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  • Liz Wilson-Ciconte

    Liz Wilson-Ciconte loves to inspire and connect with people of all ages. She has a Masters in Adult Education from the University of Toronto (OISE), in Ontario, Canada. She worked in co-ordination roles in post-secondary education for 15 years, and has transitioned to creative writing. Originally from Barbados, Liz is also a wife and hockey mom who enjoys both beaches and ice rinks!
Make Conversations Count: How to Connect With Your Kids

Make Conversations Count: How to Connect With Your Kids

Do you find yourself unable to chat with your kids? Are your conversations merely brief exchanges about food, routines and activities? In a wired world, parents often find that it’s hard to compete with gadgets. Have gaming, phones and computers taken over your home? Is everyone in a different room for hours on end, using a wi-fi device? Where did things go wrong? When your baby was born, you imagined that you’d share all kinds of special moments, and discuss everything they were experiencing. You’d impart words of wisdom, and chat about life. You’d be there to help them figure things out, and set them on the right path. But, somewhere along the line, technology won them over. Instead of chatting with you, they want to be online all of the time! Most kids think they can google everything anyway, so are you even relevant? Make Conversations Count: How to Connect With Your Kids Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. – Robert Brault Why do real life conversations even matter? Conversations matter because our kids need us to connect with them. Even though they may not realize it, or acknowledge it, kids appreciate when we take the time to talk to them about fun, special, sensitive or important topics and involve them in decision-making. As parents and guardians, our role is to build self-esteem, to motivate and teach our children. Kids who learn that every generation has different struggles are empowered to find solutions. Too many children feel isolated. They turn to their gadgets for entertainment and distraction. Some kids and teens get hooked on fantasy reality games. Many kids have difficulty talking with people in their lives. Friends? Online sure, but in real life… maybe not. Lots of kids may feel lonely, bored and unmotivated. Let’s change this. The key is to balance screen time with real people doing fun activities, and having meaningful conversations. Kids are growing up in a world with lots of social pressures. Talk with them about what the issues were when you were a kid, and how you got through challenging times. Engage them with current events. Tell them what’s happening in the world, and how lucky they are to live the life they have. Inspire them to make a difference in their class, school and community. How can we connect with our kids? Start by setting some family rules. Yes, that awful word, rules. If there are no boundaries, then days fly by without any meaningful conversations. Over time, you don’t know what to say to your children, and they don’t know what to say to you. It’s never too late to connect with your kids. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Lao Tzu How do you start? Start today with this: I’d like our family to be more connected. From now on, there will be a time for online stuff and times for us to chat. When we’re in the car/bus/train or walking together, it’s time to chat. When we’re having meals, it’s also time to chat. All of us, including me, can’t be on a device for more than _ hours without connecting as a family. Today is Day 1. We’re going to chat more and have more fun together! Your kids will resist At first it will feel awkward… what do you talk about? Why do you have to set rules? Why did you suddenly turn old-school? Hang in there! Smile and stay positive. They will thank you one day. Your family will soon start to get closer. All of you will become more confident, thoughtful, worldly, and develop great conversation skills. Conversation starters When I was younger, ___ also happened to me. Guess what I did? Did you know that your grandpa/aunt/ also had ___? What made you laugh today? How did you help someone today? What happened today that surprised you? When I was ___, the craziest thing happened to me... I’ve always wanted to learn how to ___. Would you like to try it with me? What do you LOVE? Let’s look into a group/club in our area for ___. It’s never too early or too late to change. Guess what ___ did that would amaze you! You’re awesome! I love that you ___. Did you hear that __ happened in ___? Let’s chat about it. What does ___ remind you of? What did you learn today? I’d like you to know that ___. Back in ___, there were also ___, and I remember that ___. Would you like to learn how to ___? I’d love to teach you. You can get through this. Let’s stay positive. How can I help? I’m always here for you. Would you like to talk about it? Life’s a journey. All of us are figuring stuff out along the way. When I was ___, I experienced___. Trust the process, it works! Before long, you’ll be sharing special moments and stories. Your children will be learning from you, and you’ll be learning a lot from them – their dreams, hopes, fears and uncertainties. Your kids will know that they can talk with you about anything: the good, the bad and the ugly. They will learn that someone is always there for them. From Day 1 on, you’ll be transforming your family life. Most of all, you’ll be connecting and demonstrating how much you love each other. One conversation at a time.

How to Banish Jealousy and Become a Beacon of Positivity

How to Banish Jealousy and Become a Beacon of Positivity

Every now and again, we feel jealous of others. It’s a natural emotion that no one wants to admit. The green monster rises. Is jealousy inevitable? Do you feel it and let it pass, or does it consume you? Do you dwell on why that person got a promotion instead of you? Or why a rival was chosen for an exciting travel opportunity at work? Or how come your bestie made the sports team but you didn’t? Or why your secret crush chose someone else? How to Banish Jealousy and Become a Beacon of Positivity It is never wise to seek or wish for another’s misfortune. If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang. - Charley Reese What causes jealousy? Inequity. We all know that life isn’t fair, but it’s often hard to accept. It’s tough when we feel that someone else has more than us and they don’t deserve it. The more can be anything – more money, looks, talent, dates, career opportunities, vacations or praise from others. Somehow the universe has given more to someone else, while you’re equally deserving but aren’t rewarded. It sucks! Jealousy is also created when we can’t figure out how someone else stole our thunder. I thought of it, and worked my butt off to make it happen, but she got the credit! Why can’t I get my 15 minutes of fame? How does he always get free stuff and incredible perks? It’s not fair! Sometimes, you can argue with friends or co-workers about your situation, but most of the time, you know it’s wiser to let things go. Don’t let jealousy simmer. It’s better for your health to keep a positive attitude, and release all of the negativity. Jealousy can cause anger, anxiety and panic attacks. The truth behind the facade We all have different problems, at different times in our lives. The mirage of perfection that you see is just that. No one has a perfect life. We each have unique blessings and opportunities, as well as different family issues and personal crises. You don’t know what struggles others are facing. To quote Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” That person you’re jealous of may have had a traumatic childhood. They may be dealing with a chronic health issue you don’t know about. They may be trying hard to hold it together while going through a breakup. You simply don’t know. Why waste your energy on jealousy? They really may be more deserving of that promotion than you are. And that cute guy may not be right for you anyway. What can you do when jealousy strikes? Breathe. Move on. Know that it wasn’t meant to be. The universe has other things in store for you. Try to be happy for that person, or at least neutral. Instead of feeling jealous, think of how far you’ve come, and that good things are soon coming your way. Change your mood by listening to music, going for a walk, doing yoga or chatting with friends. Don’t sit in one spot and let jealousy fester. The quicker you move on, the happier you’ll be. Just remove yourself from the situation until you feel better. How about a latte, jog, hike, massage, manicure or new hairdo? A little TLC will work wonders to uplift your spirits. Treat yourself to day at the park, beach, gym or spa. You’ll be smiling in no time. Cultivate good karma What goes around comes around. If you focus on being jealous and stress about all the details of how you were wronged, you’re unable to draw positive energy into your life. Think good thoughts, and good things will happen to you. Surround yourself with friends who are positive. When the topic comes up, chat briefly about it, but don’t let it turn into a prolonged pity party. What do you say to nosy co-workers, team-mates or friends? I would have loved to have had that opportunity, but maybe next time. I wish them well, and my turn will come. I’m looking forward to new adventures. I’m excited for the right person to come into my life one day soon. I’m going to focus on what I can do to get a future promotion/make the team. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Smile and change the topic. Give jealousy the boot! Now that you have the tools to banish jealousy, use them. When you start to feel jealous of someone else’s good fortune, know that you’ll soon be rewarded for a great attitude and successful performance. Your dream partner will also show up when you’re confident, happy and positive. Jealous? Nah! Not you!