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  • Dustyn F

    Dustyn is the owner of and loves dry humor and helping people live a full life. Through education and awareness, he is able to help people achieve their life mission and purpose in life. Love becoming a better you and dry humor? is made for you!
20 Inspiring Mark Cuban Quotes To Motivate You In Business & In Life

20 Inspiring Mark Cuban Quotes To Motivate You In Business & In Life

Mark Cuban is a self-made billionaire, professional basketball team owner, TV star, author, and even a blogger. He made it big by co-founding back in the 90s and selling it Yahoo for around $6 billion a year after bringing the company public in 1998.His lifelong dream of owning an NBA team, the Dallas Mavericks, came true in the year 2000 when he bought it from the existing owner. His inspiration is crossing so many minds ever since he has become a star on the highly popular show Shark Tank. Here he shows off his wisdom, experience, and inspiration on what he did himself to get to where he is today.His blog even allows you to enter into his thoughts, understand how a billionaire's thinks, and divulge yourself into extremely interesting and thought provoking topics. Everything from technology and IPO’s to cyber security and privacy are all topics Mark himself openly discusses over on his official blog.And with his book How to Win at the Sport of Business out and readily available, he is now also known as an author along all of his other titles. His book is just another great addition to his blog in which he discusses his thoughts on business, but this time exactly how you can truly win in the sport of business.With that, all of these quotes by Mark Cuban below will explain everything about his mindset towards business and life. He proves to be a role model for many, and his quotes will surely inspire you to take action in your life and start working 24/7 on your dreams and aspirations.“It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed. You only have to be right once.”– Mark Cuban“Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don’t do it.” – Mark Cuban“What I've learned in these 11 years is you just got to stay focused and believe in yourself and trust your own ability and judgment.” – Mark Cuban“Doesn’t matter if the glass is half-empty or half-full. All that matters is that you are the one pouring the water.” – Mark Cuban“Every no gets me closer to a yes.” – Mark Cuban"Don’t get caught up in how many hours you work. Judge success based on having goals and measuring your results. Hard work, and lots of it, is certainly needed, but focus on what you get done.” – Mark Cuban“Always wake up with a smile knowing that today you are going to have fun accomplishing what others are too afraid to do.” – Mark Cuban“If you’re prepared and you know what it takes, it’s not a risk. You just have to figure out how to get there. There is always a way to get there.” – Mark Cuban“Don’t start a company unless it’s an obsession and something you love. If you have an exit strategy, it’s not an obsession.” – Mark Cuban"One thing we can all control is effort. Put in the time to become an expert in whatever you’re doing. It will give you an advantage because most people don’t do this.” – Mark Cuban“It's not in the dreaming, it's in the doing.” – Mark Cuban"What I’ve learned is that if you really want to be successful at something, you’ll find that you put the time in. You won’t just ask somebody if it’s a good idea, you’ll go figure out if it’s a good idea.” – Mark Cuban“Work like there is someone working 24 hours a day to take it all away from you.” – Mark CubanTreat your customers like they own you. Because they do.” – Mark CubanIn the past, people used to tell me to shut up a bit. But what I believe is to put out your opinion and let everyone else react. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong.” – Mark Cuban“Don’t let fear be a roadblock.” – Mark Cuban“Creating opportunities means looking where others are not.” – Mark Cuban"Most people think it’s all about the idea. It’s not. EVERYONE has ideas. The hard part is doing the homework to know if the idea could work in an industry, then doing the preparation to be able to execute on the idea.” – Mark Cuban"I love to compete. To me, business is the ultimate sport. It's always on. There is always someone trying to beat me.” – Mark Cuban“Everyone is passionate about something. Usually more than one thing. We are born with it.” – Mark Cuban

11 Hacks For Better Productivity

11 Hacks For Better Productivity

Productivity is the most important asset we have when it comes to getting work done. Whether it's for your job, your business, or even yard work, those that are most productive and efficient get the most done in the least amount of time.Many people will say to multitask and you’ll get more done, but let me tell you something: multitasking is destroying your productivity. It’s making you take longer, get less done, and produce lower quality work.

7 Things Successful People Are Doing That You Aren't

7 Things Successful People Are Doing That You Aren't

Have you ever sat there and really thought to yourself, “What are these successful people doing that I am not?” I’ve got a solid answer for you; These winners all possess strict attitudes and practices that most people don't. You might be doing some of the things on the list below, but most of the people who get to the top actually do everything on this list. Not to say that you won’t join the winners club if you don’t implement all of these same habits, but if you want to stack the odds in your favor, you should probably do yourself a favor and pick up these practices. 7 Things Successful People Are Doing That You Probably Aren't 1. Focus On Wins, Accept The Fails Successful people are all about winning, it’s how they got to where they want to be. But with winning also comes failing, and if you can’t accept fails along with your wins, it just won’t work out. If you are winning all the time, it probably means you aren't aiming high enough. Once you start aiming a bit higher; every venture, every decision, every action you take always has the potential for two things; a win or a loss. They will both happen. It’s just how the game is played. But once you empower your fails you will slowly start to see them as small wins. 2. Just Go For It The difference between people who ‘make it’ and those who don’t is always because of the people who ‘made it’ took action. They stopped reading, they stopped procrastinating, and they just went for it. Those who don’t take action are those who don’t get any results. So if you could follow any habit out of all of these, it should be this one. Take action, you’ll make it sooner or later. 3. Work Every Day (No Full Days Off) No matter what day it is; whether it’s vacation, holiday, or your birthday successful people are always doing something, and so should you! Of course on special occasions you want to relax and enjoy your time, you should still do something every single day. Whether that means responding to a few emails, sending out a social media post, just do something. It doesn’t have to be huge, but it will surely keep your flow of getting things done going. 4. Surround Yourself With Beneficial People Ever heard the saying: "You are the Average of the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With" Winners notice things in people that they’d like to acquire (a skill, a mindset, etc) and so they do their best to connect and surround themselves with the people who will have a beneficial impact on their own lives. You also want to add value to other people's lives (otherwise, you’re being selfish!). You want to cut out toxic people and only allow the people who are going to push you forward. It might be hard to cut people out of your life, but if they are toxic to your successes, you might want to reconsider that relationship. 5. Learn To Just “No” Do you think the winners have become successful by saying “yes” to everyone who's ever asked them for a favor? Successful people are busy, and they keep themselves busy with the right things. Anyone can be busy, but if they aren’t doing things for themselves and for their goals, what’s the point? Learn to say no, clear up more time for yourself, and get more done that will actually make a difference to your own life. 6. Plan The Day Ahead If you ever feel like you aren’t getting as much done as you’d like, it’s probably because you aren’t following planning your days. Writing what I like to call a “To-Do Tomorrow List” is a great way to collect your thoughts at the end of the day and write down everything you need to get done in the next day. It's so much more effective than trying to think of what to do on the day you need to get it done. 7. Learn To Laugh At Everything Don’t be Mr or Ms serious all the time. Learning to laugh at your own fails is a great way to overcome embarrassment when you fall down. This attitude was very helpful to some of the greatest innovators of our time. Both Walt Disney and Albert Einstein were laughed at when they talked about their ambitions. They failed, and while everyone was ridiculing them, they just laughed it off and tried again. It’s okay to fail, quit caring about what other people think when you fail and just get back up and go at it again and again. Once you are at the top, they won’t be laughing anymore. Conclusion As with any habit, good or bad, you need to consistently repeat it day in and day out to ingrain it into your daily practice. It takes determination and willpower to push yourself everyday to implement these habits into your life. But trust me when I say this; Once you’ve got it ingrained into your daily life, it will no longer seem like a struggle to you. It will become second nature, and you will be well on your way to become a winner yourself. And before I go let me ask you this; Do you want to win? Then, Act like a winner, become a winner. It’s that simple.