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Young man in a tux standing next to an elderly woman and an elderly woman talking on the phone.
Uplifting News

Man Tries to Scam 84-Year-Old Out of $8,000 - She Outsmarts Him With a Clever Question

Canadians are often labeled as polite and easygoing, but when it comes to protecting their loved ones, they can be fiercely sharp and clever. Just ask 84-year-old Mabel Harold.

Construction Worker Waves at Elderly Woman Looking Through a Window - Later, She Writes Him a Note That Crushed Him
Uplifting News

Construction Worker Waves at Elderly Woman Looking Through a Window - Later, She Writes Him a Note That Crushed Him

In life, it's often the simplest acts of kindness that can create the most profound impact. And when an 88-year-old grandmother named Gloria Porter found herself in the hospital battling pneumonia, she experienced such an act that would touch her heart and inspire everyone who heard the story.The Note an Elderly Woman Wrote to a Construction WorkerGloria's hospital room had a window with a clear view of ongoing construction work. Ironworkers were diligently building the new front entrance to the hospital. As Gloria observed the workers from her room, a spontaneous connection occurred. One of the ironworkers, Jeff Reick, noticed Gloria and waved to her. In response, Gloria, with a sparkle in her eye, waved back.But Jeff's compassionate spirit didn't stop at a wave. He was inspired by this brief interaction and wanted to do something more. Jeff found some chalk and decided to write a heartfelt message on a beam facing Gloria's window. In bold letters, he scrawled, "GET WELL."Recalling the moment, Jeff shared, "I saw the lady at the window looking out, I thought it would be a kind gesture just to tell her to get well." His simple act of kindness left Gloria deeply moved. She described it as "precious."The Friendship Between Two StrangersHowever, Gloria didn't stop at receiving kindness; she wanted to give it back. As she watched the ironworkers laboring outside her window, she became concerned about their safety, especially on a particularly cold and windy day when they were working on the scaffolding.To express her concern and gratitude, Gloria, with the help of the nursing staff, wrote a message on a piece of paper: "STAY SAFE." She placed this sign in her window for the workers to see.Jeff, upon seeing Gloria's message, was deeply touched. He explained, "That sign kind of crushed me. I don't know how she knew 'Stay safe.' It's kind of like ironworker lingo to stay safe. When I saw 'Stay safe' in the window, I just snapped my head around, looked around, and was like, 'Hey, did you see that?'"What had begun as a typical day turned into a heartwarming exchange between two strangers. A simple wave and a few kind words had the power to turn a gloomy day into one filled with warmth and encouragement.Jeff beautifully summed up his actions by saying, "I just try to lead by example and be a good person. I just hope everybody would do things like that because the world is not a very nice place."How One Act of Kindness Led to AnotherThe touching exchange between Gloria and Jeff didn't go unnoticed. Hospital staff and ironworkers took photos of the messages, capturing this beautiful moment of connection.News of this heartwarming interaction began to spread, inspiring others to join in acts of kindness. The very next day, a kind woman visited the construction site and handed over an envelope filled with money to treat the workers to lunch. It's a testament to the idea that kindness is indeed contagious.Jeff hadn't set out that day to make someone's day better, but he did just that. And in return, Gloria reciprocated with a heartfelt message, creating a beautiful cycle of kindness.This story serves as a poignant reminder that even in our everyday lives, amidst our routines, there's always an opportunity to make a difference. It's a testament to the power of simple gestures, a few kind words, and the beauty of an open heart.In a world that can sometimes feel harsh, the story of Gloria and Jeff reminds us that compassion, empathy, and connection can brighten even the darkest of days. It's a narrative that encourages all of us to be a little kinder, a little more compassionate, and a little more open-hearted.More from Goalcast:Bus Driver Has to Take an Alternate Route Because of Construction – What He Does for A Blind Passenger Is Recorded by a WitnessSingle Mother of Nine Goes From Homeless to CEO of a Mega Successful Construction CompanyLonely Old Man Spies on Construction Site Every Single Day — So One of the Construction Workers Cuts Him a Deal He Can’t Refuse

No One Visits Lonely Elderly Couple for Months - Hearing Their Cries, a Neighbor Calls the Police
Uplifting News

No One Visits Lonely Elderly Couple for Months - Hearing Their Cries, a Neighbor Calls the Police

Seniors across the world are suffering from a second pandemic — loneliness. But a couple of police officers in Italy had the perfect remedy for one couple in their 80s and 90s.Desperate for Human ConnectionNo one had visited 84-year-old Jole and 94-year-old Michele in months. Meanwhile, all they saw on TV was stories of war and abuse — and this was well before the COVID-19 pandemic and increase in extreme weather events seen in the last couple of years. So, they cried out of desperation. So much so, that a neighbor called the police."It is not always an easy life," police wrote about the incident in a 2016 Facebook post reported by the Independent. "Especially when the city is empty and the neighbours are away on vacation. Sometimes the loneliness melts into tears. Sometimes it's like a summer storm. It comes suddenly and overtakes one.""Jole and Michele, they love each other. But when the loneliness is a burden on the heart, it may happen that they lose hope," the statement continued. "Can happen, like this time, that they scream so loud in their despair that, in the end, somebody calls the state police."A Dollop of HumanityFour officers identified as Andrea, Alessandro, Ernesto, and Mirko responded to the call, but instead of dismissing their loneliness, they did something remarkable — they made them dinner. Pasta with parmesan to be exact."There isn't a crime. Jole and Michele are not victims of scams, as often happens to the elderly and no burglar came in the house. There's no one to save," continued the post. "This time, for the boys flying over, there is a more difficult task to perform. There are two lonely souls to reassure."According to the statement, the police asked for permission to access the pantry and improvise dinner."A bowl of pasta with butter and cheese. Nothing special. But with a precious ingredient: inside it is humanity."Questura di RomaThere’s a Cure for LonelinessWhile this story occurred a few years ago, it's no less relevant today. So many people, especially seniors, suffer from loneliness. The issue even prompted a grocery store chain in the Netherlands to make "chat registers" so employees can visit lonely customers. But this pandemic has a cure. We must be kind and check in on our elders, whether they're family or otherwise. How? Stop for a chat if you see them on the street. Volunteer. Give seniors you know a call more frequently. Or, maybe, make someone a pasta dinner.More from Goalcast:Uber Driver Takes a Look at Lonely Elderly Passenger’s Living Conditions – Decides to Give Him More Than Just a LiftWoman’s Heart Is Shattered When Her Husband Abandons Her for His Lover – Even Then, She Still Takes Care of His Elderly DadTeens Approach Elderly Man When They Think No One Is Watching – Little Did They Know What Would Happen Next

Mans Wife of 50 Years Starts Going Blind - So He Goes to College to Learn How to Do Hair and Makeup
Love Stories

Mans Wife of 50 Years Starts Going Blind - So He Goes to College to Learn How to Do Hair and Makeup

We all dream of finding that one great true love. But true love isn't about being swept off our feet. Or grand, expensive gestures. True love, real love, the kind that lasts-a-lifetime love is the one where we would do anything for the other person simply because we love them.When one elderly man's wife was going blind and she was struggling to do her own hair and makeup he took it upon himself to take cosmetology classes. He did it for no other reason than because he knew that her appearance was important to her. He did it, for love.And it's possible my heart may explode.True Love in ActionPhoto by Ron LachAccording to a Facebook post on Hair Design By Britney's page, the 79-year-old gentleman (who wishes to remain anonymous) walked into Red Deer, Alberta’s Delmar College of Hair and Esthetics and asked if there were any upcoming classes he could join. He told the school's director, Carrie Hannah, that his wife's vision was failing and she kept burning herself. Knowing how much pride she took in her appearance, he wanted to learn how to do her hair himself.Turns out, he was in luck. Hannah immediately set him up with one of the college students and a mannequin. "This lovely gentleman came in today to learn how to curl his wife’s hair," the Facebook post reads. "His wife is unable to curl her own hair and often burns herself, so he stepped up to the plate and learned how to curl her hair."Within an hour, he learned how to do volume curls on short hair and how to protect his wife's skin from being burned. He also asked for tips on how to apply mascara and received a makeup lesson too.In the course of the lesson, the elderly man shared lovingly about his wife of more than 50 years. Hannah told news outlets, "He lovingly pulled pictures from his wallet, showing everyone his wife, and boasting about how beautiful she has always been and how talented she was with the skillset of typing over 100 words a minute when she was working."Hannah also added that this was a first in her 31 years in the industry, but it was one of her best days as an instructor."That's what real love looks like and I'm glad our staff and students had an opportunity to be part of this too," Hannah said. "In an age of staged social media photos it was really great to see an authentic real human gesture of love."And his lesson paid off. The couple paid a visit to the college to express their gratitude. "They both also are impressed with his new professional skills and her hair is looking great!" Hannah said. Facebook Post of Elderly Man Learning How to Curl Hair for His Wife Goes ViralNeedless to say, people have been super touched by the husband's sweet gesture for his wife.The heart-melting story quickly set social media on fire. It went viral, garnering over 150K likes, 27K comments, and 405K shares."I think this is the single most amazing, important and loving post I have read in over a year," wrote one commenter. "The love this man has for his wife to learn this and do this for her. Your willingness to take time to teach him is such a beautiful thing as well."Another wrote, "Heartwarming story from both angles. His wife is so blessed to have him. I had one of those husbands. Thank you for your kindness in teaching him. Too many people don’t want to spend time with us elderly folks."Others shared their own stories of true love in action: "Love this! My mom lost her battle with AML 2 months ago. My stepdad learned how to give her pedicures, and did so every month for almost a year.""My Dad did this kind of thing for my Mom who had Alzheimer’s. He would get her dressed each day and put on her makeup and fix her hair. She had always looked classy before and he made sure she remained that way."A Love That Inspires the WorldLove doesn’t get any truer than this. And it’s a love that really has lasted a lifetime. Married for over 50 years, they've grown old. Together.And despite the changes the years have wrought, this husband still sees his wife the way he's always seen her — beautiful. But he doesn't just see her outward appearance, he truly sees HER. It's not just about learning a new skill so he can help her when she's struggling. It's about doing something because it's important to her and therefore important to him. And isn't that what true love is really all about? More from Goalcast:Elderly Man Lost His Wife Over 50 Years Ago – Breaks Down When He Gets to See Her “Come to Life”Elderly Man Heartbroken Every Christmas After the Passing of His Wife — Then, He Receives Something Shocking in the MailElderly Farmer Is Heartbroken After Losing Everything – But a Stranger Has Other Plans for Him

81-Year-Old With Dementia Gets Lost - Then One Viral Photo Shows Her Family What Actually Happened in the Forest
Everyday Heroes

81-Year-Old With Dementia Gets Lost - Then One Viral Photo Shows Her Family What Actually Happened in the Forest

81-year-old Roberta Crowley believes that the secret to a long life is "Eat good and stay active." So, three times a day, she takes her dog out for a walk.Normally, Crowley, who suffers from dementia, just walks up and down the driveway of her home that she shares with her daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter.However, on this particular day, Crowley veered off the main path and wandered into a nearby forest.What Happened When an Elderly Woman With Dementia Got LostWhen her dog returned home without her, her granddaughter knew something was wrong. She immediately contacted the Charles County Sheriff's Office in Maryland.Five Officers — P. DeBoe, C. Caywood, B. Morrison, Sgt. C. Black, and Cpl. C. Clevenger and his K9 partner, Eno — responded to the scene and began searching for the lost woman.40 minutes later, they found her. Lost and confused by the sudden appearance of the police officers, Crowley asked them if they were out for a walk too. Not wanting to frighten or embarrass her, they stepped quietly into her world, responding, "Yes."Crowley told them that she seemed to have "lost her way."That's when 21-year-old Brandon Morrison, the youngest member of the squad, extended a helping hand. Literally. He gently took the 81-year-old's hand and started guiding her home.Sgt. Black snapped a picture of the sweet moment and the Charles County Sheriff's Office shared it on its Facebook page.The Viral Photo That Proves the Power of Human ConnectionCharles County Sheriff's Office/FacebookThe heartwarming photo went viral garnering over 218K likes, 10K comments, and 5K shares."We often talk about the rewards of police work. On Friday, we captured a moment," the caption read before detailing what happened.Officer Morrison explained to People, "I wanted to make her feel comfortable. She was disoriented and I wanted to help her stabilize. It’s what any cop would have done.”It worked. The simple act of holding hands spoke louder than any words could. It silently conveyed a message of safety & security and was a gentle reminder to the octogenarian that she wasn't alone. The image is heartwarming, yes, but it's also a powerful example of the strength of human connection and community.As they walked, the officers made small talk with Crowley, further putting her at ease until they safely returned her home, much to the relief of her family.Response to the Viral PhotoWhen Officer Morrison heard that his picture went viral, he was shocked. For him, it was just something small that he did to help the elderly woman and he enjoyed the chance to talk with her."It was cool to talk to someone that old who has experienced a lot of life and now lives with four generations," he said. "I'm really close with my grandma, so I was intrigued by her story." As for Sgt. Black, who took the photo, he also believes that it's all just part of the job.“I saw our officer, the youngest on the team, helping this 80-year-old woman and it was very heartwarming,” Sgt. Black said. “The way they were talking it bridged that gap. He represents what police stand for. We are here to help serve the public. He was doing his duty to help her.”While they may not have thought it was a big deal, the rest of the world certainly did.Commenters came out in droves to praise the young officer's response and to share their own stories of loved ones with dementia."It's beautiful how they allowed this woman to maintain her dignity while at the same time assisting her. It's so important to keep that in mind," wrote one.Another wrote, "Thank you for joining her on her journey and taking a calm and natural approach. What could have been a very scary and threatening situation for the woman with dementia turned into a pleasant stroll home with some nice young men. Thank you for treating her with dignity and respect and treating her as a person, not as her disease."Hear! Hear!This Is the Rewarding Part of PolicingThe Sheriff's Office ended the Facebook post, saying:"Officers encounter different situations every day. Some good, some not so good. In this case, a frightening situation for the family ended happily. For that, they were thankful. For us, it's the rewarding part of policing."Not only was a lost elderly woman found that day thanks to the dedication and hard work of the police, but they came compassionately along beside her. Treating her with dignity, respect, and empathy.Officer Morrison's willingness to extend a helping hand, both literally and metaphorically, showcases the true spirit of community service. And proves that by embodying the values of empathy and understanding, we can create a world where no one feels lost or alone.