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Man working in a deli and a young boy.
Uplifting News

Kids Frequently Visit Neighborhood Deli Owner - For This Sweet Reason

In a world where heartwarming moments often get overshadowed by high stakes politics and celebrity drama, one humble deli owner’s simple yet profound gesture has captured the hearts of millions. A video shared by Good Morning America recently went viral on TikTok, showcasing a touching interaction between a deli owner and a young boy from the neighborhood who achieved a surprising milestone.

Jennifer Garner helps homeless man in a wheelchair wear new shoes.
Uplifting News

Jennifer Garner Spots a Homeless Man Wearing Old Shoes - the Paparazzi Records Her Next Move

You don’t often witness moments of celebrities and paparazzi working together for the greater good, but then again Jennifer Garner isn’t like most celebrities. The actor is known for her charitable work and doing what it takes to help others, but this might be one of her most inspiring stories yet.

Man wearing glasses sitting on a couch and a screenshot from a Reddit post.
Uplifting News

Grieving Fan Feels "Awkward" to Talk to TV Star - So He Goes Out of His Way to Remedy It

For a lot of people, meeting their favorite television or movie star is high up on their bucket list. It's why hundreds of thousands of people shell out big bucks and brave massive crowds at various pop culture conventions every year. After all, they aren't JUST celebrities; oftentimes they've been with us through some of the most significant periods in our lives (they just don't know it.)So, when one grieving fan heard that Alan Tudyk, the star of Resident Alien was going to be at the Boston Fan Fest, she knew she had to meet him. She wanted to thank him for helping her survive the darkest time of her life. However, when the time came, her nerves got the better of her and she "blew it." Fueled by embarrassment and remorse and needing to vent, she turned to Reddit to share her experience. And that's when fate...who looks suspiciously like Alan Tudyk...stepped in.

Women sharing a special moment and a woman looking confused.
Uplifting News

Stranger Offers Woman a Ride - What Happens Next Changes Their Life

Life can work in funny ways, especially when you’re least expecting it to. That was certainly the case for two women in Richmond, Virginia, who randomly came into each other’s orbits before realizing they actually had a lot in common. As for the friendship that blossomed? It turned into a life-saving relationship.

Newborn baby and a woman crying.
Uplifting News

Single Mom's Car is Repossessed With Her Newborn Inside - One Lawyer Takes Her Side

Single mom of two, Sabriya Miles, was dropping her four-year-old son off at daycare when she made the split-second decision to leave her seven-day-old baby in the car (with it still running).It's a decision she would quickly regret.Seconds later, the horrified mom would watch as a repo man sped away in the car — her baby still in the backseat.And while plenty of people have been quick to criticize the young mom's actions, one stranger has jumped to her defense.

Man with a beard talking into a microphone and an elderly judge looking at him.

Man Faces Hefty Fine For Running a Red Light - Then the Judge Learns Why He Did It

We’re getting better as a society about talking about trauma and grief and the pain that comes with certain experiences. Doing so can put us on a path toward healing. But so can kindness, which one judge exemplified when a grieving motorist came into his courtroom one day.

Woman and her daughter pulling a suitcase and a woman sitting next to a plane window.
Uplifting News

Plus-size Plane Passenger Refuses to Give Up Extra Seat to Toddler - Strangers "Weigh In"

Flying may be the quickest way to travel but it isn't always the most comfortable. The seats are small, legroom is almost non-existent, and there's always that one annoying passenger in front of you who seems to find extreme enjoyment in testing the limits of just how far back that reclining seat can go. Airlines are notorious for cramming in as many people as possible in the smallest spaces possible, which can be especially difficult for plus-sized passengers.

A teen boy and girl wearing formal clothes for Homecoming dance and a man in a suit looking surprised.
Uplifting News

Bullies Play Homecoming Prank on Boy With Autism - So This Beauty Queen Steps In

High school is a formative time that offers different experiences for different kids. There are many events, like prom and homecoming, that help mark that time and create lasting memories. So when those memories are tainted by bullies, it’s a big deal.

Womans Childhood Classmate Used to Pack Her Lunch - Years Later, Does Something Incredible to Honor Her
Uplifting News

Womans Childhood Classmate Used to Pack Her Lunch - Years Later, Does Something Incredible to Honor Her

*Featured image contains photo by olia danilevich and Oleksandr PAnyone who has ever experienced food insecurity knows that it never really leaves you. Those hunger pangs, even when they're long gone, linger, a phantom reminder of darker days.When Haley was in third grade, she knew those pangs well. Her family was struggling and there was never enough to eat. One of her classmates noticed and would pack an extra lunch for her. Her name was Gracie May.Although the two classmates lost touch after fourth grade, Haley never forgot her. Years later, Haley had a daughter...she named her "Gracelyn Marie" in honor of that little girl.How a Young Girl Made a Lasting ImpressionIn a TikTok video that is shattering hearts everywhere, Haley (@bby_hxxii) shares an emotional 7-second clip she simply captions "Angels are real."Set to the haunting lyrics, "I think of you all the time," from Alex Olsen's song, Someday I'll Get It, the video zooms in on Haley as she blows a kiss.“To that sweet girl in 3rd grade that would bring in an extra lunch box with food just for me, thank you so much. I named my daughter after you," Haley writes in the text overlay.Welp. It may be simple but boy, does it pack a punch. One commenter summed it up in 8 words:"'I named my daughter after you' I'm sobbing."The video has struck a nerve. In just a few days it's gone viral with over 2.8 million views, 630,000 likes, and more than 4800 comments.Its message has resonated with people all over the globe, a poignant reminder of the profound impact of kindness.Reaction to the Viral TikTokThousands of people took to the comment section, touched by Gracie's actions and the way Haley chose to honor her."Love how you honored her," wrote one commenter."Her mama was looking out for you," said another. "I hope she sees this. kindness always comes back," said a third.But in addition to all of the love, it also started a tsunami of goodness. People began sharing their own stories, hundreds of them. And if these doesn't restore your faith in humanity, nothing will.Here are just a few:"I had the same bday as one of my classmates and every year her mom did a big party in the classroom for her and my name would always be on the cake too." — Britney"When I was in 7th grade, a popular girl (never talked to her) heard that my mom couldn't afford Christmas for me that year. Her & her mom went Christmas shopping for me and brought me gifts to school. I will never forget that. I think of it often and hope she's well." — Ambria"My son noticed a quiet kid in his class w holes in his shoes/clothes. He came to school the next day w clothes he didn’t want. - the boy wears his new outfits daily & my son says he tells jokes now." — Alli"I remember a teacher that would call me to class before going home to give me 4 cans of raviolis for me and my 3 siblings. I never told her but she knew." — neener-neen"The boy that danced with me at the primary school dance when no else would ~ who passed away a few years later from cancer. Always in my heart." — Clarel892"My mom named me after the first friend she made when she moved to America." — L"I used to hate my smile until one girl told me she loved my side dimples. every time I smile I think of her to this day because she made me appreciate it instead of hating it." — Ana NjeriOne Small Act of Kindness Can Change Someone’s WorldAfter grade four, Haley moved from Texas to Arizona. It's been 13 years since she's seen Gracie but not a day goes by that she doesn't think about her. THAT is the power of kindness.To Gracie, it was probably just lunch. To Haley, it was the world. And she never forgot it. And now, neither will her daughter."To live rent free in someone's head for an act of kindness is something we should all strive for."More from Goalcast:Child Realizes Hungry Classmates Don’t Have Lunch – So He Makes an Unexpected Request to His Mom“Homeless” Man Insists on Paying for an Expensive Lunch at Restaurant – So the Server Tells Him a LieMom Has Perfect Response to Teacher Who Called Her Son’s Lunches ‘Disgusting’ – Then She Receives a Shocking Email

Stranger Tests Woman by Asking Her for Money - Little Did She Know What He Was Planning
Uplifting News

Stranger Tests Woman by Asking Her for Money - Little Did She Know What He Was Planning

In a viral video exemplifying true generosity, an older woman pushes a cart down a street. Inside the cart sits her small dog. A man approaches her. We can’t see him in the video, though. The camera focuses on the woman in the blue-striped shirt, pushing her dog along and carrying a stick in her hand.“Hi,” the man says as he approaches her, “we’re out of petrol. Can you help us?” He asks her for a small amount of money.The woman hesitates, shakes her head and sighs. She’d clearly like to help, but she apologizes for having nothing to give, nothing at all. She seems to look around in desperation, truly wishing she could help the man. But as she repeats sadly, she has nothing to give.“I have nothing, nothing…not even a cent,” she replies.“How come you don’t have even a cent?” The man continues to ask her questions. Where does she live? The woman explains that she stays in a shack behind the post office. What’s the name of your pet? “Chickie,” she replies.A Test of Human InteractionIn such a situation, where someone on the street is asking for money, most people would just keep walking, not even bothering to give the person the time of day, much less money. This woman who was living in a shack took the time to make eye contact with the man, answer him honestly, and have a civil conversation. It was her own form of generosity.She wanted to help, but she just couldn’t. Like a neighbor, she explained her situation and even told the man the name of her dog. When he asked her a question, she didn’t keep walking. She stopped and talked to him.Stranger Gives Woman a GiftLittle did she know, the man begging for money was South African philanthropist and motivational speaker Bi Phakathi. Sometimes called the “Secret Santa” of South Africa, he takes great lengths to keep his identity a secret. Many of his videos have gone viral, and he has over 2 million followers on Instagram. But he always remains behind the camera. He prefers to keep the focus on the act of generosity and compassion, not on himself. He believes everyone should be able to live with dignity, and he films his interactions with the poor and the homeless in the hope that others will be inspired to follow in his footsteps.In this video, once the woman tells him the name of her dog, he hands her some money. She’s shocked and doesn’t want to take it at first; but as he explains, he was just testing her. He knew her story, and he was there to help.Unbelievable GenerosityThe woman is visibly touched and grateful. When the man gives her the money, she audibly exhales. Her relief and gratitude are tangible. Bi Phakathi doesn’t stop there. He continues to give her more and more money, much to her disbelief. He sticks more bills in the cart with Chickie. The woman shakes her head, thanking him over and over.Bi Phakathi saw a woman in need and recognized the generosity of her soul. As he continues to hand her money, the woman says that she’s going to buy food. Then, she says that she’s going to share the money with the others that live in shacks around her. She wants to make a meal for her community. She’s going to pay it forward.A True Gift to OthersBi Phakathi’s charitable work is itself inspired by the generosity of his own parents. He honors their spirit and goes above and beyond: covering medical expenses, buying homes for the homeless, and providing job training to help people get on their feet and be self-sufficient. He always remains behind the camera, focusing on the work he’s doing rather than on the man who is doing it. And his videos have touched the hearts of millions of viewers. After seeing how he helped this kind, unassuming woman, viewers were quick share what stood out to them:“In her condition, she was thoughtful of people like her, what an amazing human being.”“It’s always the people that don’t have that is willing to help others. Bless her for her good heart…You left a lump in my throat.”“If we only had more generous people like this, what a different world this place would be.”There are works of generosity and there are those of compassion. A connection was made that day through an act of kindness: in the gift of financial help, but also and especially in the gift of human connection and understanding.More from Goalcast:Stranger Hands Something to Homeless Man on Metro – It Ends Up Completely Changing His LifeFreezing Homeless Man Goes to a Closed McDonald’s – Manager Defies All Rules and Does This“Homeless” Man Insists on Paying for an Expensive Lunch at Restaurant – So the Server Tells Him a Lie