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  • Elizabeth Heron

    Elizabeth Heron is an HR manager who oversees the execution of the company's internal strategy. She helps employees to find their career goals and motivates them through the process of reaching the ideal job. Elizabeth contributes regularly to, where she gives advice in regards to cover letters and resumes.
8 Easy Tips to Make Your First Day at Work a Success

8 Easy Tips to Make Your First Day at Work a Success

A first day at work can be frightening for everybody, but you can nail it by following some simple but effective guidelines. The best advice would be to smile and be professional. Smiling is an easy thing to do, and it sends a powerful signal to those around you -- it says that you are excited to be there and are ready to do a good job. Showing a friendly smile to your co-workers and managers goes a long way towards demonstrating that you are happy to meet them and are ready to cooperate in creating a good working experience for everyone. Of course, there's much more you can do than just smiling. Follow these tips below to make your first day at work a success!Make Your First Day at Work a Success With These 8 Easy Tips Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right!- Henry FordShow confidence when introducing yourselfWhen you meet co-workers who don’t know who you are, introduce yourself. Show confidence, and then let them know that you are available to help out when necessary and that you look forward to working with them. This will show that you are not there to “out do” them, but that you are there to work as a team player. Arrive early and leave laterYou want to make a strong impression on your first day, so you should arrive earlier to work and try to be one of the last persons to leave. This will also give you a good feeling of the office culture, and allow you more time to get used to the workplace, the work environment, and the management situation.Dress upOne of the most important tips is to dress appropriately for the job. For the first day, do your best to wear sharp-looking clothes. It will make you look serious about working, and will also show two things -- that you take pride in how you look, and that you care about giving a good representation of your new company. Be prepared to discuss your new company On your first day at work be sure to come prepared to discuss the company, especially with your new boss. So before that first day, carefully research the company’s goals, values, products, and competitors. In addition, it is also important that first day to listen and ask questions. When talking with your new manager be sure to take notes; it will help you, especially when asked to perform certain tasks. If you are not clear on what is being said to you, ask questions until you are satisfied, and until you feel comfortable about your role in the company. Focus on something small but significantKeep in mind that as the new person, you are not expected to solve every problem that comes your way. Instead, focus on something small that you can complete and finish with confidence. Several examples might be creating an extra PowerPoint slide or making a more logical and clearer spreadsheet. Remember, a small success on your first day will add to your confidence and earn respect from your manager and your co-workers. Thank those who helped you on your first dayOne tip that will help you not only on your first day at work, but also in your career, is sending thank-you emails or cards to those who helped you throughout the day. Everyone loves to be appreciated, especially by new people. Remember, some co-workers may feel threatened by your presence, but by thanking them you will have broken the barrier and set a good standard. Get yourself organizedGetting and staying organized is a highly effective thing to do on your first day at work. Get a planner and use it every day. It will keep you abreast of what is coming your way. Find a mentorFinding a mentor doesn’t have to be done the first day on the job. However, as the days go by, you should start thinking about developing a mentoring relationship with someone in the organization, ideally someone in a senior role. Mentoring has various benefits; a mentor can serve as a sounding board, and can help advance your career in the organization.Final thoughtsTo conclude, there are many ways to ensure that your first day at work is a success. Follow one or more of the above tips, and you will not only sail through your first day, but also enjoy a boost of self-esteem and confidence, make yourself loved by your colleagues, and create a friendly working environment.