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Woman cleaning utensils and a woman crying.
Uplifting News

Struggling Woman Agrees to Clean ​House for $2 - Doesn't Realize It’s Hers

Everyone is dealt a different set of cards in life; some people have more opportunities than others. For some people, a job cleaning a house for two bucks seems like a rip-off. But for one woman, it was the windfall she needed that day. What she didn’t realize was that the house she was cleaning would eventually be hers.

Single Dad Delivers Pizza to Make Ends Meet - Then He Pulls Up to a Parking Lot to Find This
Uplifting News

Single Dad Delivers Pizza to Make Ends Meet - Then He Pulls Up to a Parking Lot to Find This

Sometimes in life, we fall into a bad place. Life circumstances add up, things don’t go our way, or we become addicted to things we shouldn’t. It takes a lot of strength and courage to pull yourself up from that kind of situation, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done.One father in Idaho not only pulled himself out of addiction but went on to help and inspire others. So, one night, someone decided to pay that dedication back in the sweetest way possible.A Hard-Working FatherA man named Nick was going through a hard time, but he was grateful. After struggling with substance abuse, he had gotten clean and was pushing six years of sobriety. He was also super busy. He was raising an almost one-year-old girl by himself, and finances were tight.The man would wake up at 4 a.m. every day to get to his shift at 5 a.m. Then he’d work nights delivering pizzas in order to pay the bills. Meanwhile, he didn’t have a lot of family around to help him with his daughter. But he kept going and even volunteered at a center as a recovery coach.Perhaps that’s why someone nominated him for the East Idaho News Secret Santa program. Regardless of why he was nominated though, he was selected to receive a surprise gift. Only he had no idea.A Shocking SurpriseOne night, as Nick was starting his shift, he was called to a parking lot to deliver some pizzas. There, East Idaho News host Nate Eaton stepped out of the car and told Nick that he had been selected as one of the final Secret Santa recipients of the year.“No way,” Nick said, fighting back tears. “It’s just been a hard year. I mean, my daughter’s a blessing, and I love her. I wish she was here so I could show you.”Eaton then handed Nick a series of three boxes. The first was a $1,000 gift card to buy a laptop so he could pursue his goal of returning to school for social work and get his degree in counseling.The second box contained a $1,000 gift card for Nick to buy diapers and formula. The third box was a note saying that his rent had been covered for the next year, so he could get a jump start on his goals.An Important MessageDespite everything Nick had gone through and how hard he was working, his first reaction was still that he was undeserving. “There’s so many more people that need it more than I do,” he said, choking back more tears.As Eaton reminded him, it was a Secret Santa, and someone definitely thought he was deserving of the help. He then asked whether the man had any words of encouragement for others who may be in a similar situation.“Just keep moving forward,” he said after thinking for a few seconds. “Keep going, pushing forward. It’s hard, but it’s worth it. We’ve lost so many people in the past couple of years, and they’re not here anymore, so the people that are, I’m grateful. I’m grateful.”Don’t Give UpThose are sage words coming from someone who has been at an absolute low in life, yet was still able to pick himself back up and find his purpose. It reminds us all that even on our darkest days, there can be light if we stick with it and continue to try and do our best.This story is also an excellent reminder that sometimes, helping someone else with a kind gesture or a gift can also make a big impact. We never really know what other people are going through, and sometimes your generosity can make all the difference.More from Goalcast:Teen Born With a Drug Addiction Eats Lunch Alone Everyday – His First Day of School Changes EverythingFormer Addict Stands at a Street Corner and Talks to the School Children Passing By – Spreading His New “Addiction”The YMCA in Cleveland Is Helping Recovering Addicts Stay off Drugs —You’ll Be Shocked When You Find Out How

Woman Invites Her Mom to an Airbnb - Then Reveals the Truth About Why They Were Actually There
Uplifting News

Woman Invites Her Mom to an Airbnb - Then Reveals the Truth About Why They Were Actually There

Owning a house is a big deal. Not everyone can afford to purchase a home, which makes it a giant blessing for those who can. And when you finally get those keys to your first place, you can’t help but feel pride and excitement. You probably also want to share those celebratory vibes with those you love.That’s why, when one woman in Jacksonville, Florida finally realized her dream of home ownership, she planned the ultimate prank on her mother and sister.The Ultimate PrankNyomi Jackson spent a year building and putting her house together. It was a long and emotional journey that she shared on TikTok, revealing that in the final stretch, she was waking up super early and staying up late in order to put all of those final details into place.Why? Jackson had invited her mom, Wanda Fields, and her younger sister, Nia, to her place, saying it was an Airbnb. She wanted everything to be perfect before they arrived."One of the things [my mom] has continuously imparted to me as well as my sisters is, 'When you have a vision, move toward it, move toward it relentlessly,'" Jackson told Good Morning America. "And I knew I had a vision of my family being in my house."She added that it was important to her that everyone come to a “singular place” for the big reveal, and felt that her mom’s birthday was a great excuse to gather. After all, her mom had raised her and her sister in a one-bedroom apartment in New York City."So, I was very quiet. I would take calls in my closet. My mom would call, and I'd go into a small area so she couldn't hear the echo,” she continued. “I just needed them to realize the full vision all at once. And so … based on my mom's reaction, I think I did a pretty good job.”A Priceless ReactionWhen the big day arrived, Jackson filmed the entire thing and shared it in another TikTok video that has since grabbed more than 3 million views. Jackson captured her mom and sister entering the “Airbnb,” and her mom immediately commented on how much she liked the setup.But then she noticed a divider that looked a lot like the one she’d given her daughter. She also recognized a painting of an elephant that Jackson had had for more than a decade.“That’s not yours?” her mother asked.“This is my house,” Jackson replied off-camera, and you could hear the smile in her voice. At first, her mom and sister didn’t believe her, but then their joy as they realized what was really going on was heartwarming. Her mom kept saying “Nyomi,” over and over again."For my mom to see me purchase my first house and do something really incredible, I think it speaks volumes to what's possible," Jackson said. "If you have a vision, you stick to it, and you make it happen."Stick To Your VisionThis video resonated with so many people because of how proud Fields obviously was of her daughter."When I see the video, sometimes I go over and just watch it,” she explained. “It's like a pill you take that makes you happy. Everyone was celebratory of her, of her success, our family, friends from all over the world, and it just touches me, and it just makes me happy. It makes me cry."More importantly, Jackson wanted to share a message with people that her mother had always taught her: "If you have a vision, you stick to it, and you make it happen."It’s a great takeaway for when we’re struggling in our own lives. Jackson’s journey to home ownership wasn’t easy, but she stuck with it, had a plan, and kept going even when things were hard. All of that dedication eventually paid off.Yes, she was also blessed, but Jackson inspires all of us to do the same. Whether it’s a dream job, a dream house, a dream relationship, or a dream vacation, having a clear vision and plan on how to achieve it is always the first step. Then, hopefully, with a little luck, manifestation, and hard work, those dreams can come true.More from Goalcast:Single Mom Cleans Four Bedroom Home Then Told She Gets to Keep It – Later She Finds Out It Was A “Prank”Single Mom With 5 Kids Works 20 Hours a Day – Brings Them to an “Airbnb” for a Surprise That Makes Them Scream Man Saves Up For A Year And Surprises Wife With Key To Dream Home

Coffee Shop Owners Friends Open Up a Competing Business - Then One Piece of News Changes Everything
Uplifting News

Coffee Shop Owners Friends Open Up a Competing Business - Then One Piece of News Changes Everything

In life, there are times to try to get ahead and times when it’s important to stop, look around, and remember what truly matters. One woman has inspired hundreds of people in her community after she did the latter.Despite running her own coffee shop, this woman put aside her business for a day to help a competitor and friend who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer.An Instant FriendshipPixie Adams had been running the Moonlight Coffee House in Portland for a while when she met Dave and Tina McAdams. The couple lived next to the coffee shop, and the trio instantly became friends. So when the McAdams decided to open their own coffee shop, Adams was super supportive.After that, the business owners often shared tips and advice on how to grow and run their respective shops. They remained friends, despite the fact that they were selling the same thing: coffee.When Adams learned that Dave, who had beaten cancer twice before, had just received a terminal diagnosis and had about two months to live, she knew she needed to help. After all, she was a breast cancer survivor and knew how hard it all was.“I thought about what my cancer journey had been like, how hard it was to juggle and balance treatment and time with family and business,” she told Yahoo Lifestyle.Closing Up ShopVarious people in the community wanted to help, especially when Tina quit her full-time job to take over the coffee shop from Dave. However, she also had to spend time with her husband at home, helping him as his health deteriorated.So Adams decided to host a fundraiser at the McAdams’ shop. She closed Moonlight Coffee House for the day and headed over to their spot, The Local Coffee Company, to serve lattes and coffee.“Sometimes being a community leader means stepping up to show love and support for one of our own — even another local coffee place,” Adams wrote in an Instagram post advertising the takeover.“If you don’t know, Dave McAdams has spent years working to support the local Oak Grove and Milwaukie communities through volunteer work, non-profit work, sports coaching, and, sadly, is now in hospice care as he bravely faces a terminal cancer diagnosis,” she continued. “And that means their family needs OUR help!”A Successful DayOn the day in question, Adams donated every single dollar made, including tips and donations, to the couple. She wound up raising more than $4,000 for them — a record day of sales.“When she offered, we were so honored that she would put her own business on hold for a day to help ours,” Tina told “Pixie is well-known in our community for raising awareness and has a very large following. We knew her efforts would not go unrewarded.The takeover inspired others to help as well. A roaster donated bags of beans called Dave’s LovedDeeply Blend to sell, with 100% of the proceeds going to the family. Someone also set up a GoFundMe page that pulled in more than $18,000.Meanwhile, the hashtag #BeLikePixie surfaced on social media, as people encouraged others to make a difference in their communities the way Adams was trying to do in hers.“I feel like it’s so easy to get caught up in the competition in business,” Adams told “I wanted to do something for them that I knew was going to make a difference in more than a superficial way. To me, it will always be community over competition, and friendship over business.”Remembering What MattersIt’s so easy to get caught up in our own daily grinds that we forget about what others might be going through. But true community is about showing up and being there for one another, even when we’re not asked.As busy as life gets, it’s important to remember to help others when we can. In a community context that doesn’t necessarily have to mean a big fundraiser. It could be simple, like supporting a local business over a big chain. Or it could be organizing or participating in a park cleanup, a food drive, or clearing driveways and yards for seniors or new parents.It’s nice to be successful and thrive. But as Adams reminds us all, it feels a lot better to achieve our goals when we’re also helping others.More from Goalcast:This Couple Bought and Revamped an Abandoned Laundromat — Now It’s a Thriving Community Hub With Free Laundry DaysBest Friends Win a Million Dollars in the Lottery — They Immediately Decide to Give It All Away to Help Their CommunityWalmart Shopper Films a Cashier’s Reaction to a Crying Customer – The Secret Video Inspires a Community to Respond

Garbage Collector Wakes Up at 3 AM to Make Only $10 a Day - Years Later, His Daughter Makes His Dream Come True
Uplifting News

Garbage Collector Wakes Up at 3 AM to Make Only $10 a Day - Years Later, His Daughter Makes His Dream Come True

Parenting can be difficult, but at the end of the day, the No. 1 thing any parent needs to do a good job is to love and support. Everything else is extra. That means, even if a mother or father doesn’t make a ton of money or give their kids all the bells and whistles, they can still be a successful parent.That’s why one story of a father who sometimes couldn’t put food on the table but still supported his daughter so that she could graduate from college is resonating with so many people.A Man Does His BestA 51-year-old father named Tatay Cristito Quimado doesn’t have much in life, but he has a family, and to him, that is everything. The Filipino garbage collector made headlines after a GMA News article highlighted just how much he loves his family.In the story, the father-of-four explained how he wakes up at 3 a.m. every day in order to get to work at 4 a.m. From there he collects garbage and risks his health due to exposure to various hazards.It’s not the most glamorous job, but it’s a job, and he does it because he — like so many other parents — wants a better life for his kids. He wants them to finish their studies, and he will do whatever it takes to support them in that goal.“It's difficult because I have many children. But even though it's hard, I can handle it. Sometimes we have nothing to eat,” he told the outlet.A Proud FamilyQuimado’s dream came true in April 2018 when his daughter, Jenny Rose Quimado, graduated college with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Food Technology. It has been a long road, but the dad said he is proud of his daughter. Jenny is also proud of how hard her father has worked in order to get her to this position.“Sometimes, he comes home empty-handed, but I thank God that he is my father because his work is honorable. He is not doing anything illegal,” she said.What sticks most with Quimado is that, even though some kids might be ashamed of having a garbage collector as a father, Jenny is proud of his work and knows that hard work is hard work. She also knows what you do for a living doesn’t necessarily define you."When people ask, 'What does your father do?' she answers, 'Garbage collector!' she is not shy," Quimado added.A Dream for the Next GenerationNow that Jenny has graduated college, she wants to start working in order to provide for her siblings and for her father. She wants to be able to take him to nice restaurants and buy him nice clothes.She also wants to set the tone for her siblings, and wants to help her family by putting her salary towards putting them through school, too.“I want to be the one to work so I can educate my siblings,” she added.The family’s story was a huge hit, and before they knew it, others around the world wanted to help them out, too. Quimado’s wife was offered a job at a sari store, and others donated money and gifts to help give them a nice Christmas.That generosity isn’t slowing Quimado down from working as hard as he can to provide though. “For fathers like me, it is our obligation to send our children to school,” he explained in a follow-up GMA News article. “I hope for all of our children.”Following Your DreamsThis story is so sweet because it highlights the importance of family and love. But it also exemplifies the importance of following your dreams, even when things get hard.Getting up that early and collecting other people’s garbage isn’t easy. It’s a hard and demanding gig that offers very low rewards. Yet Quimado does it because he knows it’s for a good cause: realizing his dream of his children graduating from college.It’s a reminder to all of us that when things get hard, don’t give up. Remember your purpose, set goals for yourself, and when life gives you a challenge face it head-on. So long as you have loved ones who will support you along the way, you’re going to be all right.More from Goalcast:Poor Dad Raises His 4 Children Alone After His Wife Abandons Them to Start a New Family With Someone ElseStruggling Single Dad of 4 Owes $168,000 – His Mortgage Provider Makes an Announcement That Shocks Him5-Year-Old Girl Empties Her Entire Piggybank to Help Others – 13 Years Later She Wins $48 Million All Because of Her Grandfather

16-Year-Old Becomes Homeless After Parents Ask Her to Move Out - Years Later, a Shocking Scene Changes Everything
Everyday Heroes

16-Year-Old Becomes Homeless After Parents Ask Her to Move Out - Years Later, a Shocking Scene Changes Everything

Jessica Pearce knows the hardship of being homeless. Three days shy of her 16th birthday, her parents asked her to move out. Alone and living on the streets, her math teacher came to her rescue, helping her secure a place at a home for teenagers who were working to finish their education.Years later, it's an experience that's stayed with her. And now? She's taking that experience and making a profound difference in the lives of others experiencing homelessness. Coming Face-To-Face With Her City’s HomelessBack in 2016, at the age of 38, Jessica and her partner came face-to-face with Melbourne, Australia's homeless. Literally.Staying at a hotel over Christmas, the couple was shocked to find the nearby streets "lined with people sleeping on mattresses or on the ground.""I guess we felt shocked and I suppose a bit guilty — we didn't realise how bad the housing situation in Melbourne was," Jessica told ABC Radio Melbourne."I guess it just touched me and I thought that maybe there was something that we could do."Jessica PearceSo, the duo spent two nights wandering the streets, handing out $20 and $50 bills and getting to know each person's story. They even went so far as to invite one of the men they met, an estranged father of two, to stay with them, before putting him up at a motel for a month.But Jessica felt convicted to do more. Having just paid off her mortgage, she was considering buying an investment property in Melbourne. But why just buy one when you could buy four?Former Homeless Teen Buys Four Houses — Provides Free Accommodation for Families in NeedA successful business owner and mother of four, Jessica, inspired by her own brush with homelessness, decided it was time to pay it forward. Not one to sit around, she bought four houses within two weeks with the intent of providing safe and affordable housing for young people and families in need. But what started as a solo operation quickly turned into an incredible joint venture. One of the brokerage firms that helped her find the homes was so inspired by her act of philanthropy that they donated furniture.Jessica also enlisted the help of both a youth organization and a women's shelter. In an amazing full-circle moment, two of her houses are now being used to help teenagers just like her, who need a place to stay while they finish their education.The third home is allocated specifically for single mothers and the fourth is being used as transitional housing for people with children who are on a waiting list for long-term accommodation.This collaborative effort has turned Jessica's vision into a sustainable and impactful program that continues to make a lasting difference in the lives of those less fortunate.For Jessica, it's all about giving something back. “I have had good times and difficult times, but most of the time, I’ve been more fortunate than others. So it's now that I feel I am really able to give something back.”Jessica PearceAnd she hopes that others will be inspired to follow in her footsteps. How We Can Help the HomelessThe reality is that not everyone has the financial means to buy homes for the homeless. But that doesn't mean we can't make a difference. As the number of people experiencing homelessness continues to skyrocket, there are several ways we can help.Joining the fight against homelessness can take various forms, and individuals can make a meaningful impact through both direct and indirect means, including donating food, money, and various necessities to shelters and organizations, volunteering, and supporting affordable housing initiatives. The more people who step up to help those who are struggling in their communities, the closer we are to becoming a society where everyone has a place to call home.More from Goalcast:Homeless Family of 5 Lives in a Broken-Down Bus – Then a Stranger Makes an Offer That Sounds Like a “Cruel Joke” to ThemTeens Witness Homeless Man Crying in a Chick-fil-A – So They Go ShoppingCouple Passes by Homeless Man Who Has Lived on the Streets for 3 Years – Decide to Give Him a Christmas He’ll Never Forget

Man Challenges Athlete to a Race Because He Thinks Women Cant Beat Men - Her Response Goes Viral
Uplifting News

Man Challenges Athlete to a Race Because He Thinks Women Cant Beat Men - Her Response Goes Viral

While stereotypes can be dangerous, sometimes they can be downright funny. Thankfully, one college athlete knew just what to do when an overconfident peer thought he could beat her at her own game — literally.When Will We Learn to Stop Underestimating Women?A recent TikTok video is going viral for all the right reasons!University of Virginia track and field athlete Alahna Sabbakhan (@lahnazak), was at crossroads. The scholarship athlete was shocked when she was challenged to a race by a male acquaintance who insisted "no woman could beat him."The best part? Her challenger wasn't even an athlete. What's even more bizarre was her challenger brought his family along to see his projected "big win." He Couldn’t Have Been More WrongIt all started during one of Alahna's routine workouts.The track star had been minding her own business, when her boyfriend's friend showed up out of the blue and insisted on competing against her in 400-meter race. Despite the absurdity of his claims, the 22-year-old track star embraced the opportunity before her. Instead of choosing to be insulted by his overconfidence, she chose to turn it into a powerful lesson for everyone watching...and the results couldn't have been more perfect.He Didn’t Realize He’d Just Picked the Hardest RaceDuring the first half of the 400-meter race, she cheekily kept pace with her challenger, who "does not run" regularly, she said in the video. "He didn't really know what to challenge me in," she says. "He was like, 'Yeah, I could beat her in the 400' — not realizing that that was one of the hardest track events and that was one of my secondary events."Alahna SabbakhanAt the 150 meter mark, her challenger wrongly thought they were neck and neck — he didn't realize he'd already overexerted himself whereas Alahna was just getting started.After the first 200 meters passed, her competitor fell off. At the same time, Alahna picked up the pace to "finish hard, because that's what you do as a track runner," she shared.It wasn't long before the gap between them widened drastically and Alahna was the clear winner, leaving her overconfident competitor in the dust.Maybe someone should have warned him to stay in his own lane (literally)!She Had Nothing To Prove — "Just to Clarify, I Did Not Want to Race This Man"Even though he was totally out of his field, Alahna wasn't looking to school anyone.In her video Alahna clarifies she was a reluctant participant; "I did not want to race this man. I was already at the track with my boyfriend doing a workout, and he came to join."More than anything, the athlete — who runs a successful TikTok page sharing diet and fitness tips — wanted to remind her followers to not let other people's opinions of you get in your head!TikTok / @lahnazak"My mom tells me this all the time: You already won. You already got your college scholarship, earned your athlete status," she continues. "So I don't think me racing some random guy at the track is really going to determine anything for me."Nearly 12 million views later, it's clear Alahna's story made its mark.With millions of views and climbing, the virality of the video speaks to the "universal experience" of having our years of hard work questioned and why it's important to block out the noise and keep your eyes on the prize.Finish Strong for Yourself — One Athlete’s Inspiring Message for People EverywhereWhen it comes to confidence, Alahna shared her story as a reminder of why it's so important to not compare yourself to others."Focus on your journey and your progress and where you used to be and where you want to be, because it's just going to waste your time and drain your energy to be focused on everyone else," she says.Keep realistic and motivating goals. "If you're writing them down and reminding yourself of (your goals) every day, then that really helps block out that extra noise," she says. "That's been helping me not care about the negative things people are saying to me because of that video. I'm just reminding myself about how I have bigger goals."

Couple Celebrating Their Anniversary Is Annoyed by Horrible Service - Teaches Waiter a Valuable Lesson in Karma
Uplifting News

Couple Celebrating Their Anniversary Is Annoyed by Horrible Service - Teaches Waiter a Valuable Lesson in Karma

Bad service, we've all been there. Luke warm food? Hangry stomachs growling? And then being strapped with an expensive bill at the end of it all? Nothing kills the mood of a beautiful evening out faster than slow wait service. Which is exactly what happened to this one couple, who decided to celebrate their anniversary, for what they thought was going to be an easy evening out. How wrong they were. This was one time it would have been wiser to cook at home!Why One Couple Was Annoyed at a RestaurantWhen Makenzie Schultz and her husband, Steven, sat down to a sushi dinner in Cedar Rapids, Iowa for their sixth anniversary, they were hoping to have a special night out for such a special occasion. Little did they know how disappointed they would be. The couple were shocked when they looked at the clock and realized it took a staggering 20 minutes to even get a glass of water. Needless to say, the evening was off to a shaky start. Yet, the lovebirds tried to keep a positive outlook in order to enjoy their evening. Unfortunately, things only got worse from there. According to Makenzie, it took the waiter 40 minutes to bring a single appetizer and another hour for their entree to arrive. For those who aren't sure, as a general rule of thumb, appetizers should take no longer than 15 minutes before they reach the table — and for sushi of all cuisines? It's a California roll, not a Thanksgiving turkey! It's not rocket science people.As it turns out, Makenzie and Steven weren't the only ones on the receiving end of the horrendous service. Looking around the dining room it was clear the entire restaurant were up in arms about the slow service. So, they decided to show this one waiter the meaning of "what goes around, comes around."When the Bill Came Around, They Knew Exactly What to DoWhen the server left the bill at the table, the frustrated couple left a shocking tip. They decided to leave a $100 tip on their $66 check for a 150 percent tip!The couple could empathize with the server who was polite even while "dealing with 12 tables on a short-staffed night," because they'd once been in his shoes. In a now-viral Facebook post, Makenzie shared that both she and her husband used to be servers, so they know how challenging and thankless the job can be. Their past experience prompted the couple to "make this guy's night" by leaving a generous tip. They posted their experience on Facebook not to humble brag about their act of kindness, but "as a friendly reminder to think of the entire situation, before you judge."The couple left the restaurant before the server could even thank them for their generosity, but not before leaving the overworked server with some words of encouragement. To make matters even sweeter, the couple left a heartwarming handwritten message at the bottom of their bill, reminding him he isn't alone. Their note read, "We've both been in your shoes. Paying it forward."Read Makenzie’s Story Below:“So here’s the deal. Our service tonight sucked. Took 20 minutes to get water, 40 minutes for an appetizer and over an hour for our entree. People all around us were making fun of the restaurant & how bad the service was. Yeah, it was pretty terrible. But, it was very obvious that the issue was being short staffed, not the server. He was running around like crazy and never acted annoyed with any table. At one point we counted he had 12 tables plus the bar. More than any one person could handle! As I sat there and watched him run back & forth and apologize for the wait, I said to Steven… Wow, this used to be us. Waiting tables. I don’t miss it at all and I never loved that job. I did it for the tips. Steven and I agreed it would feel good to make this guys night when he would probably be getting minimal to no tips due to slow service. We walked out before he saw this and I’m not posting this for a pat on the back. I’m just sharing this as a friendly reminder to think of the entire situation before you judge. And always always always remember where you came from.”Makenzie Schultz, FacebookRather than posting an angry review online or blasting the restaurant on Facebook, Schultz and her husband decided to take a negative situation and make it positive, recognizing that "he probably isn't going to get tips," which is how servers make ends meet. "This definitely was not the largest tip there ever was," Schultz said. "We thought it could make his night a little bit easier.""No matter how much you apologize to tables, there are going to be people rolling their eyes."Makenzie, TODAY.comDays after its initial publication, Makenzie's post gained 1.2 million likes and has since garnered over 257,000 shares and received more than 11,000 comments. Incredibly, even after all these years, those numbers keep growing, all thanks to the enduring inspiration that the couple's kind act touching the hearts of people far and wide.“Think Before You Judge” Is Easier Said Than Done, but That Doesn’t Mean We Shouldn’t TryThinking before judging is easier said than done, which is why we all sometimes need a friendly reminder. In a world where snap judgments are all too common, the couple's story reminds us of the crucial need to think before we judge. It's easy to rush to conclusions, but hasty decisions can lead to misunderstandings, bias, and missed opportunities for kindness. Their thoughtful act, despite the slow service, shows that empathy and understanding should always come before judgment. We never truly know the battles others may be fighting or the challenges they face, and by taking a moment to see things from their perspective, we can create a more compassionate and connected world. So, the Schultz's example encourages us all to take a step back, reflect, and offer the benefit of the doubt whenever possible, making our interactions with others more positive and meaningful.“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."Leo Buscaglia, American AuthorMore from Goalcast:Stranger Refuses to Sit Beside Family Who Had Children With Disabilities – Later, a Waiter Brings Them a Note From HimStruggling Waiter Doesn’t Know How He Will Pay for College – Then a Famous Customer’s Tip Leaves Him Speechless8-Year-Old Finds Out His Favorite Waffle House Waiter Is Hiding a Secret – Doesn’t Hesitate to Raise $64,000 for Him

Boss Thinks Man Is Joking When He Said He Walked 6 Hours to Get To Work - Then a Stranger Makes an Offer He Cant Refuse
Uplifting News

Boss Thinks Man Is Joking When He Said He Walked 6 Hours to Get To Work - Then a Stranger Makes an Offer He Cant Refuse

How far would you be willing to go to get to work? Well for one man from Prineville, Oregon, the answer is 33 miles. While this may not seem like much if you have a car or access to public transportation, it's one heck of a commute if you're doing it like he did — by the power of his own two feet. What would normally take approximately 45 minutes by vehicle, took Eric Akers 6 AND A HALF HOURS by foot, and someone needs to give this guy a raise.These Feet Were Made for Walking, so That’s Just What He DidIt all started when Eric's car broke down. With only $300 to his name, he had to spend every last penny he had to have it towed to the shop.After unsuccessfully trying to find a ride to his night shift as a commercial custodian in the neighboring town of Bend, Eric decided to take matters into his own hands (or, in this case, feet.)Rather than call in sick he strapped on his sneakers and started walking. And walking. And walking...for 6 and a half hours.“I needed to get to work no matter what. So I woke up early — about 9:00 a.m. Started around 10:00 a.m. Left for Bend and it took about 6 1/2 hours, but I made the trek.”Eric Akers via Central Oregon DailyHe made it to work on time. His boss, after hearing his story, was shocked by the lengths he went to.“When I first heard that, I was shocked. I thought he was joking, actually, at first,” said boss Greg Davies. “I appreciate the dedication. We would have had nobody here for our night crew if he had not gone the extra mile, you might say. Or 30-plus in this case.” A Stranger Steps Up With an Offer He Can’t RefuseBut it turns out, his boss wasn't the only one impressed by his dedication. With a little help from his mama and friends, Eric's story was picked up by local news stations. And then the emails started pouring in.Local farmer Chris Arsenault was sitting on his tractor, scrolling on his phone, when he first heard about Eric. After learning that his car required over $2200 in repairs and would take weeks, if not months, for parts to arrive on back order, he immediately decided he wanted to do something to help. And he had just the thing — a 1997 Honda Civic he no longer needed. Chris and his wife contacted the news station which put them in touch with Eric. The next day, Eric went out to meet the couple, totally unaware that he was about to drive away with a car. He was floored when Chris delivered the news, telling him, “I bought this car from my uncle. My aunt bought it brand new in ’97. It’s a clean little car. My wife and I want to give you that car.”“There’s no way I would have done it. That’s what inspired me to do this, and my wife, too,” Chris said.We Need to Help Our NeighborsAs for why Eric chose to walk 33 miles? He chalks it all up to a strong work ethic.“I guess I say work ethic. I really need the money. I like my job. I want to keep my job. I like the people I work with. So, a measure of just showing I’m willing to do what it takes to get the job done,” he said.He also added that he just wants to be able to provide for his family and tries to be a good role model for his children. It's definitely working.According to Chris, he's no superhero. He just did what he thought was right. “I think, especially in today’s time, we need to help people. We need to help our neighbors. It’s a rough time. People are divided and so I wanted to help him,” he said.We could all stand to walk in his shoes. Whether it's gifting someone a car or even just giving someone a lift, we all have the ability to help each other out. More often than not it just takes looking in our own backyards to find someone who could use our helping hand.More from Goalcast:Woman Is Stranded in Her Car at a Gas Station – Before She Can Call for Help, an Employee Knocks on Her WindowHomeless Mom Lives in Her Car With 2 Kids – Gathers Nerve to Ask Police Officer a Question That Changes Her LifePolice Officer Intends to Ticket a Parked Car – But the Surprising Note the Driver Had Left for Him Changes His Mind

Teen With Disability Works at Pizza Joint - Is Speechless After Customer Gives Him $5 Tip Then Changes His Mind
Uplifting News

Teen With Disability Works at Pizza Joint - Is Speechless After Customer Gives Him $5 Tip Then Changes His Mind

They say hard work pays off, and in some cases, it does. But more often than not, our hard work goes unnoticed — especially for those of us working in the customer service or hospitality industries. So the fact that one customer went out of his way to appreciate and recognize a hardworking teen at a pizza joint has warmed hearts around the world. Just Doing His JobA 16-year-old high school student named Ryheem Lumpkins had recently gotten a job at his local Pizza Ranch when a man noticed him hard at work. The kid was pleasant to everyone who came through the door and handled the cash register like a champ. And when he wasn’t busy, he would pick up a broom and sweep the floors or make sure the buffet was clean and wiped down.Aside from this kid's outgoing nature and hard work, Robert Samay also noticed one other thing that was different about Ryheem: his hands and arms had never fully developed. It certainly wasn’t the only impressive thing about the employee, but Samay felt like he was a great example to kids everywhere. He decided to do something about it.Samay approached Ryheem and handed him a five-dollar bill as a tip. The teen looked so genuinely happy to be recognized for his hard work that Samay hatched a plan.A Surprise ReturnA few days later, Samay returned to the pizza joint with a friend and some reporters from KCTV. They spotted the teen and approached. Nothing could have prepared Ryheem for what happened next.“I appreciate your hard work, your good smile, your good attitude,” Samay told the teen in the video. “We don’t get that nowadays, especially with young kids.”Samay’s friend then began counting out notes from a crisp stack of $50 bills. The stack totaled $2,500, and it was all for the teen who had made such a big impression with his dedication and friendliness.“To be honest, I was speechless. I never had nothing in my life that had happened to me like that before,” Ryheem said. “That right there showed me that there’s more people in the world that really care for me.”More than the money, the teen was impressed by the kindness of the gesture. He was also impressed that, although Samay had noticed his physical condition, it wasn’t part of why he wanted to tip the kid so handsomely.“I don’t describe it as a condition. God made me like this for a reason. I’m a regular person. I don’t think of it as a disability,” Ryheem continued. “It don’t prevent me from nothing. If I feel like I can do it, I can do it.”A Message for Fellow TeensSamay was right in that Ryheem is a great example for others. He shared some sage advice with the news outlet for others who may have a physical disability.“Don’t ever hide it,” he said. “Embrace what you have different from other people. Because a lot of people think it’s cool, and a lot of people wouldn’t think it’s cool. The negative words, don’t let it get to your head. Because there’s a lot of positive in the world. There’s more positive than negative.”As for Samay, he says that money is just money. But finding someone who brings pure joy to people is uncommon and deserves to be recognized.“Money comes and goes,” he explained. “It’s rare to find someone like Ryheem.”The Importance of Recognizing Hard WorkMost people have to work to earn a paycheck in life, and that work can be hard and thankless. That’s why it’s so important to tip or tell people they’re doing a good job: we all need to feel appreciated and seen.That goes for home life as well, and parents who do unpaid jobs, children who look after their aging parents, or others who have people in their care that they can’t let down. Take time and write them a note, tell them how much they mean to you, or make sure they know what a good job they’re doing.Not everyone has extra money they can randomly gift to a stranger. But small acts of kindness like these can also lead to big rewards and are always appreciated.More from Goalcast:Famous Rapper Leaves Massive Tip After Accidentally Dining and Dashing From RestaurantStruggling Waiter Doesn’t Know How He Will Pay for College – Then a Famous Customer’s Tip Leaves Him Speechless