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Pangeant queen wearing a blue, sparkly gown, speaking into a mic and a young woman sitting on the ground.
Uplifting News

Pageant Queen Spies Her Abusive Ex In the Audience - Publicly Calls Him Out

25-year-old Alexis Smith was officially crowned Miss Kansas earlier this month. She beat out 25 contestants to become the third Black woman to ever win the title. And while these accomplishments are to be admired, it's her empowering message to her abusive ex who had the gall to sit in the audience that makes her the real winner.

Great Grandmas Car Was Stolen - So, She Chased Down the Thief and Busted a Car Theft Ring
Everyday Heroes

Great Grandmas Car Was Stolen - So, She Chased Down the Thief and Busted a Car Theft Ring

*Featured image contains photo by Kindel MediaA thief in Portland, Oregon tried to steal a 1999 white Cadillac... Unfortunately for him, he picked the wrong car.When 79-year-old great-grandmother, Noble Jean Napoleon caught the thief in the act, she wasn't having it. Undaunted, not only did she thwart her own vehicle's theft but her actions helped authorities bust a car theft ring. And if there's any lesson to be learned from this, it's "Don't mess with Grandma."Great-Grandma Stops a Car ThiefWhen Napoleon picked up her great-grandkids from school the last thing she expected to see was her Cadillac drive-by on the back of a tow truck.Having left the car parked outside her apartment earlier that afternoon while she borrowed her son's SUV, she was just pulling out of a gas station when the tow truck rumbled past.Knowing something was drastically wrong, she immediately sprang into action. Telling her great-grandkids to "fasten their seatbelts tight," Granny took off in hot pursuit."I was trailing him," she told the Oregonian. "I was right on his butt."The tow truck driver and alleged car thief, Joseph Allen Beard, 52, had no idea what was coming. (Hell hath no fury like a great-grandma whose Caddy is being stolen).Napoleon pulled up beside the truck, rolled down her window, and yelled, "You take my damn car back where you got it from!"Instead of stopping, Beard sped off. Undaunted, Napoleon charged."Let's GO!"Noble Jean NapoleonAt one point in her chase, she enlisted the help of a few men parked on the side of the road, asking them to follow her.Eventually, she caught up to the thief and her self-appointed deputies helped box him in. When the men got out of their cars and approached the truck driver, she yelled at them not to "beat him up.""I need him to take my car back home," she told them.Operation MistleTOWWhen Napoleon confronted Beard, he tried to convince her that the Cadillac was his friend's car. When that didn't work, he offered to unhitch the vehicle and leave it. But Napoleon wasn't done with him yet."You're taking it back where it came from," she told him. She then proceeded to follow him all the way home."I trailed him all the way back," she said. "I wasn't playin'." Napoleon contacted the police shortly afterward, giving them Beard's license plate number. It was exactly what they needed to finally bust "Operation MistleTow" wide open.Apparently, this wasn't an isolated event. For the past few months, the District Attorney’s Office’s Auto Theft Task Force had been waiting for the break they needed to stop an illegal tow truck operation stealing cars and selling them for scrap metal.That's where our unlikely vigilante comes in. According to the DA's Office, a representative of Maters Auto Recycling sold about 80 vehicles to Rivergate Scrap Metal, at least 22 of which were stolen. The representative is alleged to be Beard.Thanks to Napoleon, Beard was arrested and the operation shut down.Now, he's facing multiple charges, including Trafficking in Stolen Vehicles, Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle, Possession of a Stolen Vehicle, Theft, Criminal Mischief, Forgery, and Identity Theft. He's pleaded "Not Guilty."Don't Mess With GrandmaWhile the police cautioned Napoleon not to take matters into her own hands in the future and to "be careful," the sassy septuagenarian says Beard is the one who should have been careful."If I had my slugger in here, he'd have been careful 'cause I would have slugged him all over everything, yes," she said.Despite her age (or maybe because of it), Napoleon is clearly a force to be reckoned with. And she proves that when it comes to courage and fighting injustice, we all have the power to stand up. No matter our age or circumstances.More from Goalcast:Thief Steals Truck and Unbelievably Returns It a Few Days Later – Leaves Behind a Gift and a NoteSingle Mom of 5 Texts the Thief Who Stole Her Car to Return It – And She Actually Succeeded!Man Finds Out a Thief Has Broken Into and Stolen From His Restaurant – His Unexpected Reaction Goes Viral

22-Year-Old Man Tries to Kidnap Little Girl in Public - But She Escapes Thanks to Her Bravery and a Cup of Coffee
Uplifting News

22-Year-Old Man Tries to Kidnap Little Girl in Public - But She Escapes Thanks to Her Bravery and a Cup of Coffee

You never know what you might do in an emergency situation until you’re actually in an emergency situation. At that point, instinct takes over, and you hope that you’ll do the things you were taught. Luckily, that’s exactly what four girls did when they were faced with a potential kidnapper one summer night in Michigan.A Scary ConfrontationOne Friday night, four girls were leaving a Speedway gas station. The youngest was in Grade 6, the oldest was in Grade 8. As they walked away, they noticed a strange man following them. So they crossed the street and went into a well-lit area, but he just kept coming.Then the girls’ worst fear came true when the man, a 22-year-old named Bruce Hipkins, allegedly grabbed the youngest girl, Allison Eickhoff, and said she was coming with him.The 11-year-old was scared, but she knew she had to fight back. Thankfully, the other four girls, including her older sister Lauren, decided to fight too. They hit, kicked, and threw whatever they had at him, including a cup of coffee.“My sister's friend just kept hitting, kicking, and scratching him and I just kept hitting him too,” Eickhoff told WNEM-TV, as per CBS News.A Narrow EscapeThe girls kept fighting until Hipkins reportedly let go of the 11-year-old. But when he tried to grab another one of the girls by her hair, they kept coming at him. Eventually, he fled on foot, and the girls ran down the road to an inn. There, they used the phone to dial 9-1-1.“They did exactly what they should’ve done in that situation,” Police Chief Jason Oliver told BuzzFeed News. “A lot of girls would’ve run, but they decided to fight and stay together. They did an amazing job.”“My dad taught me a few moves,” Allison added. “He taught me if anybody tries to get you, just aim for the neck and start punching, kicking, screaming, everything you can do to just get them away.”The girl added that she was doing okay, although she was scared to go outside by herself. Fortunately, though, no one was hurt, and Hipkins was arrested on several charges. Later he was convicted for unlawful imprisonment and criminal sexual conduct. These days he lives in Michigan but is listed on the state’s Sex Offender Registry.Being PreparedThere’s a Stephen King quote that goes, “There’s no harm in hoping for the best as long as you’re prepared for the worst.” We all hope that we are never in a situation like these girls experienced, but we also never know when we will need to act. That is why it’s important to prepare ourselves and those we love, just in case.Never be afraid to talk to kids about stranger danger or better yet, strange behavior. Remind them to never go anywhere with someone they don’t know, even if that person seems friendly. Let them know that well-meaning strangers don’t ask kids for help or randomly give them things without their parent’s permission, even if they happen to know names or personal information.And in the case that a child ever is in a potential kidnapping situation, teach them the importance of fighting back. Teach them to kick, scream, slam, throw things, and call attention to the situation.Hopefully, they’ll never have to use those skills, but at least they’ll be prepared for that scary, worst-case scenario.More from Goalcast:Man Lures 5-Year-Old With Ice-Cream and Kidnaps Her – But 2 Teens on Bikes Take Matters Into Their Own HandsMan Calls Cops and Claims to Be Kidnapped – When the Officer Arrives at the Scene, He Finds Something Completely Different9-Year-Old Girl and Her Baby Brother Kidnapped at 7-Eleven – She Follows Her Gut and Saves Her Brother’s Life

Brave Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to the Thieves Who Stole From His Store  Outraged Strangers Have the Best Response
Uplifting News

Brave Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to the Thieves Who Stole From His Store Outraged Strangers Have the Best Response

“Really, bro, you got to resort to this?"Those were a few of Santino Burrola's last words on social media before his life was ruined.Over 1.5 million people, including rapper Snoop Dogg, saw what he did. He'd lose his job, receive racist comments, fall behind on his bills and be separated from his family for what he did. A Crime in ProgressPhoto by Norma Mortenson“Me and the union rep sat down with them and they recommended termination,” recalled Santino Burrola to the New York Post. 'They' were supermarket King Soops, and they just fired him. Never mind that what he did brought a criminal to justice, with two at large. Yet, whenever he talks about it, Burrola says that his motivation is just.“Let me tell you something; if something is happening right in front of me, I’m gonna make it my business,” he said. And that's exactly what he did when he saw three men bolting through the King Soops parking lot. They had stolen over $500 worth detergent. At that moment, Burrola, a former military police officer, gave chase as they ran to load it into a black Chevy Trax. Shortly after, Burrola reached into his pocket and made his biggest mistake. A Grocery Store Worker Goes From Hero to ZeroFlipping out his phone, Burrola began recording the three thieves. “Really, bro, you got to resort to this? The economy isn’t that bad,” he can be heard saying.“Better gettin’ while the gettin’s good,” he joked to them as they loaded the car.The quick-thinking Burrola managed to yank a sheet of foil covering the license plate to get the number, leading to the driver's capture. If you think his brave act got him a thank you, you'd be wrong. Instead, after arriving at work the next day, Burrola learned that he'd been suspended. Then, just a week later, he was fired. As the video and news of his firing spread online, outrage bubbled."This is absolutely disgusting. We should be boycotting the retailer that fired him," fumed one. “Sorry to read you were fired recording these losers thinking they could just go in and steal. Good for you though," wrote one. Another one had an idea. "This guy was doing the right thing. Please someone give him a much better job. He deserves our thanks and to be rewarded. Our Vets deserve a leg up for their sacrifices."One warm reward, coming right up.A Community Rewards a Brave EmployeePhoto by Julia LarsonSomeone who agrees with that comment is Alexia Gomez. With the motivation to help her cousin, she started a GoFundMe to help cover his legal fees and lost wages.In the end, it was a huge success raising over $19,000, almost double its goal of $10,000. Now that's a lot of laundry detergent money.In a prepared statement, King Soops said firing Burrola is all about employee safety. "We are disappointed by the increased level of crime across retail establishments and the impact these incidents have on our associates and customers. We remain committed to working in partnership with local law enforcement to address this issue, as safety remains a top priority," it read. How a Supermarket Employee Proves That Inaction Is a CrimeTo be fair, it's hard to argue with a company trying to protect its workers. After all, if one of those criminals were armed, Gomez might be raising money for her cousin's funeral costs instead. Yet, Burrola would tell you that the biggest crime would be to sit idly by as criminals run wild. He knows that staying safe puts everyone at risk.It might not always be the safest play, but sometimes displaying courage is the right move. More from Goalcast:Homeless Dad Living in His Car With 2 Kids Is Fired From His Job – Then, Strangers Step in When They Hear His RequestBlack Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to His Racist Boss – Outraged Co-workers Have the Best ResponseMan Saves a Life After He Notices a Person Recklessly Driving a Car – Instead of Being Rewarded, He Is Fired From His Job

Little Boys Notice Their Neighbors House Is on Fire - Rush to Rescue Toddlers Stuck Inside Despite Being Really Scared
Uplifting News

Little Boys Notice Their Neighbors House Is on Fire - Rush to Rescue Toddlers Stuck Inside Despite Being Really Scared

Two young heroes stepped up in a big way in Oakland, Florida when a fire roared nearby. 10-year-old Isiah Francis and 11-year-old Jeremiah Grimes were minding their business when they saw smoke rising up in their neighborhood. What Two Young Boys Did When They Saw a House on FireUnsplash/ Chris KaridisThey quickly noticed that their neighbor's home was on fire, and rushed inside without a second thought. Navigating through heavy smoke and impending panic, the two heroes safely retrieved a 1-year-old and an 8-month-old from the burning house. It is not as if the two were unafraid of the situation, but they had the remarkable courage to overcome their fear -- the true mark of bravery. "I was really scared because I thought I was going to get burned," Isiah even told a local news outlet in Orlando. "I was nervous because there was so much smoke it was hard for me to see," he added. Despite feeling scared, unable to see, and risking his own wellbeing, Isiah and his friend charged into that burning house to save two toddlers. Forget their age, many in that frightening position might have frozen, or called the appropriate authorities. The quick-thinking to charge directly into the home, however, very well could have made the difference between life and death for the two young children they retrieved. How Two Boys Proved That There Is No Age Limit to Being a HeroTheir selfless act of bravery reverberated throughout the community, becoming a beacon of hope and inspiration. News of their heroism spread, captivating the hearts of people across the country. These two are certainly destined to grow into brave young men. Isiah even said he has dreams of becoming a firefighter some day, and he certainly has more experience than most 11 year olds.The cause of the blaze has not been determined, but it is believed to have started on the stove. It is unclear why the father was unable to get all four of his children out of the home, or why the fire began. However, it is certain that Isiah and Jeremiah saved the day. While, hopefully we don't have to run into a burning home any time soon, we can all draw inspiration from the bravery displayed by these two boys. True heroism doesn't lie in accolades or recognition, but in the sum of decisions like these that come to define us.Isiah and Jeremiah's selfless act will forever serve as a reminder that each of us has the capacity to be a hero in our own unique way.Heroism also isn't reserved for a certain age group, and these two showed why everyone possesses the ability to become a hero in the right circumstance. More from Goalcast:Woman Leaves Her Newborn Baby Girl in a Drop Box – The Firefighter Who Found Her Just Became Her DadHomeless Man Heroically Saves an Entire Family and Their Pets From a Blazing Residential FireMom and Her 2 Kids Are Trapped in an Apartment Fire – One Local Homeless Man Tells Them All to Drop Out of the Window

87-Year-Old Woman Fights Home Intruder - Then, She Feeds Him 'Peanut Butter and Crackers' Because He Was Hungry
Uplifting News

87-Year-Old Woman Fights Home Intruder - Then, She Feeds Him 'Peanut Butter and Crackers' Because He Was Hungry

In the serene town of Brunswick, Maine, the tranquility of early morning was abruptly shattered for 87-year-old Marjorie Perkins when she awoke to a chilling sight -- a male intruder standing ominously over her bed. Instead of succumbing to fear, Marjorie's courage ignited a chain of events that would leave her community in awe.What One Elderly Woman Did When an Intruder Came Into Her HousePhoto by Kindel MediaIn the dark of night, around 2 A.M., Marjorie found herself face-to-face with an unwelcome guest. But rather than cower in terror, she acted swiftly, slipping on her shoes -- a simple yet crucial step towards defending herself. The intruder soon realized he had picked the wrong house to invade.With quick thinking and fierce determination, Marjorie grabbed a nearby chair, using it as her weapon to fend off the assailant. Despite being pushed against the wall, she fearlessly struck back, refusing to become a victim. Her resolute response deterred the intruder from causing further harm.In a surprising twist, the intruder confessed that hunger had driven him to this ill-fated decision. Displaying remarkable composure, Marjorie offered him crackers and peanut butter while secretly alerting the authorities. Amidst the tension, she ensured help was on its way.It was later revealed that the intruder was a local teenager who lived nearby. His break-in sent shockwaves of disbelief and fear through the typically peaceful neighborhood. Yet, amidst the turmoil, Marjorie's bravery emerged as a beacon of hope and resilience.How One Woman Proved There’s No Age Limit to Being a HeroAs the news spread, Marjorie's neighbors were both rattled and inspired. The idea of a home invasion in their tranquil community was unsettling, but Marjorie's unwavering spirit offered solace. In the face of adversity, she chose not to be passive, urging others to stay prepared to defend themselves.The incident serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of home security and preparedness. Marjorie's quick thinking and courage saved her from further harm, proving that bravery knows no age limit. The young intruder is now facing charges and is detained at the Long Creek Youth Development Center.As we reflect on Marjorie's incredible act of bravery, let her story inspire us all to face life's challenges with strength and determination. In moments of adversity, may we find the courage to stand up and protect ourselves and those we care for. Marjorie's actions echo a resounding message -- that even in the face of fear, we can find the strength to overcome and emerge victorious.So, the next time we find ourselves facing a daunting situation, let Marjorie's bravery be a guiding light. We, too, can pick up our metaphorical chairs and defend what we hold dear. Together, as a community, we can learn from her indomitable spirit and create a world where fear is no match for our courage.More from Goalcast:Airline Refuses to Let Man Board Flight With His Newborn – Then an Elderly Woman Takes Them Both AwayMan Records Elderly Woman Accusing Him of Stealing Her Best Friend’s Car – His Response Goes ViralElderly Woman Loses Husband and Her House in the Same Day – Her Neighbor’s Response Surprises Her

Thief Tries to Steal Womans Purse in Broad Daylight - But He Didnt Expect Her 9-Year-Old Daughter to Step in and Fight Him
Uplifting News

Thief Tries to Steal Womans Purse in Broad Daylight - But He Didnt Expect Her 9-Year-Old Daughter to Step in and Fight Him

In a Florida town, a brave 9-year-old girl has become a true hero, leaving us all in awe of her fearless and protective spirit. Journee Nelson's act of courage unfolded outside a supermarket, where she fearlessly fought off a robber and chased him away.How a 9-Year-Old Reacted to a Thief Who Tried to Steal Her Mother’s PursePhoto by Kindel MediaIt was just an ordinary day for Journee and her mom, Danielle Mobley, as they finished their grocery shopping at Sabor Tropical Supermarket. As they headed to their car, an unexpected danger lurked nearby. Surveillance footage captured the heart-pounding moment — a man in a gray hoodie, later identified as Demetrius Jackson, 29, lunged towards Danielle, attempting to steal her purse.In the blink of an eye, Journee sprang into action. Without a second thought, she jumped out of the car and confronted the robber head-on. The courageous young girl landed punch after punch, taking the assailant by surprise. Bystanders rushed to their aid, helping them fend off the attacker.Although the thief managed to escape with Danielle's purse, Journee's quick thinking and bravery didn't go in vain. Thanks to her heroic efforts and the assistance of the police, Demetrius was apprehended just two days later and charged with robbery and battery.Journee's valiant actions did not go unnoticed. The West Palm Beach Police Foundation recognized her courage with a well-deserved medal, certificate, and Target gift card. A touching ceremony celebrated her bravery, and she was commended for her unwavering determination to protect her mom.How One Little Girl Proved That Not All Heroes Wear CapesWhile Journee's actions have inspired admiration and praise, the incident left emotional scars on both her and her mother. Despite the challenging experience, they find solace in knowing that justice has been served."I'm very proud of her. That was her initial reaction," Danielle shared, expressing the pride she felt in her daughter's bravery.Looking ahead, Journee stands at a crossroads, torn between dreams of becoming a police officer or a teacher. Whichever path she chooses, her innate protective nature and boldness will undoubtedly shine through, leaving a positive impact on those around her.Journee's story serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and courage that resides within us all, no matter our age. In moments of adversity, it's our response that defines us — the choice to stand up against injustice and protect those we love. As we cheer for this young hero, let us also reflect on the courage we can summon in our own lives, finding inspiration in Journee's unwavering spirit.In a world that can sometimes be unpredictable and challenging, may we all be moved by Journee's example, ready to face whatever comes our way with bravery and love. And just like this fearless 9-year-old, may we discover that within our hearts lies the potential to be heroes in our own unique ways.More from Goalcast:Bike-Riding Domino’s Delivery Guy Helps Cops Catch Thief — Still Manages to Deliver Pizza On TimeMom of Four Has Her Wallet Stolen by a Thief at the Grocery Store—She Confronts the Thief by Herself and Shocks Him With Her Bold Words

16-Year-Old Puts Her Abusive Father in Jail - Today, the Police Officers Who Arrested Him Walked Her Down the Aisle
Love Stories

16-Year-Old Puts Her Abusive Father in Jail - Today, the Police Officers Who Arrested Him Walked Her Down the Aisle

On July 15, 28-year-old Ivy Jacobsen walked down the aisle to wed her now-husband Tristen.Despite not having her father there, she didn't walk alone. Because while he may not have been there for her, 15 other men were. And whew, you're gonna want to grab the tissues for this one.Why the Father of the Bride Wasn’t at His Daughter’s WeddingPhoto by Dominika RoseclayIvy was just 16 years old when her abusive father walked into a prison cell and out of her life. A sophomore in high school, Ivy played a pivotal role in having her dad arrested and convicted after enduring years of sexual abuse. In July 2013, after three separate trials, Ivy's father was convicted of rape of a child and child molestation. He's currently serving 16 years in prison.After the last trial ended, Ivy was finally free to rebuild her life. She graduated high school and became a law enforcement officer. She currently works as a school resource officer in East Wenatchee, Washington State, which she says is her "dream job."And now, she's a newlywed.And through it all, there have been a number of men who stepped up when her father so miserably failed. Men who shouldered the responsibility of helping to raise her, mentor her, and love her. Men who selflessly made sacrifices to help a child who wasn't their own. Men, she says, without whom she'd "be on the streets."Men who taught her the true meaning of what it is to be a father. Including her father's arresting officer, David White.15 Men Step Up to Walk a Bride Down the AisleIvy knew that on her wedding day, she wanted to do something special to pay tribute to the men in her life that stood by her when she needed them most. "I wanted to honor these 15 men because they were true examples of FATHERS who deserved to be called 'DAD,'" Ivy wrote in an Instagram post. So, she invited them to continue their journey with her...down the aisle.Wedding planner Karrah captured the heartwarming moment on camera and uploaded it to TikTok where it's been viewed over 12 MILLION times. Because it's THAT BEAUTIFUL.As the bride makes her way toward the altar, the men take turns accompanying her, two at a time with one on either side. They hold hands and usher her a few steps down the grassy path before handing her off to the next pair of waiting men.The caption on the video tells a powerful story: "On her wedding day, she asked 15 of the most important men in her life to escort her down the aisle." "These men included her brother, brother-in-law, childhood coaches, and the police officer who arrested her father."With each step, it's obvious that this is so much more than just a love story between a man and a woman on their wedding day. It's a love story between a woman and her "fathers." The men who CHOSE to stand with her throughout her life.(Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry).When Ivy reaches Tristen the officiant asks, "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" Her entourage thunderously responds with a collective, "We do."*SOBS*How One Woman Is Turning Tragedy Into TriumphThe gut-wrenching video is melting hearts around the world. In addition to its 12 million views, it's also garnered over 1.8M likes and 17K comments."I can’t stop crying. this is so beautifully heartbreaking 💓," writes one emotional commenter.Another writes, "This is beautiful. I’m so grateful she has all these amazing men to show up for someone who couldn’t in the first place. ❤️""Her Village! they all gave her what she needed in a dad!" writes a third.But it isn't just the men who stepped up that make this so beautiful. It's Ivy. Her strength, her resilience, and her overwhelming courage."Thank you for sharing this and being vulnerable. As a survivor of domestic abuse due to a very abusive marriage, I admire your strength to live above what you’ve experienced," writes one person."Wow, as someone who grew up with an abusive father and let him walk free, I am so proud of her for standing up for herself. She deserves to feel safe and protected," writes another.In an interview, Ivy credits David White, her father's arresting officer, and her own student resource officer from middle school, with being a hero. But the truth is, she's the hero.Despite enduring unthinkable trauma by the man who she should have been able to trust the most, Ivy is thriving. And now? She's using her own tragedy to help others. From Hurt to HopeIn a follow-up TikTok, Ivy thanks viewers for their outpouring of love. She also reminds people that they don't have to live a life imprisoned by their trauma."We all have a story that shapes us — it does not define us — but shapes us and empowers us in ways to move forward."Ivy JacobsenIvy is definitely moving forward. And thanks to the unbreakable bonds she shares with 15 very special men who prove that love really does have the power to triumph over tragedy, she's not doing it alone. More from Goalcast:Bride’s Father Dies Before Wedding – So Her Mom Gifts Her the Ultimate Daddy-Daughter Dance SurpriseBride and Groom Stand at the Altar – Then He Asks Her to Step Aside for Someone ElseBride Bows Head During Wedding Ceremony – The Voice She Hears Next Leaves Everyone in Tears

Mom and Her 4 Kids Were Stuck in an Abusive Situation - So She Built Her Own House Using YouTube to Escape
Uplifting News

Mom and Her 4 Kids Were Stuck in an Abusive Situation - So She Built Her Own House Using YouTube to Escape

Situations of abuse are complicated and nuanced, and there are many reasons why women choose to stay. Often women are scared to leave because they aren’t sure where they will go or who they can turn to, and they’re terrified of what comes next.Now, one woman who survived such an experience has a very powerful message: you can persevere. And she’s proof.A Dark SituationCourtesy of Cara BrookinsAbout a decade ago, Cara Brookins felt trapped. For a short period of time, she was married to a man that, she told CBS News, “Descended into full-blown paranoid schizophrenia.” They divorced, but he still came around and scared the family.Brookins remarried, believing the man she committed to was strong enough to handle her past. “But I was wrong, and he turned out to be a very violent man,” she revealed.RELATED: Domestic Abuse Survivor Marries The First Responder Who Saved Her LifeAt the time, Brookins’ children were 17, 15, 11 and 2. She didn’t have enough money to afford a house for all of them, but she knew she needed out of her current situation.“Eventually, I realized there was no way that I could ever make this situation better. It was the realization that maybe if the kids and I are out of here, then we have a shot,” she recalled.A Clean BreakCourtesy of Cara BrookinsBrookins moved herself and her kids into a safe space: a tiny home outside of Little Rock, Arkansas. That’s when she came to a realization: there was a way to secure a home large enough for her and her four kids.“I had rented this cabin for a Thanksgiving getaway. Driving there, we passed this house that had been ravaged by a tornado. It was this beautiful dream house, and it was sort of wide open," she recalled to the outlet.RELATED: Clever 911 Dispatcher Saves Woman From Domestic Abuser By Noticing Subtle Cue"You don’t often get the opportunity to see the interior workings of a house, but looking at these 2x4s and these nails, it just looked so simple. I thought, ‘I could put this wall back up if I really tried. Maybe I should just start from scratch.’”So that’s what she did. She put together enough money to buy all the construction supplies she needed and bought an acre of land. Then, she and her kids jumped right in.“Once I had bought all these supplies and they were all piled up, there was no way out,” Brookins added. “There wasn’t enough money to pay anyone to put them together. There was no Plan B.”A Family Effort The family had no background in construction work (Brookins weighed just over 100 pounds and worked as a computer analyst), but they turned to YouTube for help. There, they’d watch videos on how to frame a window or how to put a foundation together. They’d research a few different ways and find the one that worked best for them and the home they were building.Everyone pitched in, too. The older kids would work on the house before and after school as well as on weekends, and everyone would take turns watching the youngest.RELATED: Woman Survives Psychological Abuse And Proves You Can Find Healthy Love Again“They were all in,” Brookins added. “My biggest fear was that my teenagers would wake up and say, ‘No, I’m not doing this.’ And it never happened. It was the first time they had felt any sort of power, any sort of control over their lives. And they knew how much they needed it.”In the end, this amazing family did everything from the ground up: hand-mixing the mortar, running gas lines, and framing the walls, as per CBS News.“It hurt,” Brookins confessed. “It was not something that was a great match to us physically, but my kids got up every day, and they came out here. I was working all day, and they were in school, and we would work into the night, sometimes by headlights. It was incredibly intense. There was nobody going to the movies. There were no dates, no hanging out. It was all hands on deck.”A Powerful MessageNow that Brookins is on the other side of her domestic situation and her house build, she wants to share her story with other women who feel trapped in their own situations. She wrote a book, Rise, How A House Built a Family, and she has some advice for anyone else who feels like they can’t leave a bad circumstance.“Forget everything you’ve been told about taking baby steps. Everybody says, ‘If you just take a small step every day, it will get better,’” she said. “In my experience, though, it doesn’t. You have to make a big leap. It has to be this huge, enormous act. For us, it was building a house. For somebody else, it could be something totally different. But you need to do something big that changes your perception of yourself.”If you or someone you know is in a situation of domestic abuse and needs help, there are resources out there. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is available 24/7 and contains many helpful tools. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence is another helpful resource.Sometimes taking that first step is the hardest. But it could also be the start of a whole new future.

Stranger Meets Woman at Gas Station and Kidnaps Her - After Nearly a Year, Her Quick-Thinking Saves Her Life
Uplifting News

Stranger Meets Woman at Gas Station and Kidnaps Her - After Nearly a Year, Her Quick-Thinking Saves Her Life

Last December, an unidentified woman finally escaped a living nightmare thanks to a deadbolt and some kind folks at a New Jersey gas station. Now, others are spreading the word to prove yet again how the kindness of strangers can help to put things right in this world.A Living NightmareYouTube/ Inside EditionJane Doe met a man named James W. Parrillo Jr. in February 2022 at a gas station in New Mexico, according to CBS News. In a report, Doe revealed that Parrillo used the name Brett Parker and asked her to drive him to Arizona. She did, and they started a consensual relationship. Once they got to California, though, things changed.RELATED: How One Victim’s Incredible Act of Bravery Ended a Decade of Horrific KidnappingsIt was there he reportedly physically assaulted her for the first time. Doe wanted to leave, but Parrillo had taken her phone and cards, leaving her unable to contact her family or escape. He kept her by his side as they traveled across the country, and every day she thought of ways to flee.When the couple landed in New Jersey at the end of the year, the woman finally saw her chance.A Daring EscapeThere was a gas station close to where Parrillo had rented a room for them, and Doe noticed there was a deadbolt on the inside of the door. So one day, when he began beating her, she fled.“Parrillo began beating and choking her during an argument inside the residence, which they shared with several other individuals,” the attorney general's office said in a release, as per CBS News. “Parrillo allegedly ceased assaulting the woman when he realized the two were not alone in the house, and she ran from the house with nothing on but shorts and a shirt in the 42-degree weather.”RELATED: After the Capture: Where Is Kidnapping Victim Elizabeth Smart 19 Years After Being Rescued?Doe ran right to the gas station, locked the door, and told someone working there she had been kidnapped for about a year. Security footage shows Parrillo following her and trying to get in but then fleeing on a bike as workers calmed the woman down and called authorities."The lady came running, like barefoot, and she was like, ‘he kidnapped me,'” gas station attendant Jamie Garthaus told an NBC News station. “So, we ran inside and locked the door.”Parrillo was picked up by police not far from there and charged with kidnapping, strangulation, aggravated assault, and criminal restraint.A Terrifying History After Parrillo was arrested, his real background came out. Two other women had previously accused him of kidnapping them for about a year each, but no charges were ever laid. Now, thanks to the kindness of strangers and quick thinking from the woman herself, he can’t hurt anyone else.RELATED: 9-Year-Old Girl and Her Baby Brother Kidnapped at 7-Eleven – She Follows Her Gut and Saves Her Brother’s Life“The defendant allegedly held a woman against her will for nearly a year while traveling with her throughout the country before ending up here in New Jersey, where she was able to escape,” added New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin in a statement.“We are reaching out to law enforcement across jurisdictions to identify other people who may have additional information on the defendant. Our investigation is ongoing, and we are committed to doing everything we can to ensure we bring justice to this survivor.”Coming TogetherWhat this woman went through is unimaginable and awful, yet stories like this do happen. Thankfully, the woman's quick-thinking allowed her to escape, but it was also the kindness of those working at the gas station that helped catch this man in the end. Had they ignored her pleas for help or shrugged off what she told them and opened the door, who knows what might have happened?Doing nothing or being complacent sometimes makes you a part of the problem, not the solution, and this story is a gentle reminder of that. So the next time you see someone in need or a situation that doesn’t look right, don’t be afraid to question it, speak out, or follow up to make sure that everything is, indeed, okay.Jane Doe has the gas station attendants to thank for her successful escape that day, and she won’t soon forget them.