Kourtney Kardashian's Boyfriend Travis Barker Ignored A Deadly Prediction
Legendary rockstar Travis Barker's daughter made a prediction... and it came true.
Travis Barker, famed Blink-182 member, faced his worst nightmare in 2008 surviving a harrowing plane crash. Struggling with suicidal thoughts post-accident, he found solace in a vital realization. Now, in a new relationship with Kourtney Kardashian, the question lingers: can their bond endure his tumultuous past?
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Lupita Nyong'o, pre-Oscar win, ventured to the US solo to pursue her career.
Lupita Nyong'o secured the role of Patsey in "12 Years A Slave" through diligent effort. However, she faced Harvey Weinstein's attempts to undermine her, aiming to turn everyone against her. So, how did she courageously fight back?
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