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Woman Finds a Note Left by a Stranger on a Train - And It May Have Saved Her Life
Uplifting News

Woman Finds a Note Left by a Stranger on a Train - And It May Have Saved Her Life

*Featured image contains photo by Genine Alyssa Pedreno-Andrada and hermaionLiving with mental illness is no joke. Every day can be a battle and sometimes it's all a person can do to make it through another day.No one knows this struggle more than Tiktoker, Lauren (@3angelfac3), who has borderline personality disorder (BPD).Some days are significantly worse than others and on one particularly bad day, Lauren was hitting rock bottom. That is, until she discovered a sticky note left by a random stranger. Written on it were seven simple words. To someone else, they may have just been words. To Lauren, they were a lifeline. The Simple Note a Stranger Left BehindAccording to the Mayo Clinic, individuals with BPD often struggle with regulating their emotions, leading to intense and fluctuating feelings that can last for hours or days. Additionally, research has found that approximately 75% of people with BPD will make at least one suicide attempt in their lifetime, and many will make multiple suicide attempts.In a now-viral Tiktok with over 725,000 views, Lauren shares that she was experiencing a "really bad BPD episode" when she boarded a train at Manchester Oxford Road Station in the U.K. Accompanied by the sobering soundbite of Billie Eilish telling Gayle King, "I don't want to be dark, but I genuinely didn't think I'd make it to 17," Lauren explains that she discovered the yellow Post-It when she opened up a fold-out table. Emblazoned across it were the words, "Be somebody nobody thought you could be," followed by a happy face.A twist on the quote by motivational guru, Tony Robbins, "Become someone nobody thought you could be - EVEN YOU!!" the words may be simple, but their impact was not. "When I unfolded the table to put my drink on it, the note instantly put a smile on my face," Lauren said.The words were exactly what she needed at that time.The Post-it Note Left a Permanent ImpressionNot only did the inspiring message put a smile on her face, but it made a lasting impression — literally. Lauren had it turned into a tattoo — a permanent reminder she'll carry with her forever. Nearly a year after discovering the note, she's still on a mission to find the person who wrote it so she can thank them. She posted about it on TikTok in the hopes that it will finally reach the stranger who made such a huge impact with something so small."Whoever and wherever you are, thank you. I needed to hear it. Your act of kindness meant so much to me. It's with me forever now."Lauren via TikTokPaying It ForwardThe act of kindness made such a profound impact that Lauren started leaving her own inspiring messages in random places. Calling her kindness initiative, the Safe Space, she creates small parcels containing a bouquet of paper roses and her own message of hope:"You deserve the love you keep trying to give everyone else." "I wanted to continue its legacy by leaving my own parcels in random locations for random people to find," she captioned in a follow-up TikTok. She leaves them on park benches, in building alcoves, and yes, even on trains. For now, the stranger who left the note remains a mystery. And whoever it was likely has no idea of the impact their small random act of kindness made on Lauren. But it just goes to show, that words? Really do have power. And while too many times it's the negative ones that affect us the most, positive words can wield just as much power. Sometimes even more. More from Goalcast:Proud Military Mom Leaves Work for the Day – Finds a Note From a Stranger That Brings Her to TearsWoman Wakes Up to Husband’s Dirty Dishes in the Sink – Instead of Cleaning Up, He Left Her a Note With 3 WordsMan Sees a Couple Staring at Him and His Son at Cracker Barrel – He Finds Out Why in the Note They Give Him

Bus Driver Suddenly Stops While on Her Usual Route - Surprised Passengers Witness the Exchange She Has With an Elderly Woman
Uplifting News

Bus Driver Suddenly Stops While on Her Usual Route - Surprised Passengers Witness the Exchange She Has With an Elderly Woman

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often rush past moments of profound significance. But sometimes, an ordinary day can transform into something extraordinary, thanks to the kindness of a stranger.Elaine Caraballo, a bus driver for HART, did more than just her job one fateful day -- she delivered a powerful message of compassion, empathy, and community spirit. Her spontaneous act of kindness resonated deeply, showing us the immense impact that small gestures can have.What One Bus Driver Did for an Elderly WomanMelissa Colleran, a passenger on her bus, was there to witness this heartwarming scene. She couldn't help but feel a deep connection to the moment. "It touched me. It really did," she said, capturing the sentiment of everyone who has seen the video of this touching act of humanity.This story unfolded in Hillsborough County, a place where tales of kindness and community spirit are not just heard but celebrated.As Elaine drove her usual route that day, her sharp eyes caught an unusual sight -- an elderly woman struggling at the intersection of 15th and Fletcher. The woman seemed vulnerable and stranded, an image that painted a clear picture of her distress.In an act of pure compassion, Elaine didn't hesitate. The security cameras on the bus captured every detail as she stepped off the bus to assist the elderly woman. She ensured her safety and helped her cross the busy street.Elaine's words reflect the warmth and humanity of her actions. She recalled the woman saying, "Don't get too close; I'm kind of funky." To which Elaine responded with heartwarming reassurance, "Ma'am, I'm not worried about that. I'm just trying to get you safely across the street."When Elaine returned to her bus, she was met with gratitude and appreciation from the passengers. "Everyone was saying 'thank you,'" she remembered. It was a collective expression of thanks, a shared moment of joy and appreciation for a simple yet profound act of kindness.How One Small Act of Kindness Made the Community a Better PlaceThis incident is not an isolated one. In Hillsborough County, bus drivers often go above and beyond their duties to spread love and compassion. It's a testament to the strong sense of community and the everyday heroes who silently make the world a better place.The journey may have ended, but the echoes of gratitude and love continued for Elaine. Her family eagerly awaited her return home, ready to shower her with love and recognition. "I feel good," she said, her voice filled with joy and pride, "because once I got home, I told my husband about it. He was like, 'that's my girl, that's my girl, that's my girl.' And that made me really feel good because I did something good, and he was proud of it at the same time."Elaine's story is more than just a heartwarming incident; it's a narrative of hope, kindness, and the indomitable human spirit. It serves as a reminder that in a world often clouded by negativity, rays of positivity and humanity can shine through, turning ordinary streets into avenues of love and compassion.It's a story that encourages us all to be a little kinder, a little more compassionate, and a little more human. In the end, it's these small acts of kindness that remind us of the beauty of our shared humanity.More from Goalcast:Driver Notices Quiet Stranger on the Bus – Later, He Approaches Her and Utters 5 Words That Changes Both Their LivesBus Driver Spots Two Little Kids Wandering in the Bitter Cold Without Coats – Takes Immediate ActionMom Finds Out Her Son Constantly Gets Into Trouble and Has Befriended the Bus Driver – So She Writes a Letter to the School Board

Mom Finds Out Her Son Constantly Gets Into Trouble and Has Befriended the Bus Driver - So She Writes a Letter to the School Board
Uplifting News

Mom Finds Out Her Son Constantly Gets Into Trouble and Has Befriended the Bus Driver - So She Writes a Letter to the School Board

School bus drivers are so much more than just drivers.They play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of students during their daily commute to and from school. But more than that, they often develop a special bond with the kids they transport and their interactions can have a significant impact on their daily lives.No one knows this more than mom, Kelly Isenberg.How a School Bus Driver Changed a Little Boy’s LifeIsenberg's son, six-year-old Kameron, had been struggling with his transition into kindergarten at Cane Bay Elementary in Summerville, South Carolina for a while. "We found that he was having a lot of negative behavior issues that landed him in the principal's office several times a day almost every single day," Isenberg said.It wasn't just an "especially challenging" time for Kameron, it was challenging for his teachers, school administrators, and parents as well.After months of trying different reward systems and failing, Kameron's special education teacher, Stephanie Williams, finally offered him an incentive of his own choosing.Unlike other kids who wanted monetary rewards for good behavior, Kameron just wanted to see the school bus. "Kameron knocked on the [school bus] door and Mr. Charles came up to the front and opened the door, and [he was] excited to see him. I said, 'I know we're early [but can Kameron] get on the bus for a little bit and chat to you?' And that's all it took," Williams recalled in a video posted to the Berkeley County School District's Facebook page.Williams had found Kameron's currency and Kameron found a life-changing friend. Someone who was willing to give him one of the greatest gifts of all: his time."Ever since that day, there’s not been a problem,” Williams said. “He’s been fantastic and wonderful. Trying new things.”While being first on the bus and spending 5 minutes talking to the driver, Charles Frierson, may not seem like a lot, for Kameron, it means the world. One Man’s Act of Kindness Has Far-Reaching EffectsThanks to Mr. Charles, Kameron's behavior did a complete 180. It's a transformation that Williams, who has been teaching for over 20 years, has never witnessed before. "The way he glows when he sees Mr. Charles, it's something that's indescribable," Williams said. "This man has just made such a difference. Not only in my life, Kameron's life, but the life of every child in that classroom...and he doesn't even realize it."But Kameron's mom sure does. She is beyond grateful to the man who has had such a positive impact on her son's life. In an emotionally heartfelt letter to the school board, she wrote:"I have always believed angels come when you least expect them. This holds especially true in regard to Mr. Charles, the bus driver of school bus #220 of Berkeley County, SC."She went on to say, "I would like him to know how much we truly and absolutely appreciate him for who he is and what he has done for my son." She signed it, 'A forever grateful parent.'Hearing the letter brought Mr. Charles to tears. (Okay, fiiiiiiine, me too).Mr. Charles has been driving a school bus for four years but only started driving for the school district last year. Obviously, he's exactly where he's meant to be.A Friendship That Goes Round and RoundIsenberg also shares that her son's friendship has extended beyond the school bus. The two regularly have McDonalds and ice cream dates and Mr. Charles even attends Kameron’s baseball games on the weekends. Recently, Kameron graduated from Kindergarten and you can bet, Mr. Charles was there. As much as his "little buddy" loves him, Mr. Charles loves Kameron right back."His parents thank me but I thank God that He allowed me to be in Kameron's life," Mr. Charles shared, wiping away tears. "He's my buddy to the end."The unlikely duo has plans to continue getting together over the summer and will go back to their routine on the school bus in the Fall, where it all began.The Power of ConnectionSo often in life, we have no idea of the impact we have on other people. We go to work, go to school, and carry on with our daily routines, often unaware of the profound effects our actions can have on those around us.And yet, just taking five minutes a day to talk to one person, to make a connection, has the power to literally change a life. "It has always been said that it takes a village to raise a child but only one to make a difference. Mr. Charles has absolutely made that difference." Kelly IsenbergMore from Goalcast:Bus Driver Yanks Boy’s Backpack as He Is Getting off the Bus – Now She’s Hailed as a HeroBus Driver Has to Take an Alternate Route Because of Construction – What He Does for A Blind Passenger Is Recorded by a WitnessBus Driver Always Gives Extra Attention to 4-Year-Old – Then One Day, She Sees the Little Girl Waving From a Broken Window