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  • Hanna Fitz

    Hanna Fitz is an international brand strategist, business coach and author, helping women live the cultured life by building a world-class brand around their expertise and turning fear into fortune with clarity, strategy and style. She has over 10 years experience in product and brand development, and has consulted and coached award-winning luxury and niche brands in Europe, the Caribbean and North America. She has a masters degree (LL.M.) International Commercial Law from Northumbria University (UK), a first class honors BA in Corporate management, and Certificates in Luxury Brand Management and Life Coaching. She is the author of I Am the Gatekeeper: 101 Daily Keys to Unlock Your Happiness, Overcome Adversity and Fulfill Your Purpose.
Love Over Fear: The Powerful Strategy to Finish This Year Strong

Love Over Fear: The Powerful Strategy to Finish This Year Strong

As we are coming to the end of 2017, I know that you had amazing goals planned for this year and many things that you desired to experience and do. It's not too late. Whatever challenges you may have faced this year, or breakthroughs that you may have enjoyed, I want to remind you that the end can be better than the beginning. One of the most transformational mindset shifts I have been able to make in my own life, and a strategy that you can use right now to shift your perspective and circumstances completely, is to choose love over fear. Love Over Fear: The Powerful Strategy to Finish This Year Strong Ultimately we know deeply that on the other side of every fear is freedom. - Mary Ferguson I know it might seem simple, but this is one of the most powerful strategies and ways of being I have ever seen. There are opportunities that are still available for you this year. The business and brand you desire to create can be launched successfully -- but if you're honest with yourself, perhaps you have been animated by fear all year instead of by love. Fear-based living is sabotaging your dreams Fear-based living is choosing to believe that there is a lack in your life and that there is never enough. Fear is thinking that you might not be able to finish and that you will disappoint everyone, which is why you don't take action. Fear is choosing to postpone your dreams to wait for the "right" moment, because you're afraid that if you invest in something now you won't have enough money to do the other things you desire. Fear is choosing to play small because somewhere deep down inside, you believe that this will not work for you; that your desires will not bear fruit because you believe you have tried everything and that nothing has worked in the past. Fear is choosing to play safe and hold on to the security of where you are now, no matter how unfulfilling. I used to be in that place. It literally scared me, and kept me up many nights until 1am. But like waking from a deep sleep, I finally realized that being addicted to fear had only kept me from my dreams. Fear is an addiction, and so is playing the victim. Choosing love instead So how do you transform that? You choose love. It's simple, but not easy. You have to become conscious and intentional about it. This is why I’ve kept a post-it on my computer that says “Choose Love Instead” as a daily reminder. Love is believing that on the other side of your fear is everything you desire. Love is choosing to believe that your actions will always bear fruit no matter what happened in the past. Love is choosing to believe that the end is ALWAYS better than the beginning. Love is choosing to go for your dreams from a no-matter-what place, because if you can visualize who you are meant to be, you will become it. Love is taking chances despite fear or circumstances, because you are not a victim. You are a superstar. Love is choosing to believe that there is always something you can do to turn things around. And love is choosing to stand in your power, defy the impossible, have courage, and stand in the light of all that is possible for you. Superstars do not sit on the sidelines and watch life happen to them. You do not need any handouts -- you are an empowered woman or man who is capable of fulfilling your desires. Make this year's end better than the beginning I want to see you end your year better than you began it. This why I am inviting you to make the shift this year personally and professionally, and to get out of fear and claim your breakthrough by choosing love. My desire this year is to help as many women as possible fulfill their desire to create a brand and life that are styled for freedom. Opportunities to make the change in your life are presented to you every day. I had a client who wrote me recently to say that she had the biggest month of her entire career this month. I was filled with joy, because I know her journey and where she started. And so I know that this type of quantum leap is available to you too. This journey isn't just about the money you make, but about who you become in the process. You have to choose whether you will stay a victim of your circumstances or whether you will stand strong as the superstar you are meant to be. I am here for you, and know that so much more is possible for you if you will allow yourself to just go for it now.

3 Self-Sabotaging Zones that Stop Women from Leading
Career Growth

3 Self-Sabotaging Zones that Stop Women from Leading

As a brand strategist and business coach, I have had the opportunity to coach some of the most brilliant women I have ever met, and have personally spoken to many others. They all had one thing in common: "feeling stuck."I can think back to when I felt stuck. It wasn't because I wasn't working hard, or because I wasn't trying to make my dreams of creating a brand around my passion come true. It was because I was in one of these three self-sabotaging zones that were stifling my potential to break out and lead the life I desired. Here Are 3 Self-Sabotaging Zones that Stop Women from LeadingYou gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face... You must do the thing you think you cannot do.- Eleanor RooseveltThe middle-class zoneYou may already have a relatively good life, but are feeling unfulfilled inside because you have not created your dream business and are not doing the work you love. While you have a desire for more, there is enough to keep you content, so you hold back from taking risks or pushing as hard as you know you can go. You've convinced yourself that your life is better than most and try to push the unfulfilled emotions aside, ultimately staying where you are. This is the comfort zone. Whether you achieve your goal or not, you’ll survive, although your inner desire is to thrive.Acceptance zoneMaybe you honestly can’t seem to find a path out of your current situation, and that would bring you into alignment with your true desires. You have probably begun to accept that this is as good as it gets, and that your dreams will never come true. Maybe you’ve tried everything, and nothing works. Maybe someone told you that your dreams were not realistic, or perhaps no one in your family has ever accomplished what you aim to achieve. So you comply and conform. Overwhelmed and even broken-hearted at times, you start accepting that your dream life is off limits to you, even though somewhere inside of you, you know this isn't true. Rescue zoneYou’re secretly hoping that someone will come rescue you. Maybe you’ll be discovered; your big break will come. Perhaps you’re hoping someone will invest money in you, because you can’t see how you could ever do it on your own. It’s the "prince on the white horse" syndrome that has most women waiting, playing frail and small, even though inside you are a fierce and determined woman who knows that she can make a real impact on the world. Yet while waiting for the rescue mission or big break to arrive, you’ve avoided taking the action required to make your dreams come true. What's holding you back?The challenge with each of these scenarios is that you are living a life that you know you are not meant for. You feel that calling to build a brand that will transform lives, communities and even the world. But everything you’ve tried so far either hasn’t worked, or did for a little while before knocking you back to where you started. You have your ups and downs. Sometimes you’re okay, but that deep sense of being unfulfilled and overwhelmed keeps coming back. There is one hidden reason behind all of this: fear -- fear of risk, fear of failure, fear of commitment, fear of disappointing others, fear of responsibility. You may even be afraid of your own strength and how great you will become if you have the faith to step out like you know you can. You may fear that some people will leave you, or that it will be too much for you to handle if things take off. Sometimes our dreams can scare us. You may even feel unworthy of your dreams, with a voice inside asking, "Who am I to ask for more?"Live your passionBut you deserve all that you desire and more. Your skills, passion and expertise are meant to impact the world. You owe yourself a full shot at success. So you must commit to taking action on building that brand that you are meant to share with the world. I was scared too when I thought about starting my business seven years ago. I would say to myself, I could save that money, take a trip, buy more clothes and shoes. For a while this worked, but my desires were unrelenting. I got tired. Tired of not living my dream. Tired of standing on the sidelines watching everyone else create what I desired for myself. I knew I would never be fulfilled unless I could live my passion and create a business and brand that I could be proud of. So one day, I left my tiny cubicle and started my own consulting and now online coaching business. Since then, I have worked with award-winning brands and women internationally. If I had not answered my inner calling, stepped up to my fears and taken chances, I would have missed the chance of impacting lives and businesses internationally. But most of all, I would have missed out on doing the work I love, and would still be longing for the sense of fulfillment that I feel today. Which zone are you in? Are you ready to get out of your self-sabotaging zones and into your purpose-driven life? Every decision you make shapes your future. You get to choose the life you live. Pursue your desires with all that you have in you, and each day will become more fulfilling than the last. Don’t miss your chance to make an impact. Don’t miss your chance to build that world-class brand around your passion. But above all, don't miss your chance to become the woman you have always dreamt of becoming.