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man holding a red gift box and a woman watching a man open a gift
Uplifting News

Husband Opens Small Package From His Wife - What’s Inside Brings Him to Tears

This scene looks happy, even festive. The lights are bright, and a little girl's toys are strewn across the floor.But something's off.

Boss Hands an Envelope to Each Employee Gathered at Company Holiday Party - No One Could Have Guessed What It Contained
Uplifting News

Boss Hands an Envelope to Each Employee Gathered at Company Holiday Party - No One Could Have Guessed What It Contained

Everyone knows that at the end of every calendar year reigns the holiday season filled with wonderment and feel-good energy for family and friends.The season of giving also happened to not be missed by one real estate company who gave their employees a gift of a lifetime -- a $10 million bonus to share.A Memorable Holiday Party St. John Properties/VimeoIn 2019, Baltimore, Maryland-based real estate company St. John Properties hosted their annual holiday party filled with great vibes, food, drinks and great socializing for their nearly 200 employees.And while everyone was having a good time, they were handed red envelopes with their names on them. But no one could even guess what was inside each of them.The Surprise FortunesSt. John Properties founder Edward St. John hugging an employee following the announcement/ Vimeo."You're all participating in a bonus based on the number of years (of service within the company) of $10 million," said Edward St. John, the company founder and chairman.Many of the employees were surprised to discover that they’d be taking home a whopping $50,000 while the highest awarded bonus was $270,000.Fortunately, this whole moment was filmed and shared on St. John Properties Vimeo account, showing several employees overcome with emotion over the pretty penny they received at the party.“It is life-changing… it’s really amazing. Ed is so generous,” said one employee crying with tears of joy.“I was totally blown away when this happened,” another said.The Big Celebration of the Company’s AchievementsAccording to St. John Properties, the holiday bonus was given out to commemorate their massive achievement of creating and growing 20 million square feet of real estate, retail and office space within eight states at the time.What a way to add a dash of sweetness to the festive season!St. John’s Properties now has properties in 11 states: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin.More from Goalcast:Boss Thinks Man Is Joking When He Said He Walked 6 Hours to Get To Work – Then a Stranger Makes an Offer He Can’t RefuseBoss Catches Employee Cooking Rice in the Office – A Conversation With Him Reveals What He Actually Does His SalaryStruggling Employee Reveals the Bitter Truth About His Job to Undercover Boss – He Responds by Giving Him a $250,000 House

Man Finds Out His Mom Secretly Disappears Every Christmas Eve - After She Passes Away, a Letter Revealing the Mystery Arrives
Uplifting News

Man Finds Out His Mom Secretly Disappears Every Christmas Eve - After She Passes Away, a Letter Revealing the Mystery Arrives

The holiday season is such a magical time. However, in the weeks ramping up to Christmas, it's no secret that things can get a little crazy — especially if you work in retail. Even though we swear every year we're going to get all our shopping done before December hits, most of us find ourselves scrambling at the last minute to tie it all together. God bless Homesense!But all the craziness is worth it when the special day arrives and we get to put the wrapping paper down and spend quality time with our loved ones. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day traditions look different in every household, but for this one family? Christmas Eve came with the strangest tradition of all. Every year, on Christmas Eve, their mother would vanish without explanation.Years later after her passing, her son discovered just what she'd been hiding.She Would Vanish For Hours On End on Christmas EveSue Dorroh / YouTubeSue Dorroh was the best mother, according to her son John Dorroh, 68. She was loving, considerate, and most of all, prepared. The kind of mother whose handbag doubled as a survival kit. Snacks, tissues, water; a flare gun to signal for help if stranded on a desert island!In fact, Sue was the kind of prepared most of us could only dream of being. While most holiday preppers tend to spring for Black Friday deals in order to get all their shopping done, Sue had a whole different strategy. This one mother knew her kids so well she would get their Christmas gifts in August!Which is why her son was suspicious when every year his organized and reliable mother would rush out the door on Christmas Eve. Without fail, Sue would would disappear in a flurry for several longs hours — without so much as an explanation.By the time she got back, amidst the holiday commotion her absence got swept under the rug. Until next year. One Christmas Eve, when his mother had disappeared as she always did, a young John even ventured to ask his father where it was she always went."I don't know. Probably shopping," John's father offered up dismissively. But John knew his mother better than that. When John protested, pointing out his mother always got her Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving (like, way before) his father would casually shut down the conversation. "Maybe she forgot a few things," he'd say, before finding busy work to do. Leaving John scratching his head, until eventually he'd forget about the whole thing...that is, until the next year came around.ReminisceReminisce/ Vintage Holiday PhotoEventually John grew up and as life got busier and time moved faster, John's mother tragically passed away. That first Christmas Eve without her John would have traded anything to see her rushing out that door, because even though her whereabouts may have forever remained a mystery...his mother always came back. This year was different.After Sue passed away she left her family heartbroken and without much Christmas cheer. The holidays weren't the same without her. Then, an unexpected letter showed up at the front door. It's contents explained it all.A Mystery Letter Arrived on Christmas Eve — And It Wasn’t From SantaHandwritten by Maria / FacebookIt was from a former co-worker of Sue's. After decades of wondering just where his mother took off to, his questions would finally be answered. John discovered the secret his mother had been keeping...a special relationship with a whole other family.“Dear Johnny, I just wanted you to know how much my family and I appreciate what your mother has done for us for all of these years. Every year on Christmas Eve day your mom comes to my house dressed like Mrs. Claus and gives my kids a Christmas that we can’t afford to give them. She has given them shoes, shirts, jeans, toys, and candy. I know your heart is heavy and that you are missing Miss Sue. We do, too. We loved her and just wanted you to know what she has done for us. Love, Robert and Nellie and the kids.”Despite his mother's painful passing, this heartwarming letter reminded John that her spirit was more alive than ever.Sue and her former co-worker became friends during shifts at their factory job, manufacturing toilet lids in an assembly line. Robert, had very little money to spare during the holiday season and without having enough money for toys, this hardworking father didn't know how to make Christmas special for his kids. That's when Sue stepped in with her bright idea — and thus a magical holiday tradition was born. Every Christmas Eve Sue would dress up as Mrs. Claus and bring Robert and his family all kinds of gifts, toys, and clothing to spread the holiday cheer. It was a small sacrifice she made every year but in leaving her family for a few hours — Sue was able to make a powerful impact in another family's life. Even after her passing, they never forgot her generosity. Not only with both family's carry those special memories forever but John took extra care to share Sue's story and honor her memory in a special edition of Chicken Soup For The Soul.Do Good Deeds With Intention, Not for AttentionFlorida Memory / FlickrIn a world where social media often amplifies our need for validation, it's tempting to post everything we do. Sue's story is a gentle reminder that the impact of our actions extends far beyond the likes and shares. Sure, secrets aren't always as fun as praise. However, Sue's Christmas Eve tradition teaches us a profound lesson. Sometimes, performing acts of kindness quietly, without seeking acknowledgment or applause, becomes the most meaningful way to make a difference.Sue's intentional and anonymous generosity reminds us that the true spirit of giving lies in the joy it brings to others, not in the spotlight it places on the giver. As we navigate the holidays and beyond, may we strive to do good deeds with genuine intention, not for attention. We ma even discover the profound satisfaction that comes from making a difference in someone's life, even if it remains a secret. After all, sharing kindness selflessly makes its magic most potent, leaving a lasting impact that's more memorable than any applause or recognition.Good deeds speak louder when done from the heart.

Deputy Pulls Over Drivers for Minor Traffic Violations - But Instead of Tickets, He Has Something Else Up His Sleeve
Uplifting News

Deputy Pulls Over Drivers for Minor Traffic Violations - But Instead of Tickets, He Has Something Else Up His Sleeve

Christmas may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it also tends to be the most expensive. All those packages coming down the driveway? They're not from Santa's workshop. You've got Amazon and your credit card to thank for those. Between decking the halls, making the yuletide bright, and Santa Claus comin' to town, our bank accounts take a significant hit.But for some lucky folks in Monroe County, Georgia, their wallets were a little bit heavier, thanks to some unexpected Christmas cheer (and CASH) from an anonymous "Secret Santa" and his very unusual elves. Police Officer Swaps Out Tickets for CashIn 2015, an anonymous businessman wanted to give back to his community. So, he enlisted the Monroe County Sheriff's Office to help spread some Christmas cheer in the form of cold, hard cash.The "Secret Santa" donated $5400 and asked officers to swap out tickets for $100 bills for people who "looked like they might need it." "He felt like this was a good way to make everybody feel good about law enforcement and to give back to the community for Christmas," Monroe County Sheriff John Bittick explained. Deputy Timothy Campfield, aka Santa's Helper, was more than happy to be a part of it. "It's not every day you get to hand out cash instead of citations."Deputy Timothy CampfieldHe stopped motorists who might normally have been issued written warnings or tickets for minor infractions like driving with a burnt out brake light, and surprised them with the cash instead. A video shared by WMAZ News captured the heartwarming reactions of drivers, from their initial confusion and anxiety, to tears of relief and joy upon receiving the unexpected gift. "Oh, can I hug you?" asked Angel Scott, a mother of six who was feeling the stress of the holiday season. But she wasn't the only one feeling the love. Grandmother Renee Smith did too. "It's gonna help Christmas," she said. "We've only bought one gift for my grandson, and that's it. We haven't done anything else so far."And dad of two, William White, couldn't believe it. "Are you sure? I can't accept that. You aren't going to put your handcuffs on me are you?" "You were telling me that work has been a little slow," Campfield told him. "Instead of handing you a citation or writing you a ticket that's gonna cost you money, I'd like to give you this donation. Take it with you for your family." It’s the Gift That Keeps on GivingThe giving, however, didn't end there. After hearing about the 54 people that received bills instead of A bill, a second anonymous benefactor stepped up with an additional $5000 to spread even more holiday joy. And, for several years afterward, a "Secret Santa" mysteriously appeared every Christmas, providing a bigger and bigger stack of $100 bills. In 2018, the anonymous donation reached a whopping $9000."It makes you feel good. It makes you feel like you're actually doing something for them. You're helping them out, you really are. Just to be able to bring that joy to somebody, especially near the holidays, really makes you feel good as a person."Monroe County Deputy via WGXA NewsThe drivers may have received the cash, but for the police officers who got to be a part of the Secret Santa Missions, they received something even more valuable. They got to experience the pure joy of doing something good for someone else, at a time when they least expected it. Not all presents come in boxes. Sometimes they come in the gifts of time, or love, or generosity, or grace. And these gifts? Are priceless. More from Goalcast:Poor Student With “Nothing to Give” Surprises Teacher With an Unforgettable Christmas GiftCouple Passes by Homeless Man Who Has Lived on the Streets for 3 Years – Decide to Give Him a Christmas He’ll Never Forget11-Year-Old Returns All of His Christmas Presents – Surprises Everyone With What He Does With the $95

Man Makes a Promise to 11-Year-Old Neighbor - Keeps It Going For Over 20 Years for This Special Reason
Uplifting News

Man Makes a Promise to 11-Year-Old Neighbor - Keeps It Going For Over 20 Years for This Special Reason

For the past two decades and counting, Mike Witmer, 57, from Gaithersburg, Maryland, has kept his promise. Every year, he decks out his house in a spectacular display of holiday lights and decorations, and every year, folks ask, "Who's Kevin?"Because emblazoned across the garage roof, towering above the candy canes and reindeer, Santa Claus, and the wreaths, one very simple message stands out: "Hi Kevin." And while it's only 2 words, it packs a lifetime of meaning. So Who Is Kevin?In a viral Facebook post, Mike shares the heart-wrenching story behind the beautiful tribute.In the fall of 2002, Mike's 11-year-old neighbor, Kevin, was diagnosed with cancer. A friend of his daughter's, Kevin was "just a really cool kid...the kind of guy who loved to make people laugh." On Dec 23rd, doctors announced that after months of treatment, the tween was well enough to come home for Christmas. To celebrate, Mike decided to add a special shout-out to his already festive light display, spelling out "Get Well Kevin" above his garage door. "I was just trying to be a nice dad in the neighborhood," the father of two said. "It was such a small gesture."Small or not, Kevin LOVED it. He loved it so much, in fact, that he asked his mom, “Do you think Mr. Witmer will put my name in lights every year?” That's all it took. Tradition. Born.The following year, Mike painted the words "Hi Kevin" on scrap pieces of wood and hid them around his display.And then he did it again the next year. And the next. And the next. Making sure to never put them in the same place twice. "At one point I had a working Ferris wheel, I put the Hi on one chair and the Kevin on another, so it wasn’t always visible," Mike wrote on Facebook. "That year the family pulls up and he didn’t see his name, I was told he got out of the car and was like “HEY….?” About that time the Ferris wheel came back around and he saw his name, he smiled and got back into the family’s car."For 8 years, Mike continued the tradition, through Kevin's cancer, remission, and even after he went off to college.A Cancer Diagnosis and a Beautiful TributeKevin had just returned from his freshman year at the University of Maryland when he received the devastating news — the cancer was back. This time, it was unrelenting. Sadly, Kevin passed away in June 2010 at the age of 19.His parents asked Mike to speak at his funeral. "Afterwards, I invited everyone back to my house. I told them this year the tribute would be bigger and better, on the roof so Kevin could see. There wasn't a dry eye in the house," Mike said.That Christmas, Mike kept his word. "Hi Kevin" was bigger and brighter than ever, taking center stage on the roof of his garage, facing the sky "so he can see it from heaven."And 21 years after the tradition was first born, Mike is still at it. Despite the fact that Kevin's family no longer lives in the neighborhood. A Tradition Lives OnAs word of Mike's touching tribute to Kevin spread, people reached out to share the profound impact it's had on their own lives, especially those who have lost their own Kevins. "In the beginning my annual "Hi Kevin" was just a silly gesture to a really nice kid who had been through some tough times," Mike told AARP Magazine. "But it has been my honor to keep the salute going for his friends and family, and for anyone else who has a Kevin to remember."He has no plans of stopping anytime soon.And he hopes that, maybe, he can inspire others to do something kind for someone else. Because sometimes?"Sometimes it’s the smallest gestures that end up meaning the most."Mike WitmerMore from Goalcast:Teen With Cancer Invites Taylor Swift to His Prom but She Rejects It – Then She Does ThisYoung Boy Who Was Given Only a Year to Live After Being Diagnosed With Cancer as a Child Just Miraculously Celebrated His 30th BirthdayMom Who Spent Life Savings on Daughter’s Cancer Treatment Wins $2 Million Lottery Jackpot

Poor Student With Nothing to Give Surprises Teacher With an Unforgettable Christmas Gift
Uplifting News

Poor Student With Nothing to Give Surprises Teacher With an Unforgettable Christmas Gift

'Tis the season of giving and for a lot of kids that means gifting their teachers a little something special. (Because teachers are SUPERHEROES and deserve allllllll the gifts).While the classic standbys like chocolate and coffee mugs are appreciated and treasured, one poor student came up with a gift for her teacher that'll go down in history as one of the "sweetest" gifts ever. (Get ready for your heart to explode.)A Poor Student's Unforgettable GiftRachel Uretsky-Pratt is a third-grade teacher for the Kennewick School District in Washington State. On the last day of school before the holiday break, many of her students gifted her "chocolates, sweet handmade notes, and some jewelry." However, it was one gift in particular that had such a profound effect on her that she decided to share it on Facebook.Her post went viral...for all the right reasons. "With it being the day before break and Christmas right around the corner, most teachers bring their kiddos something such as books or little treats and occasionally in return receive something from their students,” Rachel wrote on Facebook.“Today I received some chocolates, sweet handmade notes, some jewelry, but these Lucky Charm marshmallows stood out to me the most.”Rachel Uretsky-Pratt via FacebookA Student Sacrifices Her Lucky Charms MarshmallowsFor those of you who may not know, Lucky Charms are sugar-frosted oat cereal made palatable by chunks of dehydrated marshmallows.Rachel continued, "You see, 100% of my school is on free/reduced lunch. They also get free breakfast at school every day of the school week. This kiddo wanted to get me something so badly, but had nothing to give."So, rather than come to class empty-handed, the little girl decided to gift her teacher the most prized possession of the day, the marshmallows from her Lucky Charms (Because let's face it, when it comes to Lucky Charms being "magically delicious!" we all know they have the marshmallows to thank for that.)She painstakingly plucked each "pink heart, yellow moon, orange star, and green clover" out of her cereal one by one and wrapped them in the plastic packaging from her utensils. This child sacrificed something she loves to a teacher she most certainly loves. And her sweet sacrifice wasn't lost on Rachel."Everybody knows the marshmallows are the sweetest part," Rachel told the Washington Post.Those Who Have Little, Often Have the Most to GiveRachel ended her post with these words of wisdom, "Be grateful for what you have, and what others give you. It all truly comes from the deepest parts of their hearts."Rachel wasn't the only one touched by her student's creative and kind gesture. So were the hundreds of thousands of people who reacted and shared her post. It quickly went viral, making the rounds on social media and by news outlets. And although the original post is no longer available, thanks to the power of social media, it lives on.Clearly the story resonated and people came out in droves to share their own touching stories.One fellow teacher wrote: "When I worked in an elementary school a few years ago a little girl gave me three rubber bracelets as my Christmas gift. One was red, one green and one white. I had found out later that week that the police had been to her house over the weekend and discovered the living conditions weren’t good. This family had nothing. No beds for the kids to sleep in, no gifts for Christmas. The police department banded together to buy the kids beds, clothes and Christmas Gifts, but this little girl had nothing and still gave me something. It was the most meaningful gift I’ve ever received."Another teacher shared: "Other teachers/staff planned a day of celebration at school on my 50th birthday. My fifth/sixth grade students were all asked to being me 50 of something. One young lady brought me 50 little pieces of gravel. She had spent days looking for pretty small rocks, and I kept them much longer than any other gift I received I treasured them and my eyes are a little teary writing this many years later."*Sobs*Sometimes Receiving Is Better Than the GivingThis little girl's gift may not have been the most beautiful or the most expensive, but it was undoubtedly, the most priceless. While they say it's better to give than to receive, I think, in this case, the profound effect that this simple gift had on her teacher will last a lifetime. It can be so easy to get caught up in the materialistic side of the holidays. The more the merrier! The bigger the better! Yet, as one little girl proves, it isn't about the glitz and glam, or how much money we spend. What is truly precious and what ultimately means the most, are the gifts given from the heart.More from Goalcast:11-Year-Old Returns All of His Christmas Presents – Surprises Everyone With What He Does With the $95Retiring Teacher Left Stunned When Her Students – Past and Present – Surprised Her at Disney, Her Favorite PlaceThree Desperate Foster Children Are Told to Open Their Christmas Presents — The News They Receive Will Warm Your Heart

Couple Passes by Homeless Man Who Has Lived on the Streets for 3 Years - Decide to Give Him a Christmas Hell Never Forget
Uplifting News

Couple Passes by Homeless Man Who Has Lived on the Streets for 3 Years - Decide to Give Him a Christmas Hell Never Forget

Floyd Carter spent three long years calling the streets of Washington, D.C. home. After falling on hard times, the veteran spent most of his days in front of the Whole Foods on P St., NW, and his nights wherever he could. “You’ve got nowhere to go. You’re sneaking on people’s porches, going into abandoned cars, or buildings [just] to lie down,” Carter told ABC7 News.Despite having a housing voucher — a government-issued voucher that assists very low-income families and people with disabilities in paying for safe and affordable private housing — Carter was unable to secure a roof over his head. That is until two D.C. lawyers showed up with the ultimate gift. How Two Strangers Stepped in to HelpFloyd was on his "last leg, about to give up," when two "angels in disguise" walked into his life and changed it forever. While most people would go out of their way to ignore him, Erik and Rachel Cox aren't like most people. Instead of walking past him pretending he didn't exist, they struck up a conversation and spent a few minutes getting to know him and his story. “He told us he had a housing voucher and waited for months and months, but was unable to get his foot in the door or respect when he tried to get an apartment,” the Coxes said. “We then looked at ourselves and thought, that’s not right, let’s see what we can do.”The duo got to work.The problem with the housing voucher is that participants are responsible for finding a suitable housing unit of their choice where the owner agrees to rent under the program. But unfortunately, when it comes to the homeless, the stigma is real. It's difficult to find landlords willing to take people off the streets. Without a fixed address, you don't have I.D. Without I.D., you can't get a job. It's a vicious circle. To make matters worse, the Coxes discovered that Carter had "become a ghost in a bureaucratic system." The only way he could get a place was to pony up the money for application fees and a security deposit.Money he didn't have. But luckily for him, the Coxes did. Exchanging Christmas Gifts for Christmas JoyRather than spend money on Christmas gifts for each other, the couple decided to play Santa Claus. They used $1300 towards an apartment for Carter.Just weeks after first meeting him, Erik and Rachel were helping their new friend move into his very own apartment. It was a day Carter never thought would come. "They seen something in me that nobody else seen."Floyd CarterNot only did they gift him a home, but they gave him something even more invaluable — hope. “I learned that there are some caring people in this world,” Carter said. “They made this the best Christmas I probably could ever have.”And to make it even greater, thanks to having an address and I.D., he was well on his way to getting a job. All thanks to the kindness of strangers.Spirit of GivingDuring a season often marked by material exchange, the Coxes exemplified the true spirit of giving — exchanging Christmas gifts for the joy of literally changing someone's life. Because of their generosity towards a complete stranger, they were able to take one man off the streets and put him on the road to a successful future.While not all of us can afford $1300, we can afford to rethink our own reactions when we see people struggling. A kind word, a smile, and an acknowledgment of our fellow human beings can go a long way. And just imagine the impact we could have if we were willing to give up even one of our Christmas gifts, in exchange for making someone else's life just a little bit brighter. More from Goalcast:11-Year-Old Returns All of His Christmas Presents – Surprises Everyone With What He Does With the $95A Stranger’s Christmas Card Saved This Soldier’s Life – 48 Years Later, He Finally Meets His AngelHomeless Student Nurse Couch Surfs to Survive–but Christmas Came Early When She Wins $6M Home in Lottery

11-Year-Old Returns All of His Christmas Presents - Surprises Everyone With What He Does With the $95
Uplifting News

11-Year-Old Returns All of His Christmas Presents - Surprises Everyone With What He Does With the $95

Ask any kid and they'll tell you, Christmas really IS the most wonderful time of the year. The lights! The tree! The food! And let's not forget about the presents.Kids spend hours pouring over their Christmas lists, curating the perfect gifts. After all, it's a chance for them to finally net the things they’ve been pining for all year long.But one young boy decided to give it all up, trading his gifts for cash. And prepare yourself, your heart is about to grow three sizes too big. Why an 11-Year-Old Boy Gave Up His Christmas GiftsPhoto by George DolgikhBack in 2015, just days before Christmas, 11-year-old Joseph Martin carefully packed up his presents underneath the Christmas tree and asked his grandmother, Kim Taylor, for help in returning them to the store. His reason? He wanted to give the money to her best friend's family."I wanted to help my grandma out and she's one of my friends." Joseph Martin via WKRC That friend was Katrina Luck. At just 48 years old, Luck suffered a massive heart attack on Thanksgiving day. After being in a coma for nearly a month, her family removed her from life support on December 22. Without life insurance and struggling to pay for funeral expenses, Luck's family set up a GoFundMe page. They hoped to raise $4,000 to give their mother a "beautiful homegoing.""Ms.Katrina was a loving mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, aunt, and friend. She cherished her family," Lenikka Howell wrote. "Taking care of her mother was one of her top priorities. When you would see Katrina you would see her with a beautiful smile. Helping people and taking care of her family is what she loved to do most." Joseph was one of the very first people to donate — $95, the sum total of his Christmas gifts. How a Boy’s Selfless Act Inspired OthersInspired by her grandson's generosity, Taylor decided to get in on the action. She also returned a gift, a Coach purse from her daughter worth $150. Joseph's actions not only touched the heart of his grandmother but also gave comfort to the grieving family, including Luck's daughter, Kynisha Lewis."It was touching to me. It was something nice to do. Because he is 11. He's a child. You'll never know if some kids would have did that," Lewis said.After his story was featured on the local news, donations to the fund skyrocketed. Strangers came forward, wanting to repay the boy for his kindness. They offered to send him Christmas presents in lieu of the ones he gave up. An offer Joseph refused. In an update on the GoFundMe, Howell wrote:"Many people have contacted me wanting to send Joseph Martin Christmas presents...Joseph doesn't want any presents, for people just to make a donation." Despite insisting on no gifts, people sent them anyway. Howell added a further update a few days later, writing:"On behalf of Joseph Martins family, the family extends their appreciation of kind words and gifts. Joseph truly wanted to help his grandmother's best friend (Katrina Luck) and what better way to express his love, by doing what he did. Joseph will be donating the gifts he receives to children who are less fortunate." This kid is on Santa's nice list FOR LIFE.The Gift of GivingOftentimes, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. We go to great lengths to make everything merry and bright. We trim the tree, deck the halls, and shop 'til we drop. But in all the chaos and commotion, one 11-year-old's quiet sacrifice reminds us all of the true spirit of the season. At a time in his life when receiving usually overrides giving, he willingly sacrificed his own joy in an incredible act of pure, selfless love. "I'm just proud of him. I am really touched by it," his grandmother said. "But he also wanted to let kids know that Christmas is not all about receiving. Christmas is also about giving."It's a reminder we can all carry with us, not just at Christmas time but throughout the entire year. More from Goalcast:10-Year-Old Doesn’t Have Any Money to Pay For His Beloved Uncle’s Funeral – So He Decides to Sell All His ToysHundreds of Jeep Enthusiasts Make 9-Year-Old’s Wish a Reality by Escorting Her Father’s Funeral ProcessionWoman Tragically Loses Her Grandson in Accident – But His Friends Start Showing Up at Her House Every Week for Breakfast

A Stranger's Christmas Card Saved This Soldier's Life  48 Years Later, He Finally Meets His Angel
Everyday Heroes

A Stranger's Christmas Card Saved This Soldier's Life 48 Years Later, He Finally Meets His Angel

It was Christmas Day 1970. Thousands of miles from home, in the midst of the Vietnam War, 23-year-old Army helicopter sniper, John Metzler, took a quiet moment to open up a Christmas card.Addressed simply to "Dear Serviceman" the letter was written by a 12-year-old girl. A stranger. But that didn't matter. What mattered was her message. A message he desperately needed to hear and one that he would carry with him for the next 48 years.The Simple Message a Vietnam Soldier Desperately NeededDonna Caye Ludemann Sica was in sixth grade at the St. Mark’s Lutheran Church and School when she, along with her classmates, completed a school project for the American servicemen fighting in the war overseas. They each wrote a letter to an unknown soldier. Hers simply read in part:"I want to give my sincere thanks for going over to war to fight for us. The class hopes that you will be able to come home even if it's for the holidaies [sic]. We hope that some day all the wars will stop and everyone will be in peace."She signed it, "Your friend, Donna Caye."Little did she know that those words of gratitude would be the fuel that kept Metzler going in an otherwise deeply divisive, brutal, and thankless war. "When you got up in the morning you always wondered whether you would see the sun go down at night."John MetzlerBy the time Metzler received the letter in 1970, the war in Vietnam had been raging for 15 years. Public sentiment had turned and the anti-war movement had gained momentum. As the seemingly endless war dragged on and casualties mounted, many soldiers felt a growing sense of disillusionment, abandonment, and betrayal.The fact that someone took the time to acknowledge his service to his country was life-giving.A Reunion Five Decades in the Making@WFMY News 2/YouTubeThe letter meant so much to Metzler that he held onto it long after the war was over, keeping it tucked behind a picture on a shelf in his home in Wendell, Idaho, where it sat for nearly five decades.“Fact is I think it means more today than it did when I got it,” the Army veteran told CBS News.He never forgot Donna Caye. And 48 years after receiving the letter, he asked his family to help him track her down so he could finally meet her. Without his knowing, his family found her living across the country in Florida. Donna Caye had no idea of the impact her words had on that young soldier so many years earlier. But she never forgot writing them. “I remember writing the letter,” she said. “I was amazed that I could have the opportunity to write to a serviceman and maybe make his life a little simpler for a couple of minutes.”She gladly agreed to fly to Idaho for a surprise reunion. It was about as emotional as you would expect it to be."You're real. You're real," Metzler said as he hugged her, choking back tears."I'm real," Donna Caye responded.And after a lifetime of waiting, Metzler finally got the opportunity to say the words he'd been wanting to say, "Thank you."Words MatterDonna Caye's Christmas letter was so much more than just a mere piece of paper. For a little girl, it was a heartfelt expression of gratitude to a stranger battling for her freedom a world away. For Metzler? It was a lifeline that got him through some unimaginable tough times. So often, we think our words don't matter. But the reality is, that words DO matter. What we say? Matters. Saying "Thank you" is one of the easiest things to say, but sometimes, it's also one of the hardest. We often overlook the profound impact these seemingly small words can have. But as Metzler proves, sometimes it's the smallest words that really do echo for a lifetime. MORE FROM GOALCAST

Man Finds Out His Sister Has a Five Figure Student Loan Debt - Has a Secret Plan For 2 Years and Uncovers It on Christmas Morning
Uplifting News

Man Finds Out His Sister Has a Five Figure Student Loan Debt - Has a Secret Plan For 2 Years and Uncovers It on Christmas Morning

In the realm of college athletics, Anthony Leal, the dynamic point guard for the Indiana Hoosiers, isn't just making headlines for his skills on the court. His recent heartwarming gesture is stealing the spotlight, showing us that sometimes, the greatest victories are scored off the basketball court.How One Young Man Brought His Elder Sister to TearsAnthony, a business major at Indiana University, didn't hesitate when he learned about his sister Lauren's daunting student loans. Determined to alleviate the financial burden she was shouldering, he decided to leverage the newfound opportunity provided by the NCAA.In 2021, the NCAA opened the door for college athletes to earn endorsement money. Anthony, known for his intelligence as well as his athleticism, saw this as a chance to make a significant impact off the court. Rather than splurging on himself, he made a selfless decision —t o save every bit of his endorsement money for two years to surprise Lauren with the ultimate Christmas gift.On Christmas day, Anthony unfolded his plan to Lauren, revealing his intention to pay off her five-figure student debt. He shared the emotional moment on Twitter, capturing the raw reactions of Lauren, their mother, and grandmother — all moved to tears by this unexpected act of kindness.The emotional surprise wasn't entirely a secret. Anthony had confided in his father about his plan back in 2021. "I’m on scholarships so I don’t necessarily need the money, so I decided to try to use that to help my sister," Anthony explained. For him, the joy of lightening his sister's load far outweighed any personal gain.The Ultimate Surprise on Christmas MorningLauren, who had been working two jobs to tackle her student loans, was utterly surprised when her brother presented this gift of freedom. Having planned to assess her debt after her birthday, graduation, and Christmas — all crammed into a single month — she hadn't yet faced the staggering reality of her financial situation. Anthony, however, had already shouldered that burden for her.Expressing her gratitude, Lauren described the overwhelming feeling of freedom: "I can go full steam ahead in my future and what I want to accomplish, what I want to do, without having that just weighing me down and holding me back. So it’s just, it’s surreal. It’s incredible." Anthony, ever humble, doesn't expect anything in return from Lauren. He believes in the power of paying it forward, confident that his sister will carry this spirit of generosity into her own journey.For the Leal family, this Christmas wasn't just about festive decorations and exchanging gifts; it was about the profound love and sacrifice that binds them. As Anthony succinctly put it, "It was a good little way to finish off Christmas morning. I was happy to put a smile on their faces."In a world often dominated by competition, Anthony Leal reminds us that true champions extend their victories far beyond the scoreboard, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of those they love.More from Goalcast:Southern Church Notice That Kids in Their Community Are Going Hungry at School — So They Pay Off Lunch Debt for the Whole CommunityTeen Works Hard to Pay For Her Dream College – Gives Her Entire Savings to Her Mom Instead After Finding Out She’s in DebtStruggling Waitress Works to Pay Off Debt – Millionaire Customer Gives Her $20K and Pays Her Tuition Instead