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Young man in a tux standing next to an elderly woman and an elderly woman talking on the phone.
Uplifting News

Man Tries to Scam 84-Year-Old Out of $8,000 - She Outsmarts Him With a Clever Question

Canadians are often labeled as polite and easygoing, but when it comes to protecting their loved ones, they can be fiercely sharp and clever. Just ask 84-year-old Mabel Harold.

Teens Notice Attractive Woman Whisper 2 Words From the Car Next to Them - Immediately Realize Something Is Wrong
Uplifting News

Teens Notice Attractive Woman Whisper 2 Words From the Car Next to Them - Immediately Realize Something Is Wrong

Texas teenagers Aaron Arias and Jamal Harris are downright heroes.You never know who you might notice in the car next to you when you’re cruising along or waiting at a stoplight. Sure, it’s not exactly the best place or time to get to know someone, so we often take a quick glance and then go about our busy days. But sometimes, noticing the smallest of details can make a world of difference in someone else’s life.Teens Notice a Woman Mouthing “Help Me” From the Car Next to ThemBack in August 2013, 19-year-old Aaron Arias and his 17-year-old friend Jamal Harris were driving in downtown Dallas to pick up a friend from work when they noticed an attractive girl in the backseat of the car next to them. Not being the one in the driver’s seat, Jamal’s gaze lingered a little longer than Aaron’s, and he realized the girl was mouthing something: “Help me.”At first, Arias thought his friend was joking, but then they saw the driver’s face, looked back, and realized it was for real. So they got focused and called 911."Yes, I'm on the highway. I'm witnessing a robbery. Not a robbery, a kidnapping,” Arias explained on the call, which was later released and picked up by several news outlets. “It's me and another guy. So we're checking out the girl in the backseat because, we're like, 'Okay, she's kind of attractive,' and then all of a sudden the guy is turned back, looking at us,” he continued.We looked in the backseat and the blonde female in the back was saying, 'Help me' or something, whispering it. So I'm assuming it is a kidnapping.Aaron AriasAccording to NBC DWF, Arias and Harris followed the guy for nearly an hour while they stayed on the phone with responders. Eventually, the driver realized he was being followed and he started acting erratically. He sped up, slowed down, and tried to lose the guys, but finally the police arrived."Thank God. You guys are awesome," Arias said in the recording as the man started to flee. "Oh my God. Oh my God. Get him! Oh my God."Arias Calls 911 and the Woman Is Rescued by Police After a ChaseFollowing a small chase, authorities arrested a man named Charles Atkins Lewis Jr. who was charged with aggravated kidnapping and held on a $50,000 bail. According to The Dallas Morning News, the unidentified, 25-year-old woman had been at a young professionals party downtown. It was about 11 p.m. when she was walking to her car and was struck on the head three times with what she believed was a handgun.The man then forced her into the backseat of her car. Police later found a handgun and a knife, and in an affidavit, the woman told investigators she was fearful of sexual assault and death.So it’s no surprise that when she was rescued from the car she ran straight towards the two teens who had ensured her safety, and gave them a giant hug. "I would describe it as the best hug I have ever gotten,” Arias later told NBC DFW, adding that he would like to stay in contact with the woman, but he also didn’t want to interfere with the investigation.Arias and Harris’ Instincts and Quick-Thinking Saved a Woman’s LifeThankfully, because of two teen heroes and the quick thinking of the woman in the backseat, this story had a happy ending. It certainly highlights the importance of trying to communicate your situation to those around you in a time of danger, but it also reminds us that if you see someone asking for help, you should always take them seriously.If you can’t physically help a person yourself or the situation is too dangerous, calling 911 is always the best option. In this case, it may very well have saved this woman’s life. It’s also important to educate young adults and children on what to do and how to react if and when they ever find themselves in that kind of horrific situation. Because as much as we’d all like to think it could never happen, you really never know when you may witness (or be the victim) in a similar scenario.More from Goalcast:Man Lures 5-Year-Old With Ice-Cream and Kidnaps Her – But 2 Teens on Bikes Take Matters Into Their Own HandsStranger Meets Woman at Gas Station and Kidnaps Her – After Nearly a Year, Her Quick-Thinking Saves Her LifeMan Calls Cops and Claims to Be Kidnapped – When the Officer Arrives at the Scene, He Finds Something Completely Different

Driver Notices Quiet Stranger on the Bus - Later, He Approaches Her and Utters 5 Words That Changes Both Their Lives
Uplifting News

Driver Notices Quiet Stranger on the Bus - Later, He Approaches Her and Utters 5 Words That Changes Both Their Lives

It was a bitter cold Wisconsin night that was about to get way chillier for bus driver Natalie Barnes. She spotted a man she'd seen before, but something seemed off with him that night. He boarded the bus and sat quietly by himself. Then, during her break, he approached Barnes while she was alone. That's when he uttered five words that would change their lives forever. How a Bus Driver Changed a Homeless Man’s LifePhoto by Lê MinhAs per PEOPLE, the familiar man's name was Richard and he had awful news to share. "I'm officially homeless now," he said. He said that his home had been condemned and he'd been living on the streets for a week. Hearing that, Barnes offered to buy him a hot meal and warm up on the bus for the rest of her shift. This act alone is enough to fill our cup, but what Barnes did next will overflow it. Not wanting to stop there, Barnes called and not just any friend, but one who got in touch with 'Community Advocates,' who were able to find Richard some shelter. They are working to find him a long-term home. For Barnes, Richard's old age and the cold made her motivation as much about conscience as kindness. “It was important that he found somewhere warm to stay for the night, at minimum,” she said.Little did she know, but things were about to really warm up for her as well.How a Community Honored a Caring Bus DriverPhoto by Caleb ChenTo shine a light on her bus-sized heart, Barnes was honored with the MTS Excellence Award by the Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS). Created to highlight acts of kindness, MCTS County Executive Chris Abele said the award fit Barnes to a tee. “Natalie demonstrated what we all need to do to fight homelessness: to look out for each other, to care for each other and to work together. I’m deeply grateful for Natalie’s actions,” he said during the ceremony.Barnes said that Richard and she have become friends with a phone route that runs off-hours. "He thanks me every time he talks to me for helping him,” she said adding, "He calls me his little guardian angel. I’m happy to say that he’s progressing well.”How One Bus Driver Proves That Kindness Warms Up LivesRichard had extra real reason to be thankful for Barnes that night. Per WPR, Wisconsin's recent arctic cold waves have caused a spike in cold-related deaths. The most at-risk group? You guessed it, the old and homeless. Thankfully for him, this arctic blast had an angelic overcast. When asked about that night, Barnes said that her motivation is pretty simple, whether in rain, sleet or snow.“At some point in our lives, everybody needs help,” she said. “I wanted to do what I could to help Richard in some way.”Among kindness quotes, one by Aesop reads, "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." Sometimes, they give someone the pick-me-up they need to get through the day. Other times, they give someone the wheels to weather a storm.More from Goalcast:Flight Attendant Notices a Passenger Having a Panic Attack – Her Next Move Is Captured by a Fellow PassengerBus Driver Has to Take an Alternate Route Because of Construction – What He Does for A Blind Passenger Is Recorded by a WitnessUber Driver Donates a Kidney to His Passenger – Here’s Why He Insists It’s Not a Coincidence