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Woman wearing a black dress sitting on a couch and identical twins pose for a picture.
Uplifting News

Teen Finds Someone Who Looks Exactly Like Her Online - Realizes They're Identical Twins

There are eight billion people on the planet. And chances are that somewhere out there, another person is walking around with your face, or at least one that is eerily similar to yours.Doppelgängers do exist. So when teenager, Elene Deisadze, was randomly scrolling through TikTok and came across a profile of someone who looked just like her, she was shocked but initially chalked it up to finding her doppelgänger.But in a crazy twist, it turns out the teen she found wasn't her doppelgänger, she was her identical twin sister. A sister she had no idea even existed.

Person holding a baby and a young man shaking hands with an older man
Uplifting News

Cop Rescues Baby Abandoned in a Box - 24 Years Later, He Learns the Truth About The Child

More than two decades ago, police officer Gene Eyster got a call he'd never forget. It was December 22, 2000. A group of college kids had discovered an abandoned newborn in a cardboard box in the hallway of their apartment complex. Twenty-four years later, Gene received another call...about the same baby, only now he's all grown up.

High School Crushes Meet Again at 50th Reunion - Then, a Phone Call Leads to Them Getting Married
Love Stories

High School Crushes Meet Again at 50th Reunion - Then, a Phone Call Leads to Them Getting Married

The first time Elaine Hall and Roland Passaro danced together they were teenagers. It was the 1950s and they jitterbugged to the song Kansas City.Seventy years later, they took to the dance floor again. Same song, same dance. Only this time, as newlyweds. Once each other's middle and high school crushes, they reconnected at their 50th high school reunion, and now, in a love story that spans decades, they've finally said, "I do."He Was a Star Athlete. She Was Head of the Cheer Squad.Hall and Passaro, both 88, grew up four blocks apart in Allentown, Pennsylvania. They attended middle school and high school together. They had classes together, played "Spin the Bottle" together, and danced with each other at the local YMCA."In today's parlance, you would say, she was hot. She was the smartest girl in class and knew the answer to every question," Passaro told the Washington Post."Roland was as handsome as could be, he was the star player and all the girls liked him. But he liked me, so that was nice."Elaine HallThey seemed perfect for each other, the quintessential high school couple — he was a star athlete with dreams of becoming a pro baseball player and she was the head cheerleader. But despite their mutual crushes, they remained squarely in the friend zone. It appeared as though they just weren't meant to be. And, as life does, it eventually took them in different directions.Passaro realized his dream of pitching in the minor leagues, went to college, got married, had three children, and ended up working for an airline in Miami. He lost his first wife, Suzanne, after a four-year battle with cancer, shortly after the couple suffered the devastating loss of their 37-year-old son, John. After high school, Hall got a job at a local newspaper and worked her way up the ranks to director of advertising and business development, where she stayed until she retired at 66. She also married, raised three children, and divorced in her 40s.50th High School ReunionFor 50 years, Passaro and Hall lived separate lives but then...FATE. When they received the invitation for their 50th high school reunion, they both decided to make the trip back to their hometown — Hall from Atlantic City and Passaro from Miami.As soon as they saw each other, sparks flew. "There was an attraction between us that night," Hall said. "When I went over to say goodbye, he leaned over and gave me a kiss."They agreed to stay in touch. As soon as Passaro got home, he mailed her a letter. That led to a six-hour phone call. Countless phone calls, emails, and two trips to Miami later, Hall and Passaro decided they didn't want to live apart any longer. Hall moved to Miami.For 20 years, the couple lived together, devoted to their families, traveling, enjoying art shows, golfing, and reading to each other every night before falling asleep. They were there for each other, in the good times and the bad, including when Hall's 67-year-old son, Robert, passed away in 2021.In October 2023, after being together for two decades, they finally decided it was high time they tied the knot."Let's do it," Passaro told Hall after she asked him why they hadn't married yet over a glass of wine. A Wedding Seven Decades in the MakingIn March 2024, Passaro and Hall said "I do." Their wedding was a family affair, with Hall's two daughters, Elizabeth and Patricia, walking her down the aisle. James Passaro (Roland's son) officiated and his other son, Ron, was the best man. Two of their great-granddaughters were flower girls. And in a beautiful full circle moment worthy of a Hollywood romance movie, the two danced to the first song they ever did together, all those years ago. "This was a good climax to a great love story."James Passaro via the Washington PostAs for their secret to happiness? The couple reveals that it's all about sharing values, interests, and history."The thing about getting older is that very few people remember you from when you were young," Hall said. "But I remember Rollie as the vibrant young fellow who could throw a ball as far as the eye could see."Not one to be outdone, Passaro responded, "And I remember how beautiful and exciting she was when she was 15, and I can say that she's just as beautiful and exciting today." (We can see why she loves him.)It may have taken seven decades to get here, but their love proves that it's never too late for second chances. More from Goalcast:High School Sweethearts Break Up After Graduation – 63 Years Later, One Phone Call Leads to Their MarriageWoman Goes With High School Sweetheart on a Date – Finds Out He’d Been Working on a Secret for Months15-Year-Old Feels a Spark With Her Sister’s Prom Date – 70 Years Later the Unthinkable Happens

They Were Sent to the Principals Office for Kissing on the School Bus - 77 Years Later, a Phone Call Changes Everything
Love Stories

They Were Sent to the Principals Office for Kissing on the School Bus - 77 Years Later, a Phone Call Changes Everything

Bill Hassinger and Joanne Blakkan met on the school bus 77 years ago. It was 1947 and they were both students at North Muskegon High School in West Michigan. Joanne was a junior and Bill was a freshman.They became high school sweethearts, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. Not then anyway. Fast forward seven decades and the two have found their way back. To each other. High School RomanceBill and Joanne started off as friends. Every day, she would save him a seat on the bus. Despite their two-year age difference, they started dating and fell in love."[We] became more and more attracted to each other and then the next year was serious. In those days, you called it 'going steady,"' Joanne told Fox News.They were smitten. "One time we got called to the principal's office for kissing on the school bus."Joanne BlakkanJoanne graduated in 1949. She went off to college at Michigan State and Bill stayed behind, still in high school. She visited sometimes on weekends. But time and distance can be a cruel mistress and the couple drifted apart. They both found new loves, married, and each had three children. They Lived a Lifetime ApartBill married a classmate at 19, just six months before being drafted into the U.S. Army. He spent the next two years in Salzburg, Austria before returning home to enjoy a 32-year career with the Michigan State Police. He was married to his wife for 68 years — until her death in 2021.Meanwhile, Joanne was busy with her own career and family. After her husband died of a heart attack in 1989 at the age of 57, she was content to be on her own. For 73 years, Bill and Joanne never set eyes on each other. “We went our separate ways,” Joanne, now 92, said. “I had lived alone all this time and I certainly wasn’t looking for love or a man. I was content. But he was always in the back of my mind. I loved that young boy.”And then in 2022, fate stepped in. Part of the planning committee for her 73rd high school reunion, Joanne was searching for her former classmates online when she thought of Bill. Curious, she decided to look him up. With the help of her daughter, Linda, she found him living 80 miles away. Seven Decades Later, They're ReunitedJoanne wrote him a letter. Within moments of receiving it, Bill was on the phone. Not long after they met for lunch. It was as if time had faded away. Within hours, the flame of first love was rekindled. It didn't matter that neither one was looking for love, love found them anyway. “We just went back to the same feelings for each other,” Bill said. “We're just as much and more in love today than when we were teenagers.”Now, the two spend as much time as their 80-mile commute allows, walking, talking, and playing cards. “We are having a ball,” Joanne said.And their families couldn't be more excited for them. “Neither one of them were looking for this,” Linda said. “My father died and she never dated after that. I don't think she would've dated anyone besides Bill. Both sides of the family are thrilled.”And in a sweet homage to teenage love, Joanne is once again wearing the green gem bracelet Bill gave her as a birthday gift, so many years ago. The couple are still trying to figure out what the future looks like as far as living arrangements. What they do know, is that they want to spend the time they have left together. Life’s Not Over Because You’re AgingIf there's anything we can take away from this nonagenarian romance, it's that we're never too old for love. And true love? Will always find a way, even if it takes 70 years. As for anyone questioning whether or not they should get into a relationship later in life? Bill and Joanne have one piece of advice. Don't wait."If you feel the love for each other, then just spend time together because life is short, and we realize that now, at our age, we don't know how much time we have together, but we're just making the most of every day," Joanne said. "Just go for it."More from Goalcast:Woman Goes With High School Sweetheart on a Date – Finds Out He’d Been Working on a Secret for MonthsHigh School Sweethearts Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary – Little Did They Know, They Would Be In “Tears” After Their DateHigh School Sweethearts Break Up After Graduation – 63 Years Later, One Phone Call Leads to Their Marriage

Policeman Shows Up at School and Grills Confused Teen - Then Someone Grabs Him From Behind
Uplifting News

Policeman Shows Up at School and Grills Confused Teen - Then Someone Grabs Him From Behind

There’s no bond like the bond of siblings. If you’re lucky enough to have one that you can get along with, a sibling knows you better than anyone. They’re the person you can confide in, hang out with, and relate to most in life. They’re also the person you probably miss most when they’re not around.That’s why this story is so incredibly moving.A Surprise VisitOne day, a teen boy named Luke was in class doing his work when, suddenly, a uniformed police officer came looking for him. He stood up and headed over to the officer without hesitation, although the kid was clearly confused about why the officer was looking for him.“Where’s your bag at?” the officer asked. Again, the kid immediately got his bag and handed it over. “What are you doing?” the officer continued. Luke’s answer was simple: “Just working,” he said without missing a beat as his classmates looked on.Luke’s confusion continued as the officer pressed him. “Is there something you need to tell me? Are you sure? Is there anything in your bag?” he grilled. Finally, the officer asked Luke to follow him into the next room.A Familiar EmbraceOnce in the other room, the officer backed off, and a uniformed man approached Luke from behind. He gave him a giant hug and Luke's shoulders sagged in relief. It was Luke's brother, Sean, who had been away in the Navy for quite some time.“Came home and surprised my little brother at school, with the help of the on-duty police officer,” Sean wrote in a video post that captured the entire thing.The relief and then sheer love on Luke’s face in the video was palpable. He broke down in tears as his classmates in the next room clapped, clearly in on the big surprise.“Oh my God,” Luke whispered, at first covering his face and then hugging his brother tight. As he turned back to the camera, he wiped away tears. “I was wondering why you had the phone!” he said to the officer.The Power of LoveThe video, which has been seen more than 20 million times, is such a great example of the sibling bond. It’s got the brotherly prank we know and expect from such relationships, but it also underlies the genuine love between Sean and Luke. It’s hard not to tear up watching it as you get the sense that these are two kind young men.The video also inspires us to reach out to the siblings we have in our lives and to try not to take those relationships for granted. As this story proves, we never know when we might not see the people we love again or when they may be gone for an extended period of time. So plug in their numbers, make the plans, and tell them you love them.We should all make the most of these moments while we have them. Because this kind of love is what makes our souls sing.More from Goalcast:Mom Watches Son Sneak Into Little Brother’s Room at 3 a.m. – The Reason Why Goes Viral7-Year-Old Takes Little Brother to His Class – One Day, He’s Curious to See What Happens Behind Closed DoorsTwo Brothers With Rare Heart Condition Die 3 Years Apart — 2 Hours Later, One of Them Wakes Up

4-Year-Old Girl Lost in Tsunami  For 10 Years Her Mother Prayed Everyday Theyd Be Reunited
Uplifting News

4-Year-Old Girl Lost in Tsunami For 10 Years Her Mother Prayed Everyday Theyd Be Reunited

One of the greatest despairs a parent can face is losing their child. In fact, "No parent should have to bury their child," as the phrase goes. It is the un-natural order of things.Yet in the face of a deadly natural disaster, order was swept to the wayside. In the middle of Indonesia, one mother's entire world was ripped apart. She didn't just lose her home — she lost her heart. The raging floods stole her two young children from her. Everyone told her they had drowned. That she would never see them again.But there is nothing that compares to a mother's love. Some even say it's the most powerful force there is...but for one mourning mother who'd lost her children, was it enough?They Lost EverythingAchwa Nussa/AAP/SijoriIn the wake of the Indian Ocean tsunami on Boxing Day in 2004 that devastated Indonesia — the Rangkuti family faced a heartbreaking tragedy. The mystery would endure for decades.In the torpedoing rainstorm that ripped their home apart and tore their village in two —Jamaliah Rangkuti and her husband Septi Rangkuti clung to a floating plank of wood. Amidst the vicious floods pulling them apart they struggled to hold on to their young children: Jannah, 4, and Arif Pratama, 7. In the torrent, Jannah and Arif were torn from their parents' desperate grasp — and each other. The two children were swallowed up by the raging waters, and after a month-long search their parents were told to give up hope of ever finding them alive. Even so, Jamaliah “prayed to God every night” that her children were safe and she would see them again.For years the Rangkuti couple clung to the belief that their children might still be alive. A decade passed. Not a trace of their children. It was nearly impossible not to lose heart.Hope was lost...or was it?"I prayed day and night that if this disappeared girl was safe, that we might find her. Even just one month ago, her father was contacting everyone he knows, and kept saying that ‘my sweet child must be alive’ every day after he came back from work."A Chance Sighting Changed EverythingFast forward 10 years later. In an unforeseen twist of fate, the unthinkable happened and hope resurfaced.Jamaliah's brother was visiting a far away island in Indonesia. He was going about his business when he spotted a fourteen-year-old girl walking in the village. He couldn't believe his eyes. Crazy as it may have seemed, the girl bore a striking resemblance to his lost niece. Even though it had been nearly a decade since he last saw her, something about her spirit felt eerily familiar.Even though all reasonable evidence suggested this couldn't possibly be the lost daughter his sister who had prayed God would bring back to was the only thread of hope the family had. Jamaliah's brother refused to leave the island until he had the answers he was looking for and thankfully — he asked the right questions.The Mysterious Girl Had Been Rescued by a FishermanAchwa Nussa/AAP/SijoriAs Jamaliah's brother dug for more information on the young girl — a shocking fact was revealed. It was enough for Jamaliah's brother to believe, this may very well be the child his sister and brother-in-law had been searching for. The village girl — who they called "Wenni" — was an orphan. No one in the village even knew her parents because she wasn't born on the island...she had been brought there. As it turns out, a fisherman discovered Wenni when she was a little girl, stranded at sea. When he found her she was barely alive clinging to a wooden board. Could it be the same wooden board that his long lost niece clung to for dear life all those years ago?Wenni was soon adopted by the same fisherman who rescued her. For the last decade his family had provided the girl with a loving home. Still, Wenni's mysterious background gave Jamliah's brother the crack in the case he needed, to take a leap of faith.Something inside her told Wenni to take a leap of faith too..because when Jamaliah's brother asked her to meet the woman he believed was her birth mother, Wenni agreed.What happened next, was a family reunion for the ages.“My Heart Beat So Fast When I Saw Her”After a tip-off from her brother, Jamaliah and her husband didn't waste a second. The couple made the trip to the far away island as soon as they could. They prayed with all their heart, Wenni was indeed their baby girl that had been ripped from their grasp all those years ago.When Jamaliah laid her eyes on her, she knew the village girl was her long lost daughter. Her name may have changed, she may have grown up — but every fibre of Jamaliah's being knew this was her little girl that she had brought into this world.EPA“My heart beat so fast when I saw her,” Jamaliah said. “I hugged her, and she hugged me back, and [she] felt so comfortable in my arms.”Jamaliah, Agence France-PresseThe emotional reunion unfolded on the remote island where Jannah was swept away to all those years ago.Now 14 years old, Jannah once lost was now found. She stood before her parents, tears streaming down freely and held them tight. Their embrace brought a tidal wave of emotions but their unwavering love bridged the gap instantly.Skeptics Told a Devoted Mother She Was CrazyEven though it was clear, Wenni and Jannah were one — certain naysayers didn't have the same faith.For some, the reunion seemed too good to be true. But in the face of skepticism Jamaliah remained steadfast in her belief. She had no doubt in her mind the girl known as Wenni was her Jannah. To quell any lingering doubts, Jamaliah boldly declared her willingness to undergo any necessary DNA tests. Her offer stood as a testament to a mother's unwavering determination to prove to the world that, against all odds, she had found her little girl.Miracles Happen: They Never Gave Up on Their ChildrenIn a world often overshadowed by tragedy, this story invites us to believe in the extraordinary, to hold onto hope even in the darkest hours. The Rangkuti family's journey is a testament to the belief that, sometimes, miracles do happen when you least expect them. "I am so grateful to God for reuniting us with our child after 10 years of being separate. God has given us a miracle. My husband and I are very happy."Sometimes, the waves return on the shore, what they have taken from us in the storm.Jamaliah said she was optimistic about finding her son Arif, who would now be 17 years old. “We will look for him on Banyak, because we believe he is still alive.”

A Stranger's Christmas Card Saved This Soldier's Life  48 Years Later, He Finally Meets His Angel
Everyday Heroes

A Stranger's Christmas Card Saved This Soldier's Life 48 Years Later, He Finally Meets His Angel

It was Christmas Day 1970. Thousands of miles from home, in the midst of the Vietnam War, 23-year-old Army helicopter sniper, John Metzler, took a quiet moment to open up a Christmas card.Addressed simply to "Dear Serviceman" the letter was written by a 12-year-old girl. A stranger. But that didn't matter. What mattered was her message. A message he desperately needed to hear and one that he would carry with him for the next 48 years.The Simple Message a Vietnam Soldier Desperately NeededDonna Caye Ludemann Sica was in sixth grade at the St. Mark’s Lutheran Church and School when she, along with her classmates, completed a school project for the American servicemen fighting in the war overseas. They each wrote a letter to an unknown soldier. Hers simply read in part:"I want to give my sincere thanks for going over to war to fight for us. The class hopes that you will be able to come home even if it's for the holidaies [sic]. We hope that some day all the wars will stop and everyone will be in peace."She signed it, "Your friend, Donna Caye."Little did she know that those words of gratitude would be the fuel that kept Metzler going in an otherwise deeply divisive, brutal, and thankless war. "When you got up in the morning you always wondered whether you would see the sun go down at night."John MetzlerBy the time Metzler received the letter in 1970, the war in Vietnam had been raging for 15 years. Public sentiment had turned and the anti-war movement had gained momentum. As the seemingly endless war dragged on and casualties mounted, many soldiers felt a growing sense of disillusionment, abandonment, and betrayal.The fact that someone took the time to acknowledge his service to his country was life-giving.A Reunion Five Decades in the Making@WFMY News 2/YouTubeThe letter meant so much to Metzler that he held onto it long after the war was over, keeping it tucked behind a picture on a shelf in his home in Wendell, Idaho, where it sat for nearly five decades.“Fact is I think it means more today than it did when I got it,” the Army veteran told CBS News.He never forgot Donna Caye. And 48 years after receiving the letter, he asked his family to help him track her down so he could finally meet her. Without his knowing, his family found her living across the country in Florida. Donna Caye had no idea of the impact her words had on that young soldier so many years earlier. But she never forgot writing them. “I remember writing the letter,” she said. “I was amazed that I could have the opportunity to write to a serviceman and maybe make his life a little simpler for a couple of minutes.”She gladly agreed to fly to Idaho for a surprise reunion. It was about as emotional as you would expect it to be."You're real. You're real," Metzler said as he hugged her, choking back tears."I'm real," Donna Caye responded.And after a lifetime of waiting, Metzler finally got the opportunity to say the words he'd been wanting to say, "Thank you."Words MatterDonna Caye's Christmas letter was so much more than just a mere piece of paper. For a little girl, it was a heartfelt expression of gratitude to a stranger battling for her freedom a world away. For Metzler? It was a lifeline that got him through some unimaginable tough times. So often, we think our words don't matter. But the reality is, that words DO matter. What we say? Matters. Saying "Thank you" is one of the easiest things to say, but sometimes, it's also one of the hardest. We often overlook the profound impact these seemingly small words can have. But as Metzler proves, sometimes it's the smallest words that really do echo for a lifetime. MORE FROM GOALCAST

Father Forcibly Takes Away Teen Moms Newborn - 50 Years Later, an Email From a Stranger Changes Everything
Uplifting News

Father Forcibly Takes Away Teen Moms Newborn - 50 Years Later, an Email From a Stranger Changes Everything

In a heartwarming tale of love, separation, and the unyielding power of hope, a mother and son were miraculously reunited after an astonishing 48 years apart.Thuy-Nga Thi Nibblett, a young Vietnamese woman, found herself pregnant at the age of 17, the result of a relationship with an American soldier. Facing societal judgments, her father took a drastic step, placing the newborn in an orphanage without revealing the location to Thuy-Nga. Her son, named Kirk Kellerhals by his adoptive family, grew up unaware of his true heritage.A Quest for IdentityKirk, now residing in Virginia Beach, South Carolina, navigated life believing his parents had perished during the Vietnam War. Despite facing challenges due to mistaken racial identity, he was yet to delve into the depths of his family history. In 2017, prompted by his wife, Kirk took a Family Tree DNA test, hoping for a glimpse into his roots.Simultaneously, Thuy-Nga, now living in the U.S., had undertaken the same DNA test two years earlier, fervently praying for the day she'd reunite with her son.Kirk, skeptical but curious, submitted his DNA, expecting perhaps a distant relative match. To his disbelief, the results revealed a parent-child match. Shocked, he received an email from a stranger that turned out to be the missing link to his past. His mother had been searching for him for almost five decades.The Emotional ReunionThe revelation left Kirk breathless, and a subsequent call with his mother confirmed the impossible. Sheldon "Skip" Soule, Kirk's biological father, was also alive and living in New York. A few weeks later, the mother-son duo prepared for an emotional reunion, with Thuy-Nga driving from Texas to South Carolina.As the door opened, the embrace between mother and son was a testament to a love that had weathered a 48-year storm. Tears flowed freely as Kirk met the woman who had never given up hope of finding him. Amidst the joyous chaos, Kirk also connected with his biological father and siblings, realizing that, despite the challenges, this reunion was a blessing for everyone involved.The Unspoken BondWhile a significant portion of their lives had been spent apart, Kirk expressed that meeting his mother felt like they had never been separated. The parental bond was instant and profound, a connection that words struggled to encapsulate.In the midst of tears, hugs, and a flood of emotions, Thuy-Nga whispered her gratitude to God for bringing her son back to her. Kirk, echoing the sentiment, thanked fate for the unexpected blessing of finding his mother.This miraculous reunion stands as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love and faith, proving that, against all odds, family ties can be rekindled and cherished, even after half a century of separation.More from Goalcast:Firefighter Meets the Son of a Man He Rescued From a Fire 23 Years Ago in an Emotional ReunionAfter 28 Years in Jail For a Wrongful Conviction, Man Reunited With Pen Pal Who Wrote to Him Every Single WeekTwo Sisters Reunited After 75 Years After Being Put Up for Adoption After World War II

Garbage Collectors Route Takes Him by One Family Every Week - What He Got From Their House Was More Than Just Trash
Uplifting News

Garbage Collectors Route Takes Him by One Family Every Week - What He Got From Their House Was More Than Just Trash

Kindness is a powerful thing. So powerful that even a small child will remember it for years to come. That’s the message at the center of this sweet story about a garbage collector and the three children whose lives he changed every time he came around to collect the trash.The Highlight of Their MorningWhen Olivia, Emma, and Axel Wierenicz were just three years old, they thought Tony Parker was a hero. He didn’t wear a cape, and he didn’t save lives, but every week he would roll through their street on the garbage truck and collect their trash.When the triplets heard him coming, they would jump up from breakfast and run to the window. They were so fascinated that eventually, their mother, Carla Wierenicz, let them go outside to see the trash collection up close. The kids and Parker quickly developed a bond, and he would take a few minutes every time he was there to play with them and connect.“He loved those kids so much, and the kids loved him. He was the kids’ hero,” Carla told an NBC news outlet.“Every day I’d come by, they would come out, and if they missed me, the mother had to get in the car and circle the neighborhood until they’d meet me,” Parker added.Sadly, the kids and Parker lost touch after the City of Orlando switched up the collection routes. So the magic came to an end, but the family never forgot the kind man who came around every week and brightened up their days.A Sweet ReunionOne day Carla was reminiscing on old times, and she recalled the man who was so sweet to her kids when they were younger. She posted one of the many videos she had taken of their interactions on social media, and it went viral. People were taken by how kind Parker was and by how much the children adored him.The city found out too, and it arranged for a special, one-day route reunion. When Parker swung by in the garbage truck, the triplets, now seven years old, were waiting for him. They had drawn him pictures the night before, which he said he was going to hang up. And he gifted them miniature garbage trucks and t-shirts so they had something to remember him by. Then he let the kids honk the horn. They raced and they played a few of the other games they used to enjoy together.“I picked up joy, I picked up happiness, I picked up memories,” Parker told the camera of his time with the children.As for the kids, they picked up on the fact that kindness is universal and can solidify some of your very best childhood memories.The Gift of KindnessBeing a garbage collector isn’t the most glamorous job — often, you’re taking away the things no one else wants. But what Parker got from those kids was a lifetime of memories and of knowing that, to some, his job held meaning.As for the triplets, they learned an early life lesson that kindness is one of the strongest gifts you can give another person. Parker could have easily waved and been on his way each week, but he stopped and spent a few minutes with those kids. By making them feel seen, appreciated, and wanted, he gave them the memories of a lifetime.It’s a nice reminder for us, too. Sometimes we get so busy that we fail to stop and appreciate the small moments in life. But it’s those moments where the really good stuff can happen — the things we don’t necessarily even appreciate until they're gone.In other words, even when you’re surrounded by a pile of garbage, stop to smell the roses and be kind. You’ll appreciate it in the long run.More from Goalcast:Firefighter Meets the Son of a Man He Rescued From a Fire 23 Years Ago in an Emotional ReunionTwo Sisters Reunited After 75 Years After Being Put Up for Adoption After World War II

78-Year-Old Doctor Proposes to High School Crush After 60 Years Apart in an Airport - Proving the Power of True Love
Love Stories

78-Year-Old Doctor Proposes to High School Crush After 60 Years Apart in an Airport - Proving the Power of True Love

In a scene right out of a Hollywood movie, a 78-year-old Florida dermatologist recently got the internet swooning after a video of his airport proposal to his high school sweetheart went viral.Not only was it peak rom-com perfection, but it was also a loooooong time coming. Like, 60 years coming.And if this doesn't satisfy the most cynical among us, nothing will. Because true love? Really does exist.A Proposal Six Decades in the MakingDr. Thomas McMeekin and Nancy Gambell first met in high school in Quincy, California. He was a football star and she was a cheerleader."We admired each other from a distance," McMeekin told Fox13. "I never thought I had a chance with her."They did go on a few dates during college but ultimately lost track of each other, flying off in separate directions. Aside from briefly reconnecting at their 50th high school reunion, ten years ago, they remained out of contact.All that changed, however, when McMeekin received an invite to his 60th high school reunion. He RSVP'd and received a surprising message from Gambell saying, "I'm really looking forward to seeing you again."That was all it took. Love.Rekindled.Over the next three weeks, the two spent hours talking on the phone. Then Gambell arranged to fly from California to Florida so they could meet up in person.When they finally saw each other, time just melted away. And McMeekin wasn't about to waste another second.With a soliloquy worthy of Shakespeare himself, the love-stricken doctor got down on his knee (atop the most adorable pillow) and poured out his heart in what may just be the sweetest declaration of love ever. And luckily for us, and the millions of people that have viewed it on TikTok, several of his fellow staff members were on hand at the airport to witness and film the event.Initially, the video was shared by both @jobuns and @angelial.fedrick3 with a musical overlay. However, viewers were quick to request the full, unedited, sound-only version.Grab the tissues, you're going to need them.An Airport Proposal Goes ViralClasping her hand in one hand, and his speech in another, McMeekin, his voice breaking with emotion, said: "Nancy, It’s been 60 years since we first met. Fifty-six years since we first dated. Ten years since I saw you last. And 20 days since we reconnected. You have always been the one I’ve had a crush on since your cheerleader days, which brings a smile to my face, that makes my heart skip a beat." For the last three weeks, I have thought of you every day, every hour, and have talked to you every night for hours. I longed to see you again, hold you in my arms, and tell you how much you mean to me. Oh.My.Heart. "You are the most incredible person I have ever met…You're everything that I have ever wanted in a partner, lover, and friend," he told a sobbing Gambell before finally popping the question.(And if she doesn't marry him, I can think of about a million other women who will.) Of course, she said YES!Reaction to the Epic Proposal The proposal not only received love and applause from excited bystanders, but it also received love from millions of online viewers who were reminded that there is no time limit on true love. "It is NEVER too late for LOVE!! Be brave in LOVE!! How exciting for both of them," one commenter wrote."They were meant to be, nor time, distance tore them apart. When 2 souls are meant to be they will find each other," wrote another."Ladies, this is our reminder to never settle for less than THIS 🥰🥰🥰," wrote a third.As for Gambell, the look on her face says it all. She's just as happy with her man as he is with her. "It's wonderful because we don't have a lot of life left. And to be able to spend it in that way with this person is a dream come true," she shared.The fact that these two were able to reconnect and find love again in their twilight years is beyond heartwarming. And just in case you're drowning in loveless cynicism, let this be the life jacket you need to remind you that it truly is never too late to find love and your own happily ever after. More from Goalcast: WWII Veteran Has Kept a Photograph of a 14-Year-Old in His Pocket for 78 Years – Then His Mystery Girl Showed UpVeteran Spends 70 Years Searching for the Lost Love of His Life – At 91, He Finally Finds HerWoman Is Forbidden by Dad to Marry Her Lover – Years Later, Her Daughter Discovers a Big Family Secret