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Diner Owner Finds Out Homeless People Are Begging His Customers for Money - The Way He Handled It Goes Viral
Uplifting News

Diner Owner Finds Out Homeless People Are Begging His Customers for Money - The Way He Handled It Goes Viral

Restaurant owner Collin Doran is putting a lifelong lesson to work, everyday. In fact, he's putting the "break" in breakfast; or at least, he's helping his lower-income customers catch one (so to speak).Doran is the proud owner of Homemade Diner in Berkeley, California. When it comes to feeding his customers? He's serving eggs and bacon with an unexpected side of kindness. When he was growing up, the entrepreneur never forgot one simple lesson he learned from his grandfather — the importance of helping those in need.“When I was 12, we were settings things up for Thanksgiving dinner and he told me, ‘Remember — you should never look down on anyone.'"Well, twelve years and thousands of free breakfasts later, it's safe to say, Collin Doran has definitely made his grandfather proud. In every free breakfast, his legacy lives on.A “Problem” He Couldn’t IgnoreKarl Mondon/ Bay Area News GroupIt all started in 2011 when Collin Doran, 53, noticed the presence of homeless individuals outside his beloved diner, begging for spare change to buy food from people passing by.Rather than turning them away or asking that they "leave his customers alone," he decided to do something so much better.In a heartwarming act, he came up with a simple (but not easy) solution. He decided he would commit to giving a free two-egg breakfast with all the fixings to those in need — no questions asked.All were welcomed into the Homemade Diner with open arms. No one was asked to share their story or prove why they were truly in need. No vetting process was necessary. Doran chose to follow blind faith and lead with love.Over a decade later, his trust had paid off in spades.“Instead of ushering people away, I told them, ‘If you’re hungry, let us know and we’ll feed you,’” said Doran. “Right away, people started taking me up on it.”Twelve Years Later, the Pandemic Hit HardCharlotte DoranIt's safe to say, Homemade Diner's mission was alive and well but like so many other small businesses, the pandemic threatened to ruin all they had worked towards.Doran shared that over the course of two years during the pandemic, he drained $200,000 out of his savings account. All to make sure his devoted employees could stay employed during lockdown!It was clear when hard times hit, his generosity wasn't just an act for when times were good — for richer or poorer, it was truly who he was.When He Stepped Up His Community Stepped InWith his incredible initiative over the years, Doran didn't just give back to the community, he also helped it grow. After years of giving his support and hundreds and thousands of dollars, the community he help served for all those years — literally — had his back.“My customers raised more than $30,000 for the restaurant through a GoFundMe I started last fall when we were struggling financially,” Doran shared with the Washington Post.His Customers Chipped In — And It Changed EverythingCharlotte DoranFor years, Doran had been keeping his free meal service alive and well on his own, but when the pandemic hit, it changed everyone's hearts for the good.Customers old and new decided they wanted to do their part.Some customers donated upwards of $5 per meal to help fund “Everybody Eats” at Homemade Diner. One customer even made monthly donations of $100.Everyone has value. We are all worth more than the change in our pocket. “It became clear to me that the reason customers wanted to help was because they’d seen how we’d fed people in the community over the years,” Doran noted. “People didn’t want to lose that. It made sense to continue to provide them with a way to chip in.” Collin Doran, Owner of Homemade DinerEvery penny counts and long after the pandemic, Homemade Diner is accepting donations big and small (or none at all)!Since January, for every $5 donated by a customer, Doran has posted a “free meal” ticket on a bulletin board in his diner to be used by anyone who is hungry. The donations cover the costs of “eggs any way,” served with potatoes, toast, and coffee. “But on days when we run out of tickets, we keep serving free meals anyway,” Doran noted when it comes to bending the rules. “Nobody should go hungry. This is the right thing to do.”Taking It One Step Further — He Offered One Homeless Customer a JobKPixThough Collin Doran has certainly touched many lives, there's one customer in particular who is forever grateful for the small-time restauranteur's kindness.Daniel Amokye was a former unhoused person who benefitted from Homemade Diner's free breakfast program.Amokye heard about the amazing program from a friend and thought it was too good to be true. When he went to check it out for himself, he couldn't believe his was exactly as his friend promised.The diner treated Amokye to his first hot meal in a long time and he returned several times that week to grab another hot meal — he was never turned away.In fact, the exact opposite thing happened next. Instead of telling Amokye he had "come too many times," they offered him to come back as many times as he wanted — only this time he'd be behind the counter instead of in front of it.Doran didn't hesitate to offer Amokye a position to work as a dishwasher at the diner — and Amokye couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity.“Now I’m here pretty much every day — grateful for the chance to work,” Amokye shared. “Collin and his cafe have touched many lives, but especially mine.”Kindness Really Is Contagious!Even if you aren't sure if the love you're pouring out into the world is really making a difference — it always is.Doran's story shows us what one simple act can do. One free meal turned into another and another, until thousands of people were not just fed but truly received. There is no greater gift we can give another human than to recognize their innate goodness and welcome them. Relationships come in all different forms where some last a life time, but even the most fleeting moments of kindness can change the course of someone's day.The choices we make today define our tomorrow. We are our habits. When we choose kindness, it becomes part of who we are.More from Goalcast:

After Spending More Than 20 Years in Prison, Ex-convict Turned Franchise Owner Is Paying It Forward
Success Stories

After Spending More Than 20 Years in Prison, Ex-convict Turned Franchise Owner Is Paying It Forward

Sajad Shakoor may be living the American Dream, but for a lot of years, he was living a nightmare. Sentenced to life in prison at just 23 years old, his future was bleak.But then he got a second chance. And now? He's using his second chance and giving it to others. Sajad Shakoor’s Road to the American Dream Was Paved With Cell BlocksSajad was a senior in high school when he first saw the inside of a prison cell's walls. He spent the next four years in and out of jail until two robbery felonies and one fistfight later, he was sentenced to life.A victim of California’s since-amended "3 Strikes Law," it didn't matter that his third conviction should have been a misdemeanor. According to the law at the time, it was three strikes and you're out! (Or rather, in — for life). "I was in prison most of my life, over 20 years," Sajad told CBS News. "I went in when I was in high school. I went in for a third strike. My third strike was instigating a fist fight and this was a law where if you had two previous felonies, your third one no matter what it was, it would give you a life sentence."Despite the odds being stacked against him, Sajad refused to just give up. During his 21 years in San Quentin State Prison, he worked with California Senator Dave Cortese to change the 3 Strikes Law — so that a life sentence is only imposed if all three felonies are "serious" or "violent." He also completed his GED, earned his BA, started his Ph.D., and discovered a new passion for cooking. "I always loved to cook, but I became more proficient in San Quentin. I worked in the chow hall, and I learned I had a passion for cooking and education," he said.And in 2013, two decades after he walked through the prison gates, he finally walked out a free man, thanks to significant changes he helped bring about to the law that initially put him there.After More Than 20 Years in Prison, Sajad Shakoor Seizes His Second Chance and Doesn’t Let GoOnce out of prison, Sajad decided to continue working on his Ph.D. in education. He also found a job as a cook at a restaurant called Falafel Corner in Fremont, California. His cooking was so good that three years later, his manager asked him to partner with him on a new location. It was just the beginning. Sajad eventually bought out his old manager and in just five short years, he expanded the Falafel Corner into a successful franchise with 40 locations across California.Sajad credits his Mexican and Pakistani roots for his success, along with a few tricks he picked up in prison."One of the specialties and what I was known for and the reason why I have it on my menu here was the quesadilla," Sajad told CBS News. "We couldn't get cheese in prison so I used to have to make my own cheese. We'd bring back milk from the kitchen and get kitchen hats and hair nets and strain the cheese through there and let it dry."Whatever it is, it's definitely working. Falafel Corner is one of the world's largest restaurant brands (at least, according to its website). And the ex-convict turned business owner even received the Certificate of Congressional Recognition honoring small businesses.Paying It ForwardNot only has the now-50-something Sajad achieved the American Dream, but he's using his story to change the lives of others just like him. He purposefully looks for people who are looking for a second chance to own each shop."My franchise attorney... he said 'Man, you are the most unfranchise-like franchise I've ever seen in my life," Sajad said. "The fact is, I'm pulling from the bottom -- those guys need a hand. And at the end of the day, they're going to be more appreciative (of) this opportunity."He also has some good advice for people who may be feeling like their pasts define their futures. "You know, regardless of your past, just focus on your future," he continued. "Have good intentions for people and things will turn around for you. That's the story of my life. I turned my life around, I've come back and now I'm giving back. You do that, and all these doors will open up for you."For this inspiring ex-convict, that's 40 doors...and counting. More from Goalcast:Guard Refuses to Back Down Even After Prison Forbids Her From Taking Care of Inmate’s Baby – Her Kindness Gets Her FiredShe Was Born in Prison and Then Raised by a Single Dad – Years Later, She’s Going to Harvard on a Full ScholarshipInnocent Man Is Sent to Prison for a Crime He Did NOT Commit – 40 Years Later, He’s Alive to Tell His Story

Angry Customer Throws a Drink at Pregnant McDonalds Worker - But One Stranger Witnesses Everything
Uplifting News

Angry Customer Throws a Drink at Pregnant McDonalds Worker - But One Stranger Witnesses Everything

In the bustling world of fast food, Bryanna faced a situation no one should ever endure. A disgruntled customer, seething with rage, threw a drink at her. Why? Simply because it wasn't what he wanted. This shocking incident unfolded at a McDonald’s in suburban Atlanta, a place where Bryanna, a pregnant employee, was just trying to do her job.How One Stranger Helped a Pregnant McDonald’s WorkerThe assailant, driven by dissatisfaction, flung the drink back at Bryanna, leaving her covered in ice, soda, and syrup. The sheer audacity of the act bewildered Feroza Syed, a real estate broker who happened to be the next customer in line. She took to Facebook to share the distressing incident that occurred on December 4th.“At the drive-thru, a guy in front of me threw a soda at the woman because it wasn’t what he wanted,” she recounted on Facebook. Feroza, who had previously worked in food services, was appalled by the man's behavior, especially considering the challenging circumstances we all face.Approaching the drive-thru, Feroza didn't just stand by as a passive witness. She extended compassion and generosity. Offering Bryanna a cash tip and the willingness to call the police, Feroza went above and beyond. Little did she know, this was only the beginning of her extraordinary act of kindness.Upon leaving to note down the man's license plate, Feroza discovered Bryanna's pregnancy. Touched by the situation, Feroza conceived a beautiful idea — an online registry for Bryanna's baby. Her intention was simple: to do something genuinely nice for a woman who had just faced a traumatic incident.How a Stranger Proved the Importance of Compassion“I thought, let me do something nice for her," Feroza shared. Initially, she hoped to raise a modest sum, maybe $300 or $400, for Bryanna to treat herself. However, the response exceeded all expectations. In just 24 hours, donations flooded in, accumulating to a staggering $1,700.“She’s just obviously going crazy with joy. We’ve become friends through this, and it’s just insane to see such love and joy and happiness,” Feroza shared.What began as a despicable act of mistreatment transformed into a heartwarming display of human kindness. Feroza's gesture not only provided financial support but also formed a bond between two individuals who, under ordinary circumstances, might never have crossed paths.On Facebook, Feroza emphasized the power of collective goodwill: "When we talk about how to give back to our essential workers who put their lives on the line, feeding, housing, shopping, and providing healthcare for us remember that anyone can do what I did."Her message underscores the significance of small acts, each donation a testament to the empathy and generosity that can emerge even from the most unexpected places. In a world often marred by negativity, Feroza's uplifting response shines as a beacon of hope, reminding us all that, indeed, anyone can make a difference.More from Goalcast:Firefighter Tragically Kills Pastor’s Pregnant Wife – Instead of Getting Revenge, the Widower Befriends HimPregnant Woman Is Unable to Take Maternity Leave – Then, Her Manager Tells Her a Lie to Bring Her Into WorkPregnant Woman Goes Into Labor on the Front Porch of Her House – Police Officer Jumps Into Action and Delivers Her Baby

Thrift Store Manager Sifts Through Donation Clothes - Is Taken Back When Something Unexpected Falls Out of One of the Shirts
Uplifting News

Thrift Store Manager Sifts Through Donation Clothes - Is Taken Back When Something Unexpected Falls Out of One of the Shirts

*Featured image contains photo by Julia M CameronImagine finding a bundle of cash, and not just a few crumpled dollars, but a whopping $5,000. What would you do? Most people might be tempted to keep it, to rationalize that no one would ever know. But there's a thrift shop manager in the Bay Area who showed the world that kindness, pure and simple, is the path he'd choose.The day started like any other at the Pick of the Litter in Burlingame, where Oliver Jolis was managing the shop, ringing up sales, and sorting through donated items. But this ordinary day would soon take an extraordinary turn.What One Manager Found in a Bag of Donation ClothesPhoto by Karolina GrabowskaAs Jolis sifted through bags of donated clothes, money literally started falling out. A coworker, Amy Walsh, described it as, "Money just started falling out." Imagine their surprise as they witnessed cash fluttering down around them. It wasn't just a handful of bills; it was a substantial sum, a whopping $5,000 in cold, hard cash.Naturally, they were taken aback. It would have been easy to succumb to the temptation, to pocket the money and keep it a secret. But Oliver Jolis, showing the true essence of kindness and honesty, decided on a different course of action.Amidst the unexpected windfall, he discovered an old piece of paper within the bag, an old piece of car insurance information. Instead of keeping the money, Oliver and his coworkers made a remarkable decision. They embarked on a quest to find the owner of this cash, this small fortune that had inexplicably landed in their thrift store.Their journey to locate the owner was not in vain. With determination, they reached out to the woman who had donated items to the store. To ensure her identity, they asked her a series of questions. She answered them all correctly, confirming her as the rightful owner.The woman requested to remain anonymous, citing concerns for her safety and the fear of being targeted. She understood that in many situations, someone could have easily kept the money. It could have quietly slipped into the manager's pocket, and no one would have been the wiser. Yet, Oliver Jolis made a choice that would reaffirm one's faith in the inherent goodness of people."I said, 'Come on down, I've got something for you.' She came back, and I gave her $5,000 in a paper bag and said, 'Thank you for supporting us,'" Oliver recalled. It was a simple act, yet it spoke volumes about his character.How One Man Proved the Importance of IntegrityAt Pick of the Litter, Oliver Jolis has quickly become a familiar face. The thrift shop's profits contribute to the Peninsula Humane Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to finding homes for thousands of animals, many of whom arrive sick or injured. Oliver, himself, adopted his furry companions, Summer and Alzie.Regular customers have become friends, and the spirit of kindness and honesty reverberates through the store. San Mateo resident Trina Pierce expressed, "I wasn't surprised he found it and gave it back. We just love Oliver. The whole staff is great, but Oliver is special."That spirit of kindness infuses every corner of Pick of the Litter, enhancing not only their sales and revenue but also ensuring that countless animals find loving homes.In the anonymous woman's words, "Whatever you do in this world comes back to you ten times, be it negativity or positivity, it comes back." And it's evident that in this tale of kindness, positivity reverberated and touched the hearts of those who witnessed it.Oliver's furry friends, Summer and Alzie, serve as a testament to the enduring bonds of friendship and kindness. It's a reminder that a small act of goodness can create ripples of positivity in the world. Oliver's decision was not only honorable but a lesson for all of us. Kindness doesn't demand recognition or reward; it thrives in the selfless act itself.More from Goalcast:Homeless Man Returns Stranger’s Lost Check Instead of Keeping It – Their Conversation Was About to Change His LifeThree Kids Find Wallet Stuffed With $700 and Return It – Little Did They Know What Was Coming NextUnemployed Man Searches for Stranger Who Returned His $273M Lotto Ticket — and Hopes to Share His Earnings

Single Mom Cleans Four Bedroom Home Then Told She Gets to Keep It - Later She Finds Out It Was A "Prank"
Uplifting News

Single Mom Cleans Four Bedroom Home Then Told She Gets to Keep It - Later She Finds Out It Was A "Prank"

There are so many people out there who work grueling jobs with little reward, struggling to make ends meet paycheck to paycheck. In today’s economy, it’s not uncommon to hear stories of parents who are doing everything they can to keep their families clothed, fed, and housed.So when you hear about such hard workers getting a much-deserved break in life, you can’t help but tear up.A Magical Day OffA single mother-of-three named Cara Simmons is one of those hardworking people. The maid never takes a day off and gives everything she’s got to her work and family. So much so that Simmons had been in and out of the hospital from exhaustion, and her medical bills were piling up.So when Prank It Forward, an organization dedicated to doing pranks for good, asked Simmons’ company if they could nominate a deserving person for a surprise, Simmons’ manager instantly recommended her. Maid Brite then sent Simmons to a home to clean up before a big party.“Cara is an amazing person. An amazing sister. She's selfless, she works hard,” her sister, Glo Nicholson, told cameras.When Simmons arrived, however, she was informed by a secret actor that the house had already been cleaned. However, the owner was hoping that Simmons could help her out by taste-testing the menu for that evening’s party.Floored, Simmons sat down and was served several gourmet dishes that included ingredients like lobster, Kobe beef, white truffles, and edible gold. In a video shared by Daily Mail, you can see Simmons’ eyes growing larger with each passing plate.Once all the food was cleared away, Simmons was then asked if she could sit in a massage chair so that the two masseuses the “owner” had hired could warm up their fingers before the party started.An hour later, Simmons was needed upstairs, where the owner had laid out a bunch of clothing she was “donating” and told the maid to take her pick. It turned out that earlier, producers had taken Simmons’ sister shopping to help pick out things she’d like.The Surprise of a LifetimeAfter Simmons was done marveling over all of the clothes, shoes, and jewelry, the doorbell rang. Simmons was asked to answer it, and movers began bringing in boxes. As Simmons started unpacking a box, she realized it contained her possessions.At first, the “mover,” who was actually host Greg Benson, pretended he had no idea who Simmons was. He was simply doing a job and delivering these boxes to the owner of the house, a Ms. Cara Simmons. When Simmons looked outside at the moving truck, she got an even bigger surprise: her three kids jumped out of the back. They, along with her boss and her sister, were all in on the prank. But no one knew what was coming next.Benson introduced himself and explained that Simmons had been nominated as a deserving person who could use some paying it forward. He then revealed to everyone that the newly renovated, four-bedroom house belonged to her and her kids. Simmons could barely find words. “Thank you,” she said as they handed her the keys.“I had no idea what was going on. It was the most amazing prank,” Simmons later revealed to It ForwardThere’s a reason this story is sheer joy: Simmons works hard every day to make her family proud of her, and even though it’s hard work, she keeps going. So it’s nice to see her get something back for all of those efforts.But this story is also a reminder that there are many people out there who are in the same situation as Simmons, and they, too, could use a boost. Heck, maybe you’re one of them. The good news is we can all help each other through simple acts of paying it forward.That could come in the form of paying for the person’s coffee behind you at the drive-through. Or maybe you want to give an extra generous tip to a server or barista. It could also mean giving away old clothes, bringing someone flowers, or doing any other act that will brighten someone’s day.They say that in a community, one good deed deserves another. But also, all of us are deserving of good deeds.More from Goalcast:Small Town Shocked to Learn Army Veteran Was Secretly Paying Stranger’s Bills for a DecadeStruggling Waiter Doesn’t Know How He Will Pay for College – Then a Famous Customer’s Tip Leaves Him Speechless

8-Year-Old Driving With His Dad Insists on Pulling Over - His Next Move Is Being Praised by Strangers
Uplifting News

8-Year-Old Driving With His Dad Insists on Pulling Over - His Next Move Is Being Praised by Strangers

In the heart of Wisconsin, in the midst of a snowy Sunday, a heartwarming tale unfolded. A devoted father from Milwaukee, Daniel Medina took to Facebook to share his "proud dad moment", when his sons insisted on pulling the car to a stop, to aid a man in a wheelchair by shoveling snow.The Reason Why Two Boys Asked Their Dad to Stop Driving the CarIn a heartfelt interview, Medina shared how the heartwarming experience unfolded. Medina's sons aged, 6 and 8, saw a man in a wheelchair trying his best to shovel snow from out of his driveway.Medina was cruising along the snow-covered streets, distracted by the weather conditions ahead, when his two sons told their dad to stop the car, after seeing a helpless stranger in need."I didn't even see the guy because I was concentrating on driving in the snow," Medina said. "My oldest, Daniel, said, 'Pull over, let's go help him.' So I said, 'OK, let's go.' We pulled up next to him, and Daniel asked if he had any extra shovels."Now that picture, and their story, has gone viral, with many people applauding the father for good parenting, and his children for their kind act. Sometimes Our Kids Remind Us of What’s ImportantThe man, a stranger until that moment, was armed with extra shovels, a gesture of preparedness and hope, and the bond of shared humanity unfolded in that snow-covered corner. For 45 minutes, the Medina boys worked together to help their neighbour in need. There is no telling how long the snow shovelling would have taken, had it not been for the Medina family's help. “He was grateful,” he said of the man they helped. “He kept telling us thanks and kind of supervised us, made sure we dug out the bus stop in the corner, and also his car because he had a doctor’s appointment the next day.”As it turns out, the Medina's even had a personal connection to their neighbor's personal struggle. Daniel Medina revealed, his boys' mother, who lives in New Mexico, also uses a wheelchair, and believes his son's deeper understanding of the stranger's struggles, prompted Daniel to ask his father to stop the car.How a Simple Act of Kindness Made a Profound ImpactLife can get busy and even the best parents can get caught up in their own world. One of the greatest gifts our kids can give us, is the gift of being present, and keeping our hearts open.Children can see things that sometimes their parents miss. Their childlike sense of wonder can ground them in the world and make them more attune to what the present situation needs.On this day, when Daniel Medina was busy keeping his eyes locked on the road, to make sure he was getting his family safely where they needed to go, his kids were present with their environment. Because of that, the whole family were able to help a neighbor in need, changing the course of everyone's day. Medina got to see his good parenting pay off and that's a gift in and of itself!Sometimes the greatest lessons in life are learned through actions, not words. Compassion, kindness, and empathy are values that radiate from the depths of the heart, and they have the power to transform lives and uplift spirits, especially during the coldest and most challenging of times.The Medina family's story, reminds us that a single act of kindness can light up the darkest days. Let's embrace empathy, nurture it in our children, and carry it forward into our communities. In the end, it is these acts of kindness that unite us, making the world a warmer and more beautiful place for everyone, one snowflake at a time. More from Goalcast:Rude Men Told Woman Who Uses a Wheelchair She ‘Wasn’t Worth Loving’ – Then This Man Got Down on One KneeWoman Needs $5,000 to Fix Her Broken Wheelchair – But Strangers Take Her by Surprise and Raise $22,000 InsteadJennifer Lawrence Sees a Fan in a Wheelchair Crying – So She Rushes off the Red Carpet to Give Her a Hug She’ll Never Forget

Homeless Man Sees Careless Stranger Walk Away From His Parked Car in a Rush - Does Something Incredible in His Absence
Uplifting News

Homeless Man Sees Careless Stranger Walk Away From His Parked Car in a Rush - Does Something Incredible in His Absence

It's the reality of urban life. Turn your head for one second, and you just never know what someone is going to do. One man learned that in shocking fashion, returning to a scene that leaves him forever changed. A Careless Man in a HurryPhoto by Ono KosukiHe pulls up by the sidewalk in a black Toyota and stops abruptly. The door swings open and a man in a white dress shirt and gray pants walks in a frenzy while talking animatedly on his cell phone. He's so busy in the bustle that he can't hear the hollers of a strange man on the street waving his arm while holding a sign.This is exactly how horrible things happen, when you're not paying attention. It can be taking your eye off the road, crossing the street without looking, or talking on your phone when you should be watching your back.Sadly, it's too late now as the man has turned the corner. You can't imagine that he'll be happy with what happens next. We've all been in that position and paid a price for being distracted.A Homeless Man Does Something ShockingPhoto by Jon TysonAfter a few paces, the strange man who appears homeless stops giving chase to the busy man on the cell. He looks to his left and sees the man's car, unattended. It's a quiet enough strip and there's no one in sight. It's not like the man has to stay here on this street. Why not go for a quick payday?That's when the man turns, reaches down and does something crazy.It's not long before the man in the white shirt returns, dumbfounded."Hey, how did you get here? Hey, hold on. Hey man. What's up man? What's up man?" asks the man in the white shirt returning, and he's walking straight towards the homeless man. That's because the homeless man is being caught red-handed...doing something incredible.You see, when the man reached down, it was into his cup, where he grabbed some change and put it into the parking meter next to the black Toyota. That's because the man on the phone was too distracted to remember. Try as he did, the homeless man was unable to get his attention. Incredibly, when an hour later the driver doesn't show, up went the homeless man to refill the meter. And 45 minutes later, he does it again.It's at that moment that the two exchange words.The Touching Reason for the Homeless Man’s GestureThat's also the exact moment that the cat is out of the bag. This is not random, but a social experiment. And the absent-minded, fast-walking and talking man is social influencer Johal, whose self-named channel does both pranks and social experiments. This was no joke, just shock. "You've been for the quarters the whole time? Like, the whole time?" asked Johal."Yeah, you took off and I was trying to stop you like 'hey, hey, hey!' Yeah, man, I don't want you to get a ticket," replied the homeless man.Johal was still in disbelief and asked for his motivation for doing what he did."Life, man. From a life perspective, things have been too rough for me and there's nothing I can do. I have nobody to hold me down, nothing, so."Johal was beside himself. "I was seriously standing there tearing up, man. That means a lot to me, dude. Like, you're putting, you're spending your own money just to save me from getting a ticket. Somebody that, you know, dressed nice, somebody that has, you know, everything that he needs.""It's just little coins, man. After all that I've been through, man, I can't do anything else but to help somebody," replied the positive panhandler. After hugging him, Johal asks the man a question that gives this story a feel-good glow up.How an Influencer Reminds Us That Humanity Is Skin DeepWhen Johal asks the man the last time he's eaten, he replies, "Honestly, since yesterday."At that moment, Johal reaches into his back pocket and peels several bills from a wad and hands it to the man, telling him to get a meal and a room."This is a lot of money... I've never received this much money from anybody," replied the stunned man.The amazing video went viral with over 8.5 million views, with over close to 8,000 awestruck comments. "If only more humans could be like him. He has nothing, yet he will offer everything," wrote one."Honestly, the world needs more people like this," added another.Like Johal at the video's start, most of us are caught up in life's hustle with blinders on. As we do so, we pay little mind that those who might have less than us still feel as much as we do. And just like that man, they too feel the pull to help people even when they so sorely need it themselves. No matter who we are, when we give, we're casting a vote for humanity. More from Goalcast:Homeless Man Bursts Into Tears After Finding Out Strangers Raised Over $15,000 For Him to Buy a HousePolice Officer Passes by Struggling Homeless Woman on the Street – The Message on Her Shirt Makes Him Pull OverJudge Issues a $400 Fine to Struggling Homeless Woman Who Has Only $5 – Her Tragic Story Changes His Mind