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Toddler standing with the pilot and a man carrying a toddler in a flight.
Uplifting News

Overwhelmed Single Mom Travels for First Time With Toddler - Is Shocked By a Man's Reaction

Any parent knows that going anywhere with a toddler can be a daunting experience. Trips to the grocery store can quickly feel like you're competing in a grueling Olympic sport. So imagine how much higher the stakes are when you try traveling with your toddler? It can be downright exhausting, especially if you're doing it solo. Not only are you dealing with the near-impossible task of keeping your young child quiet, well-behaved, and entertained but you're also trying to navigate all of the stuff that comes along with them, like a stroller, extra luggage, and a car seat.For single mom Zephaniah Henry, her first time flying with her two-year-old son, Asaph, was overwhelming. While most people turned a blind eye (while likely simultaneously praying that they weren't sitting anywhere near the duo) one male passenger decided to do something about it. His response is going viral.

Single Mom of 6 Has Struggled With Homelessness - So High School Students Plot Together and Come Up With a Plan
Uplifting News

Single Mom of 6 Has Struggled With Homelessness - So High School Students Plot Together and Come Up With a Plan

Single parenthood is not easy. Having to play both parental roles while tending to the needs of their jobs and other life obligations has its obstacles. Single parents deserve any bit of help they can get.So when it became known that a single mom of six children in Charlottesville, Virginia, needed a mode of transportation for herself and her kids, a group of high school students and an organization with hearts of gold gave her the life-changing gift of a car.How High School Students Helped a Single MomMichelle Mendez is gifted a car by Louisa County High School students.Michelle Mendez, the mom of six, had financial upheaval.Before she received assistance from the nonprofit The Journey Home, Mendez was homeless and had stayed in and out of hotels across the area before getting help from the group.The Journey Home is a nonprofit that helps people recover from the struggles of homelessness with faith-based solutions.After getting help from the organization, the nonprofit Giving Hands also stepped in to offer assistance. Giving Hands was created by single dad Eddie Brown and his wife Ginny and focuses on providing help to single mothers who are facing periods of crisis, including car repair needs."The component that I look at is just the hope. And just seeing that in her eyes as she received that car and just the excitement and what it means for her boys too," Brown told NBC29 News.Giving Words also upped their support to a new level. They obtained a $10,200 grant from Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, a local company, and worked with the high schoolers to get Mendez a vehicle.Students Worked on the Car for Some TimeReportedly, the students had been working on the car for the course of the year so that the car would be ready for both Mendez and her children.Mendez revealed that it's "been hard as a single mom" when you have a family to support, but she is grateful for the community's efforts."I really appreciate everything everybody's done to make this happen," she said.It's natural to believe that a school project that took a year to finish would become a memorable experience for students. And one for a great purpose will leave a significant impression on those who benefit from the act.Mendez received the car in a ceremony that included the high school students who worked on getting the car in the best condition for her. Brown and a representative from Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, among others, were in attendance.Mendez’s Message for the High Schoolers Who Helped Maker Her Life BetterMendez has a short but impactful message of "hope" for the charismatic high schoolers as they've done a remarkable deed."[I hope they are] grateful that it gets to go to somebody who's really going to appreciate it and use it," she said.More from Goalcast:Ex-convict Stops for Breakfast at Denny’s – And Asks for a Waitress Who’s a Single Mom for This ReasonSingle Mom Cleans Four Bedroom Home Then Told She Gets to Keep It – Later She Finds Out It Was A “Prank”Judge Learns Single Mom Was Kicked Out of Her House at 13 Years Old – Then, He Reads a Letter in Front of the Court That Stuns Her

Mom Has to Raise Her Kids Alone After Her Husband Leaves Her - Then a Neighbor Gathers Courage to Knock on Her Door for This Reason
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Mom Has to Raise Her Kids Alone After Her Husband Leaves Her - Then a Neighbor Gathers Courage to Knock on Her Door for This Reason

Being a single mom is akin to juggling a multitude of responsibilities, with financial strains, emotional stress, and the constant balance of work and family. Mallory Mason, residing in Canton, Ohio, knows this reality all too well, having recently found herself raising her children alone after her husband left unexpectedly.Navigating the storm of single parenthood, Mallory was facing the challenges head-on, unaware that a heartwarming surprise was on the horizon. Enter John, her neighbor, whose unexpected act of kindness left Mallory and the entire community in awe.Why One Man Knocked on a Single Mom’s DoorIn a heart-touching video that has now been deleted on TikTok, Mallory captured the moment when John, with tear-filled eyes, gathered the courage to knock on her door and offered more than just sympathy. He took it upon himself to mow Mallory's lawn, a simple yet profoundly meaningful gesture that brought tears to both their eyes. The sheer unspoken understanding and support left Mallory overwhelmed with gratitude."This MAN broke my heart as he looked at me! He has tear-filled eyes and I myself couldn't help but cry! He blessed us by mowing this b*tch of a lawn. I can't thank him enough! I ran in and made cookies and Paxton painted him a picture," Mallory shared on TikTok.Struck by the genuine kindness of a neighbor in a world often clouded by challenges, Mallory decided to pay it forward. Touched by John's selfless acts, she initiated a GoFundMe campaign in his honor. Despite facing her own struggles, Mallory's heart swelled with the desire to recognize and support the person who had become a beacon of hope in her life."John had heard that my husband left me and the kids. John, out of the kindness of his heart, has been mowing my lawn. Just hoping to bless him," Mallory expressed on the GoFundMe page.How One Man Proved Small Gestures Have a Big ImpactJohn's humble act of mowing a lawn became a symbol of compassion, sparking a ripple effect of generosity. Mallory's initiative to raise funds for John gained traction as the community rallied behind the cause. It wasn't just about the lawn; it was about recognizing and celebrating the unsung heroes like John, whose empathy turned ordinary days into extraordinary ones.In a world often marred by challenges and uncertainties, John's simple act radiated kindness and showcased the power of community support. His tear-filled eyes and the sound of a lawnmower became a testament to the fact that, even in the storms of life, there are neighbors willing to share the umbrella.As Mallory's GoFundMe exceeded expectations, it became a collective celebration of compassion, proving that the smallest gestures can create a profound impact. John, the unassuming neighbor, became a symbol of hope, and Mallory's gratitude echoed the sentiments of many who had experienced unexpected kindness in their lives.In the end, this heartwarming story teaches us that, despite life's challenges, there are everyday heroes among us, ready to make a difference, one lawn at a time.More from Goalcast:Dad Dumps 80,000 Pennies in Child Support on Estranged Daughter’s Lawn – Her Response Is Absolute GoldTwo 11-Year-Olds Are Caught in the Act – “Lawnmower Man” Gifts Them New Equipment to Start a Business“Serving Those in Need”: Firefighters Mow Lawn of Unexpected 95-Year-Old Struggling to Cut His Own Grass

Judge Learns Single Mom Was Kicked Out of Her House at 13 Years Old - Then, He Reads a Letter in Front of the Court That Stuns Her
Uplifting News

Judge Learns Single Mom Was Kicked Out of Her House at 13 Years Old - Then, He Reads a Letter in Front of the Court That Stuns Her

As the letter is read aloud in the courtroom, she is without words; with tears streaming down her face, it's a day she'll never forget.A Struggling Single MomPhoto by Victória KubiakiHe's both seen and heard it all, from the mundane to the macabre. But even this crime spree shocked Judge Caprio. In fact, it's so prolific, he has to take a deep breath before starting. Standing before him is Yesenia Fernandez, a frizzy-haired, bubbly woman sporting a lip ring. As the judge and her make eye contact, she already knows what's coming. "Oh my god," she says under her breath. "We're going to go back ten years ago," Caprio begins as he rattles off the locations. "Vinton street, East transit, Plaine, Garnett and Amherst street.""You covered the entire city," he says sternly, waving his hand. "I've been all over the place, all over the place," answers Fernandez with a guilty smile. "So what do you want to tell me?" Caprio asks her. Caprio will need oxygen for this one. A Single Mother’s Tough TaleJudge Caprio had listed the five times that Fernandez had received parking tickets, with her not showing up to court on each occasion. When asked for a simple reason why, her answer is anything but. She reveals that her mother kicked her out of the house when she was just 13 years old, and she's been on her own -- and 'all over the place' -- ever since. She had two boys aged 12 and 19 because of an abusive relationship and cares for them on her own.To support them, she works two jobs, one helping kids with disabilities and another at Dunkin' Doughnuts. Yet it's what she shares next that truly tugs at Caprio's heart. Fernandez says that she and her sons had been living in a shelter, and she'd just recently found an apartment for them to call home. "I'm trying to get my life together," she says "I've always tried to work hard and do the right thing."Fernandez adds that her unpaid bills aren't from a lack of motivation, but money. "There's just been a hard life and I want to pay the tickets but it's just been hard. I always need money for something else."At that point, Caprio's face softens as he responds. "So you've got a good brain. And in spite of the problems you may have had in the past, you know, you've got a good attitude," he says to a shocked Fernandez."I appreciate that very much," responds the mother. But not so fast, as this case is just beginning to unravel.A Surprise LetterPhoto by Scott Graham"Before you start appreciating anything, wait till I finish, because you've got some other stuff here, okay?" deadpans Caprio. He then goes on to list a series of overnight parking tickets that Fernandez has also racked up over the years. She responds that they were accrued when she was homeless and living in a shelter. At times, it was between a ticket and parking where her car would be towed. Like many parts of her life, again between a rock and a hard place. That compels Judge Caprio to go to another place for a solution, as he pulls out a letter. He says that it's from an elderly man named Danny Eltman from Chicago Illonois. Caprio tells his story and motivation to the court. "Life has been pretty good for him but he wants to help other people so he actually sent me a check for a hundred dollars to help anyone that needed help using my discretion for whom I would use this this for."And with that, he puts the money towards the mother's parking bill, bringing it down to $150. That's when tears run down her cheeks, as the courtroom breaks out in applause. "May I ask you a question?" Fernandez then asks Caprio. How Judge Caprio Reminds Us That Kindness Rules AllFernandez asks the Judge when she is expected to pay the money, as things are still tight. That's when he gives a memorable answer."I look at the world through the eyes of the people that I'm talking to. And right now I'm looking at the world through your eyes. I know the hardship you've had. I understand it. I came from a poor family, but I had a family," he says."Just don't ever give up. I don't. I haven't. I won't. Don't give up. We're rooting for you. Come back and see us. Let us know how you make out."And with it, he delivered one of the most eloquent endings to give hope to a hard knock life. It's easy to look at everyone's unpaid tickets and point a finger. It takes patience and courage to ask why and do what's right. More from Goalcast:Struggling Mom Has Parking Tickets Worth $460 – Judge Asks Her to Pay Only $200, Then Changes His MindJudge Brings Up a Serious Charge in Front of Smirking Defendant – But When He Hears His Life Story, He Dismisses the Entire FineJudge Calls Single Mom “Irresponsible” for Her 14 Parking Tickets – Then She Made a Plea That Changed His Mind

Stranger Asks Struggling Crossing Guard for $1 - Then Brings Her to Her Knees With a Shocking Surprise
Uplifting News

Stranger Asks Struggling Crossing Guard for $1 - Then Brings Her to Her Knees With a Shocking Surprise

Right in the middle of her shift, a strange man approaches her with her boss trailing him. When she hears what he tells him, she's concerned. "Is this going to hurt my paycheck? Am I going to be docked?" she asked the Lieutenant. Soon enough, she and millions more were about to find out how wrong she was, for the right reasons.A Stranger Makes an OfferPhoto by Kenny EliasonAs a crossing guard in Detroit's busy downtown district, Linita Edge sees all types of people, but the one constant is her smile. "Be safe. Have a great evening. Oh, your hair is gorgeous," she says to a little girl who beams back at her.So she didn't miss a beat when a man approached her with an offer. He asked if she had $1 in exchange for a jersey. She said sure, however she was busy working. Then the stranger asked if she was a Detroit Tigers baseball fan, to which she said 'Of course!'The stranger then asked her an awkward question about what time she finished work. Yet, the pleasant Edge told him 10 or 11. However, the man pressed her, asking if there was a chance she can get off early. With a smirk, Edge replied 'Close to none.' But, she said jokingly, 'My Lieutenant is right there across the street,' suggesting he can talk to him.With that as motivation, the man turned around and walked straight to her boss. He returned moments later with a surprise offer. A Man’s Surprise Offer to a Crossing GuardPhoto by Joshua PeacockThat's when the strange man returned with her boss in tow. "We wanted to let you know that you got the thumbs up," he told her, as in she was able to leave work earlier. “Oh my god, are you serious?" replied a shocked Edge. "We’re going to the game!” the man replied, referring to a Tigers game, right by where the crossing guard was working. That's when Edge asked her boss if it would impact her pay. With that, the man gave her $500. After saying 'Are you serious?!' Edge welled up and shared the struggle behind her smile."You don't even know right now," she started. "I was just telling my son, 'Son, we're going to have to put it together,'" she said, alluding to her financial struggles. "And I tell them, we're just going to have to pray."Little did Edge know at the time, but this story was about to cross into giant glow-up territory.A TikTok Influencer Changes a Mother’s LifePhoto by Alexander ShatovSo that was not just a strange man looking for a quick date. It was none other than motivational TikToker Zachery Dereniowski (@madmotivator), who has 16.1 million followers for creating random acts of kindness. His video showcasing Edge's story and their night out went viral with 10 million views, 1.9 million likes and over 10,000 comments.With the motivation to do something more for Edge, in the caption under his post, Dereniowksi directed viewers to a GoFundMe page he set up for the radiant crosswalk guard. There he also shared some more details about Edge's struggles. He shared that she had recently lost her husband and was the sole provider for her son. "Let's all come together and show Edge and her family the power of the internet and bless this family," he wrote. "100% of the funds raised will go towards paying rent, food bills, and helping her sons with their education. Be kind and love always ❤️."How a Community Lifts a Sweet Single MotherIt seems that Dereniowksi so enjoyed his night at the ballpark with Edge that he asked her out again (Who could blame him?!). On this night, stadium announcer Chris Butzlaff got on the intercom and asked Edge and Derenioski to come to center field.There, he announced to the crowd that the campaign for Edge was a success, as the people of Detroit who had seen Dereniowski's TikTok raised these extra funds for her. Make that $50,000 extra, as they presented her with a cheque in her name. An overwhelmed Edge fell to her knees in tears, yelling out, "Oh god!" with her arms outstretched. "Who knew that a T-shirt would change my life," Edge told CBS.How a TikToker Proves That Kindness Makes Magic Dereniowksi says that he hopes that this moment inspires scores of kindness copycats worldwide. "I hope that this 'viral kindness' is contagious and creates a ripple effect in the lives of people who have watched this video," he added. There's a bit of a chicken-or-the-egg quandary here. Did this moment happen because of Edge's glow, or because of Dereniowksi tapping into the power of the internet? I'd say both.It just goes to show that when kindness combines, we can cross great places together. More from Goalcast:Homeless Man Bursts Into Tears After Finding Out Strangers Raised Over $15,000 For Him to Buy a HouseMan Donates Money and Supplies to Ugandan Orphanage — The Children’s Reaction to His Arrival Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes

Judge Calls Single Mom Irresponsible for Her 14 Parking Tickets - Then She Made a Plea That Changed His Mind
Uplifting News

Judge Calls Single Mom Irresponsible for Her 14 Parking Tickets - Then She Made a Plea That Changed His Mind

Usually calm and cool, even Providence’s Judge Frank Caprio has times when he has to be stern. This would be one of them, yet true to form, he wrapped it in a warm bow. A Mother of 4 Shares Her Story With Judge CaprioPhoto by PNW ProductionOn this day, Tristan Fields stood before him. And boy did she have more than this court date weighing on her mind. Her car had been 'booted,’ meaning a device was clamped to its wheel to prevent her from driving it. Fields needed that car to transport precious cargo. In this case, it would be her 4 kids ages 4 to 13 years old. They depended on her to take them to school daily, so this was a big problem. When asked about the car, Fields said, "I had registered it for my kids' father a couple of years ago. We've been separated for almost three years and I failed to get the plates back from that car."Fields added that she hadn't been in contact with the father, leaving the burden of the bill on her.Judge Caprio Gives Single Mother Some Tough LovePhoto by Ekaterina BolovtsovaBefore Caprio got done counting all thirteen tickets, Fields said, "I know it looks extensive." He noticed that they were all overnight parking tickets, so she’d left her vehicle in front of her house overnight.He asked her why. “Just being exhausted, your Honor,” she said. She works 30 to 40 hours a week as a medical assistant to support her kids.“When are you gonna learn your lesson,” asks Caprio. “I learned it," she replied, adding that she now has a parking space for the car.That's when Fields made her plea."I'm just trying to get my life together. I understand I do owe on parking tickets. I don't wanna be negligent to that, but I'm trying to get my life in order. I'm raising my children on my own, and doing the best that I can."That's when the usually jolly judge got tough with the single mother. "I understand that it's tough, you don't have money, that the last thing on your mind is paying parking tickets because you have to feed the kids... that's your priority," he started.But he said, "It’s irresponsible of you to give me an excuse like ‘I’m tired,’ we’re all tired," adding, “These tickets are foolish." Caprio said that while she's a good loving mother, "You're doing something that's hurting that good part of you by being irresponsible."However, it was at that moment that Caprio switched from lecture to love. How Judge Caprio Helped a Mother of 4Photo by Vladimir Solomianyi"I wanna help you." For those familiar with Judge Caprio's videos, his court often receives donations from around the world that he can use to help others. On this day, he told Fields of one such man, Steven Foraquin, from Texas. In an envelope letter containing six $50 bills was a letter from Foraquin. "As I sit far away in Midland, Texas, my heart breaks for those before you who just need a little break," he wrote."I'm going to use one of those to help pay for your fine," said Caprio as the courtroom broke out in applause. Caprio added that it will be enough to remove the boot from her car, so the kids will again have a ride to school. That brought Fields' bill to $250. In the middle of discussing a payment plan, Caprio suddenly stopped."I'm not gonna waste the city's resources chasing the father of your children, because it's gonna be an exercise in futility," he said. He said that the tickets go back over 5 years, and they will never find him. In short, they will never get the money.And so, Caprio used his gavel as a wand. "I'm gonna take a big burden off your head," he said as he dismissed the tickets.The only thing the judge asked of Fields? "Pay this, move the car, and continue to be a good mother."How Judge Caprio Proves That Firm and Fair Wins the RaceIn a rare Providence moment, Caprio spoke to the camera after the proceedings."Many of you may think I was being too harsh on her," he said, with her being a single mother of 4. Yet, Caprio said that it's the exact reason why he's tough, "she doesn't have the luxury of making excuses."Rather, he says, "She has a responsibility to make good choices." With that, he wished Fields all the best.There's a saying that says that good friends talk smack about you to your face and good about you behind your back. We should all be so lucky to have friends like this one kind judge in Providence. More from Goalcast:Judge Pays Man’s Fine After He Walks 1.5 Hours With Only 98 Cents in His Pocket — But Gives Him This One ConditionJudge Issues a $400 Fine to Struggling Homeless Woman Who Has Only $5 – Her Tragic Story Changes His MindStruggling Single Mom Is Summoned to Courtroom – Judge Issues Her a $350 Fine but Then Changes His Mind

13-Year-Old Notices His Mom Is Struggling to Take Care of Their Family - So He Secretly Buys Her a Car
Uplifting News

13-Year-Old Notices His Mom Is Struggling to Take Care of Their Family - So He Secretly Buys Her a Car

We hope kids can live a carefree life and not worry about the problems of the world, but sometimes they can't help but notice the struggles around them. William Preston is a 13-year-old boy from Fernley, Nevada with a single mom who was doing her best to support him, his two siblings, and three dogs. When William saw that she was having a tough time trying to balance it all without a car, he decided to step in and help her. He Came Up With a Smart PlanPhoto by Ivan SamkovOne day, WIlliam saw a Youtube video where a child earned money to buy his mom a car; and in that moment, he decided that he would do the same thing. “I saw on YouTube where people get their mom a car and then surprise her with it,” William told KOLO. “I wanted to do that.”William saw an advertisement on Facebook where a 1999 white Chevrolet Metro was on sale for a good price -- so he reached out to the seller and asked if he could work for her to earn the car. William gave her his Xbox and worked hard to pay off the rest. It was really cheap so I asked her if I could trade it or earn it, and at first she said no and after she thought about it, then she said yes.William PrestonA Proud Mother William's mom, Krystal, didn’t believe him at first when he told her what happened, but then she saw the car for herself. I lost it, I bawled so bad, I was just like, ‘There’s no way.’ What 13-year-old do you know buys their mom a car, I don’t know any, never heard of any.Krystal Preston“I can’t even express it, like there’s no words that can express my gratitude and how proud I am.”A Selfless ActWhile most kids are outside playing with friends, going to school, and making memories, William was working hard to give his mother a gift for doing her best to provide for him. His generosity was what Preston needed to get through a low point in her life. At my low point, here comes my son. Everybody goes through rough patches in their life, but there’s good that can come from any situation as long as somebody with a heart does it.Krystal PrestonKrystal also spoke about what happened in a Facebook post.“I am so proud of my son. He is such a good kid. He may have his days but OMG what 13-year-old kid do you know that buys his mom a car… William I love you son and thank you. You have such a big heart and I love you,” she wrote in the post.More from Goalcast:24-Year-Old Raises Three Brothers Alone After Their Parents Couldn’t Provide for Them – So Strangers Gift Her a New CarPizza Hut Deliveryman Has Worked the Same Job for 31 Years – So His Customers Tip Him With a Brand New CarTeen Is Photographed Walking at 4 AM to Reach His Graduation – So a Stranger Gifts Him a Brand New CarAppreciate your parentsOffer your parents a helping hand if you see them struggling.

Single Mom Asks Stranger to Cheer for Her Daughter at Graduation - Little Did She Know Just What He Was About to Do
Uplifting News

Single Mom Asks Stranger to Cheer for Her Daughter at Graduation - Little Did She Know Just What He Was About to Do

Everyone deserves a cheering squad. It was graduation day at Desoto Central Middle School and single mom, Brandy, wanted what all parents want — for her daughter, Aria Thomas, to feel loved and celebrated.So, the self-professed "party of one," decided to recruit a fellow parent to "holler for her baby" when Aria's time came to get her certificate. To say he understood the assignment doesn't even come close to doing his response justice. And thankfully for us and the 12 MILLION other people (give or take) who have watched his hilariously heartwarming reaction unfold, his wife, MJ, caught it all on camera.TikTok of Stranger Cheering for Single Mom’s Daughter Goes ViralPhoto by Emily RanquistMJ shared the now-viral video on her TikTok account @talkgerman2me, captioning it: "My hubby is hilarious. She don't know who she sat by."She's about to find out...The clip begins with MJ’s husband, aka Pop Pop, assuring Brandy, “Oh I ain't playing.” Clearly, it is GAME ON.As Brandy turns toward MJ, MJ asks her: “You recruited him to holler for your baby?” "Yes, I'm gonna holler," Pop Pop responds in the background (like his wife had any doubt!)“Yeah because we’re a party of one," Brandy tells her, jokingly referring to herself as "we." "So help this single momma out and holler for my baby.”While the two moms are chatting, Pop Pop is getting down to business warming up his vocal chords like he's a rock star about to play to a sold-out crowd. Leaving nothing to chance, he spends the next few moments hilariously "practicing," stretching his mouth wide and making loud noises, to the point that his family begs him to "Stop it."The Big MomentFinally, Aria's big moment arrives. As Aria prepares to take center stage, Pop Pop excitedly whispers, "Right here." And this is when the train starts barreling out of the station and tumbling off the tracks.While Brandy and MJ cheer, Pop Pop jumps to his feet. Despite all of the time he spent practicing, he doesn't yell. Instead, he puts his fingers to his mouth and whistles. Loudly. Not once, not twice but three times.“I didn’t even know you could do that,” MJ tells him as he sits down. “You didn’t do that for Jade! I didn’t know you could whistle like that.” For context, Jade is their own daughter who also happened to be walking in the graduation ceremony.The video resonated with millions, receiving more than 2M likes, 87K shares, and nearly 8K comments. TikTok viewers loved it, praising Pop Pop for his incredible response and infectious energy."As a single mom I absolutely love this!! I’m so glad he was all for it," one commenter wrote.Another said, "Honestly as a kid who was embarrassed having no one but my nana at my grad, this made me so happy.""Him practicing is hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂"Even Brandy herself commented on the heartwarming moment, thanking the couple for showing up for her daughter.“Listen 👂🏽 I am so appreciative! I just wanted to make sure my baby felt celebrated 🎉and y’all definitely did that! It was the energy ✨ for me!” she wrote.For the naysayers who questioned why Pop Pop didn't whistle for his own daughter, Jade, fear not. In a follow-up TikTok, MJ shares her husband's response to Jade's graduation moment and assures viewers that he is the "ultimate hype man" for his kids.When Jade's name is announced, Pop Pop gets to his feet, cheering her on.When It Comes to Raising Kids, It Really Does Take a VillageYet, the harsh reality is that many single parents don't have one. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly a quarter of kids are being raised by a single parent. That amounts to more than 23 million kids.And while some have large extended families and friends to help fill in the gap, many do not, including Aria Thomas. But thanks to the kindness of a literal stranger and a mom courageous enough to ask for help (kudos to her!!), for this day at least, Aria definitely did not feel alone.Frankly, we could all use a Pop Pop in our lives cheering us on. His amazing response is a reminder that sometimes, we all need to step up and become a part of someone else's village. More from Goalcast:Teacher Thinks His Students Are Looking “Scruffy” at Their Graduation – Gives Them All Free Haircuts in SchoolTeen Is Photographed Walking at 4 AM to Reach His Graduation – So a Stranger Gifts Him a Brand New Car

Appalled Mom Stands Up For Herself When Daycare Sends Son Back With Note Written On Belly
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Appalled Mom Stands Up For Herself When Daycare Sends Son Back With Note Written On Belly

A note written in marker on a baby's stomach made a mother very upset and eventually led to the teacher's firing.Heather Chisum, a single mom in Sanibel Island, Florida said she was "furious" when she picked her 18-month-old son Milo up from daycare only to find a note written in marker on his stomach."Am I right to be furious about this? Or am I overreacting? I really need your opinions guys, because I’m about to barge in this daycare tomorrow morning and have some words," she wrote in a January 2020 Facebook post.The note said, ”Mom I’m out of diapers pls read my report.”This wasn't the first timeChisum explained that the Florida daycare her son attends usually puts a report in his lunchbox explaining how his mood was that day and whether or not he needs diapers. She admitted that she forgot to read the report one day, but that doesn't explain why the teachers didn't let her know verbally."In the very worst case scenario, I can’t see anything other than 'need diapers' needing to be written," she wrote. "Why a big long message needed to be written across my sons stomach is beyond me. OR WRITE IT ON HIS DIAPER OR YA KNOW, JUST TELL ME?!?"Chisum added that she was planning to take her two kids to the beach that day, but couldn't because the marker wouldn't come off."The best part???? THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME," she wrote. "They’ve done this several months ago too.""Help. Am I over exaggerating? Give it to me straight people."Heather ChisumA mix of support and criticismIn the comments, people were mostly on Chisum's side."I'm not even a parent and this makes me livid, I would be swinging on whoever decided to do that smh," said Liah Santos.But others allegedly criticized Chisum, saying she's negligent for missing the report."I missed one report, I wasn’t being hounded over and over to bring diapers and I just kept ignoring them. I missed the report and this woman’s next course of action was to write across my entire sons torso. Like I said, this was the next course of action OVER a phone call, verbal warning, text, or email," she wrote.In a second post, Chisum said others criticized her for spending her money on makeup instead of her kids. "I have NEVER and will never put my needs before my children’s," she said, adding that she had extra diapers in the closet. "No one knows my finances, or what I spend my money on, and it’s NONE of any ones business."The daycare apologizedIn response, the daycare apologized to Chisum and fired the teacher responsible."The school has taken immediate action to remove the teacher from the school. We are reviewing protocols already in place to ensure that nothing like this occurs again," said Cindy Carter DeCosta, executive director, according to News-Press.Still, Chisum said she would be seeking out a new daycare."I'm so beyond frustrated," she said. "I will no longer take them there."Your gut will tell you when you've been wrongedChisum had every right to be upset. Clearly, the teacher had no business writing in marker on a baby's stomach like that and could have gotten the diapers Milo needed in a much more reasonable way, including by giving Chisum a call.Beyond being a tale of a mother's frustration, this story shows that if you've been wronged, your gut probably knows it. No need to ask for everyone's opinions if the wrongdoing is as clearcut as this.More uplifting stories:Fierce Mom Tackles Man Peeping Into 15-Year-Old’s Daughter’s Bedroom11-Year-Old Genius Passes Up Higher Learning And It’s A Lesson For All ParentsMom Tells Son Not To Share With Other Kids And She Makes A Powerful PointWoman Finds Missing Child Using Tik Tok Hack All Parents Need To Know

Mom Shamed For Taking Up Handicapped Parking Spot Has Perfect Response
Uplifting News

Mom Shamed For Taking Up Handicapped Parking Spot Has Perfect Response

An important reminder that not all disabilities are visible.An awful message on her windshieldWhile parked in a children's hospital parking lot, Emma Doherty rushed into an appointment with her son Bobby. When they returned, she saw something that truly upset her.There was a note on the windshield that said, "You lazy conning b-tch. You did not have a disabled person with you! These spaces are reserved for people who need them!!!"Her son is terminally illDoherty took to Facebook to set the record straight."To the person who put this on my car which I had put my disabled badge fully on show I'm not angry at your pure ignorance I'm actually upset with it. How dare you ever accuse anyone of not needing a disabled badge without knowing," she wrote in the post. "I wish you had the balls to say this to my face and I would of told you (even tho I don't need to explain myself to the likes of you) but id of happily said why I have a badge. I promise to get the stigma away from people with disabled badges who don't 'look disabled.'"Doherty explained that her son is a disabled person who is also terminally ill."I hope this gets shared and back to you and you will see my son is terminally ill he's had over 15 operations 3 open hearts, 2 stomach, lung and diaphragm and countless artery stenting operations and spent half his life on intensive care. He's had 2 strokes and was paralyzed, brain-damaged and has a spine and hip condition as well as a massive heart condition," she wrote.Doherty indicated that she'd left Bobby's wheelchair in the car and carried him because they were late for the appointment due to two previous appointments that same day. "But for your information not everyone who holds a blue badge needs to have a wheelchair!"Not all disabilities are visibleDoherty went on to explain that as a single mother with a disabled child, she's been through so much and doesn't usually get upset — but this broke her."NOT ALL DISABILITIES ARE VISIBLE and I hope you regret doing this and learn your lesson! I knew something would be said one day as every day I get looks and stares and see people whispering to each other about me and bobby walking from the car. Everyone needs to stop and think before acting I hardly ever let anything upset me but this did. How aggressive as well and as for conning my son's disabled pass is not a con he's actually seriously ill. I've added a picture of him to prove not everyone looks ill or disabled but can be seriously ill.She also pointed out that she didn't blame the hospital at all. "They've saved my son's life many times it's just somebody who was parked on the carpark."She's been supported by her communityThe post has been shared more than 31,000 times and is followed by dozens of heartfelt comments. "So true what you say and you are a fantastic strong mum and don't deserve this. That person obv has a very sad life to be so obnoxious, so sorry they upset you," wrote Lucy Marciano-Mills."What a lovely way for a relative of a sick child to treat a fellow relative of a sick child. Sorry you had to receive this note Emma. I wish people would be kinder, you never know what other people are battling," wrote Claire Lewis.Don't judge a book by its coverFor Emma and Bobby, the note on the windshield must have been extremely upsetting. But out of their frustration has come something good — the ability to teach that disabilities look very different. If someone has a handicapped sticker, they're entitled to park in a handicapped spot, end of story. More uplifting stories:4 Years Ago, He Was Homeless–Today, He Bought His First HousePoor Man Who Missed Job Interview To Save A Life Had Employers Lining Up To Hire HimDomestic Abuse Survivor Marries The First Responder Who Saved Her LifeBrooklyn Landlord Cancels Rent For Hundreds Of Tenants, Setting An Unprecedented Example For Others