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Screenshot of a text conversation and a woman wearing a green outfit.
Uplifting News

Woman Tweets About Long Lost Childhood Friend - What Happens Next Has All of Us Crying

Sometimes people are only in our lives for a season and then they're gone. But just because they aren't there physically doesn't mean we've wiped them from our memories. They may be gone but they're never forgotten.This sentiment was perfectly encapsulated in a single tweet on X sparking a wave of nostalgia. But it was one woman's response that got tens of thousands of people talking. And now we're all invested.

Dominos Manager Gets a Phone Call From Dejected Mother - Decides to Go the Extra Mile When He Hears the Reason Why
Uplifting News

Dominos Manager Gets a Phone Call From Dejected Mother - Decides to Go the Extra Mile When He Hears the Reason Why

*Featured image contains photo by Ron LachBirthdays are supposed to be filled with laughter, joy, and the company of friends. However, when young Skylah's birthday party took an unexpected turn, Domino's employee Miles became the hero of the day in Coolum, Queensland, Australia.It all began when Skylah's mother, Lauren O'Rourke, had to make a disheartening call to Domino's. A sizable order for her daughter's birthday feast needed canceling because none of Skylah's friends showed up to the celebration. Feeling the weight of this situation, Miles, the store's shift manager, decided he couldn't let Skylah's special day end on a sour note.What One Domino’s Manager Did for a Young GirlDomino's Australia shared the heartwarming story on Facebook, stating, "Last week, Domino's Coolum received a call from a local Mum hoping to cancel the large order she had placed as a number of her daughter's peers hadn't turned up to her birthday party." This is where Miles stepped in, crafting a temporary cake to lift Skylah's spirits.When Lauren arrived at the store to collect the single pizza she hadn't canceled, Miles surprised her with a custom chocolate dessert pizza adorned with churros and brownies. The joyous moment was captured in a photo where Miles beamed next to the pizza box with a sweet "Happy B'Day" message in chocolate.Lauren expressed her gratitude on Facebook, saying, "Skylah's birthday💖 this was the most wonderfully kind and generous and so loving gesture from Miles and the team at our local Domino’s. 🌻☺️❤️ Son - daughter 🙂"Miles' thoughtful gesture didn't just stop with the surprise pizza. It has become a beacon of love and community support. Lauren, appreciative of the overwhelming response, commented, "The love from our community has been the most memorable for our family. So much love. We are so appreciative and grateful to live this beautiful life. Sending love and happiness to everyone."How a Man’s Thoughtful Gesture Was Memorable for One Family"When I first heard that one of our customers wanted to cancel a large pizza order after only one friend turned up to her daughter’s birthday party, I knew I wanted to do something to cheer her up," Miles told FOX Television Stations. Miles' act of kindness has become a social media sensation, with users praising him for going above and beyond. Comments poured in, commending Miles for making a significant impact on Skylah's birthday. Some users shared personal stories, emphasizing the challenges kids sometimes face in making friends.Over 2000 people in the comments rallied for Domino's to organize a new party for Skylah, emphasizing that "no kid (or their parents) should ever endure that type of sadness." The community also called for Miles to receive a promotion and a pay raise, acknowledging his compassion and going the extra "mile" to brighten Skylah's day.In a world sometimes clouded with challenges, Miles' act serves as a reminder of the power of kindness, turning an unfortunate situation into a heartwarming celebration that Skylah and her family will cherish forever. Sometimes, a small act of compassion can make a big difference, creating ripples of joy in unexpected places.More from Goalcast:Deaf Domino’s Employee Delivers Pizzas on Foot After His Car Breaks Down – In Return, He Gets a “Tip” of $12,000Domino’s Employee Delivers a $12 Order – But the Unusual Tip He Received in Return Takes Him by SurpriseDomino’s Driver Regularly Delivers Pizza to Man Living in a Trailer – What She Sees Inside Worries Her

Garbage Collectors Route Takes Him by One Family Every Week - What He Got From Their House Was More Than Just Trash
Uplifting News

Garbage Collectors Route Takes Him by One Family Every Week - What He Got From Their House Was More Than Just Trash

Kindness is a powerful thing. So powerful that even a small child will remember it for years to come. That’s the message at the center of this sweet story about a garbage collector and the three children whose lives he changed every time he came around to collect the trash.The Highlight of Their MorningWhen Olivia, Emma, and Axel Wierenicz were just three years old, they thought Tony Parker was a hero. He didn’t wear a cape, and he didn’t save lives, but every week he would roll through their street on the garbage truck and collect their trash.When the triplets heard him coming, they would jump up from breakfast and run to the window. They were so fascinated that eventually, their mother, Carla Wierenicz, let them go outside to see the trash collection up close. The kids and Parker quickly developed a bond, and he would take a few minutes every time he was there to play with them and connect.“He loved those kids so much, and the kids loved him. He was the kids’ hero,” Carla told an NBC news outlet.“Every day I’d come by, they would come out, and if they missed me, the mother had to get in the car and circle the neighborhood until they’d meet me,” Parker added.Sadly, the kids and Parker lost touch after the City of Orlando switched up the collection routes. So the magic came to an end, but the family never forgot the kind man who came around every week and brightened up their days.A Sweet ReunionOne day Carla was reminiscing on old times, and she recalled the man who was so sweet to her kids when they were younger. She posted one of the many videos she had taken of their interactions on social media, and it went viral. People were taken by how kind Parker was and by how much the children adored him.The city found out too, and it arranged for a special, one-day route reunion. When Parker swung by in the garbage truck, the triplets, now seven years old, were waiting for him. They had drawn him pictures the night before, which he said he was going to hang up. And he gifted them miniature garbage trucks and t-shirts so they had something to remember him by. Then he let the kids honk the horn. They raced and they played a few of the other games they used to enjoy together.“I picked up joy, I picked up happiness, I picked up memories,” Parker told the camera of his time with the children.As for the kids, they picked up on the fact that kindness is universal and can solidify some of your very best childhood memories.The Gift of KindnessBeing a garbage collector isn’t the most glamorous job — often, you’re taking away the things no one else wants. But what Parker got from those kids was a lifetime of memories and of knowing that, to some, his job held meaning.As for the triplets, they learned an early life lesson that kindness is one of the strongest gifts you can give another person. Parker could have easily waved and been on his way each week, but he stopped and spent a few minutes with those kids. By making them feel seen, appreciated, and wanted, he gave them the memories of a lifetime.It’s a nice reminder for us, too. Sometimes we get so busy that we fail to stop and appreciate the small moments in life. But it’s those moments where the really good stuff can happen — the things we don’t necessarily even appreciate until they're gone.In other words, even when you’re surrounded by a pile of garbage, stop to smell the roses and be kind. You’ll appreciate it in the long run.More from Goalcast:Firefighter Meets the Son of a Man He Rescued From a Fire 23 Years Ago in an Emotional ReunionTwo Sisters Reunited After 75 Years After Being Put Up for Adoption After World War II

5-Year-Old Has an Urgent Request for His Mom - What Happens Next Leaves Steve Harvey Speechless
Uplifting News

5-Year-Old Has an Urgent Request for His Mom - What Happens Next Leaves Steve Harvey Speechless

She literally stalked the town looking for him. She's never heard of him before. All she knew is that he was important to her son Miles, and she didn't have much time. Her search would end with a shocking outcome that would touch millions.A Son’s Urgent AskPhoto by Sherise Van DykWho's Tanner?!Britney is recalling the day that her 5-year-old son Myles came to her with an urgent request. He wasn't asking for too much. But before she could do anything, Britney would have to find out more about this 'Tanner' he couldn't stop talking about.After some searching, she finally gets the name of Tanner's mother, Lakendra. When she reaches Lakendra over the phone, Britney now understands who Tanner is. That's when Britney has a message for Lakendra. She'll be sending Miles to school with clothing for both Myles and Tanner to change into the next day.But when Britney sees a picture of her son and Tanner, she is speechless. And she'll not be the only one. The Picture That Melted HeartsAs Britney is telling the story, she is joined by Myles, Lakendra, Tanner and none other than Steve Harvey, whose jaw is on the floor.When Harvey heard of the story behind Myles and Tanner's viral picture, he had to invite them all on the show to hear it in person. Here's what happened: Part of Red Ribbon Week at Myles' school was twin day, which is a day when two kids dress alike.Myles couldn't get home fast enough to ask his mom if he and his classmate and best friend Tanner, his twin, could take part. "He was adamant that they looked identical, that they had the same hair and the same eyes," she recounted to Harvey. That's when Britney tracked down Tanner's mother to give her the head's up that she was sending her son clothing the next day. What made the picture that Britney saw so surprising was the fact that Tanner is Black and her son is white. Brothers Without ColorsPhoto by Budgeron BachAs Britney is sharing the story, Tanner and Myles are clueless as to how special their brotherly bond is in a world that often sees color before people. Harvey asked Lakendra if they spoke to their sons to explain it to them."No no. They act like they're brothers and they call themselves brothers, so we just...""Yeah. We're not gonna point out the differences," adds Britney. "Cause they don't see none," as Harvey jumps in."Because kids don't see differences. They're, they're taught differences. If you go to any playground, you see all the kids playing together. You don't see until they get older, they're separated."How Two Boys Teach Us That Love Is Color BlindBut that's all adult babble, let's find out from the twins.Turning to Tanner, Harvey asks why Myles is his twin."Because he wants to be my friend."He then asks Myles the same of Tanner. "Because he's my best friend" and "We're both five!" he says, holding up five fingers with a smile.Well, that settles that!It's been said that adults are just deteriorated children. I strongly believe that. As children, our sole motivation is to love and be loved (Oh, and don't forget candy, and ice cream, and cartoons). Yet like Harvey said, purity is taught out of us and we start to see differences as we grow up. Our heart gives way to our mind, which gives way to putting people in a box.But with a bit of self-reflection, we can find our inner kid and the capacity to love everyone for the precious kid that they are too.Harvey said it best. "If we could learn from kids, man... Man, this world be a cooler place, man."Amen.More from Goalcast:Steve Harvey Calls a Single Mom of Five on His Show – Little Did He Know the Harsh Details of Her LifeSteve Harvey Protests Against Airing a Mystery Segment – But Producers Decide to Show It AnywayFamily Feud Host Steve Harvey Notices Winner Break Down in Tears – The Reason Touches His Heart

No One Shows Up to Excited 5-Year-Olds Birthday Party - Until a Heartbreaking Post Gave Strangers an Idea
Uplifting News

No One Shows Up to Excited 5-Year-Olds Birthday Party - Until a Heartbreaking Post Gave Strangers an Idea

Birthday parties are a HUGE deal for kids. They love everything about them: the balloons, the games, the cake, the gifts, but most of all, getting together with their friends.They start counting down the days to their party literally MONTHS in advance. And 5-year-old Willa is no exception.She couldn't wait to celebrate her birthday, surrounded by her classmates and friends. Only there was only one problem, no one showed up. Not one single solitary person.And that sound you hear? Is our collective mama hearts breaking. Heartbroken Mom Turns to Her Community Facebook Group for Help Willa's mom, Lex Fitzgerald, wanted to give her daughter a 5th birthday party to remember. She invited her entire class along with other friends, but only about 30 percent RSVP'd "yes." Still, it was enough to make the party a go.The big day finally arrived and she and her daughter showed up at Hat Creek Burger Company in Keller, Texas, with party supplies in hand.They were all that showed up, however. The stools remained stubbornly empty.After 20 minutes of waiting, Lex realized the horrifying truth — no one was coming. She was devastated. “I’m thinking to myself, no, this cannot be what’s happening," Lex told WFAA News. "As a mom, the last thing I want is for my daughter, for the first time ever at 5 years old, to experience that type of social rejection – honestly, that’s what it is.”Not knowing what else to do she turned to social media for help.The Texas mom of four posted a desperate plea on her community's group Facebook page, alongside a photo of Willa, alone, surrounded by decorations."If anyone has young kids and looking for something to do right now, no one showed up to my daughter's birthday party. It's her first (and likely last) party. We'd love to celebrate with you."She hoped against hope that at least one or two families would show up. Turns out, what they say about Texas is true; everything is bigger in Texas. Including the proverbial village.How a Community Showed Up When No One Else DidWithin minutes, the Keller troops rallied. Grandparents, teenagers, and families started pouring into the restaurant, all with one singular purpose, to make certain that one little girl, a stranger, didn't have to celebrate her birthday alone.In an incredible display of community support, person after person came walking through the door, many of them bearing gifts. "We went from not a single person at her birthday table to not a single table open at @hatcreekburgers," Lex wrote on Instagram, sharing a heartwarming video clip of the packed restaurant.The response, Lex said, was "life changing." It also confirmed that moving to Texas two years ago was the right choice. “We moved to Texas in general, and then specifically Keller because we saw that community feel. They were down to earth, kind, cared about supporting others. And that’s exactly what they did for our family," she said.The Power of Community and Showing Up Oftentimes, it can feel like we're alone in this world. That somewhere, along the way, we've lost our sense of community. That kindness is dead.But when a little girl needed it, her community stepped up in the best possible way. Virtual strangers showed up, when no one else did, to ensure that she would feel celebrated and loved. And THAT is the power of showing up. "Showing up for somebody, even if it is a little inconvenient to you, it just means so much to other people and it really meant a lot to us today."Lex FitzgeraldLex originally set out to make her daughter's 5th birthday a day she would never forget. And thanks to the overwhelming love of a community, what could have been a devastating memory turned into a beautiful one. More from Goalcast:Homeless Man Tells Stranger It’s His Daughter’s Birthday – Instead of Walking Away, He Helps Plan a Surprise Party9-Year-Old is Heartbroken When No One Comes to His Birthday Party — Strangers Show Up in the Best WayMom Buys Birthday Cake but Finds It’s Already Paid For – Buyer Leaves an Unexpected Note That Brings Her to Tears

Don't Do THIS to Your Kids | Neil deGrasse Tyson
Goalcast Originals

Don't Do THIS to Your Kids | Neil deGrasse Tyson

Busy and uptight mother wishes her kid would just grow up. But when her science-loving son sets off a rocket ship inside the house, she completely loses it. Will this strict mom break her little boy’s dreams?

11-Year-Old Genius Passes Up Higher Learning And It's A Lesson For All Parents

11-Year-Old Genius Passes Up Higher Learning And It's A Lesson For All Parents

While the world has big plans for a brilliant whizkid in Texas, he has other plans for the time being. Magic numbersIt was clear from early on that Jaxon Cota of McKinney, Texas wasn't your average child.At age two, he astounded his parents by reading numbers up to 15-digits long. His father Matthew Cota tells NBC that Jaxon's knack for numbers has always come naturally. "There’s a rhythm to numbers And just something about that is, in a weird way, very simple for him"- Matthew Cota When doctors diagnosed Jaxon with partial hearing loss at age 8, his Lori mother didn't see it as a disability, but rather a gift that actually heightened his focus and creativity.It certainly didn't limit his achievements. At nine years old, Cota was admitted into MENSA, an elite organization whose members make up the top 2% of the world in intelligence. He's also one of only 2,600 members under 18.11 year old Cota recently placed 7th overall among 45,000 participants in MathCON, a national math competition with participants up to 17 years of age.He has even enjoyed some celebrity as a contestant on A&E's television series "Child Genius."For Jaxon, numbers are a source of endless enjoyment."There are just so many things about numbers that are fascinating and so many things to learn"- Jaxon Cota A normal childhoodYet for all of his other-wordly gifts, the top priority for Jaxon and his parents is having a normal childhood.For that, there's only one place Jaxon wants to be."Being at the baseball diamond makes me happiest," he says "Baseball is just one of my passions."Not only does baseball fuel Jaxon's love for strategic thinking, but it's also a place where he can develop friendships and social skills that are part of being a regular kid.Jaxon says he wouldn't swap those experiences for anything, even his love of numbers."Graduating college at age 11 is not something I want to do 'cause I want to be able to do things I love like play baseball or hang out with my friends and just be a kid"- Jaxon CotaYou're only a kid onceJaxon's father agrees and adds that a normal, healthy childhood will only contribute to a brighter future."We want him to be able to have an impact on people. In order to do that, we believe that he needs to interact with people"- Matthew Cota There's little doubt that Jaxon will have limitless opportunities to make a difference. However, being a kid is an experience that goes in the blink of an eye, and can't be recaptured.As parents, we're so eager to drive our children to succeed, especially when blessed with wunderkinds like Jaxon. Let's just remember that raising our kids as kids should be a top priority, for their present and future success. More uplifting stories: WWII Vet Cheats Death Four Times Before Marrying The Love Of His LifeWoman Finds Husband’s Secret IG Account, Feels Shocked For All The Right ReasonsDad Kicks Out Teen Son For Being Gay, Wife Instantly Breaks Up With HimMom Tells Son Not To Share With Other Kids And She Makes A Powerful Point

Want To Raise Great Kids? Watch This Video
Short Documentaries

Want To Raise Great Kids? Watch This Video

Parenting is the hardest job out there. These experts weigh in on what you should be doing to bring out the best in your children.