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Woman holding a baby and a woman sitting with a young man.
Uplifting News

Former Inmate Bumps Into Son She Had Placed For Adoption at Local Walmart

In a twist of fate that could rival any movie script, Amanda Rector and her son Hunter were reunited 18 years after his adoption in an unexpected encounter at a local Walmart. This emotional reunion marks a significant chapter in their lives, filled with past struggles, redemption, and the power of forgiveness.

Man Messages His High School Bully on Facebook After 20 Years and Confronts Him - But He Receives an Unexpected Response
Uplifting News

Man Messages His High School Bully on Facebook After 20 Years and Confronts Him - But He Receives an Unexpected Response

Trigger Warning: This article mentions suicide.*Featured image contains photo by Anna ShvetsHigh school can be a rough time for kids, with a capital R. The hallowed halls are a breeding ground for drama, self-loathing, broken hearts, and a burning desire to just fit in. For Michael Stright, high school was a battlefield. A place where he endured relentless bullying at the hands of two of his fellow classmates. It got so bad, in fact, that he attempted suicide multiple times and eventually dropped out.Years later, at the age of 42, he discovered one of his tormentors on Facebook and decided to confront his past. It didn't go as he expected.Facing the Ghost of His PastIn a recent TikTok video that has gone viral, Michael shares that in 2013 he found his childhood bully, Jeff, on Facebook through a mutual friend. Seeing his name "brought back a lot of bad memories" for Michael. He had two choices; he could continue to give Jeff power over his life or he could face his demon. He chose the latter.In an incredible act of courage, Michael wrote Jeff a message. And Jeff? Well, he responded. And finally, after years and years of harboring trauma, Michael was able to find closure, peace, and healing for that inner child who suffered so much pain.He shared screenshots of their conversation which have been viewed by over 2.9 million people in just a few days.Prepare yourself.Michael did not tread lightly. He had a lot to say and he wasn't about to sugarcoat any of it. "Certain memories stay with you for life and the horrible memories of having you teasing me day after day. Did you know that I tried to commit suicide 3 times in school cause of the sh*t you and others put me through?"Michael StrightMichael went on to explain that he wasn't looking for pity. He just wanted the chance to finally move on.A Bully Responds To Michael's surprise, the response he received was not defensive or dismissive. Instead, his former bully expressed deep remorse for the pain he had caused and thanked him for calling him out.Despite not meaning to be malicious, Jeff acknowledged that his intentions back then didn't matter — "because it hurt you and nobody deserves to feel like that." He even opened up to Michael about his own kids being bullied, wondering if it is "retribution" for the way he treated him. (After all, what goes around, comes around.) He went on to admit to contemplating suicide himself due to depression and anxiety. "I am VERY happy that you did not commit suicide because of the actions of an insensitive classmate. I was an idiot and thought I was being "cool"...I was just an asshole, and I truly hope confronting me about this does make you feel better because you deserve that," Jeff wrote. He added, "I'll never be able to apologize enough to undo the damage I did, but please know that I'll be forever grateful for you having the courage to show me what I truly was ... and I'm disgusted and ashamed of myself."Jeff's emotional apology had a profound effect on Michael, bringing him to tears. But he wasn't the only one crying...several thousands of commenters were crying right along with him.Response to the TikTok Was StaggeringTo say the video has resonated with a lot of people is an understatement. The number of people with similar experiences is heartbreaking. Commenter after commenter shared their own stories, many of them with a much darker ending."That feeling of being bullied relentlessly has never left me, I'm 42 now. I cannot or will never forgive them. They took my formative years away. 😔""I'm 43 and because of being bullied my brain will never let me believe that anyone really likes me, anyone my sister, fiance friends family it's hard.""It sticks with you for life, changes who you are, stops you achieving things because of lack of confidence. It never leaves you. Some scars can't heal.""My brother was horrifically bullied during his school years, affected his life and how he was as an adult. Sadly he took his own life at 27." The Power of Redemption and ForgivenessJeff passed away in 2017, four years after his text exchange with Michael. As for Michael? He's glad he reached out when he did.Not only did it take a lot of courage for Michael to confront his high school bully, but it took a lot of maturity, emotional integrity, and personal growth for Jeff to respond the way he did. He took ownership of his actions and did his best to make amends. And isn't that what this life is all about? That we continuously evolve and grow so that we can become the best versions of ourselves?Despite their past history of anguish and torment, the two men were able to come together in a beautiful display of the power of forgiveness and redemption. And while it may have been two decades in the making, it's also proof that it's never too late to make up for past mistakes. More from Goalcast:Racist Man Refuses to Apologize for His Daughter’s Bullying – Until the Victim’s Father Gets the Last LaughTeen Finds Out His Classmates Are Bullying His Best Friend for His Old Shoes – So He Saves Up $135 and Does ThisMom Learns Her Son Has Been Bullying His Classmate – What She Does Next Shocks the Internet

Firefighter Tragically Kills Pastors Pregnant Wife - Instead of Getting Revenge, the Widower Befriends Him
Uplifting News

Firefighter Tragically Kills Pastors Pregnant Wife - Instead of Getting Revenge, the Widower Befriends Him

Forgiveness isn’t always easy, especially when someone has hurt you or taken something from you. But being able to find it within you to intentionally let go of that hurt, anger and resentment is also a really powerful thing. One man reminded us all of that when he forgave a stranger who accidentally took away a huge part of his life: his family.A Tragic AccidentTodayBack in October 2006, Matt Swatzell had just finished a 24-hour shift. The firefighter paramedic was exhausted, but he had to get in the car to drive home. Unfortunately, that’s when his life changed forever.“It was literally three or four seconds that it took to nod off and to cross the center line and to meet the other car,” he recalled to Today. “I can still see it. I can still smell it. The horrendous noise and the glass breaking.”The 20-year-old rookie had collided with a pregnant woman named June Fitzgerald and her 19-month-old daughter. Tragically, the mother and her unborn baby didn’t make it, but the daughter, Faith, survived.The news rocked Swatzell to his very core.“I'm supposed to be a helper. The EMT and the paramedic and fireman that helps in these tragic situations, and here I am, caused this,” he said.A Man Becomes a WidowerAt the hospital, a pastor named Erik Fitzgerald also had his world torn to shreds when he was informed his wife and unborn baby didn't make it. After a conversation with a grief counselor, he walked into his daughter’s hospital room.“She crawled into my lap and then she just went to sleep," he recalled of that awful day. “And I was thankful because I didn't have to pretend that everything was okay.”It wasn’t long before prosecutors asked Fitzgerald whether he wanted to pursue the maximum sentence against the man who had crashed into his wife. Somehow, the pastor was able to reach deep down and seize an opportunity to practice forgiveness. He felt that enough lives had been ruined, and he didn’t want any more destruction to come from this terrible incident.“I remembered somebody said this in a sermon — in moments where tragedy happens or even hurt, there's opportunities to demonstrate grace or to exact vengeance,” he explained to the outlet. “Here was an opportunity where I could do that. And I chose to demonstrate grace.”An Unexpected EncounterAlthough Fitzgerald forgave Swatzell in his heart, the pair never spoke during the court case. There, a judge gave the firefighter community service and a fine, but he was otherwise free to continue his life. The guilt, however, was overwhelming.On the two-year anniversary of the crash, Swatzell went to the store to buy a condolence card for Fitzgerald and his daughter. That’s when he ran into Fitzgerald.“Erik starts walking out of the grocery and starts walking towards my truck,” recalled Swatzell.“He was just bawling,” Fitzgerald added. “So I just walked up and I just hugged him. What do you say? Sometimes things are best said with no words.”It was a meeting that would, once again, change both men’s lives.“That was the biggest relief I'd ever felt. He just said from the start that he forgave me,” Swatzell explained. “Just hearing him say those words, it just impacted my life completely.”A New Friendship EmergesThat day, the men talked for about two hours. During that time they forged an undeniable bond and decided to stay connected. So they began to meet up regularly, talking about life and how they could move forward.“He said, ‘Don't let this define you,'” Swatzell explained a dozen years later in the Today interview. “Meeting with Erik, it gave me hope. That we’re going to be okay.”During that time, Swatzell also got to know Faith. He married and had children of his own. As for Fitzgerald, he moved to Florida but remained in touch. These days the men continue to spend time together throughout the year and during holidays.“He's like a big brother to me. We have a lot of fun together. As weird as it may sound and crazy, but we do. It's unique,” Swatzell said. “Just seeing Faith, holding my kids — it puts a smile on my face,” he continued.“It hurts to see that, but it's the cards that we were dealt. And now it's our story together. It reminds me that there's grace and there's hope and there's good.”Practicing ForgivenessIn the interview, Swatzell was clear that, although something good did eventually come out of this incredibly tragic story, he doesn’t know if he’s forgiven himself for that day. But what he does know is that Fitzgerald’s forgiveness has allowed him to move on and live a life that may not have otherwise been possible.At the end of the day, what happened was an accident. By finding it in his heart to recognize that and accept it, Fitzgerald did the most powerful thing he could have done: forgive. If he can do that, it reminds us that we, too, can forgive for much smaller things in our own lives.Sometimes when we’re hurting, we want the person who hurt us to suffer more. But by holding onto that resentment and anger, we continue to hurt ourselves. In order to truly heal and move on, we need to let go.Acknowledge your feelings, then work to release them. Choosing forgiveness and releasing those emotions is a powerful thing, as this story proves. It takes patience and determination, but it can be done. Forgiveness matters because sometimes it’s the only way to heal and move on with life, despite what may have happened in our past.More from Goalcast:Dad Witnesses 10-Year-Old Daughter Being Hit By A Car- Immediately Decides To Forgive HimTeen’s Boyfriend Passes Away in Tragic Car Accident – Then, His Father Asks Her to PromYoung Boy Runs His Bike Into a Car and Dents It by Accident — The Driver Gets Out and Does the Unthinkable

Adopted Woman Finds Her Biological Father in Nursing Home 56 Years Later — Becomes his Full-Time Caregiver
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Adopted Woman Finds Her Biological Father in Nursing Home 56 Years Later — Becomes his Full-Time Caregiver

Growing up, Deanna Shrodes knew nothing about her biological family. Adopted as an infant, it wasn't until she was 27 years old — after years of searching — that she reunited with her birth mother. It would take her another 29 years to find her biological father.The Journey One Woman Took To Find Her Past Deanna was 27 years old when she nervously knocked on a stranger's door. That stranger was Sally King, her biological mother.According to CBS News, Deanna and Sally would go on to have a relationship for 20 years until King died of cancer. In all of that time, there was one question that Sally refused to answer, "Who was Deanna's father?" It was a secret she took to the grave.But even death wasn't going to stand in the way of Deanna finding the truth. More determined than ever to find her bio dad, Deanna started with what she did know about him, which wasn't much. RELATED: Katherine Heigl’s Adoption Journey Reveals Another Facet Of MotherhoodShe only had two clues to go on — he was Greek and from Richmond, VA. So, she turned to Facebook and her faith for help. She created a private Facebook group, "Finding Mr. Greek" and enlisted her friends and volunteers in her search. She also signed up for multiple DNA registries. And, as an ordained minister, she prayed. A lot. She shared, "I told my husband, I told my best friend Laura … I said, 'Listen, guys, you might think I'm crazy, but I was in prayer. God spoke this to me: Your father's name is Gus.'" Turns out, God was right.A Life-Changing Discovery@ddshrodes/InstagramOn May 11, 2022, 10 years after she first began her search, the case finally broke. Deanna found a DNA match; a cousin in Greece."I reached out to this cousin and I said, 'We've just matched on 23andMe'. … And he said, 'I think you're my Uncle Gus' daughter.' And I said, 'I think that, too.'"Her search was over.Deanna immediately called her biological father. Gus Nicholas was living in a nursing home in Richmond, VA. The state had moved him there after he fell in his home four months earlier and was no longer able to care for himself. The 92-year-old retired ballroom dance instructor had never married or had other children. When he received Deanna's phone call, he was ecstatic. Over the years he too had tried to find her but to no avail."He said, 'I woke up this morning and I was alone ... And now this afternoon, I have a daughter. I have a son-in-law. I have three grandchildren. I have great-grandchildren ... I'm not alone in the world anymore,' " Deanna recalled him telling her. "And I said, 'No, you're not. You're not.'"A week later, they met in person when Deanna took the trip to visit him in his care facility. He barely let go of her hand.However, their reunion story doesn't end there. A Biological Father Comes Home — It Only Took 56 Years.@ddshrodes/InstagramNot wanting her father to be alone as he neared the end of his life, Deanna made a radical decision.Just 75 days after first meeting her dad, Deanna and her husband, Larry, welcomed "Baba" home. They moved him out of his nursing home in Virginia and into their home in Florida. Deanna became his primary caregiver."It's the hardest thing. It's the most worthwhile thing. It's the most incredible miracle I've ever had the privilege to live out. I'm living the dream." - Deanna ShrodesAll she asked for in return was a chance to get to know him. A request he was more than happy to oblige.For the next four and a half months Deanna devoted herself to caring for her father. A man who had been a virtual stranger nearly her entire life.It was an act of pure unconditional love. After his death in December 2022, Deanna wrote a heartfelt Instagram post alongside a photo of the father-daughter duo:"When we first met, I thought to myself, "Wow...this has made a mark on me like nothing else ever has." Finding you changed my life profoundly. It was a definitive turning point in a plethora of ways. The more I got to know you the more I realized, I was marked indelibly by you my entire life. I just never knew it."It may have taken Deanna a lifetime to find her biological father, but once she did, she made the most of the short amount of time they had together. While she could have spent the time angry and hurt over all of the years they missed, instead she chose a different path; one of forgiveness, gratitude, and unconditional love. Deanna and Gus's story is a love story, more than five decades in the making. It is a testament to the enduring power of family love — a love that truly has no limits.

Man Tries to Break Into an Office Building - Instead of Pressing Charges, Victim Offers Him a Job
Uplifting News

Man Tries to Break Into an Office Building - Instead of Pressing Charges, Victim Offers Him a Job

When someone breaks into your home or car, it can leave you feeling unsettled, angry, and in search of retribution. But it isn’t often that a victim feels forgiveness and understanding, which makes this story so unique.A Bungled BurglaryYouTube/CBS NewsEarlier this year, a man in his twenties named Rashawn Turner tried to break into the non-profit All You Can, Inc. in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He wasn’t successful, and he fled, and all that he left behind was a grainy photo on the security camera.Still, Turner felt poorly about what he’d tried to do, so he contacted the non-profit organizer and city councilman Ralph Rodriguez to apologize. “I have to be willing to face the consequences, and that is what I'm ready to do,” he wrote to him on social media, as per CBS News.With the case closed, many might have then contacted the local authorities or pressed charges. But not Rodriguez. He decided to take a different approach.Understanding the SituationRodriguez wanted to know about Turner and why he felt as though he had to try and break in that night.“I actually took the time to hear his story, see the environment in which he lives,” Rodriguez told the news outlet. “And I get it. Poverty has a way of pushing you to do things that you would have never imagined you were even capable of doing.”RELATED: Thief Surrenders After Stealing $10k in Tools – The Owner’s ‘Punishment’ Is Way More Extreme Than Calling the CopsIt turns out Turner had a lot going on at home, and he felt as though he had no other choice.“I made a severe lapse in my judgment that night,” he explained. “My father was struggling with basic needs, and I was like, I can't sit here and just wait for what little we still have to be taken away. I have to do something.”Leading With CompassionOnce Rodriguez understood where the young man was coming from and why he’d done what he’d done, he decided to give him a chance.He gave him some money and offered him a part-time job painting the non-profit center. He also set him up with job training to land something more steady in the future.“What he doesn't need anymore is any more disappointments,” Rodriguez explained. “I'm pretty sure people have told him things in his life and dropped the ball 10 out of 10 times. It's just not what I'm prepared to do.”RELATED: These Tattoo Artists Are Giving People A Second Chance At LifeFor his part, Turner doesn’t want to waste this opportunity and is determined to prove himself. “I thought there would be no one willing to help me, but you never know; you just have to ask," he said. “But I wasn't willing to ask.”“You just need a shot,” Rodriguez added. “And I'd be remiss if I didn't try my best to give you that shot.”Giving the Benefit of the DoubtIn life, it’s so easy to cast aside people who have wronged or hurt us. But sometimes, giving people the benefit of the doubt can be a beautiful thing. Once Turner admitted his wrongdoing and apologized for what he tried to do, Rodriguez recognized that this was a man willing to accept responsibility.By focusing on that and giving him an opportunity, he helped to change Turner’s life. Sure, there are certain situations where it is a good idea to remove yourself and move on. But this story is a nice reminder that sometimes, it’s better to hear people out and see how you can help them get their life back on track rather than cast them aside.And if you are in a rough spot, Turner proves that taking responsibility and trying to do the right thing pays off in the end. He didn’t have to confess to that attempted break-in, but in doing so, he set his life on a whole new path.It just goes to show you that most of the time, most people deserve a second chance.

Parents Abandon Newborn Baby at a Store - 23 Years Later, She Gets a Letter With the Heartbreaking Reason Why
Uplifting News

Parents Abandon Newborn Baby at a Store - 23 Years Later, She Gets a Letter With the Heartbreaking Reason Why

Families come in many different forms, shapes, and sizes. There are many reasons why and ways that people choose to become parents, but there are also valid reasons why someone can’t be a parent at that particular stage in their life. Still, for a child whose parents left them as a baby without explanation, it can be a trauma they live with their entire life.Enter this heartwarming story about a girl discovering why her parents left her 23 years ago.How One Little Girl Had a Difficult UpbringingFacebook/Zoë HalbeisenWhen Zoe Halbeisen was just nine days old, her father left her outside a department store in Changzhou, China. Store employees discovered her, wrapped up in blankets, and called an orphanage. Media at the time picked the story up, of course, painting the picture of parents who no longer wanted their little girl.Halbeisen grew up with that narrative her whole life. When she was three, the orphanage adopted her to American parents: Valli and Stephen Halbeisen. The Charlotte, Michigan, couple traveled to China to pick her up, and they never looked back.RELATED: Two Men Who Adopt 5 Children Reveal Why the Foster System – And Modern Families – Must ChangeWhy would they, after all, when all they were shown were news clippings of Zoe’s discovery outside that department store?So, although Halbeisen had a happy childhood, she always felt a lost connection to her roots. Growing up in a town where she and her adoptive sister were the only people who looked like they did made the situation even harder.How a Couple Went on a Search for Their DaughterUnbeknownst to Zoe, her parents had watched her from afar after they dropped her off on that fateful day. They didn’t want to give her up, but they already had one daughter, and because their new baby violated the government’s former rule of one child per family, they were slapped with an enormous fine. They couldn’t pay it, so they sent her off for a better life and immediately regretted it.RELATED: Former Teacher Adopts Student Rejected by 6 Foster Homes – Receives Support From Jamie Lee CurtisUnfortunately, the orphanage refused to return Zoe, and the people running it never told her about her parents’ true identities. So she was sent to America, and her birth parents spent the next 20 years searching for her. They finally found her when she was 23 years old and reached out.They arranged a video call to meet, and Zoe discovered she had two birth sisters — one older and one younger. She also had various other relatives who were so excited to meet her. Her parents begged her to forgive them, and Zoe planned a trip to go see them.How One Woman Finally Went Back Home After 23 YearsZoe’s adoptive parents and her boyfriend accompanied her on the trip back to China.“All these pieces just came together right,” Zoe told Lansing State Journal. “I have a home there. I have a home here,” she said. "I don’t even look at it as two families. I see one huge family. I have lots of places to call home.”RELATED: Single Gay Man Breaks His Silence About Adopting Children – His Bravery Is Changing LivesNot only was Zoe’s homecoming emotional, but it was overwhelming in the best way possible. She traveled to the department store where she was separated from her parents (which is now a hotel) and was met by 20 or so employees who worked there when she was a baby.“We thought we’d be meeting with a couple people,” Zoe continued. “There were over 20 people there. They had an electric sign on the hotel that said, ‘Welcome home Zoe,’ and in English, no less.”How One Woman Proved the Importance of ForgivenessThese days, Zoe is in contact with both her families, and her life feels full. But what would have happened if she ignored those initial pleas from her birth parents and didn’t open the door to having those conversations with them?Everyone’s trauma is different, and not all situations are forgivable. Some people are perfectly fine with the past the way that it is, and that’s okay too. However, this story reminds us that sometimes it really is easier to forget than to hold onto hurt and pain.So if you’ve been harboring hard feelings about a certain situation, or are in a fight with someone you love over how they’ve treated you and refuse to meet up with them or accept an apology, maybe rethink your decision.You never know: you may be happy that you did.

Woman Flies to Nigeria To Confront Man Who Conned Her Out of $10k - And Changes His Life
Uplifting News

Woman Flies to Nigeria To Confront Man Who Conned Her Out of $10k - And Changes His Life

Maria Grette was a 62-year-old divorcee when she met Johnny (not his real name).Her friends had told her to go onto dating sites to meet someone, but she didn't respond to requests until she got one from Johnny, who said he was a Dane raised in South Carolina that worked as a civil engineer in England."I was caught up by the atmosphere and by something in his words," said the art teacher, painter and art therapist to BBC News in 2016."He had a way and a sweetness I had never known in a man before. And he was innocent in a way that puzzled me."Maria GretteScammed out of over $10,000They chatted online and over the phone before Johnny promised to visit her in Sweden. But first, he had to stop over in Nigeria so his son could do a job interview."I wanted to meet him because I liked him," Grette said. But while Johnny was in Lagos, Grotte got a frantic call. He said his son was mugged and shot in the head and he needed to pay €1,000 ($1,140) to the hospital to proceed with treatment. Since there were no bank branches he could withdraw money from, he asked Grette to transfer the money via Western Union."I will never forget how I rushed to the Western Union office, trembling while I did the transfer," she told BBC News. "All I could think of was to get the two persons in Nigeria out of danger."Johnny then asked for more money due to complications with surgery, and Grette sent a total of £8,000 ($10,740), according to The Mirror.He confessed to the crimeFinally, Grette thought something was wrong and stopped responding to Johnny's messages.A few weeks later, Johnny called and confessed that he was not who she thought he was."I said I already knew that. I asked him to tell me his true identity and he did," she told BBC News.He revealed that he was a scammer and that he felt he'd wronged "a lovely woman.""He said he had never met anyone like me before, that he had been fighting his feelings for me for a long time," Grette explained. "He said his scamming mates had warned him about falling in love with a 'client', that he had ignored them because he trusted me and did not want to lose contact with me."Instead of being furious, Grette found herself attracted to the man."The attraction I started feeling was to the person who was revealing himself to me... It was still him, but with a new name and different age and circumstances," she said."I wanted to meet him. I could not live with this relationship unless it was adjusted to reality in all senses."Maria GretteA new passion for helping othersSo Grette flew to Nigeria to meet her scammer, and it was emotional right from the start."When I saw him at the airport in Abuja, tears fell over his face, and I knew I had known him all my life," she said in the report.The romantic feelings between the two evolved into a friendship, but Grette became passionate about ensuring that others do not get so desperate as to become scammers in the future.She arranged for African artists to visit Europe for art exhibitions, workshops, conferences, and competitions. She also helped them find international grants and other funding."Johnny has given me more than he took.Without him, I would not have met Africa."Maria GretteInstead of demanding her money back, Grette actually sent her former scammer more money to complete his degree and he ended up getting a job in the American oil sector."He is very dear to me," she said. "He has asked me so many times to forgive him and I told him that the most important thing is to forgive himself."The power of forgivenessGrette had every right to feel furious. She was scammed out of $10,000 and not only that, "Johnny" betrayed her emotions.But Grette transformed those negative feelings into something positive, choosing to help the Nigerian man and at the same time developed a new passion for helping artists in Africa. The lesson here is that if we can muster the courage to forgive, then new doors can open up.More uplifting stories:4 Years Ago, He Was Homeless–Today, He Bought His First HousePoor Man Who Missed Job Interview To Save A Life Had Employers Lining Up To Hire HimDomestic Abuse Survivor Marries The First Responder Who Saved Her LifeBrooklyn Landlord Cancels Rent For Hundreds Of Tenants, Setting An Unprecedented Example For OthersLead With Compassion “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” - John Holmes

Teen Delivery Driver Scratches Rich Man's BMW By Mistake - Owner's Response Takes Him By Surprise
Uplifting News

Teen Delivery Driver Scratches Rich Man's BMW By Mistake - Owner's Response Takes Him By Surprise

Chen Yifan, 17, was out doing food deliveries in Zhengzhou, China, when he got a phone call about another order. As he answered it, he accidentally sideswiped a parked BMW with his electric tricycle.Mortified, Chen completed his delivery and returned to the car to apologize, but the driver wasn't there.“I drove back to the shop first and finished the delivery,” Chen told CCTV, China’s state-run news agency, according to a 2017 CNN report. “Then, I wrote an apology letter and headed back to the accident site.”He was 'really sorry for the accident'When the BMW owner, Xue Zhanmin, got up in the morning to get his car, he realized it had been scratched. Suddenly, he saw the letter from Chen along with 311 yuan ($45) in cash.Here's what it said, according to CNN: "Uncle, I’m sorry. I accidentally bumped into your car last night when I was driving an electric tricycle. I have all together over 300 yuan ($44), and give it to you as a compensation. I know the money was not enough, but that’s all the money I have. I feel really sorry for the accident.”Owner gives money back, and then someXue decided he couldn't be mad at the teenager, who probably came from a poor family. So, he asked a local traffic officer to help him track down Chen. Eventually, he did and returned the 311 yuan to the honest teen. But the story doesn't end here. He also gave Chen extra cash for a total of 10,000 yuan ($1,453).I wanted to return all the 311 yuan and I wanted to give him some financial support.Xue ZhanminThe power of forgivenessAccidents happen; nobody's perfect. But it's how we respond to our accidents and mistakes that counts.In this case, the teenager did the honest thing by apologizing to the owner and giving him as much money as possible. In many cases, the owner would just take the money and go — and that'd be fine. But Xue realized his financial privilege and forgave the boy instead, teaching him — and all of us — a valuable lesson in honesty.More uplifting stories:4 Years Ago, He Was Homeless–Today, He Bought His First HousePoor Man Who Missed Job Interview To Save A Life Had Employers Lining Up To Hire HimDomestic Abuse Survivor Marries The First Responder Who Saved Her LifeBrooklyn Landlord Cancels Rent For Hundreds Of Tenants, Setting An Unprecedented Example For OthersHonesty is the best policyIt's not always easy but it's always worth it.