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body positivity

Woman kissing a baby and a man with a long beard sitting in a car.
Uplifting News

Dad of 2 Daughters Has a Message About "Mom Bods" - Goes Viral For the Right Reasons

It's no secret that a woman's body changes after children. After all, growing a literal human is no small feat. And while men are often celebrated and embraced for their "dad bods," women? Not so much. “Mom bods” are only celebrated if they don’t actually look like they carried or birthed a baby. But one dad is working to change that, and he's setting TikTok on fire with his body-positive anthem of the summer.

13-Year-Old Gets Body Shamed By Nurse For Gaining Weight, Mom Has Best Response
Uplifting News

13-Year-Old Gets Body Shamed By Nurse For Gaining Weight, Mom Has Best Response

One strong mother went to bat for her daughter after she was callously body shamed at a routine check-up. Shame spurtFrom cribs to camp to cars, kids grow up at warp speed. It leaves parents wondering where the time went. For personal trainer and mom of two Julie Venn of Glennview, Illinois, her 13-year-old daughter Riley’s annual medical check up is a chance to stop and appreciate how she’s grown in every way.“The coach in me has loved seeing her strength and size finally come along and the mom in me has loved watching this beautiful young girl begin to become a young woman,” she wrote in a Facebook post.Her excitement was short-lived when the nurse practitioner entered the room. According to Venn, she started grilling Riley on everything from her diet to exercise to sleep before asking her the cringe question “Tell me Riley, how can you explain all of this weight you’ve gained?”TimeoutThat's when, Venn says "I LOST MY MIND". "I had a literal, physical reaction. I put my hand up and said, ‘STOP! You need to stop talking to my daughter about her weight. She is 13, she is strong. She is healthy and she is PERFECT. You need to move on!’.The nurse then ushered Venn into another room, where she was asked to explain her reaction. Venn let her have it.“I explained in no uncertain terms that she was out of line in the way she dealt with my daughter,” Venn wrote."Our girls need to be empowered and supported and celebrated. They already have to compare themselves to the ridiculous social media bulls*** standards"- Julie Venn Her post has been shared over 850 times, with scores of commenters coming to her and Riley's defense. "Thx for posting! The way the nurse shared that was completely inappropriate! Thank goodness you were in the appointment with her," one commenter said."She looks like ALL athletic young teens that are very active in sports. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her weight, and anyone saying so is ignorant and brainwashed by the media view of how women should look. Great job, momma!," encouraged another. Yet another commenter warned of the dangerous impact of the nurse's comments. "Having been through the struggles of anorexia with both of my daughters, I applaud you and your daughter is so lucky to have you as her mother!".Empower our daughters Venn told PEOPLE that the reaction was overwhelming. “I’m shocked how many private messages I’ve received from women all over this country with similar stories that happened to them,” she says. “Many led to eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, lifelong body image issues and even suicide attempts. I thought the post might hit a nerve but am blown away at the viral run!”However, she has a message for daughters everywhere."YOU ARE PERFECT just the way you are. As you mature you will be responsible for more things that pertain to your body - hygiene, activity, menstruation, exercise and healthy eating. This is just the beginning of a long, confusing, sometimes scary road to becoming a woman but it is worth it!"- Julie VennA girl's road to becoming a woman is tough as a it is. They shouldn't have to worry about their weight or diet as they go through it. What they need is our support and encouragement, like Julie Benn gave her daughter. More uplifting stories:Man Defends Mother Who Got Body-Shamed By Rude Plane PassengerInstagram Influencer’s Ridiculous Attempt At Fat-Shaming Woman Quickly BackfiresMom Defends Herself After Rude Woman Body Shames Her At Grocery StoreWoman Unceremoniously Dumps Toxic Boyfriend After Constant Body Shaming

Mom Defends Herself After Rude Woman Body Shames Her At Grocery Store
Emotional Health

Mom Defends Herself After Rude Woman Body Shames Her At Grocery Store

One mother defended herself againast a body-shaming stranger with a passionate message we all need to hear. Frozen section27-year-old Charli Stevens of Columbus Ohio was at the grocery store with her five-month-old sonwhen she noticed a stranger staring at her, who appeared to be speaking to her.Stevens explained that she assumed the stranger was saying "GO BUCKEYES!" since she was wearing the hometown college football team's shirt and they were playing later that day.However, nothing could have prepared her for what the woman was actually saying: “I think your clothes are a little too small on you.”Stevens was floored."I was completely shocked and so caught off guard that the only thing I could say was, ‘Excuse me?’"- Charli StevensThe stranger followed with, “Well no offense, but you’re just a bit big to wear those types of clothes.”When Stevens began to cry, the stranger didn't let up.“I’m not trying to be mean, but you should reconsider your outfit before leaving the house,” she said.A shaken Stevens placed the items from her cart back on the shelf and retreated back to her car.Checkout counter In a Facebook post that has since been removed, Stevens had some choice words for the insensitive stranger, starting with her story. “How are people so rude? It’s no secret that I’ve gained weight throughout life. I’ve birthed two kids so it’s bound to happen. Do I realize I’m overweight? Yes. Do I want to be smaller? Yes. But am I okay with the way I look? Yes!!”Stevens then continued by pointing out that the real damage from these types of mean comments is more than just skin deep."Why would a complete stranger go out of their way to insult someone? What if I was severely depressed? Or what if I was constantly made fun of for my weight and that one comment from that stranger pushed me over the edge."- Charli StevensSupportstormSupportive comments poured in, with many delivering a brutal reality-check to the cold stranger. “When someone judges you. It says nothing about you. But it says everything about them!” commented one follower.“You are beautiful. People who try to bring down others only do so because they hate their life and regret things they’ve done or didn’t do. When people are rude and hateful, usually it’s just a mirror of themselves. Don’t let anyone bring you down,” added another.Kindness is crucialStevens is quick to point out that her message has zero to do with clout and everything to do with compassion. "I really hope those that read my post will just remember to instill kindness in their children’s lives, because our children are our future."- Charli Stevens While the commenters are likely right about the mean stranger's own insecurities, the real power for change lies in us.As Stevens mentioned, it's the power of compassion, of recognizing that we can't possibly know what someone is truly going through. By considering that, we can all be kinder with our words and more attentive with our actions so that we can all thrive.More uplifting stories:Man Defends Mother Who Got Body-Shamed By Rude Plane PassengerInstagram Influencer’s Ridiculous Attempt At Fat-Shaming Woman Quickly BackfiresCompassionate Boss Helps Employee Who’s Sleeping On Job Turn Life AroundWoman Unceremoniously Dumps Toxic Boyfriend After Constant Body Shaming

Why We Need To Talk About Luke Bryan's Comment On Katy Perry's Hairy Legs

Why We Need To Talk About Luke Bryan's Comment On Katy Perry's Hairy Legs

Who has the time?It’s a question women often ponder upon as we go about our busy days. Of course, we already feel like we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders, so when we’re hit with yet another critical remark about our bodies or our careers or our choices, we just have to endure, smile through gritted teeth, and move forward. Katy Perry had this occur to her recently when her American Idol co-judge Luke Bryan made a rather unseemly but innocuous joke about her hairy legs. The two have established a wonderfully strong rapport over the last couple of years, so the comment likely isn’t going to have a bearing on their dynamic. However, it’s worth examining this lighthearted exchange to explore how women get treated in general for rejecting the aesthetic standards as defined by the patriarchy. It’s also crucial to take a moment to celebrate the women who approach their bodies with so much pride and acceptance. Luke said Katy has to do “something about this leg hair” Katy Perry disclosed on a recent episode of American Idol that she’d stopped shaving her legs upon welcoming her daughter Daisy Dove back in August 2020. Her remark was in response to a contestant’s performance, which Katy found to be so captivating that it made the hairs on her legs stand up at full attention. She explained that “as a new mother, I don't have very much time so I've quit shaving my legs.”It was a cute, relatable revelation that Katy shouldn’t have had to justify or expound on. Yet, an Instagram Story glimpse into their behind-the-scenes adventures showed Luke persisting with the gag and poking fun at his co-judge’s body choices. In the short clip, he’s seen saying, “I know you’re a mom and everything, but we gotta do something about this leg hair.”However, as cheery and innocent as his comment appeared to be, Katy wasn’t going to let it slide. She responded by saying, “No! I don’t got time! I’d rather cuddle with my daughter!” She also posted a photo of her aforementioned hairy legs, hashtagging it as “MomsKnow.” She couldn’t have hit the nail on the head better. Motherhood is such a seismic phenomenon that it’s nearly impossible to invest your energies into something as trivial as body hair. In addition, Katy has been more than forthcoming about how bringing Daisy Dove into the world has turned her life upside down; she is no longer concerned about tending to material pleasures that fade in a matter of moments. The I Kissed A Girl singer told L’Officiel Magazine that she’d been obsessed with seeking validation from the outside world as a performer. With the arrival of Daisy, however, she doesn’t need to abide by those metrics anymore. She has finally accepted herself the way she is and has directed her full attention into spending and cherishing every moment with her daughter. I don’t feel like I have to be ‘on’ anymore, and I think that’s because I’ve figured out both my professional and personal lives. I’ve weaved them together to be a full-fledged functioning human...of sorts.Katy Perry to L’Officiel Luke Bryan, to be fair, does hold a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for Katy. He commended her multitasking abilities as a working mother, calling her a “rockstar.” He was particularly impressed by how she’d find a way to Facetime her fiancé and baby during the shooting breaks, and still show up at work like a “trooper.” It’s clear that his remark about Katy’s hairy legs was more an ill-advised wisecrack than a cruel opinion about her appearance. Katy Perry’s heartwarming response shows she isn’t the only one speaking outNevertheless, Luke’s attempt at humor does underline how the pressures of conforming to a feminine beauty ideal are still well and alive. Yes, heaps of progress have been made in this department, but the requirements that women have to meet regarding personal grooming are far higher than those faced by men. What’s a little unfortunate is that Katy had to justify not shaving her legs in the first place. Not everyone needs to be swamped by the demands of motherhood or their skyrocketing careers to have the freedom to defy these beauty norms. You could have all the time in the world and still decide not to shave your leg or armpit hair. Ultimately, it’s your body, your choice, so as long as you feel comfortable in your skin, you don’t have to answer to anyone in the world. Thankfully, Katy isn’t the only celebrity who has demonstrated mastery at donning their body hair with pride. At the 1999 premiere of Notting Hill, Julia Roberts turned up on the red carpet unabashedly displaying her bushy armpits. It may have triggered a great deal of pearl-clutching among audiences at the time but also pioneered the way for how women could embrace body hair in the industry. Julie elaborated on the iconic moment years later, saying that she hadn’t intended it to be a statement; she had just grossly miscalculated the length of her dress sleeve and had not planned to wave at the crowds. “So it wasn’t so much a statement as it’s just part of the statement I make as a human on the planet for myself.,” she explained on Busy Tonight.Over the years, a number of celebrities, including A-listers like Miley Cyrus, Drew Barrymore, and Cardi B, have sported body hair on multiple occasions. It’s safe to say that the stigma of body hair has reduced considerably, though there’s still a long way to go. The body positivity movement has seen several celebrities embrace other natural elements of their evolving bodies. Chrissy Teigen has opened up about everything from period acne to stretch marks. “Whatevs,” as she calls it, oh so casually. Jessica Simpson gave her followers a vivid photo of her swollen feet during pregnancy. Kim Kardashian, who is generally thought to be quite vain, flouted assumptions and posted photos of her psoriasis symptoms. She isn’t afraid of getting honest about her body, either. Your body will keep changing — embrace itThere’s no two ways about it; your body is a living, breathing organism and will keep changing with or without your permission. It’s one of the inevitable conditions of being human. Yes, we have control over a few of these changes, but most of your body will keep developing in its unique ways, and you won’t be able to stop those processes from happening. All we can do is embrace, or at the very least, tolerate these changes and not pay them any heed. Of course, it’s all too normal to spend months and months of your time obsessing every minor “flaw,” but that’s only keeping you from savoring other areas of your life that genuinely deserve your utmost attention. Body hair is part of your evolution and growth as a human being, so if you want to let it fly, no force in the world can stop you. More inspiring stories:How Katy Perry’s Strange Childhood Shaped Her Approach To MotherhoodLuke Bryan And Caroline Boyer’s Imperfect Relationship Is As Real As It GetsChrissy Teigen’s Breastfeeding Thread Holds A Special Lesson For MotherhoodWhen Luke Bryan’s Sister Died, He Adopted Her Orphaned Children

Instagram Influencer’s Ridiculous Attempt At Fat-Shaming Woman Quickly Backfires

Instagram Influencer’s Ridiculous Attempt At Fat-Shaming Woman Quickly Backfires

One outspoken influencer found herself on the receiving end of outrage when she fat-shamed a body positivity advocate.Online assault La’Shaunae Steward's rise as a plus-sized Instagram model (@lushawanay) is best described as a triumph against trolls. "I joined Instagram in 2012, which was my freshman year of high school," La’Shaunae told Metro. "I was bullied a lot so social media was my escape."Despite constant online trolling, Steward has persisted and become a prominent figure for body positivity, proudly flaunting her body and lifestyle while inspiring others. She'd need all of her courage to face influencer Wendy Cheng. Going by the handle Xiaxue, the slim and stylish Cheng is a social media force, boasting over 550,000 followers. She is mostly known for her beauty tips and tutorials.However, one day, Cheng decided to post one of Steward's photos and put her body on blast. “It’s one thing to be chubby or fat but this is way past that. Most morbidly obese people don’t live past 40,” she wrote."The morbidly obese (like this woman) should never have been seen as attractive because death and disease isn’t an attractive full stop. Irresponsibility isn’t attractive."- Wendy Cheng, @Xiaxue Turning up the trollingSteward was quick to call out Cheng's mean-spirited remarks. "Why are thin people this obsessed with letting me know indirectly they think I'm unattractive to them therefore I'm not worthy of love, a career, being visible, and literally telling me the age I'm going to die?"- La’Shaunae StewardInstead of apologizing, Cheng instead turned up the troll level to 10. Photoshopping her face on a plus-sized body, she mocked Steward's body positivity.“How to ensure everyone says you are beautiful in 2020 am I beautiful now,”Cheng wrote in the post, which tagged its location as "hungry.”"PS – Don’t gimme the whole ‘you are not beautiful because u ugly on theinside’ bulls***,” she added. “There is already a word for beautiful onthe inside and it’s called “kind”. Beautiful refers to the outside unlessotherwise specified.”However, Cheng was quick to add that she “never” fat-shamed anyone, noting that she wasreferring to “morbidly obese” people and for health reasons only. TheInstagrammer added that she “maintains her stance.”BlowbackCheng's comments quickly sparked a Twitterstorm.'Let's all go report this evil fatphobic person and protect/support La’shaunae,' onewoman tweeted. "Her whole demeanor is repulsive honestly and it's even sadder that she's an influencer and spewing this garbage. Her words have impact and I'm sure she's fully aware of that and doesn’t care because she's too dense to see how wrong she is"- Commenter on Twitter Cheng's posts were ultimately taken down due to the flood of complaints.Beauty goes beyond bodySteward admits that it's not always easy living in her skin. "It’s hard some days because of body dysmorphia but I try hard as hell to give myself the love I deserve," she said.However, she has a clear message for haters like Cheng."I’m a short fat black girl who’s vocal about everything and a lot of people can’t stand it. But i’ts not for anyone to stand – it’s my voice and I refuse to ever be silenced."- La’Shaunae StewardIt's easy to read this story through the lense of a "skinny-vs-fat" narrative. However, look closer and you'll see that it is really about one woman's battle for body positivty, to love herself in the face of hurtful comments like Cheng's but also inspire others to do the same. In the end, everyone -- including Steward -- has to deal with their own personal struggles as they make their way through life. We all deserve to do so with our heads up high. More uplifting stories:Man Defends Mother Who Got Body-Shamed By Rude Plane PassengerWoman Unceremoniously Dumps Toxic Boyfriend After Constant Body ShamingTarget Employee Receives $30K Of Donations After Public Shaming By CustomerBrooklyn Landlord Cancels Rent For Hundreds Of Tenants, Setting An Unprecedented Example For Others

Woman Unceremoniously Dumps Toxic Boyfriend After Constant Body Shaming

Woman Unceremoniously Dumps Toxic Boyfriend After Constant Body Shaming

One body-shaming boyfriend learned a hard lesson about respect when he crossed the wrong girl. Weight-watching23-year-old Shelby Johnson has spent years struggling with her weight. Things got so serious that as a teen, she had to be hospitalized after dropping down to a brittle 80 lbs. After that scare she managed to put on weight, along with self-esteem, she tells People."I haven’t been self-conscious in years. I was when I was underweight, but when I started getting to my goal weight my entire mindset changed"- Shelby Johnson “I felt more confident, more whole even. I knew that I was getting where I wanted to be and strived to be"A devastating DMThings were going so well that Johnson would even find a boyfriend who she thought loved and accepted her for who she was. That was until one day, when he DM'ed her with a particular complaint."It’s not like I haven’t told you you’ve been gaining and needed to lose anyway. You’re definitely getting a beer gut babe."- Shelby Johnson's boyfriend, per her TweetIn that moment, all of her insecurities returned, she shared."His comments did make me self-conscious. I started trying to work out 24/7. A couple friends noticed and expressed concern in my sudden desire to be so fit. ”As she began to question her own response to her boyfriend's message, Johnson took to Twitter to ask her friends if she was overreacting for feeling hurt.Dumping dead weight She received more than just a second opinion.Her tweet went viral, gaining nearly 39,500 likes and 5,200 from people telling her to dump her boyfriend, and that she's beautiful already."He doesn’t deserve you. No need to keep that negativity around. You look great," said one."Girl, dump him and find you someone who loves everything about you,” urged another.Another commenter recommended an upgrade from her boyfriend."Dump him and buy a dog:)"- @ktmlowe_ on TwitterJohnson says that the overwhelming reaction "made me realize I wasn’t crazy for being hurt." In another tweet, she announced that she dumped her boyfriend, joking that in doing so she was “dropping a hefty 180 lbs.”Know your worthJohnson says that although her now-ex-boyfriend was "really unhappy" about being dumped so publicly, he'll use it as "a learning experience to be a better person."She just hopes that her painful experience serves as an eye-opener for women with similar experiences. "Be careful, notice red flags and don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and leave something that is no longer making you feel happy"- Shelby JohnsonWhen it comes to relationships, compromises are important. It's part of understanding, accepting and ultimately embracing one another. However, one thing that's non-negotiable is mutual respect. As Johnson's story showed, anyone who disrespects or demeans you doesn't deserve your time of day, let alone your love. More uplifting stories:Man Defends Mother Who Got Body-Shamed By Rude Plane PassengerPoor Man Who Missed Job Interview To Save A Life Had Employers Lining Up To Hire HimTarget Employee Receives $30K Of Donations After Public Shaming By CustomerBrooklyn Landlord Cancels Rent For Hundreds Of Tenants, Setting An Unprecedented Example For Others

Why We Need To Talk About Sports Illustrated's First Asian Curve Model
Uplifting News

Why We Need To Talk About Sports Illustrated's First Asian Curve Model

Yumi Nu recently made history as the first Asian curve model in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue. Yes, she grew up feeling insecure about her weight. Yes, it means something in terms of body positivity and inclusivity that she's breaking through barriers in her industry. But when chatting about these news, she also used the opportunity to speak out about profound issues people are struggling with right now, offering a refreshing take on topics ranging from social media burnout to Anti-Asian racism. Using her voice to inspire changeIn an interview with People magazine, Nu touched on her relationship with social media, and how she’s had to deal with the negativity often found online, but how at the same time, social media can be an amazing teacher and so useful. “I'll always have my hard days with it,” Nu shared, “It's an incredible tool and teacher in some ways, but can also be extremely draining.”How did she learn to love herself when it's so easy to find reasons not to by logging onto Instagram? In 2016, she went to Hawaii to visit her family, and she had a turning point and decided to enjoy the getaway -- and her life moving forward-- instead of worrying about not being stick thin and feeling ashamed. "I had this moment where I decided I didn’t want to look back and hate myself because I didn’t go in the ocean. I was so embarrassed. I never lived life fully. I never wore what I wanted to wear. I never actually felt free because I thought, 'I’ll just wear bathing suits when I’m a certain size." Or, "I’ll go in the water without insecurities when I’m a certain weight.' There were all these thresholds that I could never reach."- Yumi Nu told L'Officiel Shared sufferingNu also spoke about the fact that, in the era of the pandemic, people are sensitive to the kind of energy they are exposed to and the content they consume. “If I start comparing myself to others too much or I'm just feeling low from being on my phone 24/7, I like to take a break to do guided meditations or go on a nice walk. It's so important to connect with our body, mind and spirit,” Nu said.The conversation turned to the terrible rise in Anti-Asian violence, and what Nu is feeling right now about the crisis. She didn't shy away from sharing her opinions. “The Asian community isn't always a loud one,” said Nu. “Our society's view of Asians in the model minority myth lens has silenced us for many years,” she said. This is why Nu believes that it’s extra important now, and always was important, for Asian people to be heard and supported. “The division and racism in our world has gotten so bad; we've grown so far from love and connection. I want to create a space for people to feel heard and safe. That's my purpose on this earth,” said Nu.Using her platform to educate and encourage others Nu shared that she is “heavy-hearted” to see the terrible rise in violence against Asian people “who look like they could be my family members,” but she saw some positivity in the sadness –hope in seeing so many people coming together to support. “I encourage people to donate to AAPI funds and volunteer where they can, but the best thing they can do is listen. People want to be heard. Ask your Asian friends how you can show up for them,” she said.It's refreshing to see Nu use her newfound spot in the limelight to tackle hard, current topics head-on while also sharing a message of hope and unity for the future. For more inspiring celebrities: Why We Need To Talk About Keanu Reeves’ Girlfriend Alexandra GrantWhat Finally Convinced Jennifer Lopez That She Needed A Divorce From Marc AnthonyWhy Shakira and Gerard Piqué Are Proud To Be An Unconventional CoupleHow Hailey Baldwin Dealt With Being In A Love Triangle Involving Selena Gomez