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Mom of 3 Is Overwhelmed Taking Care of Her 3 Kids Alone on Flight - Until a Guardian Angel Comes to the Rescue
Uplifting News

Mom of 3 Is Overwhelmed Taking Care of Her 3 Kids Alone on Flight - Until a Guardian Angel Comes to the Rescue

Traveling with kids can be a daunting task, especially when you're flying solo. The idea of managing children, luggage, and all the unexpected surprises that can come with parenthood on a plane is enough to make any parent anxious.For Summer Erdel, a military spouse and a mother of three, her recent cross-country journey from California to Raleigh was one such adventure that she was dreading. Little did she know, a guardian angel would appear when she needed it the most.How a Stranger Became a Mom’s Guardian AngelThe trip was no cakewalk, consisting of multiple connecting flights that pushed her children to their limits. As Summer explained, "by the third flight, my kids were fed up!" Frustration was mounting, but relief was just around the corner.That's when Jenny Martin, the guardian angel, entered her life. Jenny, a mother of four, could immediately sense Summer's predicament and stepped in with a heart full of understanding and empathy. She offered her assistance in the most selfless way possible.Summer recalls their interaction to WRAL, "She let me know she was a mom of four and that she understands my frustrations and how hard it is on the kiddos. She said she could help me however I needed."Jenny's acts of kindness didn't stop there. As the flight progressed, she held Summer's baby and took charge of checking in the stroller during boarding. Her guidance allowed Summer to focus on getting herself and her toddler settled on the plane, assuming that her need for assistance was over. Her guardian angel was committed to making her journey as smooth as possible.Summer continued, "Since it's Southwest, we can choose our seats, so she offered to sit in front of me, so that way if my toddler kicked the seats, it'd be okay." The empathy and thoughtfulness Jenny displayed were remarkable, to say the least.How a Passenger Went Above and Beyond for a Fellow MomAs the flight continued, tragedy struck in the form of a vomiting baby -- four times. This could have easily been a breaking point for any parent, but not for Summer. She found herself overwhelmed, covered in baby vomit, and on the verge of tears. That's when Jenny, without hesitation, stepped in once more.She held the baby, unbothered by the mess, and simply told Summer, "I got the kids. You go take care of yourself." The kindness and understanding she showed in that moment was a lifeline for a stressed-out mother.Jenny's support didn't stop with babysitting; she went above and beyond. She entertained the kids, lent Summer her jacket, and rocked the baby to sleep. Her unwavering commitment to making Summer's journey more bearable was nothing short of extraordinary.When the flight landed, Jenny didn't just stop at helping with the baby; she walked off the plane holding the baby, placed the baby in her stroller, and escorted Summer to baggage claim and ultimately to her husband.How One Stranger Proved the Importance of SisterhoodRemarkably, the two mothers never exchanged contact information. With no way to reach out directly to the woman who had helped her so selflessly, Summer turned to Facebook, where she penned a heartfelt message about the mysterious "Jenny" who had been her savior. The post became a testament to the profound bond that connects mothers."Motherhood is a sisterhood," she wrote. "I learned that tonight."The power of social media worked its magic, and the post eventually made its way to Jenny. The two mothers reunited over Zoom, rekindling their connection in the virtual world. It was a reunion filled with gratitude and emotions.In a world often marked by skepticism and cynicism, this story is a shining example of the beauty of human kindness. It's a reminder that the bonds of motherhood are universal, transcending boundaries and backgrounds. When one mother extends a hand to another, the result is a heartwarming tale that inspires us all to be a little kinder and a little more compassionate, just like Jenny.Guardian angels might just come in the form of strangers, but their kindness can leave an indelible mark on our lives. Summer Erdel's journey was transformed not by superheroes in capes but by a fellow mother who understood her struggles and offered a helping hand without expecting anything in return.This heartwarming tale is a testament to the enduring power of empathy, compassion, and the beautiful sisterhood of motherhood.More from Goalcast:Man in First Class Notices Passenger Waiting to Board Flight – Stops Her and Utters a Sentence That Confuses HerFlight Attendant Notices Grieving Mom and Hands Her a Note – Little Did She Know He Would Become Her SolaceMan Is Unable to Calm His Fussy Niece on Flight – Then, a Passenger Approaches Them and Reaches for the Overhead Bin

Woman Finds Worn Out Paper She Cant Understand - Turns to an Unlikely Source to Decipher a Piece of Family History
Uplifting News

Woman Finds Worn Out Paper She Cant Understand - Turns to an Unlikely Source to Decipher a Piece of Family History

“Food is the love language of our family,” says Natasha Contardi. “My nonna put it in us.” When her grandmother started to suffer from dementia, though, there was the fear that that language would get harder and harder to understand. So Natasha started in earnest to recopy cherished family recipes and to make sure that she understood how to make them — and pass them down to her children. A Favourite Family RecipePhoto by ready madeGetting her large, Italian family together to cook is one of Natasha’s favourite traditions. Dozens of family members join in, from Natasha’s nonna down to her young daughter Teagan. It’s during these mega cooking sessions that the family shares stories, skills and know-how. It’s how they recall family memories — and make new ones.So Natasha catalogued all the family recipes she could find. She practiced making them with her family to get the “right feel and smell and learn the muscle memory.” The smallest details were important to keeping her family traditions alive and strong.One day, when Natasha was rifling through a stack of her grandmother’s recipes, she came across a time-worn slip of paper in the bottom of a recipe box. The recipe was in Italian, written across the paper in an elegant but old-fashioned cursive. Natasha couldn’t read it, so she took it to her grandmother; but unfortunately, Natasha’s nonna didn’t recognize it.A Puzzle Brings People TogetherPhoto by Ron LachStruck by the fact that her family’s history was slipping away through the cracks of her grandmother’s memory, Natasha was determined to decipher the recipe. She needs to find people who could read the old, Italian writing. She also needed to find people who were familiar with this type of recipe.So she turned to social media. On Reddit, Natasha could both find a large enough audience and target a group of people with a very specific interest or skill set. Natasha posted a photo of the recipe on a Reddit community called r/Old_Recipes. “Help understanding old Italian recipe: Found in my Nonna’s recipe stash, it’s not her handwriting and I have the hardest time reading cursive. Anyone want to take a shot?”It turned out that many people wanted to take a shot. Members of the online community jumped at the chance to help Natasha translate this piece of her family’s history. Some had experience with old recipes; others could read the Italian script. Piece by piece, they added their knowledge and expertise to figure out the puzzle.The Recipe Comes Back to LifeA food historian and owner of a bakery in Mexico recognized the word “serpentone” as the term for a very specific pastry from the Umbria region of Italy. Natasha confirmed that her family was from that area.Other Reddit users translated the list of ingredients, often times tossing ideas back and forth. They collaborated to figure out whether or not the recipe was calling for extra egg whites, for example, or for egg whites to be set aside. Still others contributed their knowledge of the Umbrian dialect and culture, explaining how some parts of the recipe were left out because it was simply assumed that the reader would know them. There were conversations about figurative language and specific terms such as the word for “pan.”And the recipe turned out to be very old — versions of it can be dated back to 400 A.D.When Natasha was able to assemble all the pieces, she was left with a 1,600-year-old recipe for a very special, snake-shaped pastry made with almonds and wheat flour. While several contributors recognized the pastry in the recipe, there are just as many different ways to make it. Natasha’s family’s recipe seems to be the only one calling for chocolate.A Piece of Her Family’s HistoryPhoto by August de RichelieuWhat Natasha had discovered — with the help on an online community of history, cooking and culture buffs — was a piece of history that could be traced through generations and generations of her family. And which she was now ready to pass down to her daughter.When Natasha shared what she had learned with her nonna, the elderly woman’s memories of the recipe started flowing back. She remembered asking her sister-in-law to write down the special recipe with chocolate. Natasha had unearthed another way to connect with her grandmother.Four generations of the Contardi family continue to cook together, and there’s always a warm story to share in the kitchen. Natasha recalls the homemade pasta sauce her grandfather would make and stock away for the winter, the jars of homemade jam, Bundt cakes with apples or pears, and preserved meats.Natasha says that food is the language of love in her family — and by working to hold on to these cherished family recipes, she’s shown everyone from her grandmother to her daughter how important it is to hold tight to these kinds of family ties.More from Goalcast:Woman Leaves School to Become a Stay-At-Home Mom of 9 Kids – Years Later, a Family Meeting Changes Her LifeTeen Has to Get a Job to Help Provide for His Family at 13 – Years Later, Something Unexpected Reminds Him of His Forgotten DreamGrandmother Has Had One Major Regret for 40 Years – She Finally Decides She Has Nothing to Lose and Does This At 59

Woman Learns Her Boyfriend Cant Make It to Their Weekend Getaway - So She Asks Her Uber Driver to Take His Place Instead
Uplifting News

Woman Learns Her Boyfriend Cant Make It to Their Weekend Getaway - So She Asks Her Uber Driver to Take His Place Instead

How often do we take the time to really get to know our Uber drivers? Odds are we talk to them about the weather or maybe a sports team. Or maybe we even slip in our ear pods or scroll our phones and forget about them altogether.However, we may be missing important — even life-changing — connections. At least that’s how one woman from Arkansas sees it now that she’s spent an impromptu but memorable day with her Uber driver.A Canceled FlightWhen Katlyn Gardenhire planned a weekend trip to Denver with her boyfriend, she was bummed when his flight was canceled due to bad weather. She wasn’t about to let that ruin her own trip, however, so she decided to make the most of her day and go hiking in Red Rocks.She called an Uber, and a man named Robert picked her up. Instead of sitting in the back seat, she jumped in the front and decided to get to know him.“I just started talking his head off,” she later recalled to a local Fox News outlet.Through their conversation, Gardenhire learned Robert was an Air Force veteran and a retired postal worker. He had no family in the area and took up driving to get to know his surroundings and fill his time.Once they reached their destination, Gardenhire felt like the conversation had much more potential. She also saw the look of awe on Robert’s face at the pretty landscape. So she made a decision.“I turned to him and I said, ‘I don’t know if you want to do this or not, but I’m alone and I would like some company. Do you want to hike with me?'” said Gardenhire, adding that she didn’t get any weird vibes from him.An Unexpected CompanionMuch to Gardenhire’s surprise, Robert agreed to the hike.“I could tell from his facial expressions and our chat that he needed some fun or maybe just someone to talk to,” Gardenhire explained in a Facebook post that went viral. “I wasn’t really expecting him to accept my invitation, but he did! Five minutes later, we were leaving the information desk with our ‘you are here’ pamphlet and headed on a 1.5-mile hike.”The hike wound up being a great day for both of them. They took photos of each other and learned more about their backstories. They had such a great time they decided to grab lunch at a rooftop bar down the street. After that, they decided to explore downtown Denver together. They grabbed coffee, visited candy stores and bookshops, and Robert even watched as Gardenhire skated at “the cutest ice skating rink.”Through it all, they developed a friendship and even discovered they have the same birthday. At the end, they exchanged numbers and Facebook pages, hugged, and promised to keep in touch.“He told me that I had made his day, as he did mine,” Gardenhire recounted in her Facebook post. “Saturday morning, I could’ve easily just gotten in the back of Robert’s car, ignored him, and played on my phone, but I decided to be kind. I engaged in conversation, asked questions, and got to know someone. Little did I know what the day would unfold, but I don’t regret it one bit! Bottom line, you never know who could use your kindness. Be kind, be present, be positive, make a difference.”Putting Yourself Out There Some may caution against striking up this kind of friendship so quickly with a strange man. In Gardenhire’s case, she is a former news reporter and is used to extracting information from people. She only received positive vibes from this man, and it ended up being a serendipitous day.More importantly, this story and Gardenhire remind us just how important it is to be present in our daily lives. That doesn’t mean we have to all engage with strangers, either. Being in the moment with friends, children, partners and family members will help to develop stronger and more positive connections in our lives.These days, it’s so easy to disengage with our phones and media and not pay attention to what’s happening around us. But if we can make a pointed effort to put down the devices and look around, who knows what wonderful things we can discover.More from Goalcast:Uber Driver Helps Woman After Her Belongings Were Stolen at Coachella – So She Raises $200,000 for Him