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everyday hero

LIttle girl wearing glasses, a house on fire and a mom with three kids (inset)
Uplifting News

Six-Year-Old Notices Her House Is on Fire - Runs Inside To Save Her Family

Olivia Patterson may only be 6 years old but she didn't let that stop her from being a superhero.Not only did she save the day, but she also saved her family — from a devastating fire that ravaged their home and could have turned deadly.

Semi-truck Driver Dangles From Bridge - Hero Firefighter Immediately Springs Into Action
Uplifting News

Semi-truck Driver Dangles From Bridge - Hero Firefighter Immediately Springs Into Action

First responders are trained to help in all kinds of emergency situations, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily see all of those situations on the field. So when something scary and larger than life actually happens, they have to rely on their training and experience to potentially save a life.Thankfully, one firefighter did exactly that when he responded to a wild emergency situation one day above the Ohio River.A Harrowing AccidentEarlier this month, a semi-truck driver was heading over the George Rogers Clark Memorial Bridge on the Ohio River when another vehicle crossed into the wrong lane. The car struck the semi, which swerved through the guardrail and over the side. The driver got stuck in the cab, which was dangling from the bridge.When firefighters responded to the scene, they immediately sprang into action. According to the Louisville Fire Department's chief, Brian O’Neill, the driver was incredibly lucky not to wind up in the water.“If you look at the way that that semi-truck threaded the needle of those bridge stanchions, but then ended up getting wedged in there and not plowing through and ending up in the water is tremendously lucky,” he told GMA.“She was you know, scared,” firefighter Bryce Carden added about the driver.A Heroic RescueTo save the unnamed driver, Carden had to rappel down the side of the bridge. He then hooked the woman into his harness and slowly hoisted her back up. The entire operation took about 40 minutes, which must have been terrifying for that driver.“Finally, when she realized she was safe and she was going to live, she was overcome with emotions as anybody would be,” Carden said.The woman was understandably shaken and wanted to heal in private, which is why authorities didn’t release her name. Two other people involved in the crash were seriously injured, but it appears as though this driver will be okay.As for Carden, people are hailing him as a hero.“I’ve played a very small piece in a large puzzle,” Carden said. “I contribute all of the success of it to the guys topside and the guys on the bottom who helped make it happen.”Thanking a First ResponderStories like these remind us that emergency responders face all kinds of circumstances and situations, and they’re willing to risk their own lives to help ours. Sure, this story made headlines because it’s not every day that you see a truck dangling from a bridge or a firefighter rappelling to save someone.However, there are plenty of everyday situations in which first responders put themselves in harm’s way to help someone else. This story is just a nice reminder for us to thank them for their service. That can be a simple “Thanks for your service” when you come across an ambulance driver, firefighter, or police officer in your daily life. It can also be a handwritten card or note.Either way, these men and women work to keep our communities safe, and gratitude always goes a long way. More from Goalcast:Firefighter Tragically Kills Pastor’s Pregnant Wife – Instead of Getting Revenge, the Widower Befriends HimFirefighter Delivers Baby Then Learns Her Mom Can’t Keep Her – So He Adopts Her and Gives Her a HomeYoung Boy Runs His Bike Into a Car and Dents It by Accident — The Driver Gets Out and Does the Unthinkable

Friend Confides in Librarian About Her Abusive Relationship - So She Uses a Book to Come up With an Ingenious Plan
Everyday Heroes

Friend Confides in Librarian About Her Abusive Relationship - So She Uses a Book to Come up With an Ingenious Plan

*If you or someone you love is a victim of domestic violence please call 9-1-1 or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233)*Domestic violence is cloaked in secrecy. On the outside, it's disguised as a happy, picture-perfect home. But inside, the reality is shocking. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in four women and one in nine men have been the victim of physical brutality at the hands of their partner. Every 9 seconds a woman in the United States is assaulted or beaten.The statistics are staggering, not to mention incredibly disturbing. But one librarian in Westwood, Massachusetts is working to change it, one book at a time.How One Librarian Is Using Books to Help Save Victims of Domestic ViolenceMolly Riportella, 36, isn't just a librarian, she's also a domestic abuse survivor. She understands being abused, trapped, manipulated, silenced, and controlled by someone who claims to love her. And she knows just how hard it is to escape... She's done it. So when a friend in an abusive relationship confided in her and reached out for help, Riportella didn't hesitate. Knowing that abusers often closely monitor their victims' communications and movements, Riportella bought her friend a burner phone.She also created a new email account, added DV/social services contacts, and left notes on the phone to help her make a plan to escape. But they still had to come up with a way for her friend to conceal it. And that's where the books came in. "After realizing they couldn’t bring home the phone, and a meandering conversation that included Nancy Drew and spy novels, we decided I would make a book safe," Riportella said. Using a discarded book from the library, she cut out the pages and created a hidden compartment — just the right size to hold a phone.Her friend used it to connect with domestic abuse advocates who helped her get out. It was just the beginning.Book-It 2 FreedomNow, Riportella has created a "grassroots library and social justice movement." She calls it the BiblioUnderground; an underground network with the sole purpose of "checking people out of bad situations."She buys pre-paid burner phones with her own money and loads them up with resources such as safety planning, pro bono legal action, and how to get a restraining order. All the things she wish she'd known when she was trapped in an abusive relationship in her 20s. She says that working in a library is a perfect place to meet women looking for resources to help them leave dangerous situations. Her vision is to eventually "establish a network of resourceful book nerds from across the country who create Book-it 2 Freedom Kits (Bi2Fks) and pass them onto local experts," like abuse advocacy groups, OBGYNs, and health and human services departments. She's also created a GoFundMe campaign to help raise funds. So far, it's sitting at almost $15,000.Riportella knows that having access to a phone isn't the be-all, end-all solution to ending domestic violence. But having unfettered access to people and organizations who can help is a good place to start.Doing the Right Thing, Even if It’s HardAs for what motivated Riportella to take this leap despite the risk that her abuser, who stalked her for years, would show up in her life again?"I can't live in fear anymore. People have to do the right thing, even if it's hard, even if it's scary. You just have to do it anyway." Molly RiportellaMore from Goalcast:Struggling Student Hangs Up the Phone in Tears – Then Receives a Strange Note From Someone She Didn’t KnowDomino’s Manager Gets a Phone Call From Dejected Mother – Decides to Go the Extra “Mile” When He Hears the Reason WhyHigh School Sweethearts Break Up After Graduation – 63 Years Later, One Phone Call Leads to Their Marriage

Stranger Shows Up at Womans House in the Middle of the Night - Her Doorbell Camera Catches the Entire Exchange
Everyday Heroes

Stranger Shows Up at Womans House in the Middle of the Night - Her Doorbell Camera Catches the Entire Exchange

A woman's purse isn't just a bag. It serves a valuable purpose — carrying important, personal items you need. Essential things like your wallet, credit cards, ID, phone, car keys, chapstick...a bag of Doritos (you know, in case of emergencies).So when U.K. resident Georgia lost hers after attending her staff Christmas party, she was understandably upset. In the words of the great Bonnie Tyler, she needed a hero. Lucky for her, she had one. He may not have been a "knight on a fiery steed" but he does know a thing or two about fire. Nyma Zadeh, an off-duty firefighter, found her purse in a gas station and then drove over an hour in the middle of the night just to return it. HERO.Not All Heroes Wear CapesFootage of Nyma's heartwarming act of kindness was captured by Georgia's ring doorbell camera and shared by her employer, Bows Boutiques, on social media where it promptly went viral (because who doesn't love a hero?)The black and white video shows Nyma standing on the front step in the dead of night saying, "I've got your bag. Are you Georgia?"After confirming that yes, she was indeed Georgia, the relieved woman tells him that she's been crying her eyes out over her lost purse. She even offers to give him a monetary reward, which in true hero form, he refuses.“Do you know what? I was going to leave it till tomorrow morning,” he responds. “But I remember my ex lost her bag on a night out, and she was under stress. And I just thought, ‘You know what, I’ll just go and drop it off now.’”This guy KNOWS.After he puts the purse in her recycling bin Georgia once again tries to offer him money. Again he refuses."Just pay it forward. Just do something nice for the next person," Nyma tells her. "I'm a firefighter, I don't need money for doing a good deed."And then, like the superhero he is, Nyma slips off into the night. However, his identity doesn't remain secret for long. Thanks to the power of social media and hordes of inquiring minds who wanna know, it doesn't take long before someone recognizes him.As for how he feels about becoming the world's newest superhero? He's just happy he could help and he hopes the purse is okay."Glad to help... hope the bag didn't get too dirty from the inside of the bin," he jokingly commented on Bows Boutiques' IG post. Once a Hero, Always a HeroIt seems Nyma is in the habit of finding and returning lost things. According to a post on X (formerly Twitter), he returned a woman's lost dog last year. For that good deed, the grateful owner donated £250 to the Firefighters Charity in Nyma's honor. As for Georgia's lost purse? It may seem insignificant but to anyone who has lost a purse or a wallet, it's a big deal. Nyma could have chosen a different way to deal with it. He could have just ignored it or left it with the gas station attendant. Instead, he chose to drive over an hour IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT to return it. As one commenter aptly put it, "What a total gent and a decent human being. Restores your faith in humanity." In an update, Bows Boutiques reveals that three days after the Christmas party Georgia and Nyma met face-to-face. And it turns out, he's just as wonderful in the light of day."He is such a genuine kind man it was an absolute pleasure to meet him. His videos had millions of views and we hope he will be a positive influence on many," they captioned their post.Nyma's sweet act of kindness proves that it doesn't take money or a grand gesture to make a real difference in someone's life. Sometimes positively impacting someone's life looks like something as simple as returning a lost purse.After all, it costs nothing to do the right thing (except maybe a tank of gas *wink*).More from Goalcast:Firefighter Tragically Kills Pastor’s Pregnant Wife – Instead of Getting Revenge, the Widower Befriends HimWaitress Hands Exhausted Firefighters a Note After Paying for Their Meal – Little Did She Know What Was Going to HappenWoman Leaves Her Newborn Baby Girl in a Drop Box – The Firefighter Who Found Her Just Became Her Dad

Homeless Family of 5 Lives in a Broken-Down Bus - Then a Stranger Makes an Offer That Sounds Like a Cruel Joke to Them
Everyday Heroes

Homeless Family of 5 Lives in a Broken-Down Bus - Then a Stranger Makes an Offer That Sounds Like a Cruel Joke to Them

Back in 1897, an 8-year-old girl wrote a letter to the New York Sun asking "Is there a Santa Claus?" Her name was Virginia. The response, by lead editorial writer Francis P. Church, became the most republished editorial in the history of U.S. journalism. "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus," Church famously wrote. "He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias."Fast forward 125 years and In a cool twist of fate, it seems that a woman named Virginia and Santa Claus? Are one and the same. A Mom Meets a Struggling Homeless FamilyVirginia Finch and her daughters were delivering Thanksgiving meals to the homeless in Greeley, Colorado when they met a struggling family living in a broken-down converted school bus behind a gas station.Eric and Olivia, along with their 3 small children, ages 5, 14 months, and 1 month, had been traveling across the U.S. when they became stranded in Greeley, Colorado.Broke and homeless and with the snow and cold weather setting in, the family's situation was dire and getting worse. Virginia knew she had to do something. “There’s no way I’m going to leave a baby with no crib for a bed on Christmas,” she thought to herself. Then she got an idea. A wonderful, amazing, remarkable idea.A Home for the HolidaysThe Finches had recently renovated a second house and were planning to either sell it or rent it out. Instead, they offered it to the desperate family, rent and utility-free."We drove back down and asked them if they wanted to move into our other house," Virginia told Denver 7 News.“I just didn’t think it was real,” a shocked Olivia said. “I thought it was like a cruel joke, almost, ’cause who does that? Nobody does that.”But somebody did do it. Not only did Virginia and her family provide Eric and Olivia with a free, furnished house but they also spent a week gathering donations of food, clothing, and toys to give to the family. "It's helped restore my faith in humanity and hopefulness." Olivia via Denver 7 News(Ours too.) Not only did Virginia potentially save the family's lives but she saved their holiday too. The gift was nothing short of a Christmas miracle for the family. "We didn't think we were going to have a Christmas, at all. We would have been lucky if we'd had enough food or if we got jobs at that point," Olivia said. Virginia might not actually BE Santa Claus, but there's no doubt that she is an angel. While we can't all afford to gift someone a house, we can make an effort to help someone who is struggling. Even small gestures of kindness can add up to big differences in someone's world. As Olivia put it, "People just need somebody to care."And hope? Well, that may be the greatest gift of them all. More from Goalcast:Cop Receives Calls From Citizens About A Homeless Family Begging On Street – Has A Surprising ReactionHomeless Teen’s Dream Of Finding “Forever Family” Seemed Out of Reach – Then a News Story About Him Went LiveAfter Sleeping on Garage Floor, Homeless Boy Sobs When He Learns His Family Finally Has a House

Server Overhears Customers Making a Rude Comment About a Child With Down Syndrome - Risks His Job to Does This
Uplifting News

Server Overhears Customers Making a Rude Comment About a Child With Down Syndrome - Risks His Job to Does This

Heroes come in all forms. They can be first responders, firefighters, fictional characters, or, as was the case at one restaurant in Houston, servers just standing up for what is right.A hero is what many people are calling server Michael Garcia this year after he put his job on the line to defend a little boy with autism from some particularly rude customers.A Family Dinner OutEarlier in 2023, Kim Castillo was dining at Laurenzo’s Prime Rib in Houston with her five-year-old son, Milo. Milo has Down syndrome, and his speech is a little delayed, but at the time, he was showing off some new words and talking about his birthday, which had just passed, reported HLN.That’s when a family, who was sitting nearby, asked if they could move tables to be farther away from Castillo and her son. The servers were confused, but they obliged until they heard a man in the group make a disparaging remark.“He said, ‘Special needs children need to be special somewhere else,’” Garcia recounted to the outlet. “That's like saying, 'You can't come in because you're a different skin color.'”Garcia told the family he would not be serving them. The man responded that he would leave the restaurant, but Garcia didn’t care. “I probably shouldn't have said it, but I was like, 'Okay, good,'” he added.The Makings of a HeroThe Castillo family didn’t know about the comment at first, but they later learned what had transpired and were grateful that Garcia had stuck up for them. It meant a lot to them, as regular customers, particularly when they learned that the booted family members were also restaurant regulars.“I wouldn't have expected anyone to do that and risk their job," Castillo told the outlet.“I was impressed that somebody would step out of their own comfort level and put their job on the line as well as to stand up for somebody else,” she added to NBC News, as per Today. “I know Michael did it from his heart and from reacting to the situation. I don’t think he stopped and thought about what he was doing.”Castillo also speculated in a since-deleted post that she didn’t even realize Milo was being disruptive. She had been taking him out to eat since he was little, and felt that he was well behaved.“Was he loud?” she wrote, as per Today. “Maybe a little in the moment, but honestly, the adults at our table were three times louder than he was.... If he had been obnoxious, which like any other five-year-old he can be, I wouldn’t have thought twice about the family asking to move.”Customers Respond in KindAfter Castillo wrote about her experience online, it was picked up by several news outlets and local social media pages. Soon, people began frequenting the restaurant and seeking out Garcia in hopes of being served by the local hero.“The business has been huge,” Candace Roberts, a fellow server, told the NBC affiliate. “People are coming in to shake his hand and eat at our restaurant and loving it.”Castillo, meanwhile, hopes that this story inspires others to lead with tolerance and kindness and to stop judging others by what they see on the outside.“It’s just impressive to see the outpouring of love and support,” she added. “Maybe next time they’ll think twice before they utter those words or say something derogatory about somebody else.”Standing Up When It MattersThere are all kinds of great, positive messages to receive from this story, but perhaps the most powerful of all is the importance of speaking up for others, particularly for those who can’t always speak up for themselves.Garcia could have easily ignored that rude man and pretended as though his prejudice didn’t exist. But he addressed it head-on and showed that he wouldn’t stand for it, potentially making that man think twice the next time he feels the need to speak out against someone with special needs.Not all of us are born with the same advantages in life, but that doesn’t make one person better than another. It takes genuine bravery to speak up on someone else’s behalf, and sometimes it can be a risk. But as Garcia knows, it’s a risk worth taking.More from Goalcast:A Waitress Is Humiliated by a Rude Customer – But a Mysterious Letter Changes EverythingStranger Is Rude to a Man Stuck in Traffic for No Reason – So He Follows Him to Have an Unusual Confrontation at a StarbucksPlus Size Man and His Size 8 Wife Receive Rude Comments From Haters – Come Up With the Perfect Idea to Silence Them

Brave Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to the Thieves Who Stole From His Store  Outraged Strangers Have the Best Response
Uplifting News

Brave Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to the Thieves Who Stole From His Store Outraged Strangers Have the Best Response

“Really, bro, you got to resort to this?"Those were a few of Santino Burrola's last words on social media before his life was ruined.Over 1.5 million people, including rapper Snoop Dogg, saw what he did. He'd lose his job, receive racist comments, fall behind on his bills and be separated from his family for what he did. A Crime in ProgressPhoto by Norma Mortenson“Me and the union rep sat down with them and they recommended termination,” recalled Santino Burrola to the New York Post. 'They' were supermarket King Soops, and they just fired him. Never mind that what he did brought a criminal to justice, with two at large. Yet, whenever he talks about it, Burrola says that his motivation is just.“Let me tell you something; if something is happening right in front of me, I’m gonna make it my business,” he said. And that's exactly what he did when he saw three men bolting through the King Soops parking lot. They had stolen over $500 worth detergent. At that moment, Burrola, a former military police officer, gave chase as they ran to load it into a black Chevy Trax. Shortly after, Burrola reached into his pocket and made his biggest mistake. A Grocery Store Worker Goes From Hero to ZeroFlipping out his phone, Burrola began recording the three thieves. “Really, bro, you got to resort to this? The economy isn’t that bad,” he can be heard saying.“Better gettin’ while the gettin’s good,” he joked to them as they loaded the car.The quick-thinking Burrola managed to yank a sheet of foil covering the license plate to get the number, leading to the driver's capture. If you think his brave act got him a thank you, you'd be wrong. Instead, after arriving at work the next day, Burrola learned that he'd been suspended. Then, just a week later, he was fired. As the video and news of his firing spread online, outrage bubbled."This is absolutely disgusting. We should be boycotting the retailer that fired him," fumed one. “Sorry to read you were fired recording these losers thinking they could just go in and steal. Good for you though," wrote one. Another one had an idea. "This guy was doing the right thing. Please someone give him a much better job. He deserves our thanks and to be rewarded. Our Vets deserve a leg up for their sacrifices."One warm reward, coming right up.A Community Rewards a Brave EmployeePhoto by Julia LarsonSomeone who agrees with that comment is Alexia Gomez. With the motivation to help her cousin, she started a GoFundMe to help cover his legal fees and lost wages.In the end, it was a huge success raising over $19,000, almost double its goal of $10,000. Now that's a lot of laundry detergent money.In a prepared statement, King Soops said firing Burrola is all about employee safety. "We are disappointed by the increased level of crime across retail establishments and the impact these incidents have on our associates and customers. We remain committed to working in partnership with local law enforcement to address this issue, as safety remains a top priority," it read. How a Supermarket Employee Proves That Inaction Is a CrimeTo be fair, it's hard to argue with a company trying to protect its workers. After all, if one of those criminals were armed, Gomez might be raising money for her cousin's funeral costs instead. Yet, Burrola would tell you that the biggest crime would be to sit idly by as criminals run wild. He knows that staying safe puts everyone at risk.It might not always be the safest play, but sometimes displaying courage is the right move. More from Goalcast:Homeless Dad Living in His Car With 2 Kids Is Fired From His Job – Then, Strangers Step in When They Hear His RequestBlack Employee Is Fired After He Stands Up to His Racist Boss – Outraged Co-workers Have the Best ResponseMan Saves a Life After He Notices a Person Recklessly Driving a Car – Instead of Being Rewarded, He Is Fired From His Job

Little Boys Notice Their Neighbors House Is on Fire - Rush to Rescue Toddlers Stuck Inside Despite Being Really Scared
Uplifting News

Little Boys Notice Their Neighbors House Is on Fire - Rush to Rescue Toddlers Stuck Inside Despite Being Really Scared

Two young heroes stepped up in a big way in Oakland, Florida when a fire roared nearby. 10-year-old Isiah Francis and 11-year-old Jeremiah Grimes were minding their business when they saw smoke rising up in their neighborhood. What Two Young Boys Did When They Saw a House on FireUnsplash/ Chris KaridisThey quickly noticed that their neighbor's home was on fire, and rushed inside without a second thought. Navigating through heavy smoke and impending panic, the two heroes safely retrieved a 1-year-old and an 8-month-old from the burning house. It is not as if the two were unafraid of the situation, but they had the remarkable courage to overcome their fear -- the true mark of bravery. "I was really scared because I thought I was going to get burned," Isiah even told a local news outlet in Orlando. "I was nervous because there was so much smoke it was hard for me to see," he added. Despite feeling scared, unable to see, and risking his own wellbeing, Isiah and his friend charged into that burning house to save two toddlers. Forget their age, many in that frightening position might have frozen, or called the appropriate authorities. The quick-thinking to charge directly into the home, however, very well could have made the difference between life and death for the two young children they retrieved. How Two Boys Proved That There Is No Age Limit to Being a HeroTheir selfless act of bravery reverberated throughout the community, becoming a beacon of hope and inspiration. News of their heroism spread, captivating the hearts of people across the country. These two are certainly destined to grow into brave young men. Isiah even said he has dreams of becoming a firefighter some day, and he certainly has more experience than most 11 year olds.The cause of the blaze has not been determined, but it is believed to have started on the stove. It is unclear why the father was unable to get all four of his children out of the home, or why the fire began. However, it is certain that Isiah and Jeremiah saved the day. While, hopefully we don't have to run into a burning home any time soon, we can all draw inspiration from the bravery displayed by these two boys. True heroism doesn't lie in accolades or recognition, but in the sum of decisions like these that come to define us.Isiah and Jeremiah's selfless act will forever serve as a reminder that each of us has the capacity to be a hero in our own unique way.Heroism also isn't reserved for a certain age group, and these two showed why everyone possesses the ability to become a hero in the right circumstance. More from Goalcast:Woman Leaves Her Newborn Baby Girl in a Drop Box – The Firefighter Who Found Her Just Became Her DadHomeless Man Heroically Saves an Entire Family and Their Pets From a Blazing Residential FireMom and Her 2 Kids Are Trapped in an Apartment Fire – One Local Homeless Man Tells Them All to Drop Out of the Window

Bus Driver Yanks Boys Backpack as He Is Getting off the Bus - Now Shes Hailed as a Hero
Uplifting News

Bus Driver Yanks Boys Backpack as He Is Getting off the Bus - Now Shes Hailed as a Hero

As parents, it can be hard to let others take care of your children. After all, no one ever really quite loves your kids and watches out for them the exact way you would. Still, we send them to school and trust that those who are tasked with watching them follow the safety rules and regulations in place — from the teachers to the administrative staff to the bus drivers.That’s why parents across America were shocked when they heard about this woman, who yanked a kid onto her bus one afternoon.A Quick-Thinking DriverApril Wise was going about her regular school bus driving routine in Tecumseh, Ohio, one day in February. A video, which was later posted to the district’s social media page, shows Wise slowing down for a stop. She opens the door and checks the mirrors. That’s when she notices something is wrong.There is a car approaching and it isn’t slowing down. A Grade 7 student is about to step off, so Wise grabs the boy’s backpack and pulls him back hard. Suddenly in the frame, you can see an SUV barreling by, right where the boy would have been."The only thing that went through my brain was to keep him from getting off the bus," Wise, who is a first-year bus driver, told WHIO-TV.“If he would have just got off the bus a little quicker or something, everything might have been different,” Karen Lokai, Tecumseh Schools' transportation supervisor, told an NBC news outlet. “It gives you chills to hear it and see the video and see how close, you know, things happen in such a split second.”Saving a Boy’s LifeOnce the way was clear and the boy exited the vehicle, Wise reported the incident to her bosses. They reviewed the video and couldn’t believe just how close the situation was. At home, the boy told his mother how the driver had saved his life.“The mom reached out to us personally to thank us and thank our team for responding to the accident [and] to thank the bus driver,” Superintendent Paula Crew told the publication. “She’s beyond [thankful that] her son got off the bus and came in the house when he did.”She added that cars often pass the school buses, ignoring the clear “stop” sign that applies to vehicles coming from both directions. Failing to stop could not only result in a $500 fine in that area, but worse: a child could get hurt.Clark County Sheriff’s Office Deputy John Loney says the boy was really lucky after this particular failure to stop. “It’s a miracle that he’s safe,” he said.A Local HeroFollowing the incident, Wise was hailed as a hero. People from the school, law enforcement, and parents gathered to say thank you in a special ceremony in which she was given an award.“This goes far beyond what I imagined to happen, so I am very emotional,” Wise told WCSC. “I don’t deserve it, but I’m glad it’s bringing awareness and stuff. Hopefully, more people will take it into consideration,” she added.“For what she did that day, we definitely appreciate it,” the boy’s father added to the publication.Drive ResponsiblyThis story so clearly demonstrates why it is important to follow traffic laws, and it also reminds us all to slow down behind the wheel — particularly in school zones and on neighborhood streets.Accidents take seconds to happen but can change a life forever. If it weren’t for Wise’s quick thinking, that boy could have been seriously injured or worse.When we’re running late or really excited to get home after a long day at work, it can be tempting to speed up, spend a few seconds less at a stop sign, or ignore a school bus’s signal. But it’s important to take a breath and slow down. Being a few minutes late won’t cost you much, if anything. And there are much worse things that can happen in life.More from Goalcast:Heroic Carnival-Goer Saves Lives After Magic Carpet Ride Spins Out Of Control

Heroic 3-Year-Old Son Trusts Instinct And Steps In After Mom Falls And Hits Her Head
Uplifting News

Heroic 3-Year-Old Son Trusts Instinct And Steps In After Mom Falls And Hits Her Head

Many people, even adults, cannot think logically under the pressure of a life-threatening emergency. One young toddler from the U.K., however, was able to keep calm and react accordingly when his mother slipped and fell down the stairs and hit her head, losing consciousness.Saved by the YouTubeThomas Boffey, a three-year old from West Midlands, U.K, was shaken up when his mother, 33-year old Kayleigh, fell down the stairs. The young boy was a regular viewer of the Korean children’s program Robocar Poli on Youtube. The animated kid’s show from South Korea features a police car, ambulance, and fire engine. Thanks to this show, Boffey knew right away to call 999 (the UK equivalent of 911)."He climbed up onto my windowsill in the living room to get my phone and he managed to [phone] the operator, they couldn't understand what he was on about but directed him to the police." - Kayleigh BoffeyAn amazing featThomas’ amazing actions were more than just calling 999. He stayed on the phone with 999 operators through the ordeal, as they instructed him to keep hold of his mother’s hand and continue talking to her, keeping her conscious. Also, he climbed over the home’s baby gate, searched for a key to their house, and unlocked the door for emergency services. Once they arrived, Kayleigh was brought to hospital, where it was found that she sustained injuries to her knee, ankle, shouler, and hip injuries. Once it was determined that she was safe, Kayleigh couldn’t help but feel overwhelming pride for her young son. "I knocked myself out and he managed to ring for help—it was amazing really, words [can't] describe it. I'm extremely proud of him." - Kayleigh BoffeyLessons for children everywhereThomas’ knowledge very well could have saved his mother’s life. A representative of Nemours Children's Health explained that while what Thomas did was amazing, children should always be taught not only how to get in touch with emergency services, but also develop a good understanding of what constitutes an emergency. Their guidelines read: “Teach kids that a 911 emergency is when someone needs help right away because of an injury or an immediate danger." Thomas’ story is both an act of bravery and a great lesson for parents. More uplifting stories:Man Goes From Janitor To Principal Of The School He Cleaned For 27 YearsStudent Raises $28,600 For Homeless Man Who Offered To Pay Her Taxi HomeMillionaire Shocks Neighbors By Inviting Homeless Couple To Live In His $4M HouseVideo Of How Poor Street Vendor Treats Stray Dogs Goes Viral For All The Right ReasonsRaise a heroBeing a great parent means empowering your child.