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Teen with Down Syndrome hugging two women.
Uplifting News

Mom Moves Away and Leaves Teen With Down Syndrome Behind - So His Best Friend Adopts Him

When a teen with Down syndrome was faced without a home, his best friend stepped in with an unexpected but beautiful offer.

Woman Stops Visiting Her Baby Daughter in the Hospital - So the Married Nurses Taking Care of Her Take Her In

Woman Stops Visiting Her Baby Daughter in the Hospital - So the Married Nurses Taking Care of Her Take Her In

Taylor and Drew Deras have a special place in their hearts for the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Methodist Women’s Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. Not only is it where they both work as registered nurses, but it's also where they met and fell in love. And now? It's where they found their family too, adopting a little girl, Ella, who was once one of their patients. On the Brink of SurvivalElla was only 1 pound, 2 ounces when she was born in May 2021. A micro-preemie, she was roughly the size of a mango.Born months before her due date, at 23 weeks and one day, she faced a long stay in the NICU, and even then, her odds of survival were low. Knowing her complex health challenges, Taylor immediately signed up to be her consistent caregiver. Unable to breathe on her own, Ella spent months on a ventilator. "She was intubated for multiple months at a time," Taylor told ABC News. "She was just very sick. There [were] times where the doctors would tell us, 'Watch her. I don't know if she'll make it through the night tonight.'" Miraculously Ella survived. By the summer of 2021, Ella required less oxygen and was drinking from a bottle. Her biological mother, who was in her early twenties, started working more and visiting less. Unable to cope with Ella's complex medical needs, eventually she just stopped visiting altogether.In December 2021, Ella became a ward of the state. Becoming Foster Parents to a Medically Fragile ChildBy this time, Ella had spent eight months in the NICU and both Taylor and Drew had fallen in love with the tiny fighter. They both spent hours with her, holding her and reading to her. Terrified about what would happen to the medically fragile girl in the foster system, the couple made a bold choice. They reached out to Ella's social worker and asked to be her foster parents. “When Ella’s biological mom heard we were interested in fostering, she said, ‘I want Ella to go to you,’” Taylor said. “She trusted us with her."But Ella wasn't out of the woods yet. Just as the couple were preparing to bring her home, Ella's health took a nose dive. The left side of her heart was failing. Instead of going home, Ella was rushed to the Children's Nebraska.She needed a tracheostomy — a surgically created hole in her windpipe that provides an alternative airway for breathing. As a result, she could no longer eat on her own but had to be fed through a tube in her stomach.It also meant she would require round-the-clock care. Already committed, the couple refused to back out. "As a foster parent, it was just like, the guard that you had prior to protect yourself of not falling in love with someone else's child, it just fizzled away, and you're just like, 'OK, this child needs me and I need them,'" Drew said.Ella Comes HomeOn April 7, 2022, Ella finally came home. Because of her special medical needs, the couple had to hire a nurse to be with her when they couldn't. That summer, Ella's biological parents relinquished all parental rights. And on November 18, 2023, National Adoption Day, Ella, now two years old, came home...for good.In front of a crowd of 40 family and friends, Ella became Ella Deras. And Taylor and Drew officially became “mama” and “dad.”After the judge announced Ella’s new name, the courtroom was quiet. “All you could hear was Ella go, ‘Yay.’ It’s the one thing that brings me to tears every time.”Drew DerasToday, Ella is thriving. With the help of a number of therapists and specialists, she's meeting all her milestones. "Now, she's walking and talking and meeting developmental milestones that a 2-year-old would do. And she'll start preschool in the fall," Taylor shared.It Was Meant to BeTaylor believes it was all part of God's master plan. "There's no other way," she said. There isn't just one road to parenthood. Families come in all shapes and sizes and through all different means. For Taylor and Drew, their family came together when they least expected it and in a way they never saw coming. But now? They can't imagine life without their little Ella. "We just feel lucky that it gets to be for the rest of her life," Drew said. "We just love her so much."More from Goalcast:Man Finds Out His Ex-girlfriend Wants to Put Their Daughter Up for Adoption – Flies Across the World to Stop ItNurse Notices No One Shows Up to Take Care of 14-Year-Old and Her Triplets – So She Adopts Them AllSingle Man Adopts Sick Baby With No Parents – He Grows Up to Make History

Man Finds Out His Ex-girlfriend Wants to Put Their Daughter Up for Adoption - Flies Across the World to Stop It
Uplifting News

Man Finds Out His Ex-girlfriend Wants to Put Their Daughter Up for Adoption - Flies Across the World to Stop It

Becoming a parent is a huge responsibility and isn't for everyone. Knowing you're embarking on the parenthood journey solo is even more daunting. But despite the overwhelming challenges, single dad, Dan Gaut, wants nothing more than the chance to raise his little girl, Ana. And he's willing to do whatever it takes for the two of them to be together, including forsaking his life in Australia and flying halfway across the world in a frantic dash to stop his ex-girlfriend from putting her up for adoption.A Whirlwind RomanceWhen Australian, Dan Gaut, met Texan, Liv, in early 2023, it was love at first sight. They both happened to be on holiday in San Francisco at the same time and in a classic case of "right time, right place" it seemed as though the stars had aligned and fate had brought them together.Despite spending only a few days together, they both fell hard and fast. Liv made the radical decision to move from Austin, Texas to Australia to be with Dan."She was saying that there's nothing in Texas for me anymore...I've closed the door on it. All my heart and energy is in Australia," Dan told A Current Affair. And for a while, all was good. Really good. The two were inseparable. Liv even worked with Dan, a builder, on his job sites. Then came the news...Liv was pregnant. "It was joyous and beautiful," Dan said. The couple spent weeks planning their life together. However, as time passed, things began to unravel. Liv became more and more homesick. Eventually, she flew back to Austin, explaining she needed to surround herself with her "community" and "support network."And then came the phone call. The Phone Call That Changed EverythingLiv wasn't coming back. Not only wasn't she returning to Australia, but she and Dan were officially over. “I was actually leaving the job site as she’s telling me the news that she got back with her ex-partner,” Dan said. “I couldn’t believe it, what is happening? Like, you’re pregnant with my daughter.”As for that daughter? Liv told Dan she planned to give her up for adoption. She started sending him adoption options for people she knew in Texas, wanting to give her the absolute best life that she could.Dan was devastated."I said, 'No, stop, don't promise her to anyone, this is against all my morals.'"He immediately knew he had to stop her. But first, he had to get to the United States.Strapped for cash and knowing that jumping through bureaucratic hoops isn't cheap, he reached out to his community for help. He set up a Chuffed campaign (the Australian equivalent of GoFundMe) with a target of $30,000 — enough to cover his flights and the necessary paperwork to get Ana home. "I don't know how I will do this, but I do know that I will do everything I can to bring my daughter home and shower her with love and acceptance. Every child should know they are loved and wanted," he wrote on Chuffed.His community stepped up in a big way, raising over $34,000 to date. Single Dad Takes Life-Changing FlightLess than 24 hours after hearing that Liv was in labor, Dan boarded a flight to meet his daughter. Fifteen hours later, Ana was in her daddy's arms. And Dan plans on never letting her go. "It was so magical. It was like whatever apprehension or possibly awkwardness I might’ve been thinking about at that moment just dissolved," the new dad said of holding her for the first time. “The love for her just took over.""Really, from the first moment of meeting, it was like, 'OK, this is it, this feels right, this is perfect ... I'm so happy,'" he added.Their journey together has just begun. And it's not without challenges.In many jurisdictions, the rights of unwed fathers in adoption cases can be precarious, often requiring legal battles to establish parental rights. Add to that the complexity of living in an entirely different country, and Dan has his work cut out for him.Before he can bring her home to the land of Oz, he needs to file a ton of paperwork, including organizing migration papers, getting her a US passport, and obtaining an ETA (Electronic Travel Authority) app - which allows non-citizens to travel to Australia for up to a year or the life of their passport.Thankfully, he has Liv's full support. She's even offered to help him on his return trip to Australia because she knows he's nervous about flying with a newborn. Embracing Fatherhood With Open ArmsAna is fortunate to have two loving parents — one who loves her enough to keep her and one who loves her enough to let her go, knowing that ultimately it's what's best for her.And isn't that what's at the heart of parenthood? Doing the best we can for our kids? Loving them so much that we would do absolutely anything, including flying to the ends of the earth, just to ensure their well-being and happiness? This story is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices and boundless love that define parenthood and the lengths a parent will go to for their child. More from Goalcast:9-Year-Old Girl Loses Her Mom – Years Later, She Pens a Message About Her Single DadPolice Officer Catches Single Dad Shoplifting for His Son – Decides on a Surprising “Punishment”Single Dad Delivers Pizza to Make Ends Meet – Then He Pulls Up to a Parking Lot to Find This

Nurse Notices No One Shows Up to Take Care of 14-Year-Old and Her Triplets - So She Adopts Them All
Uplifting News

Nurse Notices No One Shows Up to Take Care of 14-Year-Old and Her Triplets - So She Adopts Them All

Every once in a while we hear a story so moving that it shakes us up and reminds us how much power we really have to put pure love into the world. NICU nurse Katrina Mullen, is one of those people who reminds us how doing the right thing — no questions asked — is the bravest thing we can do.Mullen was working at Community Hospital North, Indianapolis, when life threw her for a loop.Mullen's job was straightforward but not easy: give sick premature babies expert, around-the-clock care. Under such stressful working conditions, you'd think 'how much worse could a day on the job' be?For Katrina Mullen, when one teenager walked through those hospital doors to see her sick triplets stuck in incubators behind a glass? She realized it could be much worse. A 14 Year-Old-Girl Gave Birth to Triplets — 3 Months EarlyToday ShowWhen 14-year-old Shariya Small entered the NICU at Community Hospital North, she was just that — small. She kept her head down and she didn't take up a lot of space. To Nurse Mullen's trained eye, it seemed like Shariya Small was lost and alone, but she didn't realize how right she was.Like most teenagers, Small was just a young girl trying to keep her head above water. But unlike most teenagers, she had three mouths to feed."I was speechless. I was panicking, but I had no time to panic."Shariya Small, PEOPLEYes, at only 14 years old, Shariya Small became a mother of not one, not two, but three babies. To make matters more unmanageable, Small had also gone into labor unexpectedly at 26 weeks — only 6 months in to her pregnancy.Battling the Fight of Her LifeOne thing was for certain, Shariya's three babies were definitely fighters. After surviving an incredibly dangerous birth journey, her little ones — Serenitee, Samari, and Sarayah — held on to dear life.Small's babies were immediately dispatched to the emergency unit where they would stay under observation for quite sometime. During her frequent visits, Shariya Small minded her own business, but thankfully, not everyone was "minding" theirs.After 5 months of visiting her premature triplets, NICU nurse Mullen couldn't help but notice one thing about Shariya Small.Her Triplets Were Hospitalized for 5 MonthsLooking back, it's clear to Katrina Mullen that when Small came to visit her triplets in the hospital, something was very wrong with this picture.“She’d be there alone for days at a time sitting at her babies’ bedside.”Katrina MullenRight away, Mullen wanted to step in — but she didn't know how to. She definitely had questions she wanted answered. Who was taking care of Small? Why did she spend all her time alone? She never brought snacks with when was she eating?Still Mullen didn't react. She stayed patient. She could tell Small was afraid and closed off. The then-eighth grader was reluctant to share any personal information about her family or life, but thankfully this was one nurse who didn't scare easy.“I knew if I gave her time, she’d likely open up to me.”Katrina MullenLittle did Mullen know just how right she was.A Nurse Told This Teen Mom One Secret — And It Changed EverythingRobert Scheer/IndyStar/USA TODAY NETWORKDuring her routine hospital visits, Shariya Small shared how out of place she felt. “I felt like I couldn’t relate to all the other moms on the floor,” Small later told PEOPLE.But she would soon find out that there was someone who understood her situation better than she could have ever imagined.And it was the last person she expected.When the time was right, Nurse Mullen revealed to Small she too had been a teen mom, but had given her baby up for adoption."I wanted her to know that I was a teen mom, and that I knew how scary it was.” Katrina MullenAfter that, everything changed. Their shared experience made these two moms feel closer than ever. They bonded over their similar experiences, and Nurse Mullen was quick to share tips with Small when it came to taking care of her little ones.When the triplets were finally ready to leave the hospital, Mullen gave Small her phone number — little did she know how often Small would be calling.Needless to say, it caught her attention in all the right ways.A Home Visit Proved It Was Not a Place for Her to Raise BabiesIt quickly became clear Small didn't have much support at home. In fact, it's why she called so often for advice. On her day off Nurse Mullen couldn't keep her mind off of Shariya Small. So she decided to do something about it.She followed her instincts and thank goodness she did.Worried about her, Mullen visited Small, who lived an hour away with a family member. When Mullen arrived she was shocked at the living conditions Shariya Small and her three young babies were in.Mullen grew even more concerned when she noticed how underweight Small's son, Samari, was. Once again, her instincts were correct.After Mullen's visit, Samari would soon be hospitalized, leading Child Protective Services to step in. She Saved Her Family From the Foster Care SystemCourtesy Katrina MullenAfter assessing the situation, Child Protective Services decided that Small and her three infants should go into foster care. But Mullen knew Small's family would be torn apart. There was no way a foster family would take in a teenage girl and her three preemie babies. But she knew she would.Katrina Mullen was the fearless a single mother of five boys: Sevonté Sumpter-Bey, 23, Shai Sumpter-Bey, 22, SeQuayvion Sumpter-Bey, 16, ShaKovon Sumpter-Bey, 15 and JJ Mullen, 8."The caseworker said that Shariya and her babies were being removed from their home,” Mullen recalled. “And then she goes, ‘Shariya said she’d like to come live with you. Would you be willing?’”Katrina MullenAdding four more loved ones to her family was a no brainer. She took all the necessary training to become a foster parent just in time to intercept the conflict.Just Believing in Someone Can Change Their Life Even though Mullen could have easily turned her back on Small she didn't. She was already a single mom to 5 kids with an exhausting job. She could have easily said "it's out of my hands."But she did the exact opposite.“I just kept thinking, ‘I have to do this,'” Mullen explained. “I knew Shariya was intelligent and resilient and she just needed a safe place to put her roots. I knew it would be hard, but we’d figure it out.”Katrina MullenMullen didn't see this teenage mom and her premature triplets as a burden on her money and resources.She saw their predicament as an opportunity to change five lives: Shariya Smalls, the triplets, and her own.More from Goalcast:

Single Man Adopts Sick Baby With No Parents - He Grows Up to Make History
Uplifting News

Single Man Adopts Sick Baby With No Parents - He Grows Up to Make History

Family isn’t always the one you were born into. Blended, adoptive, and chosen families can be just as important in terms of your growth and relationships. And often, these untraditional family units can be particularly special and meaningful in a person’s life.That’s true for this father-son duo. They found each other in an unconventional way and proved to everyone that families can be more than one thing.An Aspiring FatherYears ago, Jerry Windle didn’t think fatherhood was in the cards for him. Sure, he wanted to be a dad, but as a single gay man in the 1990s, he didn’t believe it was possible.“I got a little bit sad and depressed about the fact that I could never have a child,” he told Good Morning America. “But I'd accepted that.”Then he came across a magazine article about a man who adopted a child from Cambodia. The thing that stood out to him was that the article never mentioned a mother, but instead described the father-son relationship.“I called the agency [named in the article] and just said, 'Is it possible for a single person to adopt?' and they said, 'Yes,'” Windle recalled. “I got a packet of information and an application about a week later, and I took probably three days and filled out every single document, got fingerprinted, filled out my background information, I did everything.”A Dream Come TrueVery soon after Windle handed in his application, he learned about a little boy named Pisey who was in an orphanage in Cambodia. Pisey, which means “little darling” in Cambodian, immediately caught Windle’s attention and he knew that he was looking at his son.“It was done the second I opened the envelope and saw that photograph,” he recalled. “I sent a photo of me and asked them to give it to him in a necklace and explain to him that I was his daddy and was going to be coming to get him.”Five months later Windle brought his son, now named Jordan, home. He was ill with scabies and intestinal parasites and suffered from severe infections. But Windle was determined to get his health back up.“When I held him in my arms that first moment, I made a promise to him that I would be the best dad I could possibly be,” he continued. “I wanted his youth to be filled with wonder and amazement. That has been my mission from Day 1.”An Unexpected PathWhen Jordan was seven, Windle signed him up for a summer aquatics class. There, someone important saw him jump off the diving board one day: Tim O’Brien. O’Brien’s father, Dr. Ron O’Brien, had been the coach of legendary diver Greg Louganis. Tim immediately asked to speak with Windle.“He said, 'You need to get this child into diving. He will be a national champion one day. He may even be an Olympian one day,'” Windle recalled.So, Windle put Jordan into diving, and before he had even completed a year, he was doing memorable dives. The following year, he won the junior national championship. When he continued growing in the sport, the family moved to Indianapolis and then North Carolina so that he could receive the instruction he needed.In 2021, Jordan made his father proud by joining the U.S. Olympic diving team. He made history by becoming the first diver of Cambodian descent to compete in the Olympics. He continues to be proud of his heritage and has a Cambodian flag tattooed on his arm for people to see when he dives. According to Windle, Jordan is treated like a rock star when he returns to the country.As for Jordan, he told Today that he dives for his dad and how much his dad loves watching him.“Without him making all the sacrifices that he has, and his love and support the whole time we've been together, I really wouldn't be where I am today,” he told the publication. “I have him to thank for everything, all my accomplishments. It's been an amazing journey with him, and we're still rolling.”There Are Many Ways to Be a ParentThis story is so heartwarming because it’s a beautiful narrative of two strangers coming together and impacting each other’s lives in an unexpected and meaningful way. It reminds us that family can be many things, so long as it’s based on love.It also reminds us that there are many ways to be a parent. Whether you feel as though you don’t have a “conventional” family unit or you’re facing infertility issues, being a parent is something you can still experience. Fostering, adoption, volunteering with certain organizations, or even just being the best aunt or uncle are all ways to make a positive impact on a young person’s life.You never know — with your guidance and love, odds are they, too, will go on to do great things in life.More from Goalcast:Woman Sits Next to Pregnant Stranger on Flight – Ends Up Adopting Her Newborn BabyWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s SonWorker at Adoption Agency Refuses to Go to Her Grave With Important Secret — How Her Risky Confession Changed Two Lives Forever

Single Moms Biggest Fear Is Regarding Her 14-Year-Old Son - So His Teacher Makes Her an Offer
Uplifting News

Single Moms Biggest Fear Is Regarding Her 14-Year-Old Son - So His Teacher Makes Her an Offer

In a world often filled with challenges, heartbreaks, and seemingly insurmountable odds, there shines a beacon of selflessness and love that has the power to warm the coldest of hearts. Meet Kerry Bremer, not just a special education teacher, but a guardian angel in human form.The Offer One Teacher Made to a Student’s MotherKerry's journey with Jake Manning, a vibrant 14-year-old with Down syndrome, began four years ago when she stepped into the role of his special education teacher. Describing Jake as "dynamic," Kerry sensed a deeper connection beyond the classroom and that she "fell in love with him instantly." As fate would have it, she learned that Jake's mother, Jean Manning, was battling terminal breast cancer that had cruelly metastasized into her brain.Fully aware of the impending challenges for Jake, Kerry initiated a courageous conversation with the single mother. "I could really be overstepping the boundaries here, but I just want to let you know that if you need a backup plan for Jake, my family and I are willing to offer guardianship," Kerry expressed to Jean. Tears welled up in Jean's eyes as relief washed over her, grateful for Kerry's unwavering offer. "She said, 'I'll sleep better tonight than I have in a very long time.'" Jean's deepest fear — what would happen to Jake after she passed — found a compassionate answer in Kerry's pledge.This remarkable story is a testament to the incredible power of human connection. Despite knowing the Mannings for just a few months, Kerry, along with her husband Dave and their children, made a life-altering decision. For them, opening their home to Jake was not just an act of kindness; it was a profound commitment grounded in love.How One Mother Orchestrated a Symphony of LoveOn November 13, tragedy struck as Jean Manning passed away. But amidst the sorrow, Kerry and her family fulfilled Jean's final wish — they welcomed Jake into their home. "I'm terribly sad that Jake doesn't have his mom to be with him for the rest of his life," Kerry shared with CNN. "But I'm very, very grateful that she trusted us to take him and be with him and share our home with him."Jean's courageous planning over the last three years facilitated Jake's transition to his new family. Despite the suddenness of her death, Jake, understandingly in his innocent wisdom, acknowledges that his mom is now in heaven with God and his aunts. In the Bremer household, Jake has found solace, affectionately calling Jean his "Queen Angel Mom."Kerry and Dave were officially named Jake's legal guardians in May, with the possibility of adoption on the horizon. A GoFundMe campaign to support Jake has garnered immense attention, nearing its $50,000 goal in just five days. But for Kerry, the true hero of this narrative is Jean Manning, a mother who, in the face of her own mortality, orchestrated a symphony of love and care for her son's future.In a world that often echoes with tales of hardship, Kerry and Jean's story radiates as a testament to the enduring power of love, compassion, and the indomitable human spirit.Through the lens of this family, we are reminded that even in life's most challenging moments, kindness can prevail, and bonds formed in selflessness can withstand the tests of time. The world needs more stories like this, stories that whisper hope, resilience, and the extraordinary impact of a single act of love.More from Goalcast:Woman Sits Next to Pregnant Stranger on Flight – Ends Up Adopting Her Newborn BabyWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s SonTwo Sisters Reunited After 75 Years After Being Put Up for Adoption After World War II

Woman Finds Terrified 9-Year-Old Hiding in Nursing Home - Little Did She Know There Were More Surprises to Come
Uplifting News

Woman Finds Terrified 9-Year-Old Hiding in Nursing Home - Little Did She Know There Were More Surprises to Come

So many times in life, things that seem meant to be happen in the most unexpected ways. Coincidences or series of events can put us on an important path without us knowing it, leading to moments that almost seem predestined.One woman in Oklahoma is opening up about her experiences with that phenomenon, and how one surprise discovery led to a series of life-changing moments.The Surprise of a LifetimeSavanah Patt worked at a skilled nursing facility in Edmon, Oklahoma, taking care of senior residents and sharing her love. One day ten years ago, she was going about her regular routine when she came across something shocking.In one of the residents’ rooms, there was a tiny little girl hiding. It was her grandmother’s room, and the nine-year-old had been staying there for a week after a neighbor dropped her off. That neighbor had found Renlee living alone in a trailer with her older brother and the place was filthy. Her parents were nowhere to be found.“She looked at me, and she wouldn’t talk at all,” Patt told Oklahoma News 4. “She smelled terrible, she was very dirty, she didn’t have shoes.”A Rough UpbringingAccording to Renlee, the trailer had been overrun with cats and dogs. There were holes in the floor, and the place was filthy. Meanwhile, the little girl had been sent home from school with a severe case of lice and wasn’t allowed to return until she got rid of it.As for Renlee’s parents, they were struggling with addiction and unable to provide for their kids. Often, they would force them to panhandle on the streets for drug money with them.“They would take the food stamps and trade them for drugs,” Patt said. “They hoisted her into dumpsters, and they would go dumpster diving.”Things looked bad for the little girl, but she was about to be saved by a woman with an enormous heart.“I fell in love with her,” Patt said, revealing it was an easy decision to ask Renlee if she could be her mother.A Second SurpriseWith a steady home life and the love and security of Patt, Renlee thrived. She returned to school and learned what it was like to feel safe. Meanwhile, Patt had another surprise when she received a phone call, asking if she would also take in Renlee’s 13-year-old sister, an older sibling that Renlee hardly knew.Cheyanne had been traveling between relatives, acquaintances, and strangers since she was born, but the woman she had most recently stayed with no longer wanted her.“She had been left at a Circle K gas station in Yukon, Oklahoma,” Patt said. “Cheyanne didn’t know I was coming. [When] I pulled up she was sitting outside and she looked at me. I rolled down the window and she said, ‘What are you doing here?’ I said, ‘You want to live with me?’ She said, ‘You want me?’ And I said, ‘Yeah, girl.'”A Home Filled With LovePatt became a mother of two, and Cheyanne and Renlee rose to their true potential. They became the first in their family to graduate high school, and in a heartwarming twist, Renlee decided to pursue a nursing degree.According to the now-19-year-old, she wants to share love with others, just like her mom did with her and her sister.“I don’t know where I’d be without my mom, I don’t. I was born with meth and heroin, and pretty much every drug you can think of in my system as a baby,” she said. “Her finding me in a room, and now I’m going to be kind of working with people like that.”“People are like, ‘Oh, you saved them.’ No, no friends. They saved me because having them made me want to be better,” Patt said. “The attachment and bond that you get [when] you’re choosing to love, and they’re choosing to love is so beautiful.”Sharing Your LoveNot everyone is in a position to foster or adopt a child. (If you are, however, there are more than 390,000 children living in foster care in the U.S., and more than 113,000 kids who are eligible for adoption.) Still, this story reminds us that we should always lead with love.Perhaps you can help another family or children in need another way. Donations, hot meals, financially sponsoring someone or even volunteering your time are other positive ways to make a difference.Not everyone gets an equal start in life, and not everyone has the same opportunities. But if you’re lucky enough to have a little extra, spread the love and help others when you can. It doesn’t just make a difference in their lives, it can positively affect yours, too.More from Goalcast:Worker at Adoption Agency Refuses to Go to Her Grave With Important Secret — How Her Risky Confession Changed Two Lives Forever10-Year-Old Nobody Wanted to Adopt Is Sent to Live With Foster Family – This Would Completely Change Both Their LivesShe Gave Her Baby Up For Adoption On Thanksgiving – 50 Years Later, They Are Finally Reunited

Man Develops Close Friendship With Co-worker - Then Finds Out He Is His Dad
Uplifting News

Man Develops Close Friendship With Co-worker - Then Finds Out He Is His Dad

Life can work in funny ways. Sometimes we can’t help but think that we were meant to be in a certain situation, even if we didn’t know why at the time. Fate later reveals itself, and the pieces of the puzzle suddenly click into place.That may have been how one man felt after he realized that the co-worker he had recently become friends with was actually his biological father.Adopted at BirthNathan Boos always knew he was adopted. He never knew his biological parents or even their names. But his adoptive parents were open with him and explained he had been given up at birth because his first parents couldn’t afford to give him life's basic necessities.So, Boos’ biological mom selected adoptive parents who also happened to be distant cousins that lived in a nearby town. No one had any idea at the time just how close that town would be."Growing up I always knew that I was adopted, it just never crossed my mind that I would ever find my parents,” Boos told WEAU13 News.Years later, Boos became a truck driver in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. There, he struck up a friendship with a man named Bob Degaro.A Facebook DiscoveryOne day while scrolling Facebook, Boos’ adoptive mom made a shocking discovery. She realized that her son had somehow befriended his biological dad on the social media platform.“She just went on my Facebook and went through my friends' list and brought up his picture and I said, 'Get out of here,'” Boos recalled. “I about fell out of my seat,” he added.Boos decided to message Degaro and ask if he knew his biological mother.“I’m like, ‘Yeah, that’s my ex-wife…’ and I about fell out of my seat,” Degaro recalled. "It’s still kind of a shock, and there's days I'm not sure exactly what to say or how to act… I mean, he is my son, but we didn't have that father-son relationship growing up, and then we became working partners before we knew who we really were.”Both men say the reveal has brought them a sense of peace, and they plan on building their friendship. Until then, they’re taking things one day at a time. Or “one mile” at a time to put it in trucker terms.Timing Is EverythingThis incredible story went viral, and many people speculated that perhaps the men were somehow drawn to each other because of their blood relation. That may have been the case, or maybe this is one of those stories where things just worked out like they were supposed to.Degaro wasn’t ready to be a father when his then-wife became pregnant, and the couple did what was best for the baby. He sacrificed his relationship with his son, but what kind of a relationship would it have been?Instead, Boos was raised by adoptive parents who were able to provide for him, both emotionally and financially. Years later when Boos met his biological father, they were both in a better headspace to pursue a relationship because of it.It’s not always easy to hear things like, “It wasn’t meant to be” or “Timing is everything,” especially when you’re in the middle of a rough time or situation. But this story proves that sometimes things do work out in the end, and there is always the potential for starting over.More from Goalcast:Woman Sits Next to Pregnant Stranger on Flight – Ends Up Adopting Her Newborn BabyFirefighter Delivers Baby Then Learns Her Mom Can’t Keep Her – So He Adopts Her and Gives Her a HomeWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s Son

Couple Hears Cats Fighting Outside - But What They Find in a Blanket Is Something Completely Different

Couple Hears Cats Fighting Outside - But What They Find in a Blanket Is Something Completely Different

The road to parenthood isn't the same for everyone. Some people become parents by conceiving naturally, via surrogacy or adoption, or by becoming step-parents. As for others? Well, they find parenthood on the side of a literal road.The Unusual Road That Led a Florida Couple to ParenthoodLast January, the Polk Sheriff's Department received a 911 call in the wee hours of a Saturday morning about an abandoned newborn baby girl. A couple discovered her after they heard the sound of what they thought were cats screaming and fighting and went out to investigate. Turns out, it wasn't cats. It was a baby, just an hour old, wrapped up in an old blanket with the umbilical cord and placenta still attached.Left in a wooded area just off the side of the road in the Regal Loop Mobile Home Park, the baby was six and a half pounds and "very healthy" although she did sustain several insect bites.EMS took her to a nearby hospital and the Sheriff's office turned her over to the Department of Children and Families.Despite extensive efforts by PCSO detectives, the girl’s mother was never located or identified.When the baby's story first came out, she was known to the world as Angel Grace Lnu."She's as beautiful as an angel. It's by the grace of God she is not dead, and Lnu is: Last Name Unknown," Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said at the time she was discovered.But now — ten months and one day later — she's known by one ecstatic couple as "daughter.""Happy Gotcha Day"In a heartwarming Facebook post, the Sheriff's Department reveals that the little girl has been formally adopted. “We have an exciting update to share with you. Nearly one year ago, on January 28th, at about 1:47 in the morning, PCSO deputies rescued an abandoned newborn baby girl in Mulberry," the post began."The temperature outside was in the lower 50’s, and members of Polk County Fire Rescue checked the girl out and determined that, based on the girl’s temperature, she had been born about an hour before she was found," it continued."Fast forward ten months and one day -- the baby girl has officially been adopted."via Polk County Sheriff's Office Facebook PageThe new parents wish to remain anonymous, however, they did agree to have a couple of photos shared of the special day.“We are thrilled to share with you these photos from this morning of this precious angel with her new mom and dad, along with PCSO’s Detective Green and Sgt. Ryan. Mom & Dad wish to keep their names from being published,” the PCSO wrote, “but they allowed us to share these photos with everyone who followed this child’s story and prayed for her well-being.”The sweet pictures show the beaming couple with their new daughter adorably dressed in a pink dress, ruffled socks, pink shoes, and her hair in pigtails. A Happy BeginningDespite her rocky start, baby Angel is now in the arms of her very own angels, her adoptive parents. And while she may have been found all alone in the world, she's not anymore.The unusual road that led this Florida couple to parenthood may be unconventional but it's obvious that they've ended up exactly where they're supposed to be. And their journey? Is just beginning. And may their story encourage us to find love in unexpected places and embrace the extraordinary paths that lead to parenthood.More from Goalcast: Woman Sits Next to Pregnant Stranger on Flight – Ends Up Adopting Her Newborn BabyWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s Son6 Siblings Were Separated in Foster Care For Over 3 Years – Then 2 Dads Adopted Them All

Woman Sits Next to Pregnant Stranger on Flight - Ends Up Adopting Her Newborn Baby
Uplifting News

Woman Sits Next to Pregnant Stranger on Flight - Ends Up Adopting Her Newborn Baby

They say that sometimes you can just be in the right place at the right time. That was most certainly the case for two strangers on an airplane a few years back when fate brought them together. Unbeknownst to either of these women at the time, their encounter would forever change both of their lives.A Routine FlightThere are multiple Delta flights from Atlanta to Raleigh, New Carolina, every single day. Yet one day in 2018, a woman named Temple Phipps was seated next to a woman named Samantha Snipes, who had missed her connecting flight and wound up on that one instead.The duo hit it off instantly and began sharing their stories. Snipes was eight months pregnant and had just left an abusive boyfriend. She thought maybe her partner would change after she told him she was pregnant, but it just got worse.“One night when he put his hands on me again, I was scared and insecure, and I wasn’t even sure how to live on my own at that point,” Snipes told ABC News. “The position I was in, [my baby] wasn't going to have a very good life. He was going to have a struggling life, and I didn't want any of that for him.”Phipps was sympathetic and revealed that at 42 years old, she had wanted to be a mother but was afraid her time to have a baby had passed. At the time, she was considering fostering or adopting, but as a single mother, all of the agencies she had spoken with passed her by.“Every time I would inquire, they'd said it ‘really needs to be a two-parent household,’” she recalled.A Fateful MeetingAs the plane touched down, the women exchanged numbers and said goodbye. A few days later, Snipes gave birth. She called Phipps and asked her to come visit. There, she asked Phipps if she wanted to adopt her son, Vaughn.“It just felt right talking with her and seeing her with the baby. She looked like she would be a great mother for him and she already looked like she loved him after holding him for an hour. The stuff that I wasn't feeling, she was feeling,” Snipes explained.After the adoption, Snipes stayed close by and continued to be in contact with the new family. She also began a photography company and wrote a blog about the experience. As for Phipps, she and Vaughn continue to make memories as he grows up.“I would just say to anybody, don't give up hope. I won the baby lottery for sure, miracles do happen and I think you can manifest those things. And this is what manifested,” Phipps added.A Complicated JourneyNot everyone’s journey to motherhood has a happy ending. But what’s so touching about this story is that one woman was able to become a mother in the most unexpected way, while someone who wasn’t ready to be a mom found a happy ending for her baby.It reminds those of us who want to be a parent that there is more than one way to be a mom or dad. Many families deal with infertility, while others, like Phipps, feel like the opportunity to have a child of their own has passed them by. But at the end of the day, there are also many children out there who are in need of a loving home.If being a mom or dad feels like your calling and you’re open to another way, this story of two fated women and an unborn baby is all the inspiration you need to always hold onto hope. More from Goalcast:Abandoned In Dumpster As Baby, He Vows To Make Adoptive Dad Proud – Now He’s A MillionaireWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s Son10-Year-Old Nobody Wanted to Adopt Is Sent to Live With Foster Family – This Would Completely Change Both Their Lives