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Man Pressured to Leave Overweight Girlfriend  So He Did What He Should Have Done a Long Time Ago
Uplifting News

Man Pressured to Leave Overweight Girlfriend So He Did What He Should Have Done a Long Time Ago

After sharing a sweet anniversary post with the world, teenagers Emily Phillips and her high school sweetheart, Aidan Harrison, were harassed online for the worst reason. Over the course of two years, Phillips had put on a "significant" amount of weight. The comments called her "too fat." Thousands of strangers urged her boyfriend to "leave her."They Said Her Weight Gain Was “Disrespecting” Her Man@emphillipx/TikTokWhen Phillips posted a sweet "time jump" anniversary carousel for her friends and family, she had no idea the post would go viral — and the horrific backlash they would receive. Phillips innocently shared a photo from their first date titled "Day 1." Next to it, she posted a recent photo titled, "Day 884." "I'm so happy to experience a love like ours, and know what love is," she captioned the post. In both photos it's clear the couple are very in love. They are holding each other and smiling big — but that's not what the rest of the world saw.Instead, they saw a confident woman, comfortable in her skin at any size — and they wanted to tear her down. The comments were sexist, cruel, and endless. Many of the comments were written by men (probably without girlfriends) writing about how unworthy of love this beautiful, young, woman was, simply because of her weight. One Twitter user — who we can only assume is a men's rights activist — went on to write, "This is why you need to be on top of everything as a man to ensure that things such as this do not happen." Some Twitter users speculated that perhaps Phillips was pregnant. Implying that this alone would justify her weight gain — that a woman is only exempt from having the "perfect" body, if she is with child. It's impossible as a woman, to look through the hateful comments Phillips received, and not have your blood boil.How This Boyfriend Graciously Put an End to the “Lies” Her TikTok had a snowball effect. Overnight, her post gained over 30k comments (and we'd advise against looking through them). While some of the comments encouraged the couple to "ignore the hate," most of the comments were devastating, calling the 18-year-old Phillips all kinds of awful names that we have chosen not to share with our readers.While we can only imagine how many tears Phillips must have shed behind closed doors, her devoted boyfriend Harrison, put the haters in their place in the simplest way. Harrison knew if he responded to each mean comment individually, it would only add fuel to the fire. After all, these mean spirited comments are written with the express purpose of hurting the feelings of those reading it.So instead, he posted this — and it was perfect."We're happy and that's all that matters. I love you sweetheart," he wrote.Young Woman Embodied True Confidence and It’s Inspiring Unfortunately, cyberbullying is a very real consequence of living in the digital age. Without even intending to, we have never been more accessible to thousands and thousands of people we've never even met. The good news is, we have seen the wide reach of the internet be used for good.The bad news is, we have also seen it used to spread hate. Emily Phillips's story is the perfect example of how damaging cyber bulling can be. But thankfully, her story doesn't end there. She chose to have an ever bigger impact, by not doing this one thing.Instead of removing her post, or turning off the comments, Phillips would not allow her haters to get the best of her. She left her post up — hateful comments and all. What happened next was even more incredible. Eventually women and men from all over chose to support this couple. They reminded her she was beautiful. They reminded her love wins. Emily Phillips refused to hide her body in shame — and hopefully her strength inspired others to do the same.It's easy to be a back seat driver. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," friends will dismissively advise. But when you're the target of hate, it takes a whole different kind of strength to withstand it.She took a heartbreaking situation and used it to uplift others. Shockingly, Emily Phillips is paving the way for women who struggle with self-esteem issues, one hateful comment at a time.More from Goalcast:Her Daughter Excluded Her Best Friend for Being “Too Fat” – Shocked Mom Takes Matters Into Her Own HandsWoman Goes to the Gym to Work Out – Breaks Down When She Hears These Startling Words From a ‘Hardcore’ Gym BroPlus Size Man and His Size 8 Wife Receive Rude Comments From Haters – Come Up With the Perfect Idea to Silence Them

Single Moms Biggest Fear Is Regarding Her 14-Year-Old Son - So His Teacher Makes Her an Offer
Uplifting News

Single Moms Biggest Fear Is Regarding Her 14-Year-Old Son - So His Teacher Makes Her an Offer

In a world often filled with challenges, heartbreaks, and seemingly insurmountable odds, there shines a beacon of selflessness and love that has the power to warm the coldest of hearts. Meet Kerry Bremer, not just a special education teacher, but a guardian angel in human form.The Offer One Teacher Made to a Student’s MotherKerry's journey with Jake Manning, a vibrant 14-year-old with Down syndrome, began four years ago when she stepped into the role of his special education teacher. Describing Jake as "dynamic," Kerry sensed a deeper connection beyond the classroom and that she "fell in love with him instantly." As fate would have it, she learned that Jake's mother, Jean Manning, was battling terminal breast cancer that had cruelly metastasized into her brain.Fully aware of the impending challenges for Jake, Kerry initiated a courageous conversation with the single mother. "I could really be overstepping the boundaries here, but I just want to let you know that if you need a backup plan for Jake, my family and I are willing to offer guardianship," Kerry expressed to Jean. Tears welled up in Jean's eyes as relief washed over her, grateful for Kerry's unwavering offer. "She said, 'I'll sleep better tonight than I have in a very long time.'" Jean's deepest fear — what would happen to Jake after she passed — found a compassionate answer in Kerry's pledge.This remarkable story is a testament to the incredible power of human connection. Despite knowing the Mannings for just a few months, Kerry, along with her husband Dave and their children, made a life-altering decision. For them, opening their home to Jake was not just an act of kindness; it was a profound commitment grounded in love.How One Mother Orchestrated a Symphony of LoveOn November 13, tragedy struck as Jean Manning passed away. But amidst the sorrow, Kerry and her family fulfilled Jean's final wish — they welcomed Jake into their home. "I'm terribly sad that Jake doesn't have his mom to be with him for the rest of his life," Kerry shared with CNN. "But I'm very, very grateful that she trusted us to take him and be with him and share our home with him."Jean's courageous planning over the last three years facilitated Jake's transition to his new family. Despite the suddenness of her death, Jake, understandingly in his innocent wisdom, acknowledges that his mom is now in heaven with God and his aunts. In the Bremer household, Jake has found solace, affectionately calling Jean his "Queen Angel Mom."Kerry and Dave were officially named Jake's legal guardians in May, with the possibility of adoption on the horizon. A GoFundMe campaign to support Jake has garnered immense attention, nearing its $50,000 goal in just five days. But for Kerry, the true hero of this narrative is Jean Manning, a mother who, in the face of her own mortality, orchestrated a symphony of love and care for her son's future.In a world that often echoes with tales of hardship, Kerry and Jean's story radiates as a testament to the enduring power of love, compassion, and the indomitable human spirit.Through the lens of this family, we are reminded that even in life's most challenging moments, kindness can prevail, and bonds formed in selflessness can withstand the tests of time. The world needs more stories like this, stories that whisper hope, resilience, and the extraordinary impact of a single act of love.More from Goalcast:Woman Sits Next to Pregnant Stranger on Flight – Ends Up Adopting Her Newborn BabyWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s SonTwo Sisters Reunited After 75 Years After Being Put Up for Adoption After World War II

Man Takes $800 From Vacation Fund Without Telling His Wife - Then Reveals What He Did With It Over Text

Man Takes $800 From Vacation Fund Without Telling His Wife - Then Reveals What He Did With It Over Text

*Featured image contains photo by Matilda Wormwood Money can be a big issue in a marriage and is something that couples should talk about frequently in order to be on the same page. Otherwise, hidden financials and spending could lead to resentment or stress. It’s important to be in agreement on how you spend that money, especially if you’re thinking about making a big purchase. So a man named James was taking a big risk when he removed $800 from his vacation fund without telling his wife. Luckily, she had the best reaction when he told her why. A Surprise Text An anonymous woman decided to share a story from her marriage on Imgur one day, posting a screenshot of a conversation with her husband, James. In the texts, James randomly dinged his wife to tell her that he had “such a heartwarming story” for her. “And I know you won’t be upset because you’re my amazing, one-in-a-million soulmate,” he wrote. The wife braced herself with a simple, two-word answer: “Oh boy.” Her husband, a teacher, then launched into a story about one of his students, who had been coming to class every day wearing only a hoodie and sneakers. The weather was getting colder, but the kid had no jacket or boots. The teacher grew concerned. “I didn’t think much of it the first time, but it’s an everyday thing now, so I asked him to stay after class because I’m worried,” he wrote. “It’s freezing outside and he could get sick.” A Family in Trouble After class that day, James learned how the student was facing some hard times. He was living with his grandfather, who was retired. Their only income was a small pension, so the student had started working at Chick-fil-A while juggling school. With his income, they were barely able to cover rent, food, and bills. “So, I’m currently at his place waiting for him and his grandpa to get ready so I can take them shopping for clothes and groceries,” James continued in the texts. “And I took $800 from our trip budget so we can only go for 6 instead of 8 days. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but I didn’t even think about it, I just knew I had to help.” Taking money out of the account without talking about it first wasn't the best move. But, James obviously knew his wife. She wasn’t even slightly angry and had an even more surprising reaction. “We’ll talk when I get home, but I am so proud of you,” she wrote. “See if they have anyone to spend Christmas with, if not we always have room for two more.” Putting People First The texts resonated with so many people on the social media platform because they exemplified kindness and selflessness. This couple had saved their money for a trip that they were probably really looking forward to. But they cut it short in order to help someone else who had way less than they did. “This is such pure, wholesome kindness,” one person wrote in the comments. “For as lousy as things are these days, there are still good people. There will always be good people,” wrote another. By sharing this story, this woman inspired others to give back in their own lives and in their own ways. These texts remind us that sometimes we need to lean on others, and other times we need to be the people who are offering a post to lean on. Whether that means re-evaluating your own financial situation and seeing how you too can help someone in need, or adding a few extra groceries to your shopping cart to donate to the local food bank, there are plenty of ways to help out. Time, donations, and even just being an ear for someone else can go a long way. It doesn’t matter how you do your part, so long as we all remember to put people, and not things, first. More from Goalcast: Man Spends His $400 Paycheck on Poor Nephew Who Had No Toys – 15 Years Later, He Has the Perfect ‘Payback’ 10-Year-Old Collects Money for a Vacation – Then the Truth About What He Actually Did With It Comes Out Man Gives His 6-Year-Old $600 to Go on a Shopping Spree – Little Did He Know His Son Had Other Plans With the Money

Racist Woman Refuses to Let 9-Year-Old Into a Birthday Party - Years Later, an Empty Chair Teaches an Important Lesson
Everyday Heroes

Racist Woman Refuses to Let 9-Year-Old Into a Birthday Party - Years Later, an Empty Chair Teaches an Important Lesson

Every day for fifty-three years, Dan Gill has stood in front of a classroom of students. His room is full and yet, one chair always remains empty. It sits front and center, a poignant reminder of an injustice that happened long ago. One that ended up defining his life and is now, shaping the lives of generations of students. And while the chair may be empty, it holds an invaluable lesson in inclusion. A 9-Year-Old Comes Face-To-Face With the Ugliness of RacismIt was 1956 when Gill (white) and his best friend Archie Shaw (Black) excitedly knocked on the door of their friend's New York apartment. They were there for his birthday party but when the friend's mother opened the door, she informed them that she only had one available chair.Confused, Gill told her that he could sit on the floor. "No, you don't understand," she responded. "There are no more chairs." And that's when it hit him. He was welcome but Archie wasn't."I can still see this woman's face," Gill told the Washington Post. "I felt so bad because he had been humiliated. We gave her the presents and I said we're going to go to my house, where there are plenty of chairs."The boys left, sobbing.It's a moment that's stayed with him for more than 65 years.The Empty Chair Fast forward to 1970. Gill started teaching social studies with the Montclair School District. The Vietnam War was raging and the civil rights movement had come to an end after Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination.But Gill wasn't done fighting. He was instrumental in helping to desegregate the Montclair public schools and every year, on Martin Luther King Jr. day, he would tell his story about Archie and the birthday party to his students.Sometime in the 1980s, Gill decided he needed to do more. He wanted to honor his childhood friend every day of the year. And that's when he got the idea for the empty chair. "Kids work well with symbols," Gill told CBS News. "It's a reminder that they can do better — better academically, socially, and emotionally — but also to make people feel welcome and make this a better place to live."Over the years, hundreds of students have sat in Gill's classroom and while they may not remember all of his lessons, they always remember the empty chair.Gill retired in 2023 after 53 years of teaching. At the time, he was 75 years old. A Legacy Lives OnSadly, the two friends lost touch after elementary school, and last year, Gill learned that Archie passed away in 2021. However, his legacy will live on. Gill is currently writing a picture book, "No More Chairs," that is being published by Little and Brown in 2025. He plans to dedicate it to Archie. Our lives are made up of a series of moments. Many we forget, but some live with us forever, shaping us and defining who we become. For veteran teacher Dan Gill, that moment happened in the doorway of a New York City apartment when he was just nine years old.He credits it for why he became a teacher and why it's so important to him to share Archie's story with the world. "Not all of us can become president, not all of us can become senators, but if all of us do our due diligence in how we treat other people, then this will be a better world." Dan GillNo one should ever have to experience the humiliation and heartache that Archie did that day. And while society has seemingly come a long way, we still have a long way to go when it comes to racial equality. It's up to all of us to make the people around us feel welcome, included, and accepted.After all, everyone deserves a seat...literally and otherwise.More from Goalcast: Man Sees a Couple Staring at Him and His Son at Cracker Barrel – He Finds Out Why in the Note They Give Him Racist Clerk Makes 10-Year-Old Boy Cry – When His Father Finds Out, He Decides to Confront Him Black Woman Sits Next to Man Sending Racist Texts About Her to His Family – Her Reaction Has Everyone Applauding

Coffee Shop Owners Friends Open Up a Competing Business - Then One Piece of News Changes Everything
Uplifting News

Coffee Shop Owners Friends Open Up a Competing Business - Then One Piece of News Changes Everything

In life, there are times to try to get ahead and times when it’s important to stop, look around, and remember what truly matters. One woman has inspired hundreds of people in her community after she did the latter.Despite running her own coffee shop, this woman put aside her business for a day to help a competitor and friend who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer.An Instant FriendshipPixie Adams had been running the Moonlight Coffee House in Portland for a while when she met Dave and Tina McAdams. The couple lived next to the coffee shop, and the trio instantly became friends. So when the McAdams decided to open their own coffee shop, Adams was super supportive.After that, the business owners often shared tips and advice on how to grow and run their respective shops. They remained friends, despite the fact that they were selling the same thing: coffee.When Adams learned that Dave, who had beaten cancer twice before, had just received a terminal diagnosis and had about two months to live, she knew she needed to help. After all, she was a breast cancer survivor and knew how hard it all was.“I thought about what my cancer journey had been like, how hard it was to juggle and balance treatment and time with family and business,” she told Yahoo Lifestyle.Closing Up ShopVarious people in the community wanted to help, especially when Tina quit her full-time job to take over the coffee shop from Dave. However, she also had to spend time with her husband at home, helping him as his health deteriorated.So Adams decided to host a fundraiser at the McAdams’ shop. She closed Moonlight Coffee House for the day and headed over to their spot, The Local Coffee Company, to serve lattes and coffee.“Sometimes being a community leader means stepping up to show love and support for one of our own — even another local coffee place,” Adams wrote in an Instagram post advertising the takeover.“If you don’t know, Dave McAdams has spent years working to support the local Oak Grove and Milwaukie communities through volunteer work, non-profit work, sports coaching, and, sadly, is now in hospice care as he bravely faces a terminal cancer diagnosis,” she continued. “And that means their family needs OUR help!”A Successful DayOn the day in question, Adams donated every single dollar made, including tips and donations, to the couple. She wound up raising more than $4,000 for them — a record day of sales.“When she offered, we were so honored that she would put her own business on hold for a day to help ours,” Tina told “Pixie is well-known in our community for raising awareness and has a very large following. We knew her efforts would not go unrewarded.The takeover inspired others to help as well. A roaster donated bags of beans called Dave’s LovedDeeply Blend to sell, with 100% of the proceeds going to the family. Someone also set up a GoFundMe page that pulled in more than $18,000.Meanwhile, the hashtag #BeLikePixie surfaced on social media, as people encouraged others to make a difference in their communities the way Adams was trying to do in hers.“I feel like it’s so easy to get caught up in the competition in business,” Adams told “I wanted to do something for them that I knew was going to make a difference in more than a superficial way. To me, it will always be community over competition, and friendship over business.”Remembering What MattersIt’s so easy to get caught up in our own daily grinds that we forget about what others might be going through. But true community is about showing up and being there for one another, even when we’re not asked.As busy as life gets, it’s important to remember to help others when we can. In a community context that doesn’t necessarily have to mean a big fundraiser. It could be simple, like supporting a local business over a big chain. Or it could be organizing or participating in a park cleanup, a food drive, or clearing driveways and yards for seniors or new parents.It’s nice to be successful and thrive. But as Adams reminds us all, it feels a lot better to achieve our goals when we’re also helping others.More from Goalcast:This Couple Bought and Revamped an Abandoned Laundromat — Now It’s a Thriving Community Hub With Free Laundry DaysBest Friends Win a Million Dollars in the Lottery — They Immediately Decide to Give It All Away to Help Their CommunityWalmart Shopper Films a Cashier’s Reaction to a Crying Customer – The Secret Video Inspires a Community to Respond

Teen Wont Stop Misbehaving in Class - So His Dad Threatens Him With a Lesson Hell Never Forget
Uplifting News

Teen Wont Stop Misbehaving in Class - So His Dad Threatens Him With a Lesson Hell Never Forget

Parenting takes a lot of love, patience, and creativity, among other things. Especially when your children leave the house and fail to make great choices. Sometimes, despite your best efforts to teach your kids to be good people, they’ll still misbehave at school or with friends.That was what one dad was facing with his teen son. The dad was repeatedly getting notes about his kid’s misbehavior in class, so he decided to finally do something about it. What he did, however, quickly went viral.A Problem at SchoolSeventeen-year-old Bradley Howard had been getting into trouble at school. He was talking too much during physics class and disrupting the lessons. The teacher wrote home several times and spoke with Bradley’s parents, Brad and Denise Howard.As most parents would do, they spoke with Bradley and explained why he needed to stop chatting so much. Finally, Brad threatened his son.“If you do this again, if we get another note from your teacher, I'm going to come up there and sit with you in class,” Brad recalled telling his son to NBC News. Whether Bradley forgot or didn’t think his pops was serious, lo and behold, the parents received yet another notification that their son was chatting it up. Brad knew he had to make good on his threat.A Memorable School DayA few days later, Brad, a pastor, geared up for what he was about to do.“Friday is my only day off, so my wife wakes me up and says, 'Brad, it's time for you to go to school.' I thought, 'Oh no, what have I done?'" the father told BuzzFeed News.Brad got ready and headed to physics class, where Bradley had no idea he'd be. When he walked into his class, it took him a moment to realize his dad was there.“We didn't tell him anything," Brad told NBC News. “I was in the classroom sitting beside his chair when he walked in. He didn't see me at first. Then he was shocked.”As most teens would, Bradley died of embarrassment. No kid that age wants their parents showing up on their turf. His classmates had a different opinion though.“I think they had a good time. Especially knowing that Bradley was put in an uncomfortable situation,” Brad confessed to BuzzFeed News.A Lesson Goes ViralBrad took a selfie with his son as proof to his wife that he had actually shown up. But the couple’s daughter and Bradley’s sister, Molli, thought it was hilarious. She posted the photo online, and it went viral. Eventually, Brad also posted it.“Just making good on a promise,” he wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.Since then, plenty of people have commended Brad on his positive but impactful parenting choice. Even TV personality Montel Williams joined in, writing, “This is awesome!!! One dad to another, well done ;).”Although the family got a laugh over their moment of fame, Brad wanted to reiterate that the moral of this story is that his lesson worked. At least for now.“I pray it was a one-time thing,” he told BuzzFeed News. “I don’t think I’d ever do it again.”Parenting With LoveThere are many ways to parent and ways that work for each family and their specific circumstances. But one thing that viral parenting stories like these all seem to have in common is that the mom or dad in question tries to teach a valuable life lesson that comes from a place of love. These stories are also classics that the families will probably look back on one day and laugh about.However you parent, one thing we can all agree on is that it takes a village. Parenting can be just as hard as it is rewarding, but hopefully, everyone grows from these experiences.No one is perfect, including kids. But when you parent with love and show your kids that you’ll be there no matter what (even if it means accompanying them to class!) odds are they’ll turn out pretty great. More from Goalcast:Furious Mom Punishes Her Suspended Son in a Unique Way – The Result Is AstonishingMom Has Enough of 13-Year-Old Son’s Entitled Behavior – So She Draws Up a Contract to Teach Him a LessonDaughter Refuses to Clean Her Room – So Her Mom Puts All Her Things in Garbage Bags to Teach Her a Lesson

Woman Finds Terrified 9-Year-Old Hiding in Nursing Home - Little Did She Know There Were More Surprises to Come
Uplifting News

Woman Finds Terrified 9-Year-Old Hiding in Nursing Home - Little Did She Know There Were More Surprises to Come

So many times in life, things that seem meant to be happen in the most unexpected ways. Coincidences or series of events can put us on an important path without us knowing it, leading to moments that almost seem predestined.One woman in Oklahoma is opening up about her experiences with that phenomenon, and how one surprise discovery led to a series of life-changing moments.The Surprise of a LifetimeSavanah Patt worked at a skilled nursing facility in Edmon, Oklahoma, taking care of senior residents and sharing her love. One day ten years ago, she was going about her regular routine when she came across something shocking.In one of the residents’ rooms, there was a tiny little girl hiding. It was her grandmother’s room, and the nine-year-old had been staying there for a week after a neighbor dropped her off. That neighbor had found Renlee living alone in a trailer with her older brother and the place was filthy. Her parents were nowhere to be found.“She looked at me, and she wouldn’t talk at all,” Patt told Oklahoma News 4. “She smelled terrible, she was very dirty, she didn’t have shoes.”A Rough UpbringingAccording to Renlee, the trailer had been overrun with cats and dogs. There were holes in the floor, and the place was filthy. Meanwhile, the little girl had been sent home from school with a severe case of lice and wasn’t allowed to return until she got rid of it.As for Renlee’s parents, they were struggling with addiction and unable to provide for their kids. Often, they would force them to panhandle on the streets for drug money with them.“They would take the food stamps and trade them for drugs,” Patt said. “They hoisted her into dumpsters, and they would go dumpster diving.”Things looked bad for the little girl, but she was about to be saved by a woman with an enormous heart.“I fell in love with her,” Patt said, revealing it was an easy decision to ask Renlee if she could be her mother.A Second SurpriseWith a steady home life and the love and security of Patt, Renlee thrived. She returned to school and learned what it was like to feel safe. Meanwhile, Patt had another surprise when she received a phone call, asking if she would also take in Renlee’s 13-year-old sister, an older sibling that Renlee hardly knew.Cheyanne had been traveling between relatives, acquaintances, and strangers since she was born, but the woman she had most recently stayed with no longer wanted her.“She had been left at a Circle K gas station in Yukon, Oklahoma,” Patt said. “Cheyanne didn’t know I was coming. [When] I pulled up she was sitting outside and she looked at me. I rolled down the window and she said, ‘What are you doing here?’ I said, ‘You want to live with me?’ She said, ‘You want me?’ And I said, ‘Yeah, girl.'”A Home Filled With LovePatt became a mother of two, and Cheyanne and Renlee rose to their true potential. They became the first in their family to graduate high school, and in a heartwarming twist, Renlee decided to pursue a nursing degree.According to the now-19-year-old, she wants to share love with others, just like her mom did with her and her sister.“I don’t know where I’d be without my mom, I don’t. I was born with meth and heroin, and pretty much every drug you can think of in my system as a baby,” she said. “Her finding me in a room, and now I’m going to be kind of working with people like that.”“People are like, ‘Oh, you saved them.’ No, no friends. They saved me because having them made me want to be better,” Patt said. “The attachment and bond that you get [when] you’re choosing to love, and they’re choosing to love is so beautiful.”Sharing Your LoveNot everyone is in a position to foster or adopt a child. (If you are, however, there are more than 390,000 children living in foster care in the U.S., and more than 113,000 kids who are eligible for adoption.) Still, this story reminds us that we should always lead with love.Perhaps you can help another family or children in need another way. Donations, hot meals, financially sponsoring someone or even volunteering your time are other positive ways to make a difference.Not everyone gets an equal start in life, and not everyone has the same opportunities. But if you’re lucky enough to have a little extra, spread the love and help others when you can. It doesn’t just make a difference in their lives, it can positively affect yours, too.More from Goalcast:Worker at Adoption Agency Refuses to Go to Her Grave With Important Secret — How Her Risky Confession Changed Two Lives Forever10-Year-Old Nobody Wanted to Adopt Is Sent to Live With Foster Family – This Would Completely Change Both Their LivesShe Gave Her Baby Up For Adoption On Thanksgiving – 50 Years Later, They Are Finally Reunited

8-Year-Old Asks a Question to a Group of Cops at a Restaurant - Little Did She Know What They Were Going Through
Uplifting News

8-Year-Old Asks a Question to a Group of Cops at a Restaurant - Little Did She Know What They Were Going Through

In a touching moment that resonates with the power of kindness, an 8-year-old girl from Texas, Paige Vazquez, found herself in a heartfelt prayer with police officers at a San Antonio restaurant. This poignant incident, now viral, unfolded as Paige, driven by her usual practice of praying for people, noticed the officers and decided to extend her heartfelt prayer their way.What One Little Girl Told a Table of Police OfficersPhoto by Min AnFor Paige, this simple act of compassion is part of her routine. "I always pray for people because, and police officers, because I know they have a rough time sometimes and sometimes a little prayer can make someone’s day, so I decided to do that just in case they’re having a rough day," shared Paige.She continued, "I asked them, 'Hello Officers, may I please pray for you?' and they said, 'Yeah sure.'"What makes this gesture particularly moving is the context: the San Antonio officers were grappling with the recent loss of one of their own. Officer Michael Moreno lost his life in the line of duty in late June, and the department was mourning his passing. Paige's heartfelt prayer served as a moment of solace and upliftment for officers going through an incredibly challenging time.The San Antonio Police Department took to their Facebook page to share this beautiful encounter, acknowledging it as "a wonderful moment to lift our spirits on the hardest of days." The post, accompanied by a photo capturing the essence of the moment, was taken by Paige's grandmother.How One Little Girl Proved the Importance of Spreading LoveOfficer Moreno's funeral took place that Friday, and Paige's gesture, although seemingly small, resonated deeply with the officers. Paige's mother, Kat Garcia, expressed her astonishment at the post going viral but noted that her daughter's actions weren't surprising. Describing Paige as caring, loving, and possessing an "old soul," Garcia highlighted to that such gestures come naturally to her young daughter.After the prayer, officers took a moment to express their gratitude to Paige. As Garcia emphasized, "We support our officers." The post, shared over 3,000 times, stands as a testament to the impact of a child's genuine compassion, proving that even the smallest act of kindness can touch hearts and resonate far beyond the immediate moment.More from Goalcast:Man Calls Cops and Claims to Be Kidnapped – When the Officer Arrives at the Scene, He Finds Something Completely DifferentElderly Neighbor Calls the Cops on a 9-Year-Old Black Girl Because He Was “Scared” – Then Yale University Takes OverBike-Riding Domino’s Delivery Guy Helps Cops Catch Thief — Still Manages to Deliver Pizza On Time

Woman Texted Her Daddy Every Day After His Death - 4 Years Later She Receives a Shocking Response
Uplifting News

Woman Texted Her Daddy Every Day After His Death - 4 Years Later She Receives a Shocking Response

Losing someone we love is one of the hardest experiences we ever have to endure. And despite the fact that grief eventually comes for us all, it doesn't come with a handy instruction manual outlining "10 Easy Ways to Overcome Grief," unfortunately.Because grief ISN'T easy. And we all deal with it differently, in our own time and in our own way. For 23-year-old Chastity Patterson, losing her "Daddy" in 2015 in a horrific car accident was devastating. Jason Ligons may not have been her biological father but according to Chastity, "blood could not make him any closer.”To help her cope with her grief, Chastity texted him every day after his death. For years. On the fourth anniversary of his death, she received a reply.An Unlikely Connection Between StrangersFor four years, Chastity sent daily text messages to Jason's phone number, sharing updates about her life. In a crazy twist of fate, it turns out that her messages weren't just floating aimlessly in the cloud.Unbeknownst to Chastity, they were being received by a man named Brad, who tragically lost his daughter in a car accident in 2014. *Chills*Every day for four years the grieving dad quietly looked forward to and read Chastity's texts. And for four years, it was these very texts that kept him going. On the eve of Jason's fourth death anniversary, Chastity decided to send a lengthy message, sharing all the highs and lows of the past four years. "Hey Dad it's ME," she wrote. "Tomorrow is going to be a tough day again!" Chastity went on to tell him that she beat cancer and graduated college with honors. She fell in love, had her heart broken ("you would have killed him"), lost all her friends, and hit rock bottom, but she came back stronger than ever. She ended the text with, “I’m doing great, you would be so proud of the woman I have become...I just wanted to say I love you and I really do miss you.” And then...Brad responded. (Gird your hearts.)A Grieving Father’s Response to a Grieving Daughter"Hi sweetheart, I am not your father, but I have been getting all your messages for the past four years," Brad wrote back. "I look forward to your morning messages and your nightly updates. My name is Brad and I lost my daughter in a car wreck August 2014 and your messages kept me alive. When you text me, I know it's a message from God.’"Brad via Facebook/Chastity PattersonBrad explained that he wanted to text her back for years but he didn't want to break her heart.He continued, "You are an extraordinary woman and I wish my daughter would have become the woman you are, thank you for your everyday updates, you remind me that there is a God and it wasn't his fault that my little girl is gone."He went on to call her his "little angel" and to tell her, "I'm sorry you have to go through this, but if it makes it any better, I am very proud of you." A Grieving Daughter Is Finally Ready to Move OnBrad's words of affirmation were the sign Chastity needed to finally close the chapter on her grief. She shared screenshots of the text messages on Facebook and captioned her post: "I text my dad everyday to let him know how my day goes, for the past Four years! Today was my sign that everything is okay and I can let him rest!"Her post (which has since been removed) went viral, capturing the hearts of millions. (And the ire of a few cynics who questioned if it was real).Chastity quickly responded to the naysayers with a follow-up post, explaining that Jason may not have been her biological father but he was still her dad and a role model for a lot of the kids in her small hometown in Arkansas."He never missed a school dance, prom, my games and YES he would give me long talks about my mouth and attitude. I had to introduce my boyfriends to him (If I was allowed to date) and he would act like a normal dad and give us the long talk," she wrote. "I've cried with him, told him everything and even became very independent because he took the time to love me and show me what happiness looks like. SO YES Jason was my father but he was a role model for many kids in our town," Chastity added. As for why she chose to share the texts in the first place? She wanted her friends and family to know that no one walks through grief alone. "I shared my messages for my friends and family to see that there is a God and it might take 4 years, but he shows up right on time!" Chastity PattersonThe Power of Human ConnectionCall it fate, or a miracle, or some crazy twist of happenstance, but it would seem that Chastity and Brad's connection was meant to be. Two complete strangers, walking similar paths, somehow found each other when they needed it most. Chastity's texts helped her to feel connected to her dad even in death, but even more incredible is that they helped a grieving dad cope with the unimaginable pain of losing his daughter.Knowing that we aren't alone, especially when the world feels darkest, may not stop the agony of grief but it does go a long way in finding healing and peace. 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Student With Autism Is Brought in Front of the Whole School - After Watching This, His Dad Writes a Letter to His Classmates
Uplifting News

Student With Autism Is Brought in Front of the Whole School - After Watching This, His Dad Writes a Letter to His Classmates

In the tapestry of high school life, being part of the autism spectrum can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation. However, in a remarkable show of compassion and inclusion, the students at South Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, North Carolina rallied around their fellow classmate, Blake Rice, making sure he felt not just accepted but celebrated.Autism often brings challenges in social communication and interaction. Blake, despite these challenges, is known among his peers for his kindness and friendliness. To recognize and honor their friend, the students came together to nominate Blake for the prestigious title of Homecoming King.Why a Dad Wrote an Open Letter to His Son’s ClassmatesPhoto by Dmitry SidorovIn a heartwarming video shared by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, the atmosphere is electric as Blake is announced as the Homecoming King. The cheers and applause resonate through the gym as Blake, with uncontainable joy, raises his fists in triumph. Adorned with the sash and crown, he bows graciously – a bow so exuberant that the crown slips off his head. Undeterred, he is crowned again, and what follows is pure joy – a spirited dance, eliciting even more cheers from the ecstatic crowd. Blake, radiating innocence and happiness, heads to the bleachers, doling out high fives.“We are so proud of you for this amazing display of love and inclusion,” express the school administrators on Facebook.Blake’s father, Matthew Rice, a CMS Sabre and a teacher at the school, wrote an open letter to the students expressing his gratitude for the incredible support shown to his son.How a Young Man’s Classmates Proved the Importance of AcceptanceThe heartfelt letter reads, in part: "All who nominated, organized, and voted chose to turn what could be an opportunity for exclusion into a celebration of inclusion. It sets you apart. It shows the world just a glimpse of the amazing culture of South Meck. By choosing to honor Blake, you honor the best all of you have to offer this world."The letter acknowledges the exceptional choice made by the students: "You chose not the hottest guy, or the richest guy, or the smartest guy. You chose the most unlikely guy, and supported him unconditionally, all of his complications and disabilities in full display, and you ROARED your support."This heartwarming gesture is a powerful reminder of the importance of compassion and acceptance, especially for those who might be a little different. Individuals with autism don’t see their condition as a challenge; it's just a part of who they are. Let the resonance of this beautiful act by the students of South Mecklenburg High School inspire kindness and understanding in schools far and wide. May it be a catalyst for fostering inclusivity and warmth in the hearts of all students, proving that, indeed, we are stronger together.More from Goalcast:8-Year-Old With Autism Has Hard Moment at School – Principal Does Something Shocking That Goes ViralLittle Girl With Autism Tries to Blow Out Stranger’s Birthday Candles — His Reaction Goes ViralDistraught Mom Orders Meal To-Go After Her Son With Autism Has a Meltdown in Cracker Barrel – Attached to the Bag Is a Note