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Boss Learns He Has to Fire His Entire Staff in 8 Hours - So He Orders a Pizza Instead
Uplifting News

Boss Learns He Has to Fire His Entire Staff in 8 Hours - So He Orders a Pizza Instead

*Featured image contains photo by Pavel Danilyuk and PixabayIt’s rough out there for a lot of people right now. The cost of living is on the rise, job security isn’t always great, and many of us are still grappling with the emotional and financial effects of the pandemic.So to learn that you’re about to lose your job isn’t a great feeling. And if you’re the manager who has been told your job and your entire department’s jobs are being eliminated, it’s even worse. At that point, you’ve not only lost your income, but you’re the face responsible for everyone else losing theirs.That’s why the actions of one man under such circumstances are being commended — he found a way to turn it around.An Eight-Hour NoticeOn an AskReddit thread about the “best” job-quitting experience Reddit users had ever had, a user named shortadamlewis won over the social media platform with his story. He explained how, once upon a time, he had been given eight hours to lay off his entire staff, himself included.Rather than go about the normal workday and tell everyone at the end, the man decided that he was going to give everyone a memorable last day. So he ordered pizza for his staff and did something even more incredible: he helped every single one of them get a recommendation.“I brought everyone into the conference room first thing,” he wrote. “I had everyone email me their resumes, and we went over everyone’s on the conference room projector and updated them over the course of the day.”Finding the Positive in a Terrible SituationIn addition to updating resumes, this leader also printed out “reference” sheets for everyone, and the team spent the rest of the day writing letters of recommendation for one another.“I ordered everyone pizza, and bought everyone a round of drinks at the bar next door,” he continued in his post. “Most folks had jobs by the end of the next week.”People commended shortadamlewis on how he handled the situation and were captivated by the story. Still, he didn’t see anything special about it, and told Bored Panda that the real hero of the situation was his boss, who had supported him that day and initially took everyone to the bar.“Letting people go is never fun. When we can, it never hurts to try and set someone up for success in the future even if they can’t be a success working with you,” he added to the publication.Believing in OthersThis story resonated with so many people because it’s a masterclass in how to treat others with respect. Not everyone is going to work out at every job. Sometimes projects get canceled or don’t succeed, and the work goes away. What does remain is the impression you leave people with.It’s a good reminder that in life, we should always try and set others up for success in our own ways. In friendships, for example, it’s important to root for others to succeed, and to not be bogged down by negative emotions like jealousy.Boost each other, share a kind word, and root for others to succeed. Sometimes one person’s success can be attributed to a wide net of contacts and relationships. And at some point, the person who might be seeking such success could be you.More from Goalcast:Brave Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to the Thieves Who Stole From His Store – Outraged Strangers Have the Best ResponseBlack Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to His Racist Boss – Outraged Co-workers Have the Best ResponseLowe’s Employee Is Fired After She Tries to Stop 3 Shoplifters – Outraged Strangers Have the Best Response

Woman Learns Her Exhausted Co-worker Bikes Three Hours to Work - So She and Her Husband Come Up With a Plan
Uplifting News

Woman Learns Her Exhausted Co-worker Bikes Three Hours to Work - So She and Her Husband Come Up With a Plan

Working on your feet for hours every day in order to earn your paycheck can be tiring. Now imagine if, in addition to that daily grind, your commute took three hours each way. Rough, right? But what if you actually had to bike for those three hours? You would probably be exhausted.Well, that’s exactly how Samson Adams’ co-workers learned he was biking for six hours every day to and from work: before long, it began to physically and emotionally wear him down.A Grueling Daily GrindAdams lives 30 miles away from the Texas Roadhouse in Paducah, Kentucky, where he works. Unfortunately, when he secured the job, he didn’t have a car, so he would bike to and from work every day. It took three hours when he factored in rest stops, but he has a family to support, so that motivated him.However, one day the Texas Roadhouse Community Ambassador, Joelle Long, realized Adams was always tired. She and her husband wondered what was up, so they got to know his story. Then, when Adams’ bike broke down, they wanted to help.“I started picking him up. We started talking,” Long told a local ABC News station. “The more I talked to him, the more I got to know him, the more I loved him, the more I felt like this guy really deserves someone to give him a little bit of help.”Unsure what else to do, she posted on Facebook and shared her co-worker’s story.A Community Comes ThroughLong and her husband set up a GoFundMe page for Adams without him knowing. The goal was to raise $1,000. That would cover an $800 vehicle that Long had found, plus some extra money towards gas and insurance.What no one was expecting was for the page to take off or the story to go viral. But before anyone knew what was happening, there was more than $6,000 in the account. That was more than enough to surprise Adams with a reliable new vehicle."I had no choice but to use a manual bike, and then that went out, and then God came and blessed me with all this,” Adams told WRAL News.“I thought I was in trouble ... I forgot to do something or maybe I shouldn't have ate that piece of bread on camera," Adams said of the sweet surprise. “You know, something simple like that. And she was like, 'No, you're not in trouble, I got news for you. We got you a car.' Just basically, I didn't know what to think.”Now, Adams's commute only takes 30 minutes each way — a vast improvement from before. That means the server is more alert and able when he is at work, plus he has more time to be present at home with his family.“Thank you very much, Paducah. Come and see me at Texas Roadhouse. My name is Samson. I'll be the best server I can be,” he added.Paying It ForwardMany people struggle to make it to work every day or to even make ends meet. Everyone’s situation is different, and everyone goes through hard times. That’s why it’s nice to hear stories like these, which remind us that people do pay it forward, and there is light at the end of the tunnel.It’s always nice to pay forward those few bonus dollars, an extra bit of time, or additional resources you happen to have because there’s usually someone who needs it more than you do. More importantly, your actions may inspire others to give back or to pay it forward too.So whether you buy a round of coffee or drinks for your co-workers, donate old clothes or children’s items to someone in need, or just volunteer your time to a community center or team, these small acts add up to make a big difference.You may not be purchasing someone a car and gas, but you could very well be fueling their soul for the rest of their day.More from Goalcast:Pregnant Woman Is Unable to Take Maternity Leave – Then, Her Manager Tells Her a Lie to Bring Her Into WorkTeen Is Photographed Walking at 4 AM to Reach His Graduation – So a Stranger Gifts Him a Brand New CarPizza Hut Deliveryman Has Worked the Same Job for 31 Years – So His Customers Tip Him With a Brand New Car

Pregnant Woman With 2 Jobs Makes Only $300 Each Week - Then a Stranger Gives Her Some News That Makes Her Sob

Pregnant Woman With 2 Jobs Makes Only $300 Each Week - Then a Stranger Gives Her Some News That Makes Her Sob

One amazing boss's generous gesture for a working mom is both inspiring and instructive. Tami Forbes is a store manager at Key West Key Lime Pie Company. Despite having many responsibilities, she was only making $300/week.With eight-year-old twins and a baby on the way, Forbes was bartending on weekends to make ends meet. Sadly, her situation is all too common. According to a Forbes article, the United States is dead last in paid maternity leave. Women who take 12 weeks are paid for less than eight weeks.A Show of SupportPhoto by PixabayOn CNBC TV show The Profit, host and self-made millionaire Marcus Lemonis invests his own money into businesses that are failing. One episode took him to none other than the Key West Lime Pie Company.When the cameras turned to Forbes, she shared the struggles and frustrations of being a working mom. "That first month of your child's life is so important to have not only with your child but with your spouse or co-parent," she said. "That idea that your family comes first should be more of a mindset in corporations and in small businesses and that's something that I feel has been lost."Moved by her story, Lemonis met Forbes to share some news. Pointing to her belly, he said, "This is more important than any pie you have to make." He then announced that he was giving her 6 months of pay along with a promotion. Forbes would return from leave running the location and earning $1,000/week, ending her bartending days. Lemonis then shared a hug with a teary -- and relieved -- Forbes. "I'm going to give you a cheque and it should help you just be able to rest and take care of your baby."- Marcus Lemonis Working Moms MatterAccording to CNBC, 9.8 million working moms in the United States are suffering from burnout. It's a cycle that starts when they leave the delivery room, where they have insufficient pay or time to spend with their family. In this day and age, that's tragic. While Lemonis's actions were admirable, hopefully in the future it will be universal. Ultimately, a worry-free mom makes for a happy household and motivated employee. Now that's a win-win.There's already proof that investing in people is a winning business model. Beyond that, supporting families and the women who nurture them is also a winning human model. We should all learn from Lemonis and support our working moms. After all, they're raising our future. More from Goalcast:Pregnant Woman Is Unable to Take Maternity Leave – Then, Her Manager Tells Her a Lie to Bring Her Into WorkPregnant Woman Delivers Baby in Chipotle Parking Lot – And the Restaurant’s Response Wasn’t What She Expected

Restaurant Owner Hands Her Employees a Bag Each - They Are Taken Aback by What They Find Inside
Uplifting News

Restaurant Owner Hands Her Employees a Bag Each - They Are Taken Aback by What They Find Inside

Most people don’t quit their jobs, they quit their bosses. So when you find a great boss at a job you love, odds are you’re going to stick it out no matter what. Well, after reading about this employer in Massachusetts, we have a feeling she’ll be retaining many of her employees in the years to come.The Rough Start One Woman Had With Her RestaurantPexelsMonths before the pandemic locked down the world in March 2020, Jessica Travis bought a restaurant named Toast. Right away, things looked dire for Travis, as she lost her entire staff once the world shut down.Slowly but surely, she re-staffed though and started doing takeout orders. Now, she credits her restaurant’s success to the great people who work there.“I survived COVID because of my employees,” she told CBS News. “For the last three years, they stuck by me. Dedicated themselves just to make Toast what it is today.”Travis knew she wanted to do something special to say thank you, so she hatched a plan to repay all 27 of her employees — and their family members — with an all-expenses paid, seven-day trip to Disney in May.The Amazing Gift a Restaurant Owner Gave Her EmployeesRight before Christmas, Travis put her plan into action. She called in her staff and handed them each a gift bag with mouse ears. Then she had them assemble a 30-piece puzzle. “It spells surprise we are all going to Walt Disney World,” employee Sean Lally told the outlet.“I was kind of in shock. I thought it was a joke at first,” added employee Stevie Ryan.Travis had a hard time keeping the secret, but she worked with one other employee to figure out everyone’s availability. “I love them, they love me,” she told Yahoo. “I’m a boss too, but we keep it close. You take care of them, they take care of you.” What Travis’ employees don’t realize is this trip might be more special to her than it is to them. That’s because she’s using money she inherited from her mother a few years ago to pay for the trip. She knew she wanted to do something special after her mom passed away, and this was the opportunity to do so.“She will look down on me, and I've been waiting to do something where she'd be like, ‘Now that's what I what I wanted the money to be used for.’ So that's what I am doing,” Travis added to GMA.How One Restaurant Owner Put People FirstNot all bosses can afford to send their employees on a magical trip, but this story gives you the feels because it’s a great example of an employer putting her employees first. And that’s not something all bosses actually do.Rather than only looking at the bottom line or wondering what kind of employees best serve you, remember that it often takes a team and strong leadership to achieve great things. Finding ways to recognize hard-working employees, who are an integral part of your success, is so important.That could look like a reward, of course. But it could also be something simple like taking them to lunch, publicly recognizing them for their amazing work, or just saying thank you.And if you find a boss who gives you that kind of validation, hold onto them. Because great bosses are hard to come by.