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10-year-old student feeds baby sister and simultaneously takes notes in classroom.
Uplifting News

Mom Away on "Business" Couldn't Take Care of Baby - So Her Elder Sister Brings Her to Class

Anyone who is a firstborn knows it comes with a lot of added responsibility. The line between parents and the eldest can be a bit fuzzy, with the oldest sibling often having to take on more than their lion's share of looking after their younger siblings.For one 10-year-old in Thailand, she took the responsibility of big sis to a whole other level. Instead of missing out on school to babysit her younger sibling while her mom had "business," she decided to pull double duty, bringing the one-year-old with her. She just became a viral internet sensation.

Single Moms Biggest Fear Is Regarding Her 14-Year-Old Son - So His Teacher Makes Her an Offer
Uplifting News

Single Moms Biggest Fear Is Regarding Her 14-Year-Old Son - So His Teacher Makes Her an Offer

In a world often filled with challenges, heartbreaks, and seemingly insurmountable odds, there shines a beacon of selflessness and love that has the power to warm the coldest of hearts. Meet Kerry Bremer, not just a special education teacher, but a guardian angel in human form.The Offer One Teacher Made to a Student’s MotherKerry's journey with Jake Manning, a vibrant 14-year-old with Down syndrome, began four years ago when she stepped into the role of his special education teacher. Describing Jake as "dynamic," Kerry sensed a deeper connection beyond the classroom and that she "fell in love with him instantly." As fate would have it, she learned that Jake's mother, Jean Manning, was battling terminal breast cancer that had cruelly metastasized into her brain.Fully aware of the impending challenges for Jake, Kerry initiated a courageous conversation with the single mother. "I could really be overstepping the boundaries here, but I just want to let you know that if you need a backup plan for Jake, my family and I are willing to offer guardianship," Kerry expressed to Jean. Tears welled up in Jean's eyes as relief washed over her, grateful for Kerry's unwavering offer. "She said, 'I'll sleep better tonight than I have in a very long time.'" Jean's deepest fear — what would happen to Jake after she passed — found a compassionate answer in Kerry's pledge.This remarkable story is a testament to the incredible power of human connection. Despite knowing the Mannings for just a few months, Kerry, along with her husband Dave and their children, made a life-altering decision. For them, opening their home to Jake was not just an act of kindness; it was a profound commitment grounded in love.How One Mother Orchestrated a Symphony of LoveOn November 13, tragedy struck as Jean Manning passed away. But amidst the sorrow, Kerry and her family fulfilled Jean's final wish — they welcomed Jake into their home. "I'm terribly sad that Jake doesn't have his mom to be with him for the rest of his life," Kerry shared with CNN. "But I'm very, very grateful that she trusted us to take him and be with him and share our home with him."Jean's courageous planning over the last three years facilitated Jake's transition to his new family. Despite the suddenness of her death, Jake, understandingly in his innocent wisdom, acknowledges that his mom is now in heaven with God and his aunts. In the Bremer household, Jake has found solace, affectionately calling Jean his "Queen Angel Mom."Kerry and Dave were officially named Jake's legal guardians in May, with the possibility of adoption on the horizon. A GoFundMe campaign to support Jake has garnered immense attention, nearing its $50,000 goal in just five days. But for Kerry, the true hero of this narrative is Jean Manning, a mother who, in the face of her own mortality, orchestrated a symphony of love and care for her son's future.In a world that often echoes with tales of hardship, Kerry and Jean's story radiates as a testament to the enduring power of love, compassion, and the indomitable human spirit.Through the lens of this family, we are reminded that even in life's most challenging moments, kindness can prevail, and bonds formed in selflessness can withstand the tests of time. The world needs more stories like this, stories that whisper hope, resilience, and the extraordinary impact of a single act of love.More from Goalcast:Woman Sits Next to Pregnant Stranger on Flight – Ends Up Adopting Her Newborn BabyWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s SonTwo Sisters Reunited After 75 Years After Being Put Up for Adoption After World War II

Man Takes $800 From Vacation Fund Without Telling His Wife - Then Reveals What He Did With It Over Text

Man Takes $800 From Vacation Fund Without Telling His Wife - Then Reveals What He Did With It Over Text

*Featured image contains photo by Matilda Wormwood Money can be a big issue in a marriage and is something that couples should talk about frequently in order to be on the same page. Otherwise, hidden financials and spending could lead to resentment or stress. It’s important to be in agreement on how you spend that money, especially if you’re thinking about making a big purchase. So a man named James was taking a big risk when he removed $800 from his vacation fund without telling his wife. Luckily, she had the best reaction when he told her why. A Surprise Text An anonymous woman decided to share a story from her marriage on Imgur one day, posting a screenshot of a conversation with her husband, James. In the texts, James randomly dinged his wife to tell her that he had “such a heartwarming story” for her. “And I know you won’t be upset because you’re my amazing, one-in-a-million soulmate,” he wrote. The wife braced herself with a simple, two-word answer: “Oh boy.” Her husband, a teacher, then launched into a story about one of his students, who had been coming to class every day wearing only a hoodie and sneakers. The weather was getting colder, but the kid had no jacket or boots. The teacher grew concerned. “I didn’t think much of it the first time, but it’s an everyday thing now, so I asked him to stay after class because I’m worried,” he wrote. “It’s freezing outside and he could get sick.” A Family in Trouble After class that day, James learned how the student was facing some hard times. He was living with his grandfather, who was retired. Their only income was a small pension, so the student had started working at Chick-fil-A while juggling school. With his income, they were barely able to cover rent, food, and bills. “So, I’m currently at his place waiting for him and his grandpa to get ready so I can take them shopping for clothes and groceries,” James continued in the texts. “And I took $800 from our trip budget so we can only go for 6 instead of 8 days. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but I didn’t even think about it, I just knew I had to help.” Taking money out of the account without talking about it first wasn't the best move. But, James obviously knew his wife. She wasn’t even slightly angry and had an even more surprising reaction. “We’ll talk when I get home, but I am so proud of you,” she wrote. “See if they have anyone to spend Christmas with, if not we always have room for two more.” Putting People First The texts resonated with so many people on the social media platform because they exemplified kindness and selflessness. This couple had saved their money for a trip that they were probably really looking forward to. But they cut it short in order to help someone else who had way less than they did. “This is such pure, wholesome kindness,” one person wrote in the comments. “For as lousy as things are these days, there are still good people. There will always be good people,” wrote another. By sharing this story, this woman inspired others to give back in their own lives and in their own ways. These texts remind us that sometimes we need to lean on others, and other times we need to be the people who are offering a post to lean on. Whether that means re-evaluating your own financial situation and seeing how you too can help someone in need, or adding a few extra groceries to your shopping cart to donate to the local food bank, there are plenty of ways to help out. Time, donations, and even just being an ear for someone else can go a long way. It doesn’t matter how you do your part, so long as we all remember to put people, and not things, first. More from Goalcast: Man Spends His $400 Paycheck on Poor Nephew Who Had No Toys – 15 Years Later, He Has the Perfect ‘Payback’ 10-Year-Old Collects Money for a Vacation – Then the Truth About What He Actually Did With It Comes Out Man Gives His 6-Year-Old $600 to Go on a Shopping Spree – Little Did He Know His Son Had Other Plans With the Money

Racist Woman Refuses to Let 9-Year-Old Into a Birthday Party - Years Later, an Empty Chair Teaches an Important Lesson
Everyday Heroes

Racist Woman Refuses to Let 9-Year-Old Into a Birthday Party - Years Later, an Empty Chair Teaches an Important Lesson

Every day for fifty-three years, Dan Gill has stood in front of a classroom of students. His room is full and yet, one chair always remains empty. It sits front and center, a poignant reminder of an injustice that happened long ago. One that ended up defining his life and is now, shaping the lives of generations of students. And while the chair may be empty, it holds an invaluable lesson in inclusion. A 9-Year-Old Comes Face-To-Face With the Ugliness of RacismIt was 1956 when Gill (white) and his best friend Archie Shaw (Black) excitedly knocked on the door of their friend's New York apartment. They were there for his birthday party but when the friend's mother opened the door, she informed them that she only had one available chair.Confused, Gill told her that he could sit on the floor. "No, you don't understand," she responded. "There are no more chairs." And that's when it hit him. He was welcome but Archie wasn't."I can still see this woman's face," Gill told the Washington Post. "I felt so bad because he had been humiliated. We gave her the presents and I said we're going to go to my house, where there are plenty of chairs."The boys left, sobbing.It's a moment that's stayed with him for more than 65 years.The Empty Chair Fast forward to 1970. Gill started teaching social studies with the Montclair School District. The Vietnam War was raging and the civil rights movement had come to an end after Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination.But Gill wasn't done fighting. He was instrumental in helping to desegregate the Montclair public schools and every year, on Martin Luther King Jr. day, he would tell his story about Archie and the birthday party to his students.Sometime in the 1980s, Gill decided he needed to do more. He wanted to honor his childhood friend every day of the year. And that's when he got the idea for the empty chair. "Kids work well with symbols," Gill told CBS News. "It's a reminder that they can do better — better academically, socially, and emotionally — but also to make people feel welcome and make this a better place to live."Over the years, hundreds of students have sat in Gill's classroom and while they may not remember all of his lessons, they always remember the empty chair.Gill retired in 2023 after 53 years of teaching. At the time, he was 75 years old. A Legacy Lives OnSadly, the two friends lost touch after elementary school, and last year, Gill learned that Archie passed away in 2021. However, his legacy will live on. Gill is currently writing a picture book, "No More Chairs," that is being published by Little and Brown in 2025. He plans to dedicate it to Archie. Our lives are made up of a series of moments. Many we forget, but some live with us forever, shaping us and defining who we become. For veteran teacher Dan Gill, that moment happened in the doorway of a New York City apartment when he was just nine years old.He credits it for why he became a teacher and why it's so important to him to share Archie's story with the world. "Not all of us can become president, not all of us can become senators, but if all of us do our due diligence in how we treat other people, then this will be a better world." Dan GillNo one should ever have to experience the humiliation and heartache that Archie did that day. And while society has seemingly come a long way, we still have a long way to go when it comes to racial equality. It's up to all of us to make the people around us feel welcome, included, and accepted.After all, everyone deserves a seat...literally and otherwise.More from Goalcast: Man Sees a Couple Staring at Him and His Son at Cracker Barrel – He Finds Out Why in the Note They Give Him Racist Clerk Makes 10-Year-Old Boy Cry – When His Father Finds Out, He Decides to Confront Him Black Woman Sits Next to Man Sending Racist Texts About Her to His Family – Her Reaction Has Everyone Applauding

Little Boy With Autism Fails Test - So His Teacher Writes Him a Letter That Broke His Mom
Uplifting News

Little Boy With Autism Fails Test - So His Teacher Writes Him a Letter That Broke His Mom

Teachers have a big impact on our kids. Children spend hours every day in the classroom, so having someone who cares and who is passionate in charge of their learning makes all the difference. Especially when we have sensitive children or those with special needs. That’s why one teacher’s unique way of letting a student know he had failed a test struck a chord. The boy's mom was so touched that she shared the note on social media, where it has since gone viral. An Uplifting Note Ben Twist was a sixth-grade student at Lansbury Bridge School and Sports College in St. Helens. The school is for children with special needs, and in Grade 2 they take Stage 1 of a Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT). Then, in Grade 6 they take another version of it. Ben was diagnosed with autism when he was five. And when he was in Grade 6, he was the only child in the school to take the SAT. Unfortunately, he failed, but the boy’s teacher, Ms. Ruth Clarkson, wanted to ensure that Ben knew exactly what that meant. So she wrote a note home explaining it. “A very important piece of information,” she wrote. “I want you to understand these tests only measure a little bit of you and your abilities. They are important, and you have done so well, but Ben Twist is made up of many other skills and talents.” The educator then listed some of Ben’s other attributes, such as his ability to work in a team, his kindness, his independence, and his ability to express his opinion. “These are all of the things we measure to reassure us that you are always making progress and continuing to develop as a lovely bright young man,” Clarkson continued. “Well done Ben, we are very proud of you.” Going Viral When Ben’s mom, Gail Twist, read the note, she was moved to tears and posted it on Twitter for everyone else to read. There, more than 11,000 people liked it and it was shared nearly six thousand times. “I just didn't expect it at all,” she told ABC News. “For someone to take the time to think about it and write that, it shocked me. It just broke me. It's great when there's something positive to share about such a wonderful teacher.” She added how Ben thought the letter was awesome, and how all of the teachers at the school — including the five in Ben’s class — are standout examples of what educators should be. “Ben is sensitive, and he does worry about things, and I wish more schools did things like this,” she told the Liverpool Echo. “He is all of the things they wrote about him – he is an amazing person. I think their words will stay with him if we keep reminding him what they said about him… It’s just a beautiful thing to do.” Focusing On the Positive Sometimes in life we can become consumed with things like not passing a test, going through a layoff, not getting the job we want, or other perceived failures. But Ms. Clarkson reminds all of us that there is so much more to us than one little thing. It’s a beautiful reminder in life to try and focus on the positives, even when the negatives tend to stick out. There are silver linings if we take time to look and remember the old saying, “This too shall pass.” We’re quick to point out all of the good and positive things for other people in our lives, but this story reminds us that we should also remember to do that for ourselves. No one is perfect, nor should we strive for perfection. Instead, so long as we remember to be good people and to love one another, we’re all going to be okay. More from Goalcast: Teacher Hand Delivers Free Lunches to His Students at Their House – But That Wasn’t All He Brought Teacher Asks Her Low Income Students to Submit Christmas Wishes – What She Reads Breaks Her Heart Parents Find Out Their 9-Year-Old Son Has Given $15 to His Teacher – The Reason Why Brings Them to Tears

Mom Has Perfect Response to Teacher Who Called Her Sons Lunches Disgusting - Then She Receives a Shocking Email
Uplifting News

Mom Has Perfect Response to Teacher Who Called Her Sons Lunches Disgusting - Then She Receives a Shocking Email

It's 2024 and it's look like some people still haven't gotten the memo we need to be inclusive of every culture.What's even more disappointing is when these "misunderstanding" people are the ones who are responsible for educating the future leaders of tomorrow!The internet was furious when one loving Korean mother, was schooled by her son's teacher (so to speak). Yes, one preschool teacher claimed this mom packed "inappropriate" lunches for her son. The only problem? They weren't really inappropriate at all. These lunches were totally standard for Korean culture. Here's how one Korean mom — who went be the alias flowergardens0 — decided to handle the situation.And here's why Reddit users are backing her up.One Mother Turned To Reddit — They Were InfuriatedWhen it came to standing up for herself, the 34-year-old mom aka flowergardens0 wanted to make sure she didn't cross the line. She knew parent-teacher relationships have an unspoken, delicate balance. So, she decided to "ask the judges." This fierce mama turned to the popular Reddit thread "AITA?" to ask for a little bit of guidance.The acronym AITA humorously stands for "Am I The A**hole?" The Reddit thread is a safe online space for users to anonymously get honest feedback to see if they handled a difficult situation correctly. She wanted to make sure she didn't overreact — because if she did, she wanted to make it right.Here’s What She Wanted to Know:"I (34F) have a (5M) son who attends preschool. A few hours after I picked him up from school today, I got a phone call from his teacher. She made absolutely no effort to sound kind when she, in an extremely rude and annoyed tone, told me to stop packing my son such “disgusting and inappropriate” lunches.I felt absolutely appalled when she said this, as me and the teacher have, up until now, always maintained a very friendly relationship. She added that the lunches I’m packing my son are “very distracting for the other students and have an unpleasant odor.” I told her that I understand her concerns, as the lunches I pack are definitely not the healthiest, but the lunches are according to my son’s preferences."Even though she was taken aback by the teacher's surprising overstep, she took a deep breath and did her best to try and reason with her.How One Mother Responded to a Teacher’s ComplaintsShe responded by saying she "very much appreciated her worries, but that at the end of the day, I am not going to drastically change my sons’ lunches all of a sudden."Flowergardens0 correctly asserted that it’s not her fault if other students are “distracted” by his meal. "It is very important to me what my son enjoys, and I want him to like my lunches."Reddit/ flowergardens0After the call ended, this mother felt confident in her choice of words.Then she received a follow up email that made her question whether or not she did the right thing.The Teacher Wouldn’t Let It Go — She Called Her Response “Unacceptable”The teacher wasn't happy with the boundaries flowergardens0 set down. So she sent an email telling flowergardens0 her response was “unacceptable.”She went on to write her son's lunches are “just too inappropriate to be sent to school any longer.” Unsure what to do next, flowergardens0 bravely put herself out there on Reddit and got a bigger response than she could have ever imagined and all the comments were unanimous."I want to maintain a healthy relationship with my son’s teachers. I am confused as to what to do. AITA?"Reddit/ flowergardens0“She’s Too Inappropriate to Be Teaching at the School Any Longer.”Even though she wasn't sure if she did the right thing, the votes were in. It was quickly revealed she was "NTA" or in other words "not the a**hole." This teacher definitely crossed the line."The other kids are bullying your kid""This teacher isn't teaching these kids to accept differences"Protecting Her Son’s “Preferences”One of the more interesting takeaways of this story is even though the other kids in his class were complaining about his lunches, her 5-year-old son was not. He didn't ask his mom to switch it up and pack him ham sandwiches instead of kimchi and sriracha dishes.Even though he was so young, this little boy still knew who he was. He knew what he liked, and "trying to fit in" wasn't going to change that.This mom obviously did a good job raising her son. So it's no surprise she reflected the same confidence. When this teacher tried to shame her, she stood her ground and stood by her son's preferences.It may been picked up from a drive-thru window, but that didn't make his meal any less happy!A Lesson in Clapping Back, RespectfullyAs much as we want them to be, our kids aren't always on the right side of history.In every parent's life there will be many times their children will be wrong. Yes, it's important to recognize their missteps and help them make amends.That being said, there will also be times when our children need us to stand up for them. Just because an authority figure isn't happy with their choices — or ours for that matter — doesn't mean it's right.Sure, this teacher may not have been fully attune to her actions. But from the outside looking in? It seems like she was using her power position to intimidate a student's parent and get her way.Thankfully, this mama stood her ground and hopefully helped this teacher realize that instead of trying to make one student change their habits to make others more "comfortable," there is an awesome opportunity to teach all her students a powerful lesson about including everyone.More from Goalcast:

Teacher Hand Delivers Free Lunches to His Students at Their House - But That Wasnt All He Brought
Uplifting News

Teacher Hand Delivers Free Lunches to His Students at Their House - But That Wasnt All He Brought

In the heart of Grimsby, England, the halls of Western Primary School may be silent, but the spirit of kindness echoes loud and clear, carried by one remarkable assistant headteacher, Zane Powles. As the world grappled with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Powles had become a beacon of hope, ensuring that no child went hungry during these uncertain times.What a Teacher Did When Schools ClosedWhen the news of school closures broke, Powles, recognizing the potential impact on students who relied on school meals, knew action was needed. "My first thought was, how are we going to get our children meals? We have vulnerable families that need help, so we had to come up with a plan," he shared in an interview.With logistical challenges preventing the school from distributing state-sponsored meals and families hesitant to leave their homes, Powles took matters into his own hands. Carrying a whopping 39 lbs. of packed meals, he became a one-man delivery service, navigating the neighborhoods to ensure no child missed a meal.But Powles brought more than just sustenance. Alongside the food packs prepared by the school's kitchen staff, he delivered homework for the students, a valuable connection to their academic routine amid the pandemic. Beyond the academic aspect, these visits allowed Powles to personally observe his students, tracking their progress and gauging how they were handling the challenges of these trying times."One of the students rushed to the door with his parents the other day and goes, ‘Mr. Powles is here, he’s saved the world,’ which was lovely to hear," Powles shared with enthusiasm. The impact of his efforts was not lost on the parents and children. The joy and relief were visible on their faces, a testament to the significance of his deliveries.How One Teacher Was a Beacon of HopePowles' commitment sparked a ripple effect. Inspired by his dedication, Headteacher Kim Leach, another faculty member, joined the cause, delivering 25 lunches to students living farther from the school. The collaboration extended beyond meal deliveries; teachers regularly checked in on students and their families, turning the school community into a support network during these challenging times.Despite the physical strain of delivering packed meals to numerous households, the exhaustion fades when met with the gratitude and smiles of the families he visits. Powles and his fellow teachers have transformed the pandemic's burdens into a shared effort, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, the strength of a community shines brightest. Through Powles and his colleagues, Western Primary School isn't just a place of education; it's a beacon of resilience, compassion, and unwavering support. The message is clear: no child will be left hungry or unsupported on their educational journey.More from Goalcast:8-Year-Old Loses All His Toys in a House Fire – Little Did He Know His Classmates and Teachers Had a SecretPoor Student With “Nothing to Give” Surprises Teacher With an Unforgettable Christmas GiftTeacher Asks Her Low Income Students to Submit Christmas Wishes – What She Reads Breaks Her Heart

Mom Is Forced to Bring Fussy Baby to Class - But Then the Professor Came Over to Her Seat and Did This
Uplifting News

Mom Is Forced to Bring Fussy Baby to Class - But Then the Professor Came Over to Her Seat and Did This

Parenting is a rewarding experience full of highs and lows, great days and not so good days. For new moms, it can also be an isolating and emotional experience. That early period is when you learn who in your community you can rely on, while others surprise you with their compassion and kindness.Unexpected kindness is definitely what one new mom experienced one day when she was forced to bring her baby to class. There, the professor surprised all students in attendance with a sweet gesture.An Unexpected ClassmateKaty Humphrey is more than a marine vet and a college student. She is also a wife and mother to a four-month-old girl named Millie. After spending 14 years as a gunnery sergeant in the Marines, the 33-year-old wanted to go to school for physical therapy and to eventually return to the Army or Navy to help her comrades.“A couple of my friends in Afghanistan got injured, and when I got back, I really felt a calling to go back to help them and other wounded warriors,” she told ABC News.Typically, Humphrey would have a babysitter come watch Millie when she had a class. But one day her babysitter canceled on her right before class started, and Humphrey had no choice but to bring Millie with her. Naturally, things didn’t go so well when Humphrey got there.Not only was Humphrey a few minutes late to her class, but once she arrived and tried to get settled, Millie began fussing and fidgeting. She didn’t want to sit in her carrier, which made it hard for Humphrey to pay attention.A Surprising GestureIn some cases, a professor might ask a student under those circumstances to leave. Dr. Darryn Willoughby was not that professor.“Dr. Willoughby saw me trying to soothe her, so he came by and picked her up for me,” Humphrey explained to the publication. When he did, the baby calmed down.“He told the class how one of the greatest gifts in life is being able to hold a baby,” Humphrey continued. “He talked about how he missed his two girls and being able to hold them when they were little. One is now in college and the other is in high school.”Willoughby continued holding Millie for the rest of the class, and she was perfectly content. The teacher got his baby fix and for a precious period of time, Humphrey was able to focus on the lesson.“Balancing being a student and parent can be tough,” she added, saying she’s grateful for the professor and for her “classmates who have so much empathy and compassion.”It Takes a VillageNaturally, the internet reacted kindly to Willoughby and his actions during a mother’s time of need. The story reinforced the idea that it takes a village to raise a child, and it also inspired others to be kind to new moms and to help one when they see her struggling.Sometimes all it takes is holding open the door for a mom with a stroller, or letting a mom with a fussy kid go in front of you in line at the store. Or perhaps you could hold a baby for a few minutes so that a mom can eat with both hands. Maybe you know a new mom who could use a nap or some time to herself to run errands, and you could offer to babysit for a few hours one day.Not only are you helping the mom out, but you may be surprised how much you benefit from hanging out with a baby, too. Raising kids is hard and full of challenges as well as rewards. But with a village, the experience is just that much more rewarding for everyone.More from Goalcast:Single Mom Skips Class to Take Care of Her Baby – Her Professor’s Response Stuns HerFlight Attendant Finds Passenger’s Baby Crying Out Of Hunger- Steps In With An Outstanding OfferMom Struggling With Fussy Son at Restaurant Decides to Just Leave – Then, a Waitress Takes the Baby to Do This

8-Year-Old Loses All His Toys in a House Fire - Little Did He Know His Classmates and Teachers Had a Secret
Uplifting News

8-Year-Old Loses All His Toys in a House Fire - Little Did He Know His Classmates and Teachers Had a Secret

In the face of tragedy, communities often rally to support those who have suffered loss. This heartwarming tale unfolds in Philadelphia, Tennessee, where a third-grade student, Daniel Hunt, lost everything, including cherished toys, in a devastating house fire on September 21.The Surprise One School Secretly Organized for a Little BoyPhoto by Engin AkyurtAs news of Daniel's plight spread, the compassionate staff and students at Philadelphia Elementary School decided to channel their collective empathy into action. Kelly Jones, a school counselor, described Daniel as "one of the most positive, happy students I’ve ever seen." Fueled by this affection, they orchestrated a secret toy drive to replace some of the treasures that fire had cruelly taken away.The covert operation saw Daniel's classmates sneak in toys throughout the week, brimming with excitement at the prospect of surprising their friend. The acts of kindness went beyond material gifts. Doors were held, pencils readied, and chairs arranged – a chorus of care that played out each day.The grand reveal was orchestrated with precision. Sending Daniel on a small errand, the teachers and students transformed a classroom into a toy wonderland. When Daniel returned, the room erupted with joy, and the surprise echoed with a resounding "surprise!" The young boy stood in awe as the warmth of love enveloped him.Philadelphia Elementary School shared the touching moment on Facebook, recounting how Daniel received the toys, expressing his surprise and gratitude. The post reflected the pure joy that emanated from the gathering: "He was so surprised and thankful!"How Students and Teachers Proved the Power of CompassionDaniel, overwhelmed by the gesture, couldn't contain his joy, urging everyone to come closer. In a heartening scene, students and teachers alike joined in a group hug, celebrating the power of compassion. Jones, witnessing this outpouring of love, remarked, "Every adult and even a few students had tears swelling up in their eyes."Daniel's mother, Kristen Hunt, echoed this sentiment, expressing her overwhelming gratitude for the community's support. Overcome with emotion, she cried for 45 minutes after learning about the surprise. In her words, "I’m just so overwhelmed at all the love and the community coming together for us. It’s just very overwhelming and a blessing."Daniel's grandmother, Marsha Hunt, shared his joy, recounting his words, "I’m happy crying and I have joy in my stomach." She appreciated the genuine generosity displayed by the teachers and students, emphasizing the profound impact it had on her special grandson.In a world often marked by challenges, this story shines as a testament to the transformative power of compassion. The resilience of a young boy finding joy amid loss, and a community weaving a tapestry of love, teaches us that even in the darkest moments, light can emerge through the simple act of caring for one another.More from Goalcast:Man Spends His $400 Paycheck on Poor Nephew Who Had No Toys – 15 Years Later, He Has the Perfect ‘Payback’Mom Realizes There Aren’t Any Toys That Look Like Her Adopted Son – Ends Up Receiving an Unexpected ResponsePoor Single Mom Struggles to Feed Her Two Boys – So Her Son Sells His Only Toy to Help His Hungry Family

8-Year-Old With Autism Has Hard Moment at School - Principal Does Something Shocking That Goes Viral
Uplifting News

8-Year-Old With Autism Has Hard Moment at School - Principal Does Something Shocking That Goes Viral

Teaching can be a tiring and thankless job, especially when it comes to dealing with students from many walks of life. That’s why when the story of an educator going above and beyond to help one of their students surfaced, it caught so many people’s attention.Well, that’s exactly what one assistant principal did one day when he chose to help a boy with autism ride out a hard moment: he went above and beyond, and his actions went viral.A Rough Day at SchoolEight-year-old LJ was having a hard time after school one day in Columbus, Ohio. The school bus was late in picking up the kids at Garfield Elementary, and LJ just wanted to go home. The third grader has Down syndrome and autism, so he had a hard time handling his feelings that day. As a result, he laid down on the hot concrete to wait.Rather than try to convince him to get up or reason with him, assistant principal Jon Smith decided to lie down with LJ and wait for the bus. It was a small action that made a huge impact, and an aide named Amber McKinniss, who worked at the school, decided to snap a photo.McKinniss shared the photo with LJ’s mom, Steph Compton, and she was completely touched.“It’s really awesome to know from a parent’s standpoint, that there are people that care that much about your child,” she told an NBC News affiliate. “To get down on the ground and lay on the ground with them to make sure that they’re alright.”Spreading the WordAfter receiving the photo, Compton knew she wanted to share the beautiful moment far and wide. So she posted it on Facebook, where it quickly went viral.“I absolutely LOVE this... LJ’s school has a new assistant principal this year... Mr. Smith... apparently LJ was having a ‘moment,’ and he got down on his level to help him out,” she captioned the photo. “This is why even though we live across town... LJ still goes to Garfield.”People in the comments agreed that the educator had gone above and beyond, and it was awesome to see.“He seems to be a great principal that cares about the kids!!!” wrote one person.“This made my day so much better. Only hope he’s still there when my boy is old enough,” wrote another.Embracing Our DifferencesOne reason this story is so touching is that it shows us how important it can be to embrace our differences, and to allow grace and compassion in our actions when it comes to guiding our youth.Mr. Smith, who wasn’t available for an interview at the time, knew that this little boy had special needs, so rather than respond to his moment the way he might have another child, he got down on his level. It was a small thing that inspired plenty of parents and fellow educators out there.It’s a beautiful reminder that we can all make a difference if we stop and think about how to best approach any situation in life, and understand that sometimes the standard response isn’t the best one. However, showing that you care and that you want to understand can go a long way.Just ask LJ’s parents, who are now comforted knowing that at school, their kid will be surrounded by people who genuinely care as much as they do. More from Goalcast:Worried Mom Sends 7-Year-Old Autistic Son on Plane Alone – His Seat Neighbor Does Something ShockingLittle Girl With Autism Tries to Blow Out Stranger’s Birthday Candles — His Reaction Goes ViralDistraught Mom Orders Meal To-Go After Her Son With Autism Has a Meltdown in Cracker Barrel – Attached to the Bag Is a Note