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  • Duncan Drummond

Do You Wake Up Happy In The Morning?

Do You Wake Up Happy In The Morning?

What do you feel when the alarm rings, your eyes open and your bedroom appears? What do you see when you walk into the bathroom, raise your head and look into the mirror. What is it that gets you out of bed, out into the world, because sometimes, sometimes we don’t want to get up. Do you feel excited, happy, vibrant and full of life? Do you smile in the mirror, mess up your hair, plan your morning, make coffee and eat breakfast? Do you play music in the car as you drive to work? Do you kiss your significant other as you leave? Do you feel valued as you walk into the office or onto the job site? Do you wave to your co-workers? Do they wave back? When you drive back home, are you tired, but happy? Maybe the picture of your typical day is not quite as pleasant. Maybe it’s hard to wake up and get going and maybe there’s nobody there to wish you well. If that is how your day starts then this article is for you. Sometimes life isn’t the rosy picture we’d like it to be. Sometimes there’s nothing you want to get up for. If you feel this way, I’d like to encourage you to get up anyways. To face those demons and devils head on, to find at least some piece of happiness in every experience because while the life painted above may not be yours, it could be! You are not exempt from all the good things we live for simply because your current situation is a little murkier. It’s cliche to say, but each and every person has a special and unique talent. Examples like J.K. Rowling and Stephen Hawking come to mind, people that turned disadvantage into greatness. People who lived in conditions where the days looked dark and long, and waking up wasn’t something they wanted to do every morning but they changed something about themselves and gave themselves a reason to continue on. Not all of us are destined to write books and movies, and not all of us have the ability to be scientific geniuses, but we all have the power to be happy. Defining your purpose might be difficult. It often changes over the years, sometimes it takes years to find it. It might be related to your personality, or to your experiences, people that are close to you, or goals you have. If you can feel like you’re accomplishing something day to day it can make that morning wake-up so much easier! We’re at the end of the article, but it doesn’t have to stop here. As you get up from the computer or put away your phone or tablet, take a look at your life: Why do you keep going? When you find those reasons, the things that make life precious to you, share them with somebody else, you never know who you might inspire.