to make. They could abide by the strict letter of the law and shut it down, or they could help the boy bring it to code. They could squash his dream or they could support it.The permit was just the beginning. It will expire, but when it does, Jaequan already has his calendar filled with new locations that have offered to host him, from the local police station to a church. Jaequan’s community wants to see its newest entrepreneur succeed.“You come out here, he’s got a smile on his face every day,” says a local police officer who works with Bike Cops for Kids. “We love this kid.”Indeed, it seems that everyone does.More from Goalcast:Woman Helps Group of Motorcyclists Who Got Into an Accident – A Year Later, They Show Up at Her Daughter’s Lemonade StandBrave Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to the Thieves Who Stole From His Store – Outraged Strangers Have the Best ResponseWoman Finds Worn Out Paper She Can’t Understand – Turns to an Unlikely Source to Decipher a Piece of Family History

Strangers Accuse Kenyan Woman of Marrying Her Husband for Money - The Couple Hits Back With the Perfect Response
Uplifting News

Strangers Accuse Kenyan Woman of Marrying Her Husband for Money - The Couple Hits Back With the Perfect Response

At first, it seems like a very normal story: a man and a woman get married and share their love and excitement for their future together on social media. But when Phillip Eling of Adelaide, Australia, posted on Facebook that his wife “Susan is the best wife a man could ever want,” he wasn’t just giving a shoutout to the woman he loved. He was defending their interabled marriage against an onslaught of mockery and condemnation.The same thing happened to Susan Eling when she posted online a video of her and her husband dancing at their wedding reception. She was excited to show one of the happiest days of their life. She wasn’t prepared for the thousands of people who responded with negative comments, mostly insisting that Susan and Phillip’s relationship was false and that she must have married him for his money.When a Boy Meets a GirlPhoto by Valentin AntonucciPhillip has a rare disease called Bethlem Myopathy. A type of muscular dystrophy, Phillip’s disability, which weakens his muscles and stiffens his joints, means that he is mostly wheelchair bound. Susan says Phillip’s disability “was never a problem” for her.Originally from Kenya, Susan was interviewing for a job at a facility for disabled people when she met Phillip. It was Phillip who took the first step, reaching out to Susan via email. “Hello,” he wrote, “I hope this email finds you well. I was the man in the wheelchair during the interview – I just felt we had a connection. I hope this doesn’t offend you, but I’d love to get to know you more. From Phil.”In the past, Phillip had avoided romantic relationships because he wasn’t sure how long he had to live. When it became apparent that he could manage his illness and live a long life, he decided to embrace life and all its opportunities. He was instantly attracted to Susan and decided to take a chance. An Instant ConnectionIt wasn’t long before Susan felt the connection, too. The two got together regularly and met each other’s families. They were dating for a year when they decided to get married.A three-hour long video documents their wedding day in detail, everything from the bride laying out her outfits to the end of the reception. In it, Phillip says, “I just cannot explain the joy I felt when I entered the reception and they announced Mr. and Mrs. Eling.” Then, he adds with a laugh, “I thought it was my parents!”The gushing new bride shared a video of their first dance online, but she was horrified to read all of the negative comments later. People not only questioned her love for Phillip — they went so far as to suggest that Susan was marrying Phillip for money or citizenship. One person dared to suggest that Susan would murder her new husband once she had her papers.Susan wasn’t shocked by people’s curiosity. While she and Phillip were dating, people would often stare. It's not often that one sees an interabled couple. “Phil never made me feel embarrassed,” Susan said, “but I knew what people would think when looking at us. They’d assume I was his carer. I hated that.”Support for the Interabled CoupleStill, she was surprised by the outright hateful comments. Phil remembers how his new wife couldn’t sleep at night. Even her colleagues would make underhanded comments about Phillip to her when she was at work. But while the online community tried to tear the couple apart, Phillip and Susan’s families, who had seen them together, fully supported them. They knew how the two adored each other.One day, when Susan went over to Phillip’s house, the radio was on and she danced to a song. Phillip then asked her to turn it off. She was worried that something was wrong, but Phillip insisted that it was the contrary. He told her that he loved her — and he said it in Susan’s native language. Then, continuing in a well-practiced if accented Swahili, he asked her to marry him.Susan describes Phillip as hilarious, caring and kind. Phillip in turn says that the three years they’ve been together “have been the greatest years of my life.”“To everyone who supported us…I’m very thankful,” Susan said. She tries now to ignore the negative comments about their interabled marriage and to focus on all the wonderful memories and she and Phillip are making together. She also asks God to help them keep their marriage strong.Nowadays, the happy couple try to normalize their interabled and mixed-race relationship by making videos about their life together. Through their YouTube channel, Philgood Productions, they share the ins and outs of their everyday life and special events.In the end, the opinions of only two people really matter when it comes to judging Phillip and Susan’s relationship.More from Goalcast:Woman Finally Marries “True Love” 43 Years After Her Mother Forced Her to End Interracial RelationshipBlack Woman Receives Hate Letters for Marrying a White Man – 58 Years Later, They’re Still TogetherVeteran Spends 70 Years Searching for the Lost Love of His Life – At 91, He Finally Finds Her

Sanitation Workers Always Wave to Little Girl During Their Route - Until One Day Her Parents Give Them a Shocking Note
Uplifting News

Sanitation Workers Always Wave to Little Girl During Their Route - Until One Day Her Parents Give Them a Shocking Note

Sanitation workers have a thankless job. Day in and day out, garbage men and women make their rounds, collecting and disposing of what we throw out to the curb. They work long, physical days and often never meet the people they’re serving. It’s a messy job.Brandon Olsen and Taylor Fritz are two such sanitation workers who work for Hometown Sanitation Services in Blue Earth, Minnesota. One day along their route, they saw three little girls waving vigorously at them from the window. It put a smile on their faces as they continued working hard. They waved goodbye and continued along their route.Finding Joy in RoutinePexels/ Artem MakarovThe next week, the girls were there again — and then again the following week. Soon, Olsen and Fritz began looking forward to this part of their route because they knew the girls would be there every time. One of them would even appear with binoculars, trying to get a closer look at the garbage collection. All three would wave wildly as Olsen and Fritz through their garbage backs into the back of the truck. On the occasional day where the men would arrive before the girls were at the window, they’d pause a little in their work and wait for them. “It could warm anyone’s heart, seeing those girls wave,” said Fritz.It was such a simple thing, but it made all the difference in the men’s day. Seeing the girls so happy when they pulled up in their big garbage truck was a gift. It was the best part of their job. And running to the window to wave to the two garbage men continued to be one of the family’s favourite traditions. The friendship between the workers and the family grew, and it all started with just a wave from afar. Everyone looked forward to the weekly ritual.A Shock for the Garbage MenOne Halloween, Olsen and Fritz made up little treat bags for the girls and dropped them off along their route. The girls’ parents, Aaron and Angie, were touched by these men going above and beyond their job. The girls wrote thank you cards and drew pictures for their favourite garbage men. Olsen and Fritz were delighted. They keep them handy to remind themselves how much they’re appreciated.There was also a note from the girls’ parents, though, and this one made the smiles disappear from the men’s faces. The note read, in part: “We may miss you some Thursdays upcoming; our 3-year-old girl was diagnosed with cancer and has chemo on Thursdays.”The girl who grabbed the binoculars each week to get a better view is Rose. At just three years old, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 kidney cancer. The cancer had spread to her lungs, and Rose would have to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She and her family would now spend much of their time at the hospital.Rose so loved seeing the garbage men each week, and a special bond had formed between them and Rose’s family. Angie didn’t want the men to think the girls had just lost interest. She felt the need to explain why they wouldn’t be at the window on Thursdays anymore for some time.Olsen and Fritz were gutted. They had had no idea what the family was going through. “I have three kids of my own. I could never imagine it,” Olsen said.A Small Gesture With a Big ImpactThey wanted to do something for the family, but what? As Hometown Sanitation Services workers, they were entitled to free garbage pickup at their own homes. The men approached their boss and said they wanted to give their benefit to Rose’s family. And so Hometown Sanitation Services sent Aaron and Angie a letter informing them that they would be receiving free garbage pickup, as a small gesture to make things easier for them in the upcoming year.“I started crying,” Angie said. “It was only a few weeks out from the diagnosis. Sometimes it’s hard to be positive, but little things like what Hometown did are helping us limp along.”“It really brightened our day…just that they cared,” said Aaron.The men kept the family — and the girls’ drawings — close to their hearts. They missed the girls and thought of them often. So a couple months later, they brought the girls presents for Christmas. “We miss them when they’re gone, but we make up for it when they’re back,” said Olsen.A gesture as simple as a wave, an act of kindness to ease someone else’s burden. It’s the little things in life that make all the difference. And you never know just how far one act of kindness will go.More from Goalcast:Woman Sets Up a Camera at Her Elderly Mom’s House – Finds Out the Truth About Her Relationship With a Sanitation Worker82-Year-Old With Dementia Disappears Into the Freezing Cold – One Sanitation Worker Doesn’t Hesitate to Carry Her Into His Truck

Football Player Finds Out His Desperate Teammate Is Selling Plasma to Make Ends Meet - Devises an Ingenious Plan With His Coach
Uplifting News

Football Player Finds Out His Desperate Teammate Is Selling Plasma to Make Ends Meet - Devises an Ingenious Plan With His Coach

Zack Conti wanted to play college football, no matter the price. “Football is something I really love, so ever since I got to school, I’ve had to do whatever it takes to stay here and stay in a good position with academics and football and everything,” he says.Conti is an offensive lineman at Eastern Michigan University, and he is indeed doing “whatever it takes” to stay in school and play football, including working multiple jobs. His teammates quickly noticed that any time he wasn’t in class or on the field, he was picking up landscaping and demolition jobs. It got to the point where Conti needed to sell his plasma just to pay his bills. “It’s been a grind my whole life,” he admits, “but, I mean, when you really want something, it’s like you do what you need to do to keep it going.”The Struggles One Football Player Was Going ThroughPhoto by PixabayConti’s college football teammates often saw him coming to practice straight from work, or leaving right after to go to the next job. Conti was often absent from get-togethers and would turn down offers of after-practice swims. His teammates also knew that Conti’s mother’s health was failing and that Conti’s stress level was rising as his mom waited to receive a donor kidney. At one point, Conti considered leaving the team. It was becoming impossible to juggle it all.Fellow lineman Brian Dooley did not want to see that happen. He knew firsthand how hard Conti had to work day in and day out — at school, work, home and on the field — so he approached their coach Chris Creighton with a plan. Creighton was floored when Dooley said he wanted to give his scholarship to Conti.“That guy has earned it,” Dooley told Creighton. Dooley had discussed it with his family, and it was what he wanted to do. Conti was like a brother to him. Dooley didn’t want to see him struggle this hard.How a Football Player Stepped in for a ‘Brother’“I’ve never heard, I’ve never seen anything like that before,” said Coach Creighton. The head coach of the college football team says that awarding scholarships is a difficult process and that he’s always asking the NCAA for more money for deserving players. There’s never enough.Dooley had a full ride to Eastern Michigan University and was nearing the end of his advanced degree. Conti was a walk-on, which meant that he did not get a scholarship. But Dooley saw how much Conti needed it — and how much he deserved it — and was willing to give up his own scholarship to make Conti’s time at Eastern Michigan University a little bit easier. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” he told the university paper, The Eastern Echo. When the coach made the announcement to his team, there was wild cheering as Dooley and Conti’s teammates rushed to hug the two players and congratulate them. During a later press conference, Dooley spoke about his feelings and the strong bond of the football brotherhood. “I feel like Conti would do the same thing [for me],” he said.College Football Teammates ‘Have His Back'“Asking for help is not easy,” Conti said, but still, he knew that his team had figured out what was going on. “It wasn't really hard to be open to them about anything because I know they’ve got my back.”Dooley does indeed have Conti’s back, and his gift is one that will keep on giving long after Dooley himself graduates. Transferring his scholarship to his teammate means that Conti will be able to claim it for the rest of his studies, both undergraduate and graduate. The financial help came as a huge relief to the offensive lineman at a time when he needed it most. “The o [offensive]-line brotherhood is something that is hard to break,” explained Dooley. “We have each other's back.” He insisted that Conti deserved it.For his part, Conti says, “It just felt unbelievable, like I felt like my hard work has paid off. I can’t really describe it. You work this hard for this long and you just hope a day like this comes where it’s like you’re finally rewarded. It was a great feeling.” Eliminating the crushing financial pressure that Conti was under means that he can concentrate more on his studies, spend more time with his teammates and help more at home.Dooley has just a couple classes left before he graduates, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be leaving Conti behind. “He's a great guy and will probably be the best man at my wedding,” said Dooley. “Our friendship is tight, it's unbreakable.” Dooley’s gesture changed the trajectory of Conti’s life, and that’s a bond that can never be broken.More from Goalcast:Football Coach Learns Fatherless Kids Cannot Attend School Event – Steps in With the Best ResponseOnly One Kid Comes to a 9-Year-Old’s Birthday – Until a High School Football Team Rushes inFootball Coach Finds Out Star Player’s Secret – Steps In With Best Response After Hearing His Story