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Boss Learns He Has to Fire His Entire Staff in 8 Hours - So He Orders a Pizza Instead
Uplifting News

Boss Learns He Has to Fire His Entire Staff in 8 Hours - So He Orders a Pizza Instead

*Featured image contains photo by Pavel Danilyuk and PixabayIt’s rough out there for a lot of people right now. The cost of living is on the rise, job security isn’t always great, and many of us are still grappling with the emotional and financial effects of the pandemic.So to learn that you’re about to lose your job isn’t a great feeling. And if you’re the manager who has been told your job and your entire department’s jobs are being eliminated, it’s even worse. At that point, you’ve not only lost your income, but you’re the face responsible for everyone else losing theirs.That’s why the actions of one man under such circumstances are being commended — he found a way to turn it around.An Eight-Hour NoticeOn an AskReddit thread about the “best” job-quitting experience Reddit users had ever had, a user named shortadamlewis won over the social media platform with his story. He explained how, once upon a time, he had been given eight hours to lay off his entire staff, himself included.Rather than go about the normal workday and tell everyone at the end, the man decided that he was going to give everyone a memorable last day. So he ordered pizza for his staff and did something even more incredible: he helped every single one of them get a recommendation.“I brought everyone into the conference room first thing,” he wrote. “I had everyone email me their resumes, and we went over everyone’s on the conference room projector and updated them over the course of the day.”Finding the Positive in a Terrible SituationIn addition to updating resumes, this leader also printed out “reference” sheets for everyone, and the team spent the rest of the day writing letters of recommendation for one another.“I ordered everyone pizza, and bought everyone a round of drinks at the bar next door,” he continued in his post. “Most folks had jobs by the end of the next week.”People commended shortadamlewis on how he handled the situation and were captivated by the story. Still, he didn’t see anything special about it, and told Bored Panda that the real hero of the situation was his boss, who had supported him that day and initially took everyone to the bar.“Letting people go is never fun. When we can, it never hurts to try and set someone up for success in the future even if they can’t be a success working with you,” he added to the publication.Believing in OthersThis story resonated with so many people because it’s a masterclass in how to treat others with respect. Not everyone is going to work out at every job. Sometimes projects get canceled or don’t succeed, and the work goes away. What does remain is the impression you leave people with.It’s a good reminder that in life, we should always try and set others up for success in our own ways. In friendships, for example, it’s important to root for others to succeed, and to not be bogged down by negative emotions like jealousy.Boost each other, share a kind word, and root for others to succeed. Sometimes one person’s success can be attributed to a wide net of contacts and relationships. And at some point, the person who might be seeking such success could be you.More from Goalcast:Brave Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to the Thieves Who Stole From His Store – Outraged Strangers Have the Best ResponseBlack Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to His Racist Boss – Outraged Co-workers Have the Best ResponseLowe’s Employee Is Fired After She Tries to Stop 3 Shoplifters – Outraged Strangers Have the Best Response

Boss Thinks Man Is Joking When He Said He Walked 6 Hours to Get To Work - Then a Stranger Makes an Offer He Cant Refuse
Uplifting News

Boss Thinks Man Is Joking When He Said He Walked 6 Hours to Get To Work - Then a Stranger Makes an Offer He Cant Refuse

How far would you be willing to go to get to work? Well for one man from Prineville, Oregon, the answer is 33 miles. While this may not seem like much if you have a car or access to public transportation, it's one heck of a commute if you're doing it like he did — by the power of his own two feet. What would normally take approximately 45 minutes by vehicle, took Eric Akers 6 AND A HALF HOURS by foot, and someone needs to give this guy a raise.These Feet Were Made for Walking, so That’s Just What He DidIt all started when Eric's car broke down. With only $300 to his name, he had to spend every last penny he had to have it towed to the shop.After unsuccessfully trying to find a ride to his night shift as a commercial custodian in the neighboring town of Bend, Eric decided to take matters into his own hands (or, in this case, feet.)Rather than call in sick he strapped on his sneakers and started walking. And walking. And walking...for 6 and a half hours.“I needed to get to work no matter what. So I woke up early — about 9:00 a.m. Started around 10:00 a.m. Left for Bend and it took about 6 1/2 hours, but I made the trek.”Eric Akers via Central Oregon DailyHe made it to work on time. His boss, after hearing his story, was shocked by the lengths he went to.“When I first heard that, I was shocked. I thought he was joking, actually, at first,” said boss Greg Davies. “I appreciate the dedication. We would have had nobody here for our night crew if he had not gone the extra mile, you might say. Or 30-plus in this case.” A Stranger Steps Up With an Offer He Can’t RefuseBut it turns out, his boss wasn't the only one impressed by his dedication. With a little help from his mama and friends, Eric's story was picked up by local news stations. And then the emails started pouring in.Local farmer Chris Arsenault was sitting on his tractor, scrolling on his phone, when he first heard about Eric. After learning that his car required over $2200 in repairs and would take weeks, if not months, for parts to arrive on back order, he immediately decided he wanted to do something to help. And he had just the thing — a 1997 Honda Civic he no longer needed. Chris and his wife contacted the news station which put them in touch with Eric. The next day, Eric went out to meet the couple, totally unaware that he was about to drive away with a car. He was floored when Chris delivered the news, telling him, “I bought this car from my uncle. My aunt bought it brand new in ’97. It’s a clean little car. My wife and I want to give you that car.”“There’s no way I would have done it. That’s what inspired me to do this, and my wife, too,” Chris said.We Need to Help Our NeighborsAs for why Eric chose to walk 33 miles? He chalks it all up to a strong work ethic.“I guess I say work ethic. I really need the money. I like my job. I want to keep my job. I like the people I work with. So, a measure of just showing I’m willing to do what it takes to get the job done,” he said.He also added that he just wants to be able to provide for his family and tries to be a good role model for his children. It's definitely working.According to Chris, he's no superhero. He just did what he thought was right. “I think, especially in today’s time, we need to help people. We need to help our neighbors. It’s a rough time. People are divided and so I wanted to help him,” he said.We could all stand to walk in his shoes. Whether it's gifting someone a car or even just giving someone a lift, we all have the ability to help each other out. More often than not it just takes looking in our own backyards to find someone who could use our helping hand.More from Goalcast:Woman Is Stranded in Her Car at a Gas Station – Before She Can Call for Help, an Employee Knocks on Her WindowHomeless Mom Lives in Her Car With 2 Kids – Gathers Nerve to Ask Police Officer a Question That Changes Her LifePolice Officer Intends to Ticket a Parked Car – But the Surprising Note the Driver Had Left for Him Changes His Mind

Exhausted Dad of 4 Doesnt Notice a Stranger Watching Him Closely at Work - Is Shocked When He Finds This Note on a Bill
Uplifting News

Exhausted Dad of 4 Doesnt Notice a Stranger Watching Him Closely at Work - Is Shocked When He Finds This Note on a Bill

Servers have a pretty big job, especially considering so many of them rely on tips to get by. David Fabila knows that as well as most. The Californian father was exhausted when he clocked into his second job at the House of Oliver wine bar one night, but he knew he needed to put on a brave face and push through for the sake of his family.What he wasn’t expecting that night, however, was the jaw-dropping generosity of a stranger.Clocking Into WorkYouTube/CBS NewsOne Friday night in the heat of summer, Fabila had just finished working his first job and was gearing up to begin a shift at his second. The father-of-three was preparing for the birth of his fourth child, and in order to ensure his family had all the things they needed, he was working as hard as he could.That didn’t make him any more excited to clock into work that night, where he was the only server for a packed patio filled with large groups.“I was telling my coworkers that tonight is not my night. I'm not having a good night; I just came from my other job, I'm exhausted,” he recalled to CBS News.Little did he know that someone was watching him closely.A Surprise NoteAs Fabila ran around and served guests that night, a young man named Steffen Berr noticed how hard the server was working. So when his table received their bills, Berr decided he was going to give the man an extra tip.“I pulled the check out to close it, and when I pulled it out, that's when I saw everything; their bill was very expensive. It was like $190-something, that's exactly the tip they left me,” Fabila revealed.On the receipt was a note: “We’re young, but we’re worth serving.”According to Berr, he used to work as a server at a diner in Texas. So he knew how hard the grind could be and he wanted to pay it forward.“I decided to show him what he did is appreciated,” the college student said. “I'm in a position where I have the resources and luck to do this, so why not just go for it? I'm really glad I did it. He really needed that money more than I did.”It was a gesture that Fabila won’t soon forget.“Unless you work in the service industry, you don't really understand how much tips mean to a server, to a bartender,” Fabila added. “I'll never forget this.”Showing Your AppreciationWe can’t all afford to leave a $200 tip when we’re dining out — not all of us can even afford to dine out as often as we’d like. However, this story resonates because it reminds us that everyone wants to feel appreciated and seen in life.If you’re dining out and you’re able to do something meaningful for your server like this student did, why not go for it? But there are other ways to show our appreciation for those who provide us with customer service and support. Grabbing a coffee for the tech guy at work, baking cookies for administrative assistants, or even a thank you note to someone who has gone above and beyond are great ways to show appreciation.They may not be huge, newsworthy acts, but small tokens of appreciation go a long way. Plus, you never know; they may inspire others to pay it forward with their own acts of kindness, too.More from Goalcast:Famous Rapper Leaves Massive Tip After Accidentally Dining and Dashing From RestaurantDeaf Domino’s Employee Delivers Pizzas on Foot After His Car Breaks Down – In Return, He Gets a “Tip” of $12,000Struggling Waiter Doesn’t Know How He Will Pay for College – Then a Famous Customer’s Tip Leaves Him Speechless

Strangers Notice Uber Eats Delivery Driver With a Little Boy on His Bike - The Reason Why Has Everyone Praising Him
Uplifting News

Strangers Notice Uber Eats Delivery Driver With a Little Boy on His Bike - The Reason Why Has Everyone Praising Him

Most parents will tell you they have no clue what they’re doing. All they know is they’re doing the best job they can in raising their kids and taking it day by day. Sometimes that means they have to sacrifice in order to provide for their children or figure out ways to just “make it work.”One father inspired many when he was spotted with his son at work for those very relatable reasons.A Man Brings His Kid to WorkMany parents struggle to make ends meet, so when citizens in Taiwan spotted a man riding a motorcycle with a little boy, making Uber Eats deliveries, they got it. At first glance, the man appeared to be making the deliveries while spending time with his son, probably because the man had no one else to take care of his child while he worked.Some people also noticed the man had cement on his jeans, GoodTimes reported. The assumption was that the man worked during the day at a construction job and then took his son out with him while he completed his second job.Photos of the man went viral on social media, and the way he and his child interacted warmed hearts everywhere. Eventually, local media found the pair for an interview.A Touching StoryAccording to the publication, Lin Juncheng is a 24-year-old single father to his three-year-old son, Lele. Juncheng and the boy’s mom separated, and he is now raising the child alone. Unfortunately, it’s been rough.During the pandemic, the father struggled to earn more money. Now, he works as a construction worker from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Then he grabs his son, and together they deliver food from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. each night. Usually, all that work nets him about $4,300 monthly.The boy is good-natured and says as long as he’s with his father, he’s happy. Juncheng also sees the deliveries as time that he’s able to spend with his son, who is learning about different routes and how to interact with people.Sometimes, Lele falls asleep on his father’s lap, securely fastened in with the help of the insulated food bag’s straps.“Every parent is doing their best for their children. No matter how hard life is, you have to grit your teeth and hold on,” Juncheng said.Doing the Best We CanSo many people commented about Juncheng online, sharing supportive messages and praising him for doing what he has to do in order to provide for his son.While the father would probably much prefer spending time doing things his son wants to do or hanging out at home, he’s making the most of the time they do have together, and it shows.It’s a nice reminder that parenting looks different for everybody, and most people are just doing their best. Still, it’s nice to be told you’re doing a good job every once in a while. That validation can be the thing you need to keep going.So, if you’re a parent who is struggling with guilt or feeling like things are overwhelming, just remember that you’re not alone. And if you know a parent who is in that boat, remind them that you see them. Tell them they’re doing a good job. And offer to help them if you can.There’s a reason they say it takes a village to raise a child, and no one should feel like they’re going at it alone.More from Goalcast:Real-Life Superhero: The Heartwarming Story of the Widowed Single Dad Who Fosters Terminally Ill ChildrenSingle Mom Finds Out Her Son Can’t Go for ”Donuts With Dad” Day – Decides to Dress Up and Attend as ”Dad” InsteadWoman Battling Alcoholism Can’t Take Care of Her 2 Kids – So Her Boyfriend of One Year Raises Them as a Single Dad

Poor Man Who Hadnt Eaten in a Week Delivers Womans Food - When She Opens Her Door, He Makes an Unusual Request
Uplifting News

Poor Man Who Hadnt Eaten in a Week Delivers Womans Food - When She Opens Her Door, He Makes an Unusual Request

Life doesn't always go as planned. And sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves facing unforeseen challenges. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the global job market, it hit hard, leaving millions unemployed and struggling to make ends meet. Including engineer, Sahil Singh.After losing his job and moving back home to Jammu, India, Sahil, desperate for work, took the only job he could find — working as a delivery driver for Swiggy (the Indian equivalent of Uber Eats.)Unfortunately, his paycheck wasn't enough to cover his basic expenses. Despite putting food on his customers' tables, he was unable to put food on his own. That is until a compassionate stranger and the power of social media changed his life.The LinkedIn Post That Changed EverythingThe day Sahil met Priyanshi Chandel he was nearing rock-bottom. He was living off of water and tea and hadn't eaten in a week. He was in debt, unable to pay his rent, and couldn't afford transportation, forcing him to deliver his orders on foot.By the time he walked over 2 miles to deliver Priyanshi her ice cream order, he was spent. Nearly 40 minutes after placing her order, Priyanshi opened the door to discover an exhausted Sahil, "panting for air, sitting on the staircase outside my flat."Shocked by his appearance and with her internal alarm bells blaring, she asked him what happened.Sahil didn't hold back. He told her everything — that he was broke, starving, and didn't even have a bike to do his deliveries. But despite being penniless, he wasn't looking for hand-outs. What he was looking for was a job."You might think am just bluffing, but I am a fully educated ECE grad, I used to work at Ninjacart, BYJU'S before I went home to Jammu during covid," he told her before launching into a desperate plea for help. "I am not asking for anything, please if you can find me a job, I used to make 25K before, I am 30 years old, my parents are getting old and I can’t keep asking for money from them.” Priyanshi, moved by his story, decided to share his plight on LinkedIn alongside his contact information and photos of his degree and credentials. A product marketing manager for StrategyCo Global, Priyanshi knew the power of networking.“If someone has any openings for an office boy, admin work, customer support etc., please help a fellow out!” she wrote. “I’m not sure whether his plea was absolutely genuine or not, but the least we could do is try. Please do like and repost so that it reaches more people in your network.”Her post went viral. The Power of a Supportive CommunityPriyanshi's post reached thousands of people, garnering more than 17K likes and nearly 500 shares. And her faith in the networking platform paid off. Five days after posting she added an update: "UPDATE: He got a job!!! Thanks everyone who came forward, y’all are awesome 😃Turning off the comments to avoid spam. :)"So often we forget the difference that just one person can make. We lose sight of the impact of a simple act of kindness, a helping hand extended to someone in need. We tend to close our eyes and our ears to those who are struggling, thinking we can't do anything tangible to help.But Priyanshi's willingness to listen, to share his story, and to use her network for good demonstrates the incredible power of compassion and community. The reality is, we could all be Sahil. Our circumstances could change in an instant. After all, nothing in life is certain. But hopefully, should that happen, there will be people like Priyanshi who are willing to take the time and effort to help a stranger in need. Maybe that person is you.More from Goalcast: Woman Hears Amazon Delivery Driver at the Door – Then, the Doorbell Camera Catches the “Warning” She GaveParents Hear Amazon Delivery Driver at the Door – Are Shocked When the Doorbell Camera Catches Her Doing This

Woman Who Has Worked at Drillards for 74 Years Finally Retires - Without Having Missed a Single Day
Uplifting News

Woman Who Has Worked at Drillards for 74 Years Finally Retires - Without Having Missed a Single Day

They say that if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.That is exactly how Melba Mebane felt every day when she went to her job in the cosmetology department at Dillard’s. The store opened daily at 10 AM, so Melba made sure to show up by 9:15 to secure her parking spot and get her day started on the right foot.How One Woman Started Her Career as an Elevator GirlPhoto by Max RahubovskiyMelba started at Dillard's -- although at the time it was called something else -- in the 1940s when she was 17 years old. She was an elevator girl at first, then she was promoted to the cosmetics department where she stayed for the next 50 plus years. Certainly, a lot has changed since Melba first stepped foot in the store, but everything she loves about her job has remained.“Even [with] the changing times, from where she started to where we are now in the modern world, her values and everything still stand.”James SaenzDespite her advanced age -- Melba is just shy of 90 -- she never called out sick or missed a single day of work. After all, her work was the very thing that kept her young at heart and in good shape!“I loved everybody there, and I loved to go to work,” Melba said.Why One Elderly Woman Finally Decided to RetireIf it wasn’t for her health problems, Melba might still be working at Dillard's now. However, after 74 years of being active in her personal and professional life, her body sent her a clear message: slow down!She decided to take the message to heart and has embarked on a new adventure: retirement. Her goal is to travel, rest, and eat good food… sounds dreamy!Melba is sure to have a fantastic retirement, but Dillard's will have to adjust to not having their star employee on the floor anymore. Her amazing morale set the tone for the store and her many years of experience helped her train and mentor all of the store’s employees. Melba is a store staple -- without her, there will definitely be a void. The store realized this and threw their oldest employee a huge goodbye party, recognizing both her efforts and the impact she had on the Texas store. A Happy Life Is One Where You Do What You LoveMelba’s life is an example of how our jobs can give us purpose. Melba didn’t even take long lunch breaks because she knew there was often a lunch rush in her department and she didn’t want to miss her chance to connect with customers. If you find a way to use your talents, do something you truly enjoy and make money -- you will have a great life. Follow Melba’s lead; you never know what you can achieve.More from Goalcast:91-Year-Old Great-Grandmother Can Finally Retire Her Cashier Job – All Because She Took Matters Into Her Own Hands85-Year-Old McDonald’s Employee Responsible for His Adult Grandkids Can’t Retire – But One Customer Changes Everything

‘Everyone Is Welcome’: Man Gives Away Free Motel Rooms to People With Nowhere to Stay
Uplifting News

‘Everyone Is Welcome’: Man Gives Away Free Motel Rooms to People With Nowhere to Stay

Don’t you just love it when a social media influencer uses their fame for good? That’s exactly what TikTok star Brian Arya has been doing!"To turn your head away from people who are out in the street is the opposite of what we should be doing," said Brian Arya, whose TikTok videos have led to an outpouring of donations for those in need, to PEOPLE Magazine.The New Jersey Motel That Welcomes EveryoneWhile Arya has high hopes for a career in showbiz, he helps pay his bills by running a New Jersey motel that was purchased by his dad decades ago. Arya’s dad, George, 83, immigrated to the US from India and been teaching his son the ins and outs of running a motel since he was a child. George has always been firm on "letting people off the hook" if they had trouble paying."What we're doing here, and what we've always done at the Lincoln Tunnel Motel, is help people," says Arya about the modest motel on a gritty stretch of North Bergen, New Jersey, where he grew up. The nondescript motel is just ten minutes from the famous Lincoln Tunnel that connects Weehawken, New Jersey to Midtown Manhattan in New York City.RELATED: Stranger Take Homeless 20-Year-Old to Target for New Clothes – Then He Reveals Another Big SurpriseIt was in 2019 that Arya discovered TikTok, starting an account about life at the @ltmotel and the daily drama and laughs he experiences.Since the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic, Arya, known on social media as "Brian the Motel Guy," told his then near 500,000 followers (now close to a million) that the economy motel was being made available to anyone who needed room to quarantine or simply stay because they had nowhere to go.“When the pandemic hit, people were losing their homes, and local shelters were filling up quickly and turning people away,” Arya told the New York Post. Arya, 34, grew up in a neighboring motel that his father also owns. “And I wanted to help get people off of the streets, so I opened the doors of the Lincoln Tunnel Motel to anyone in the area.”Arya’s #FreeRoomForU hashtag has since gone viral on TikTok, with his videos reaching a whopping 31 million likes!How One Man Used His Social Media to Help PeopleThe Lincoln Tunnel Motel has now offered shelter to more than 100 disenfranchised people who needed a helping hand, serving the mandate of aiding the under-resourced rather than turning a profit."Sometimes they come just to kind of get away from really bad situations," said Arya, whose dad has since gifted Arya partial ownership of the motel. "Maybe a domestic situation and kind of hiding from that person. And those you can kind of spot.""I'm empathetic to people who really are honest with me, telling me their situation," said Arya. "I try to help them out the best I can."The married father of four has shared his own struggles to keep his bills paid but continues to keep his focus on those more deeply in need."To turn your head away from unhoused people or people who are out in the street is the opposite of what we should be doing," he said.Arya’s TikTok followers wholeheartedly agreed and have been sending donations of non-perishable food, clothing, essential toiletries, and even cash to help Arya with the costs of helping his guests. He has also started an Amazon wishlist for his guests.How One Motel Owner Proved the Importance of KindnessThe simplest items can make the greatest difference to those with very little."Do you know how valuable a clear toiletry bag is to someone out on the street that needs something to put their IDs and their documents in?" Arya explained to PEOPLE. "It's just so useful for important papers you don't want to get caught in the rain. We give those out like crazy."He also gives away donated soaps, wipes, and other toiletries.RELATED: Kind Woman Spontaneously Strikes up Conversation With a Homeless Man — She Ends up Giving Him a Job and Makes a Lifelong Friend"I also make a little bag for them, a little (toiletry) gift bag because we now have a surplus of these items," he said.“This motel will always be the affordable place where local people who need shelter can stay and get support and respect from me and my employees,” he said“I want the Lincoln Tunnel Motel to be a beacon of hope for this community and for my followers all over the world,” Arya told the New York Post. “And if the best thing I can do to spread that beam of hope is give a room to someone in need, then I’m happy to do so.”Arya chooses kindness each and every day. And kindness always wins.

Mom Of 4 Passes Bar Exam After Failing Over 10 Times - And Her Reaction Is Gold
Uplifting News

Mom Of 4 Passes Bar Exam After Failing Over 10 Times - And Her Reaction Is Gold

A working mother of four literally jumped from joy after passing the bar exam, accomplishing her long-held dream of becoming a defense attorney. A dream, interruptedEvelyn Uba always wanted to be a lawyer. When she immigrated to the United States from Nigeria in 1983 at the age of 18 she wanted to go straight to college — but things got off to a rough start. She had financial troubles and her father suffered a stroke soon after she arrived, forcing Uba to put her college dreams on hold.Fast forward two decades and Uba had gotten married and had children — but she never gave up her dream of becoming a lawyer. "I never stopped wanting to go to law school," she told Good Morning America. "After my last child turned 2, I went to a school that I could afford that was conducive to being a mom, going to work, and making payments."She struggled to pass the bar examUba enrolled at California Southern Law School in 2005 and graduated six years later — but working as a welfare professional and raising four children didn't leave much time to study for the bar exam so she could officially become a lawyer."I took the exam more than ten times," she said. "I stopped counting after a while but giving up certainly wasn't in my dictionary."Despite the uphill battle with the test, her children encouraged her."My daughter, Naeche, once said to me, 'Mom, if you give up now, you can't get your time back. Then what would you have gained out of all the missed time you could've spent with us?' So that always stuck in my head and I knew the only time I'd give up is when I'm dead," Uba said.A dream come trueThen in January, Uba received an email confirming she'd finally passed the bar."I started jumping up and down," she said. "I had so many reasons to give up but I knew I just had to keep pushing. I felt so relieved."Fortunately for the internet, Uba's daughter caught her mother's elation on video and posted it to Twitter, provoking nearly 50,000 likes. "I felt a huge weight lifted off all of our shoulders," Vincent told Good Morning America. "It was so surreal and I finally feel like my mom can live out her dream and do whatever she wants with this license."As for Uba, she's now a criminal defense lawyer helping to give a voice to low-income individuals in marginalized communities. Her message to us all, of course, is to never give up. "Eventually it's going to happen when God says it'll happen," she said. "It might not be easy but you just have to keep going and never feel sorry for yourself."A powerful lesson in perseveranceYou can just visibly see the years of pent-up frustration pouring of Uba as she dances around her living room. What a relief that must have been.And what a relief her story is, knowing that if you work hard enough — like seriously put in a ton of effort — you may very well accomplish what you set out to do.More uplifting stories:4 Years Ago, He Was Homeless–Today, He Bought His First HousePoor Man Who Missed Job Interview To Save A Life Had Employers Lining Up To Hire HimDomestic Abuse Survivor Marries The First Responder Who Saved Her LifeBrooklyn Landlord Cancels Rent For Hundreds Of Tenants, Setting An Unprecedented Example For Others