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Woman Is Forced to Have Fun With Sketchy Men on Bachelorette Trip  Then She Heard Voices Outside Her Door
Uplifting News

Woman Is Forced to Have Fun With Sketchy Men on Bachelorette Trip Then She Heard Voices Outside Her Door

*Featured image contains photo by Maksim Goncharenok and KoolShootersWe all have that one friend in our group. You know, the "cautious" one who toes the line of being a total wet blanket?If you're racking your brain and can't for the life of you figure out who the resident "killjoy" in your friend groups is...then spoiler alert: it's you! While being a bachelorette party's "buzz kill" does not seem like a badge of honor in the moment, one woman on Reddit is reminding us, that sometimes being the one with "gut instincts" isn't a bad thing. In fact, it's a really important survival skill that you should never ignore. Thankfully, this 24 year-old woman didn't. And even though she may have lost 5 friends in the least she still has all 5 fingers on her hand!A Bachelorette Party in Italy Went Too FarA 24-year-old woman took to Reddit to share her harrowing story of a bachelorette trip gone wrong — and no, we're not just talking about one wild night turned into a "I'm never drinking tequila again" origin story.What happened next made a bad hangover look like a good day.Strangers Approached Them to Come Party at Their HouseGirl's trips can be really fun, but they can also be really frustrating. Getting a group of people to agree on anything is always difficult. Let alone 6 wine-drunk women in Italy?!So sometimes, the easiest way to decide things like 'where to eat', or — whether or not to stay in a remote mansion in a foreign country with total strangers — is to leave it up to a vote!Which is exactly what this bachelorette party did. There were 6 girls in total on the trip and when they met a group of attractive locals who wanted to "party" with them — they took a vote.Five of the women voted in favor of partying with these perfect strangers. But this one 24-year-old woman voted 'no.' She shared on Reddit that she "felt unsafe."“I Didn’t Trust These Men, Something Seemed Wrong.”"...We met some young people, they invited us to a party. We went and danced and met more people.. the night kept going on longer and we were very far from our lodgings. These young men with 2 women in their group told us to stay with them for the night.. I wasn’t feeling this situation. It felt unsafe but the group voted and I was in the minority. They were all quite inebriated and it was hard to be the only sober person trying to get them to reconsider and get a cab and go to our lodgings. I didn’t trust these men. Something seemed wrong. But I was at a loss as I could not split from my group and didn’t feel safe separating from them in the middle of the night..."Read Her Full Story Here.Her Friends Didn’t Listen to Her WarningIn her anonymous Reddit post, this young woman shared how isolating it can be to be the "odd man" out. She shared that unlike the bride-to-be she's not a "big drinker." That night they went out dancing, she was sober. Even though she wasn't drinking she was still having a good time. But as the night went on, and these strangers approached them, she was instantly suspicious of their intentions.She warned her girlfriends against going home with these men. But even though she was the only member of the group not intoxicated — none of them listened to her.Instead they made her feel left out for not wanting to "have fun." They all decided they were going to go ahead, with or without her.But the worst part was?Throughout the evening they had traveled so far from where they were staying, this young woman felt trapped.She didn't feel safe going home with these men...but she also didn't feel safe splitting from her group to take a cab back to their hotel alone.“I Pretended to Be Asleep”After she was pressured into staying the night, she couldn't help but stay up all night. She was too terrified to go to sleep. That's when she heard the voices outside her door..."We go to this house and settle in. In the middle of the night I hear attempts being made to enter our room.. the men entered even though we had locked the doors. I pretended to be asleep and the men were talking in Italian but it felt like they were checking on us and wanting to do something? They were quarreling with each other going back and forth it seemed. They ultimately left to argue outside.I didn’t sleep the whole night. I texted my boyfriend and told him what was happening. And how I felt unsafe.Next morning the group of girls I’m with decides we are going to stay another day because these men have offered to show us around. I didn’t want to get into a car with them because I found them creepy. There were women in their group but it didn’t matter. They seemed even more suspicious to me, being overly friendly. The whole morning I found the men staring at me a lot and also making some comments about my ethnicity - I am Korean and they could tell and it seemed that they were interested in me because of my ethnicity, asking me strange questions …including if I’m a virgin or not.. so in my head I could only think of perverted reasons for these questions because I thought these guys were sketchy and sizing us all up for some reason I couldn’t figure out yet.My friends said I was having a language barrier issue and I probably misunderstood.. they were liking the attention of these affluent seeming guys who were going to get us on a yacht. My suspicions and concerns went unheard..."Her Friends Were Furious When She Called Her Boyfriend to Rescue HerThe next morning she thought it was all over but it turns out it was only getting worse.The next day the creepy men offered to drive the women back to their hotel...but not for the reason you'd think.The strangers were trying ton convince the group of friends to cancel their hotel! They told them to pick up their luggages and spend the rest of their trip living with them at their house! It didn't take long for this young woman to snap out of her people pleasing. Enough was enough. She wasn't going to stay in an scary situation just to appease her friends. And why should she? Just because they prioritized their fun over her safety...doesn't mean she had to! She told her boyfriend everything that happened and thankfully, he didn't hesitate to come to her rescue. Before she left, she gave the entire bachelorette party one last chance to come with her. Sadly, they all refused. She ended up leaving the trip 4 days early...but in the end she didn't regret a thing.In the End She Was “Right” — But the Bride Still Held a GrudgeIt was later revealed to her by another friend on the trip that her instincts had been spot on all along.She wasn't a "buzz kill." She was just keeping her wits about her — and everyone else could have taken a page out of her book.However, she never heard back from her friend, the 32-year-old bride to be. They quickly fell out of touch and in the end, she didn't attend her wedding because of it.Ultimately, while losing a friendship is always hurtful, it's important to remember that at the end of the day, we always have to put our safety first.How One Woman Proved the Importance of Trusting Your InstinctsEven if this young woman hadn't been right about these strange men's intentions...she still would have done the right thing leaving the "party" early when she had...because for her it wasn't fun. It was over.And that's ok. Just because we arrive together, doesn't mean we need to leave together. The takeaway's pretty simple — we all have our own idea of fun. Some of us are adrenaline junkies who like living on the edge — sky diving sounds like a great Saturday afternoon! Some of us could literally not live farther from from the edge. We are safe, at home, with our cat and a good book and a warm glass of milk. Don't be demanding and respect other people's boundaries.We've all had that experience with a demanding friend...if you're racking your brain and can't for the life of you figure out who the resident "friendzilla" in your friend groups is...then spoiler alert: it's you! 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Woman Sitting Alone at Station at 1 AM Refuses to Get on Bus - Driver Immediately Realizes Something Is Wrong
Uplifting News

Woman Sitting Alone at Station at 1 AM Refuses to Get on Bus - Driver Immediately Realizes Something Is Wrong

Being a bus driver can be a thankless job. People expect them to work at all hours of the night when driving their route can be dangerous. And they also have to deal with unruly people.Woman Refused to Get on the BusThe story revolved around Ottawa OC Transpo bus driver Dan Stoddard who was driving his regular Wednesday night shift. At around 1 a.m., Stoddard stopped the bus for a woman sitting at a bus station, but she refused to get on."She waved me off, but I hesitated to leave as it was 1 a.m. and it seemed unlikely she was just there hanging out," Stoddard told HuffPost Canada.Driver Whisked the Victim AwayStoddard kept the bus stopped as he talked to the woman to make sure she was okay. Eventually, she asked him to call the police as she had just been assaulted and had run away. In response, the quick-thinking driver asked her to get on the bus and he would handle the rest.When she was on the bus, Stoddard asked the other passengers to move to the back as he comforted her until police arrived.Thanked for a ‘Thankless Job'A photo of the driver talking to the victim at the front of the bus was posted on Facebook by passenger Brendan Fowlie, and it went viral. The story resonated with people everywhere as it showed humanity in an unexpected profession."[Bus drivers] have a pretty thankless job, and people very rarely give them the credit they deserve," Fowlie told HuffPost Canada.Fowlie went on to explain that he decided to share the story because "I thought something positive would be nice."As for Stoddard, he said he was simply doing his job, like any other public service employee is trained to do."All of these organizations deal with this type of thing on a daily basis," he said.Keep Your Eyes and Ears OpenThis bus driver could have just kept driving his route. He's on the clock and it's not his job to insist people get on the bus if they decline.But he knew something wasn't right. He followed his gut and it turned out the woman was in need of help after being assaulted.This story is a reminder not just of the value in bus drivers, but also for all of us to keep our eyes and ears open to help the victims inevitably around us. More from Goalcast:Bus Driver Suddenly Stops While on Her Usual Route – Surprised Passengers Witness the Exchange She Has With an Elderly WomanMom Finds Out Her Son Constantly Gets Into Trouble and Has Befriended the Bus Driver – So She Writes a Letter to the School BoardBus Driver Spots Two Little Kids Wandering in the Bitter Cold Without Coats – Takes Immediate Action

Mom Spots a 4-Year-Old Girl Alone Outside While Driving - Is in Disbelief After Speaking to Her
Uplifting News

Mom Spots a 4-Year-Old Girl Alone Outside While Driving - Is in Disbelief After Speaking to Her

*Featured image contains photo by Luca LupertoEstella Rhineheart's Monday morning was as routine as it gets. “Went to the bank, went to the gas station on New Road, drove down toward the apartments,” she recalled to WKBN. However, it turned out to be anything but routine when, while driving down New Road, Rhineheart was stopped by a shocking sight."There was a little girl running, not on the road but next to it, and it didn’t look right," she said.Her mommy instincts activated, Rhineheart frantically called the girl - age 4 years old, barefoot with no jacket - over to ask what happened. What she heard was beyond belief. Why a Little Girl Was Running Outside by Herself“I just kinda called her over to me and said, ‘Hey, come here. What are you doing?'” Rhinehart explained. “She said she was allowed to be outside and her mom doesn’t mind if she was going to play.”However, not wanting to overreact, Rhineheart stayed with the little girl, figuring a parent or guardian would come running any moment. Yet when no one arrived, Rhineheart had no choice but to contact the police. "I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt but I mean, after 20 minutes, I expected someone to peek their head out…Nothing. And that was disturbing, that was upsetting."It Wasn’t the First TimeFortunately, the girl was fine. When police arrived, Rhineheart was shocked to discover that it wasn't the first time she was left to wander. “About six months ago, the child was outside. The mom was out pretty quick, said she just lost sight of her for a minute,” said. “Then one week prior to this time, the child was out wandering and it took about 20 minutes to figure where she lived.”Police are currently investigating the mother, 26-year-old Kirsten Adkins, on charges of child endangerment. Adkins maintained her innocence. Meanwhile, the girl was set to stay with her grandmother. Watch Our ChildrenRhineheart said we shouldn't be quick to pass judgment, adding that we don't know the other side of the story or what Adkins might be going through. It’s a terrible thing. Something could have happened, but we don’t know her. We don’t know what she’s going through, we don’t know what she’s struggling with.Estella Rhineheart Like Rhineheart, I'll try to give the Adkins the benefit of the doubt. Let's hope Adkins at least sends her an Amazon gift card for saving her little girl from definite danger. Rhineheart does drive home an important point: Keeping kids safe is not just about their wellbeing. It can be also be about making sure their parents might need a helping hand too. If you're driving and spot a child in distress, know that in that moment, you're extended family and your routine can wait. More from Goalcast:22-Year-Old Maintenance Worker Hears a Mother’s Scream – Uses His Army Instincts to Save Her Baby’s LifeBus Driver Follows Her Gut After Seeing Little Girl Wandering the Streets Alone—Those Instincts May Have Saved a LifeStranger Trusts Instinct When Drunk Driver Crashes Into House – Ends Up Saving Little Girl’s Life

Bus Driver Spots Two Little Kids Wandering in the Bitter Cold Without Coats - Takes Immediate Action
Uplifting News

Bus Driver Spots Two Little Kids Wandering in the Bitter Cold Without Coats - Takes Immediate Action

It can be easy to fall into a routine and fail to notice things happening around you — especially when you’re at work or in a rush to get somewhere on time. We’re often too busy running our to-do lists through our brains or, if it’s the morning, working on breaking through the fog to notice much else.So it’s understandable that no one really noticed a six-year-old girl and her two-year-old brother roaming the snowy streets one Monday morning. No one, that is, except a heroic bus driver.A Snow-Cold MorningOne Monday morning, just before 8 a.m. in Waukesha, Wisconsin, a bus driver named Nicole Chamberlain was driving her regular route. The temperature was roughly 18 degrees at the time, and people were getting ready for their busy days ahead. But as Chamberlain pulled up to a stop, she noticed the children roaming the streets."Neither one of them had a coat on, and they were headed towards a busy intersection, and I knew there was no school bus stop down there or a school,” Chamberlain told WISN. “I knew right away I had to pull over and help them.”Chamberlain asked the kids what was going on. According to them, they were looking for their grandmother. She had been watching them, and when she disappeared into the basement for a moment, the children ventured outside to look for her.“I picked them up and put them on my bus and called the police,” Chamberlain explained.A Search to Find GrandmaChamberlain waited where she was and wrapped her coat around the little girl. A few minutes later, she was glad she’d waited because their grandmother appeared and explained what had happened. In the end, Chamberlain was glad she was there. What would have happened to the kids had no one stopped?“If that were to happen to my children, I would hope that there would be somebody, a decent human being, that would stop and help my kids,” she explained.In the end, the bus driver knew she was in the right place at the right time. In her head, it was fate, especially since she left five minutes earlier that morning and wouldn’t have seen the kids if she’d departed at her normal time.No charges were laid, and everyone went about their days. Still, the grandmother was thankful for Chamberlain’s quick thinking, and Chamberlain was thankful she had listened to her intuition.Following Your GutSo often in life, we don’t know what to do next. We’re unsure of how to proceed, where to go, or what we want to pursue. And while every situation is certainly different, this story reminds us that it’s always important to follow your gut.That’s exactly what Chamberlain did that day when she saw two kids roaming the streets alone, not dressed for the cold morning. By stopping the bus and ensuring everything was okay, she became a hero: those kids could have gotten lost, they could have wandered into the intersection, or something else bad could have happened had Chamberlain not stepped in.So, if you see something out of place or a situation that doesn’t quite look right, trust your gut. Ask questions, don’t be afraid to step in, and if you really think it’s necessary, call someone for help.Our gut instincts are a result of our collective experiences, and that makes it important to listen to them. Studies have shown that pairing those instinctual feelings with analytic thought leads to better, faster, and more accurate decisions. So trust that gut and do what you think is right — more often than not, it will be the right move.More from Goalcast:Alert Stranger’s Gut Instinct Helped Bring One Abducted 3-Year-Old Back HomeBus Driver Always Gives Extra Attention to 4-Year-Old – Then One Day, She Sees the Little Girl Waving From a Broken WindowBus Driver Yanks Boy’s Backpack as He Is Getting off the Bus – Now She’s Hailed as a Hero