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Man sitting in a wheelchair and a man crying, with text overlay "Dead serious man..."
Uplifting News

Desperate Man Needs to Pay Rent - Decides to Give His Money to a Stranger Instead

When an influencer approached a man on the street asking for money one day, he thought he would help him out with a generous gift. What he didn’t count on was an uplifting message to the rest of the world.

Teen speaking at her graduation ceremony and a man wearing a lime green jacket
Uplifting News

Teen Wins $40K Scholarship - Decides to Give It All Back For This Reason

Getting an education and strong grades are definitely important, and those values were certainly ones that a teen named Verda Annan grew up with. But she was also raised to understand the importance of community and giving back, so when she saw an opportunity to make an incredible difference in someone else’s life, she rose to the occasion.

Little boy choosing between a bouquet of flowers and a Batman toy and a father hugging his son.

Stranger Finds Poor Child Selling Gum - Tests Him With 2 Choices

The young boy is weaving through people, leading the man behind the camera a couple of short blocks away. "Hey buddy, are we there yet?" asks the man impatiently."Yes, it's here," replies the boy.What the boy reveals is so shocking, his father soon gets involved and the lives of all three are forever changed.

Man in a checked shirt and security camera footage of a boy speaking to an older man.
Uplifting News

Boy Gives His Only Dollar to a Homeless Man - Is Shocked to Learn His True Identity

Friendships can spark in the least likely places. But when one nine-year-old boy tried to do a good deed on a Good Friday, it was the start of a friendship no one saw coming.

Man speaking on the phone and crying a young man wearing a hoodie and wearing a backpack
Uplifting News

Fortnite Player Calls Mom and Makes Shocking Announcement on Livestream

Any parent who tells their kids that gaming doesn't pay may want to think again. A professional gamer, Aydan Conrad, surprised his mom by paying off her college loans. And she's got his gaming habit to thank for it.

Christian Bale Learns Something Shocking Following His Daughters Birth - This Inspires Him to Take Action
Uplifting News

Christian Bale Learns Something Shocking Following His Daughters Birth - This Inspires Him to Take Action

We often hear about actors’ high salaries and lavish lifestyles or follow them on social media as they hock brands and products they love. But celebrities can also give back in meaningful ways, using their money and platforms to inspire real change.That’s exactly what Batman, a.k.a. Christian Bale, decided to do with his privilege after he learned about the number of foster children living in California.A Big DreamFollowing the birth of his daughter Luka in 2005, Bale began to think about how her life would be affected if he and his wife, Sibi, weren’t around. It led him to learn more about the foster care system in California, and he was shocked to learn that the state has the largest number of foster kids in the country.Not only that, but Bale discovered that many siblings who go into the foster care system are forced to separate and are unable to grow up together. He and Sibi knew they wanted to create some good and inspire change, and learning about these circumstances inspired the couple.Bale decided to create a village where foster siblings could stay and grow up together.“Imagine the absolute pain and the trauma of losing your parents or being torn from your parents, and then losing your brothers and sisters on top of that. That’s no way to treat kids — and so, we will be the hub for that,” Bale told The Hollywood Reporter.A Plan in ActionBale decided to create this village 16 years ago, but crews finally broke ground on the location earlier this year. To get this far, Bale teamed with the non-profit Together California and found a location near McAdam Park in Palmdale, LA.“I had the very unrealistic idea that within one year I’d have created a miniature Sound of Music with kids singing on hills in an endlessly joyful environment,” Bale explained.“But I discovered no, it takes an awful long time and really well-motivated people. It’s complicated and tough to help kids,” he continued. “It should be a hell of a lot easier than it was, but I didn’t flinch for one second.”“I would have done it all if it was just me by myself here,” Bale added to The Associated Press. “It's way more complex. These are people's lives. And we need to be able to have them land on their feet when they age out. There's so much involved in this.”Once complete, the village will consist of 12 three-bedroom townhomes, each capable of housing six children. A full-time professionally trained foster parent will live in each one to offer care and support.There will also be a 7,000-square-foot community center for programs and services and studio apartments for family visits. The apartments will also serve as transitional housing for children who are aging out of foster care.“I hope that this village will be the first of many, and I hope that people, Californians and Angelenos, know to come join us in opening our eyes to what’s happening right under our noses,” Bale added to The Hollywood Reporter. “These are our children, and we must help our children.”Doing Our PartIt’s inspiring to hear about actors, sports stars, and other celebrities giving back, especially since they tend to have more money and followers who can make a big difference. However, their actions also remind us that anyone can — and should — give back when they can.Giving back doesn’t have to look like building a village for foster children. It can be volunteering at a center or with a cause that matters to you. Or, it can be even smaller acts, like donating extra food, making drop-offs at a local charity, or participating in a fundraiser.Or, if you are in a position to do more, consider fostering a child or getting involved. There are more than 400,000 children in the U.S. foster care system who are in need of a loving parent, and plenty of organizations, like Foster America, that are committed to making a difference through education and volunteerism.No matter how you help out, giving back to the community enriches your life and allows you to connect with others in deep and meaningful ways.More from Goalcast:10-Year-Old Nobody Wanted to Adopt Is Sent to Live With Foster Family – This Would Completely Change Both Their Lives11-Year-Old Foster Girl Sent to Principal’s Office for Fighting – Little Did She Know What Was Going to Happen NextChristian Bale: Get More Satisfaction Out Of Your Work

Customer Walks Into Business and Demands a $1000 Hamburger - The Owner Refuses and Does This Instead
Uplifting News

Customer Walks Into Business and Demands a $1000 Hamburger - The Owner Refuses and Does This Instead

It goes without saying that after the COVID-19 pandemic everyone was hit hard. But some of the people who were hit the hardest were small business owners.In the early pandemic, over 700,000 independent American businesses shut down. Even though the figures are heartbreaking...there's one small business owner out there who's giving us hope!In the small town of Windsor, Ontario, Taystee Grill made it through the pandemic.But instead of hoarding their resources, the team at Taystee Grill are inviting others who are not-so-fortunate to join them on the other side — one hamburger at a time.With the help of one crazy customer, Taystee Grill put their money where their mouths were — literally.What's even better? They caught the whole thing on camera.A Stranger Demanded a “$1000 Hamburger”@mdmotivator/TikTokIt was business as usual at Taystee Grill, when a strange customer came in making an even stranger request."Can I have a $1,000 Hamburger?" Zachery DereniowskiWith hamburgers priced at under $10, the female employee manning the burger counter didn't understand this customer's question."Don't worry about it," she insisted, declining this customer's crazy offer. But he didn't seem satisfied.She didn't know what else to say to keep this customer happy. So she simply suggested the gentleman check out their (reasonably priced) menu. But this was one customer who wouldn't let up!The customer continued asking for $1,000 hamburger. When he could see he wasn't getting anywhere with her, he switched up his strategy. Instead, he asked if the owner of the restaurant was around. Not sure how else to deal with this customer, the Taystee Grill employee called in her boss, Haissam Chouman — and you won't believe what happened next.So, see for yourself because the entire bizarre exchange was caught on camera!Watch Taystee Grill's Video:He Made Them an Offer They Couldn’t RefuseYes. As it turns out, the "strange customer" was none other than Zachery Dereniowski, otherwise known as @mdmotivator. For those who aren't familiar with his "body of work," Dereniowski is an internet celebrity who made his fame off of giving others his fortune! His instagram bio simply reads: "kindness is cool" — and he's not wrong.He Was a Man With a PlanWhen he walked into Taystee Grill, Dereniowski wanted to hit two birds with one stone. He wanted to give an independent restaurant a little unforeseen boost of $1000 in under 10 minutes — and he wanted to take those burgers to feed the homeless.But Taystee Grill owner, Haissam Chouman refused. He wouldn't accept the $1,000. What he did instead, was so much better.Together, They Went to Feed the HomelessIn a twist, @mdmotivator didn't see coming — his money was no good at Taystee Grill. Chouman was so inspired by his act of goodwill, he agreed to make 100 hamburgers for free. Not only that, but Chouman decided he would take the rest of the day off, to help Dereniowski feed the streets."There is a lot of people who need help. We feed people — me and you." Haissam Chouman, Owner of Tasytee GrillIn a beautiful act of conjoined kindness, Chouman and Dereniowski hit the streets together, to hand out burgers to those in need of a hot bite to eat.The video went viral and the comment section blew up. "This is Taystee Grill in Windsor. SUPPORT THEM ❤️" is just one comment (written by @r.a.n.n.a.e) that racked up 84K likes!Haissam Chouman's local community couldn't have been more proud of their neighbor and they wanted the world to know it!His Message to the World Is a Message for Us All@mdmotivator/TikTokWhile they prepared the food, Dereniowski asked Chouman one important question. He asked him if he had a "message for the world."And Chouman's answer didn't disappoint."Just live together. No war. Nothing. Everybody love each other. Live together. Love is the best."Haissam Chouman, Owner of Taystee GrillSure, it may sound like a simple philosophy, but it's obviously effective. His soft-hearted words aren't just words, they are a way of life. And he's practicing what he preaches! It's a gentle reminder that we should all do the same.More from Goalcast:

Popular Jock Defends Bullied Girl in Exchange for Homework - Years Later, He Shows Up With a Shocking Offer
Uplifting News

Popular Jock Defends Bullied Girl in Exchange for Homework - Years Later, He Shows Up With a Shocking Offer

*Featured image contains photo by RDNE Stock project and PixabayFor a lot of teenagers, high school is a battlefield. It's not just a place of education; it's a microcosm of society where social dynamics reign supreme, bullies rule, and the struggle for acceptance and belonging can feel like a war zone.One Redditor who goes by u/pasanquecosas knows this only too well. Now 29, her high school experience was far from idyllic. That is until she struck a deal with her popular classmate. In exchange for doing his homework, he defended her against her bullies. It was a win-win.She found peace and he found a transcript littered with good grades. But that's not all he found. He went on to become wildly successful (and RICH). And while @pananquecosas may have forgotten about him, he never forgot about her. Recently, he messaged her on Instagram to say "thank you" for giving him a leg up all those years ago. And to pay her back? He offered to buy her a car. AND a house. A Ghost From the Past Comes Forward With a Gift for the FutureIn a Reddit post that has gone viral, @pasanquecosas shares her story, explaining that when she was in high school she was a magnet for bullies due to having cerebral palsy, walking with crutches, and being a self-professed "nerd.""One year they mixed us so I had new classmates. The bullying was worse but then one of the popular guys would defend me. At first, I was confused but when I saw that he would leave me his notebooks I understood," she writes."And so began our symbiotic (?) relationship. The bullying stopped and I would make his homework every day. We never talked about it, and whenever he spoke to me he sounded angry."@pasanquecosas via RedditThis continued for three years until they both graduated and went their separate ways. They never spoke again. Until out of the blue, he slid into her DMs. "But then a week ago he reached out on Instagram. He told me how good life had been for him, he offered to buy me a house and a car. At first, I thought it was a scam but we made video calls, he showed me things and it’s legit," she writes.Turns out, Mr. Popularity is now a "successful businessman worth millions living abroad." Woman Refuses Former Classmate's OfferThe guy I did homework for in high school reached out and now wants to buy me a house byu/pasanquecosas inTrueOffMyChestSurprisingly, @pasanquecosas refused his offers. Despite how difficult being disabled and a woman in her (unnamed) country can be, she's doing okay on her own.And then the phone rang. It was a medical center informing her that someone had paid for three years worth of physical therapy. Yup, Mr. P. Confused by what to do about his generosity, she decided to take to the Reddit community, "True Off My Chest," for guidance."I’m still ??????? cause I saw our relationship as purely transactional and now he comes and says he owes me????? im so confused."She also added the comment, "It’s an amazing gesture but I don’t really feel like I did something worthy of such gratitude."While she may have been confused, more than 500 commenters weren't. Almost all of them encouraged her to take him up on his offers.Paying It Backwards A week after writing the first Reddit post, @pasanquecosas added a follow-up post. "We did another video call where I explained to him why I was hesitant to accept and told him all my doubts and fears about the whole ordeal," she writes."He also opened up to me and told me some sensitive stuff, which I would’ve never imagined. At the end we agreed that he would finish paying the car I had just started paying through credit. And also we found a little nice apartment in a good zone where I could be more comfortable."Her lawyer is currently working on the paperwork. She adds that despite their mutual gratitude, this isn't the start of an amazing friendship. Some things are best left in the past. "I feel like this closed a chapter in my life and I think it’s the same for him. I don’t think we’ll ever talk again, nor do I think we are friends. He truly lives in another world and our realities are not compatible."Sometimes We Have No Idea of the Impact We Have on Others@Pasanquecosas admits that it wasn't until Mr. P reached out to her that she stopped to think about how their arrangement positively impacted her own life. In her mind, it was just a mutually beneficial contract.Doing his homework was a means to an end; a way to survive high school. It was a standard case of, "If you'll scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."In Mr.P's mind, however, it was so much more. It not only helped set him on the path to success but it made such a massive impact that it drove him to seek her out years later so he could repay her WITH A HOUSE.Oftentimes, we don't realize how our small day-to-day actions can affect others. And what may seem fairly insignificant to us? May hold significant meaning for someone else. More from Goalcast:Teacher Hand Delivers Free Lunches to His Students at Their House – But That Wasn’t All He BroughtStranger Shows Up at Woman’s House in the Middle of the Night – Her Doorbell Camera Catches the Entire Exchange8-Year-Old Loses All His Toys in a House Fire – Little Did He Know His Classmates and Teachers Had a Secret

Mom Visits Store to Buy Diapers for Her Baby - Finds a Letter That Shocks Her
Uplifting News

Mom Visits Store to Buy Diapers for Her Baby - Finds a Letter That Shocks Her

*Featured image contains photo by Craig AdderleyWhat happens is so shocking, that she goes online in a frantic attempt to find out who is behind it.The Crushing Cost of ParenthoodPhoto by Nicola BartsRaising a child is pricey business, and the cost is only rising.As per CBS, "The cost of raising a child from birth to age 17 will set you back by about $310,000." It's pushed more and more families into homelessness. One of the biggest infant expenses is diapers -- and lots of them. So when Brisbane native Michelle Patricia Bennett is strolling down the aisle at Woolworth's to buy some for her baby one day, she's price-watching. After all, she doesn't want any surprises. Fast forward a couple of days later. Bennett recalls that she was "having a day at home just trying to catch up on the mountains of housework," when a surprise is exactly what she gets. A Stunning Surprise From Aisle 5Photo by Eduardo SoaresThat's because, as she opens up the box of diapers, she discovers something else inside. It's a five-dollar bill -- with a note. What it reads gives her the motivation to share her experience online and it quickly goes viral.Bennett's post is titled 'My Wealthy Wednesday.' "To the kind person that has done this, thank you!!! It is such a wonderful gesture and certainly brought a smile to my face," she writes.She includes a picture of the note which reads:If you having a tough day, I thought maybe I can brighten it up with this little surprise. Go buy a coffee or a scratch ticket. Practice some self-care today. Always remember you are much loved and you are amazing :)Bennett continues, "I'll definitely get a coffee or a scratchy soon."The story had the internet gushing with awestruck comments. "Oh, that's so sweet," posted one woman. "So nice of someone to do such a thing. Lovely little surprise -- a little bit of kindness goes a long way.""This is absolutely beautiful," added another. How a Mother Reminds Us That the Small Things MatterIt doesn't take an economist to know that it's not just parents who are feeling the financial crunch. Per Business Insider, "bankruptcies, foreclosures, and other money problems like car repossessions and loan defaults" have consumer stress levels the highest in four years. While the struggle is real, it's no match for kindness. Among the quotes on kindness, one by Abraham Lincoln reads, " Kindness is the only service that will stand the storm of life and not wash out." It might be a little legal leniency for a single mother, making a waitress's wish come true or repaying a treasured teacher. No matter the situation, through all of life's waves and ripples, kindness endures. Let's all keep that close to heart the next time we're in a bind.More from Goalcast:Single Mom’s Biggest Fear Is Regarding Her 14-Year-Old Son – So His Teacher Makes Her an OfferSingle Mom’s Driveway Is “Stolen” in Broad Daylight – Then a Stranger Makes an Offer She Can’t RefuseBoy Suddenly Goes Missing During Routine Walmart Trip – His Mom Finds Him in an Unlikely Place

Man Crosses Paths With Fellow Uber Eats Delivery Driver - Their Conversation Reveals Something Shocking
Uplifting News

Man Crosses Paths With Fellow Uber Eats Delivery Driver - Their Conversation Reveals Something Shocking

Instagram account @bikingDC is putting a new twist on what it means to be an influencer. Instead of showing off flashy cars, expensive watches, or lavish vacations — account admin aka UberEats delivery driver, Joshua Cavallero has a different mission — and it's beautiful.During a routine pickup, Cavallero was shocked when he crossed paths with a fellow UberEats cyclist "grinding" on a broken foot.So he decided to help make his day — and his rent cheque!Who Is @bikingDC?With over 1M followers it's safe to say @bikingDC has an impressive reach, but not for the reason you think.The 26-year-old is, by all standards, just a regular guy. So how does he get so many people invested in his day-to-day life? His hook is simple really.It all started during the summer of 2022. With the help of his GoPro, @bikingDC has recorded over 400 videos sharing what his day looks like as a delivery cyclist in Washington, DC.His adventures around the city have made him somewhat of a local celebrity and have even spurred a series of copycats. But the main purpose of this account is to demonstrate and expose what it's really like in the customer service industry. Needless to say the days can be emotionally and physically demanding, but for one fellow cyclist, the seemingly "simple" job took a whole new toll on his body.He Was Going About His Business — Then It Turned PersonalDuring a routine pickup, Cavallero crossed paths with a fellow UberEats cyclist, Kevin Ross, 44. He struck up a conversation and it didn't take long for Cavallero to notice something was really wrong with this picture. "This guy is the definition of never giving up… I couldn’t believe that he was doing this."@bikingDCNot only was Kevin Ross riding a bike with backwards wheels but he had entered the restaurant propped up by a metal walker — and the reason is heartbreaking. A Car Crash Put Him in the Hospital for 2 WeeksRoss had a broken foot from injuries he had sustained weeks prior in a car accident. He spent two weeks in the hospital and accrued medical debt bills he couldn't come close to paying. To make matters worse his rent was overdue.It was an impossible situation with seemingly no solution.Time had already run out, so Ross did the only thing he could do. He turned on his UberEats deliveries, got on his bike with a broken foot, and pedalled to the next pickup. The very same day he met Cavallero he had planned to ask his neighbor for a loan to avoid eviction. But fate stepped in and what happened next was even better."I love how humble this guy was. He was talking about doing this like it was no big deal too."@bikingDCWatch the Viral Video Below: His Followers Raised Over $2,500The interaction was brief, but Cavallero was quick to make sure he grabbed Ross's CashApp username. Cavallero said he wanted to send him a "tip," but what he did instead was much more meaningful.Cavallero shared video on Instagram and TikTok with his followers and the exchange racked up millions of views. In his caption he gently nudged his audience in the direction of kindness.@bikingdc/ InstagramThe comments came pouring in...and so did the cash. The next time Ross checked his CashApp he couldn't believe his eyes. In a matter of minutes he had received over $2,500 — there must have been a mistake; but he was wrong, in the best way!Ross said he didn’t know at first where that money had come from. He didn’t know that Cavallero ran @bikingDC and posted his CashApp information along with the video of them meeting. When Ross finally saw Cavallero’s post, he read through hundreds of comments.“We Gave Our Money to the Right Guy”“Most of the comments were people showing me love,” Ross said. “I really, really appreciate the kindness of people. Not just the money. I went through all the comments and almost all of them are positive.”Once Ross found Cavallero's social media page, the UberEats cyclists were able to connect at a restaurant once again — but this time they weren't ordering to-go. Ross and Cavallero met up at a local Nando's. They caught up and as a gesture of good faith Ross insisted on paying for the meal. After much protesting, Cavallero let him.“I felt like I had to do something for him,” Ross told me. “He really helped me out and changed my life because I was struggling.”The Giving Kept Going!Cavallero posted the heartwarming follow-up video to his page, wrapping up this chapter with a sweet bow. He noted while his bike was still damaged, Ross planned to save up to repair the front rack. Within in hours a generous follower (@justalivingcaitlin) had donated one to Ross herself.Blessing Others Like We Want to Be Blessed“I used to want to be that guy who would get caught in a giveback video, where someone would walk up to me and be like, ‘Here’s $1,000 dollars!’” Cavallero shared with the Washington Post. Cavallero said he posted that video of Ross because he respected him. He also could relate to him. He himself started delivering for UberEats after he lost his job and needed to pay his bills.“I was so broke. I wanted someone to bless me. But it’s amazing to be able to be the person blessing people. Now, I’m the guy who can put someone’s CashApp out there with a sincere story and use my platform to get them back on their feet.”Cavallero's story is a great reminder that while we may not have the power to handout infinite cash to all those in need, we do have the power to bless others the way we want to be blessed, in ways both big and small.More from Goalcast: