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Musician Jelly Roll speaking into a mic and a teen wearing a cowboy hat looking shocked.
Uplifting News

Bullied Teen Makes Desperate Plea at Jelly Roll's Concert - So, He Changes Her Life

Country-rap artist Jelly Roll (real name Jason DeFord) may be on top of the world right now but he had to spend a lot of time in the hole before he got there. Notoriously jailed 40 times, he spent a decade drifting in and out of jail on various drug charges. It wasn't until a prison guard told him he was the father of a baby girl in 2008 that he finally got the motivation to do whatever it took to get out of jail and stay out.He completely changed his life. And now? He's paying it forward and doing the same for others.

Screenshot of a text conversation and a woman wearing a green outfit.
Uplifting News

Woman Tweets About Long Lost Childhood Friend - What Happens Next Has All of Us Crying

Sometimes people are only in our lives for a season and then they're gone. But just because they aren't there physically doesn't mean we've wiped them from our memories. They may be gone but they're never forgotten.This sentiment was perfectly encapsulated in a single tweet on X sparking a wave of nostalgia. But it was one woman's response that got tens of thousands of people talking. And now we're all invested.

Elderly man pushing carts and an elderly man wearing a cap and glasses.
Uplifting News

90-Year-Old Pushes Carts To Afford Food - So a Stranger Takes Matters Into Her Own Hand

Most people dream of spending their golden years happily retired. But for a lot of people over the age of 65, this, unfortunately, isn't their reality. The cost of living has skyrocketed over the past few years, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to sock away enough savings for retirement, let alone sustain a comfortable lifestyle on a fixed income. Instead of enjoying the fruits of their many years of labor, people like Dillon McCormick are forced to continue working long after they should have to.But now, thanks to a chance encounter, this Air Force veteran is finally getting his due.

Woman standing with a little boy and a 11-year-old boy wearing a backpack
Uplifting News

11-Year-Old Steps Up to Pay Off His School's Entire Lunch Debt

"There's no such thing as a free lunch!" Unless you happen to be a student at Thomas Ultican Elementary School in Blue Springs, Missouri.And then...Bon Appétit!Because an 11-year-old student at the school just single-handedly raised $7,300 to pay off his entire school's lunch debt...and then some, giving the leftovers to the local high school to pay down their debt too.

Teen speaking at her graduation ceremony and a man wearing a lime green jacket
Uplifting News

Teen Wins $40K Scholarship - Decides to Give It All Back For This Reason

Getting an education and strong grades are definitely important, and those values were certainly ones that a teen named Verda Annan grew up with. But she was also raised to understand the importance of community and giving back, so when she saw an opportunity to make an incredible difference in someone else’s life, she rose to the occasion.

Deputy Pulls Over Drivers for Minor Traffic Violations - But Instead of Tickets, He Has Something Else Up His Sleeve
Uplifting News

Deputy Pulls Over Drivers for Minor Traffic Violations - But Instead of Tickets, He Has Something Else Up His Sleeve

Christmas may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it also tends to be the most expensive. All those packages coming down the driveway? They're not from Santa's workshop. You've got Amazon and your credit card to thank for those. Between decking the halls, making the yuletide bright, and Santa Claus comin' to town, our bank accounts take a significant hit.But for some lucky folks in Monroe County, Georgia, their wallets were a little bit heavier, thanks to some unexpected Christmas cheer (and CASH) from an anonymous "Secret Santa" and his very unusual elves. Police Officer Swaps Out Tickets for CashIn 2015, an anonymous businessman wanted to give back to his community. So, he enlisted the Monroe County Sheriff's Office to help spread some Christmas cheer in the form of cold, hard cash.The "Secret Santa" donated $5400 and asked officers to swap out tickets for $100 bills for people who "looked like they might need it." "He felt like this was a good way to make everybody feel good about law enforcement and to give back to the community for Christmas," Monroe County Sheriff John Bittick explained. Deputy Timothy Campfield, aka Santa's Helper, was more than happy to be a part of it. "It's not every day you get to hand out cash instead of citations."Deputy Timothy CampfieldHe stopped motorists who might normally have been issued written warnings or tickets for minor infractions like driving with a burnt out brake light, and surprised them with the cash instead. A video shared by WMAZ News captured the heartwarming reactions of drivers, from their initial confusion and anxiety, to tears of relief and joy upon receiving the unexpected gift. "Oh, can I hug you?" asked Angel Scott, a mother of six who was feeling the stress of the holiday season. But she wasn't the only one feeling the love. Grandmother Renee Smith did too. "It's gonna help Christmas," she said. "We've only bought one gift for my grandson, and that's it. We haven't done anything else so far."And dad of two, William White, couldn't believe it. "Are you sure? I can't accept that. You aren't going to put your handcuffs on me are you?" "You were telling me that work has been a little slow," Campfield told him. "Instead of handing you a citation or writing you a ticket that's gonna cost you money, I'd like to give you this donation. Take it with you for your family." It’s the Gift That Keeps on GivingThe giving, however, didn't end there. After hearing about the 54 people that received bills instead of A bill, a second anonymous benefactor stepped up with an additional $5000 to spread even more holiday joy. And, for several years afterward, a "Secret Santa" mysteriously appeared every Christmas, providing a bigger and bigger stack of $100 bills. In 2018, the anonymous donation reached a whopping $9000."It makes you feel good. It makes you feel like you're actually doing something for them. You're helping them out, you really are. Just to be able to bring that joy to somebody, especially near the holidays, really makes you feel good as a person."Monroe County Deputy via WGXA NewsThe drivers may have received the cash, but for the police officers who got to be a part of the Secret Santa Missions, they received something even more valuable. They got to experience the pure joy of doing something good for someone else, at a time when they least expected it. Not all presents come in boxes. Sometimes they come in the gifts of time, or love, or generosity, or grace. And these gifts? Are priceless. More from Goalcast:Poor Student With “Nothing to Give” Surprises Teacher With an Unforgettable Christmas GiftCouple Passes by Homeless Man Who Has Lived on the Streets for 3 Years – Decide to Give Him a Christmas He’ll Never Forget11-Year-Old Returns All of His Christmas Presents – Surprises Everyone With What He Does With the $95

9-Year-Old Receives a Package He Didnt Order - The Note Inside Makes Him Scream
Uplifting News

9-Year-Old Receives a Package He Didnt Order - The Note Inside Makes Him Scream

Nikki Williams-Mixon and husband LeGerald Mixon are enjoying a boardgame night with the kids when the doorbell rings.It's to be the start of an unforgettable ride.Unexpected DeliveryPhoto by mediamodifierWhen Nikki opens the door, the uniformed man announces that there's a package for Alex Williams. There's just one problem: Alex is only 9 years old and didn't order anything. But after a few moments, the man hands his mother the package and leaves. When Alex returns to the living room and tears it open, he can't believe his eyes. Yet, it's not the gift but the note inside that sends the boy jumping for joy. Alex is screaming and hopping around, hugging his mom warmly.However, the cheerful scene is a far cry from Alex's everyday struggle.A Little Boy’s StrugglePhoto by Karolina Grabowska"My mom started crying, but I told her not to worry."That's just why Alex Williams's stepfather calls him 'Little Trooper,' always sporting a brave face. He'd sure need one for his battle.It all started when one day he complained to his mother of fatigue, his bones hurting, and his stomach swelling. After a battery of tests, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (A.L.L), a cancer of the white blood cells that afflicts mainly younger kids. Meanwhile, his mother Nikki didn't take it as well."I was completely devastated. I just couldn't understand how this could happen to my son. I thought it was something I'd done," she said.In between his many hospital visits, little Alex loses himself drawing pictures and letting his imagination go.Of all his doodles, there's one recurring theme that gives him the motivation to go on. It's wishful thinking, but sometimes all a child has are their dreams. And so, he draws it every night.A Shaq-ing SurpriseAs Alex takes it out of the box, he can barely believe his eyes.Clearly, these aren't for him to wear because he doesn't rock size 22 shoes. But they are a gift from a special new friend.Fast forward to the next day, and Alex, his parents, and siblings are miles away in sunny Orlando, Florida when they hear a knock on their van window.It's none other than NBA Hall of Famer and King of Kindness Shaquille O'Neal. He's glad that Alex got his gift and letter that read:'Hi Alex, I can't wait to see you on Sunday. See you soon.'O'Neal partnered with the Make a Wish foundation, which gives sick children once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Only five are chosen to be televised on ESPN's segment and the little trooper is one of the lucky winners. According to, the Williams family was treated to a trip to Disneyland, where they would visit Universal Studios and the Islands of Adventure. But when Shaq knocks on their window, the fun is just starting.Shaq’s Monster WeekendPhoto by Kylie O'SullivanWilliams and his brothers hop in Shaq's custom van with a Superman 'S' on the roof along with an Xbox inside.First, Williams enjoys lunch with Shaq, who gives him the head seat because 'You're the big man.' Then, O'Neal got goofy, asking with a mouth full of cookies if Williams would like one too.The jokes were over after the meal because it was game time. It's the moment that Alex would doodle on paper and dream about every night: Hooping against his favorite player, Shaquille O'Neal, is about to come true.Williams goes one-on-one with Shaq in a game of P-O-N-Y. The 7'1 Shaq is no match for the crafty, 4'2 Williams who wins the game. The boy even manages to dunk the ball, with a little help from a friend.Talk about a weekend for the record books."It was an awesome experience for the whole family, but especially for Alex," said his stepfather. "It seemed like we were only with him for an hour or so instead of the four or five we spent there. Shaq was so good with the kids. He treated them like they were his own. Words can't describe what that meant to us and Alex."How Shaquille O’Neal Proves That Kindness Is the Best MedicineOf all the time the two spent, perhaps the most valuable was when Shaq and Alex spent one-on-one time talking in the van. That's when Shaq gives him some words of motivation."You got to stay positive no matter what."Then Shaq asks the boy what he wants to be when he grows up. He responds that he wants to be a surgeon. "You're going to be whatever you want to be, brother. A surgeon. Man, you're going to be like, 'this is Dr. Shaq.' You're going to be a doctor."Thanks to O'Neal's kindness and good humor, this kid is now set up for a long career of success.More from Goalcast:Shaq Visits His Favorite Restaurant With an Unusual Request – Then, He Shocks the Watchful Owner With a SurpriseYoung Boy Sobs in the Middle of a Store – Little Did He Know Shaquille O’Neal Was About to Teach Him a LessonFamily Runs Into Shaquille O’Neal at Home Depot – He Buys Them a Washer and Dryer After One Conversation

8-Year-Old Passes by Homeless Woman Sleeping on the Street Every Day - This Encounter Inspires Her
Uplifting News

8-Year-Old Passes by Homeless Woman Sleeping on the Street Every Day - This Encounter Inspires Her

Khloe Thompson from Irvine, California, was raised by her mother and her grandmother. From a young age, she was taught to be kind and compassionate to others.Her mother and her grandmother encouraged her thoughtful and inquisitive nature. And though Khloe was a beacon of positivity, as she grew older, her curious nature led her to question the injustices of the world.Khloe was only eight years old when she asked her mother why there were people sleeping on the street. There was one homeless person in particular that Khloe passed every day. “Her name was Michelle,” Khloe says matter-of-factly. After Khloe’s mother had a talk with her about homelessness, the eight-year-old could no longer bear to simply pass Michelle on the street every day.“When someone needs help,” she insists, “you’re not just going to walk by them and do nothing. You’re gonna act on it.”Khloe Kare Bags for the HomelessPhoto by Chris JohnThe young girl did what was in her power to do, making bags and stuffing them with things she thought the women and children she saw on the street might need: toothbrushes, toothpaste, socks, underwear, soap and feminine hygiene products. With youthful enthusiasm, she delivered the 25 bags she had made before realizing she would need to make many, many more. The need in her community was so great. Inspired by Khloe’s work ethic and conviction, her mother and grandmother helped her set up a nonprofit organization, which they named Khloe Kares. As a registered nonprofit, they could collect donations and make even more of the Khloe Kare Bags. But Khloe wasn’t satisfied just raising money. She wanted to hand deliver each of the bags and talk with the women.What Will Really Help People“You’re actually there and you’re showing that you care,” she says. Khloe insists that the one-on-one connection is the most important. She listens to their stories, tells them hers — and often, just making eye contact with the recipients of her bags and giving them a hug is interaction they haven’t had in a long, long time. Khloe says meeting the neediest people in her community makes her happy, too. “I’m here and I want to be here.” She calls the happy feelings she experiences when she connects with someone her “smile money.”When people heard about Khloe’s efforts, her initiative went viral. Schools and community groups across the United States started asking her to come and speak to them. She was just 10 years old yet she was speaking in front of hundreds of people.Khloe’s main message was always this: “You can be what you want to be because nothing can stop you.” She wants to make sure that kids her age know that they are capable of making a difference.Spreading the LovePhoto by Brett SaylesKhloe had spoken to many young people across the country when she received a heartfelt invitation from across the globe. A small group calling themselves “The Sunday Morning Girls” begged her to visit them in Ghana. Khloe was both excited and nervous.When she arrived in the girls’ village, Khloe was entertained with an elaborate welcome ceremony. She was shown all around the village. Khloe had never been somewhere without running water. She was surprised to see girls her age responsible for making dinner.“It’s very different from how I live,” she said. But when the girls started telling Khloe about their dreams for the future — to become doctors, pilots — she started to find things they had in common: “A lot of them want to help people, and also, I like to help people, so we do have some things in common.”In a country where opportunities for women are often limited, a young girl speaking to an audience about how to follow their dreams was a phenomenon. Khloe led the children in creating vision boards to inspire themselves and to help set goals.“Anything’s possible when you put your mind to it,” she reminded them.Recognized for Her EffortsWhen Khloe won a Points of Light Award in 2019, she saw Khloe Kares grow and help even more people. Natalye Paquin is the president and CEO of Points of Light, an organization that supports nonprofits. “There is a seismic shift that occurs when someone in need is cared for,” she explained, “and with every Kare Bag she delivers, Khloe is driving transformative change in her community and lighting the path for people of all ages to step forward and say, ‘I can help.’”It’s high praise for the girl from California who saw a need in her community and stepped up to fill it. “Never let your age stop you from being the next changemaker,” she says proudly.If Khloe could have one wish, it would be that homelessness didn’t exist. “Everybody deserves a place where they feel safe,” she says with tears in her eyes. In the meantime, she’ll continue to deliver her Khloe Kare Bags in person, exchanging items that might make a person’s life a little easier for “smile money.”More from Goalcast:Millionaire Reads About Homeless Couple in the News – Shocks Neighbors by Inviting Them to Live In His $4M MansionRestaurant Owner Sees Homeless Woman Searching for Food in the Trash – This Encounter Inspires Her

Passenger Sees Blind Man Get off the Bus  Immediately Takes a Video When the Driver Follows Him Out for This Reason
Uplifting News

Passenger Sees Blind Man Get off the Bus Immediately Takes a Video When the Driver Follows Him Out for This Reason

So often, we go about our days without really paying attention to our surroundings or those passing us by. But sometimes, if you stop for a little breather and actually take in what's happening around you, you may realize there are many, everyday acts of kindness you can perform.This kind bus driver reminds us of that, which is one reason her story has gone viral.A Random DayInstagram/gomiamidadeBus driver Ciji Crawford was going about her business one day in Miami-Dade County, Florida, when she noticed a new passenger on her route. The man was blind and needed assistance, so she asked if she could help him.According to NBC South Florida, the man initially resisted help, but Crawford told him it was no problem.“I would want someone to do the same thing, and that’s how I was looking at it,” she told the outlet. “That was the right thing to do.”Crawford then checked with the other passengers to ensure they were okay if she walked the man across the street. When no one objected, she got out and helped the man safely cross.She had no idea anyone was really paying attention at that moment, let alone recording her act of kindness.A Surprise Viral MomentInstagram/gomiamidadeHowever, someone was recording the moment, and they later posted it on social media, where it was shared wide and far. “When my job called me and told me, ‘Hey, you went viral,’ I’m like, ‘What?’” Crawford recalled to the news outlet. “I didn’t even think about the incident because it was something that, you know, was natural to me.”In the video, Crawford and the man can be seen laughing as they cross the street.“He was saying, 'You know, you an angel.' And that’s when I said, 'You know what, if I was strong enough, I would carry you,' and that’s what the video showed of us actually laughing,” Crawford explained.As for why the video went viral, Crawford has some ideas. She says it all boils down to kindness and compassion, and to someone who just took a couple of extra minutes out of their day to help a stranger in need.“That was something that the world needed at that moment,” she said. “To show that it’s still some good people out here in this world and everybody deserves love and compassion and understanding.”Everyday Acts of KindnessActs of kindness don’t have to be large or extravagant to make a difference in someone else’s life. While grand gestures and big donations are nice and, of course, welcomed, it’s the small moments that add up to something wonderful.Holding the door open for someone else, saying good morning or actually stopping to listen to someone when you ask how they’re doing, or giving someone on the streets an extra dollar or two are all little ways to spread kindness.You can also spread kindness within your own relationships and friendships. Maybe send unexpected flowers to a friend to cheer them up. Bring a coffee in for your co-worker. Or volunteer to help someone with a move, their kids, or even their groceries.There are many ways to help others if we just stop and assess how. And, as this bus driver reminds us all, your act of kindness may inspire thousands of others to step up their kindness game too.

Strangers Offer Struggling Homeless Man Some Money - He Refuses It and Has an Unexpected Reaction
Uplifting News

Strangers Offer Struggling Homeless Man Some Money - He Refuses It and Has an Unexpected Reaction

Mounir, a homeless man living on the streets of Beirut, Lebanon, has become a symbol of hope and selflessness for people all around the world. His story, shared by the organization Plan LB, has touched countless hearts and inspired many to perform acts of kindness.Plan LB is a group that aims to spread joy and good fortune to those in need, often seeking out strangers and handing them cash, food, and other necessities. One day, they came across Mounir, who was lying despondently on a pile of dirty clothing. They held out a wad of cash, telling him that people love him and want him to have this money to help his situation.Why One Homeless Man Didn’t Accept Money From StrangersMounir's reaction was unexpected, and it was what captured the hearts of so many. Instead of taking the cash, he immediately replied, saying, "Maybe there's someone who needs it more." He then suggested others who were less fortunate than he, including "families," "poor people," and "orphans." Plan LB was struck by Mounir's selflessness and decided to take their charity efforts even further.After sharing his story on social media, the public demanded an update on Mounir's situation. Plan LB went back to Mounir with more money, and he had the same kind reaction as the first encounter. His first thought was still for others. Watch the endearing exchange below.How a Homeless Man’s Selflessness Made Him a HeroThe organization goes above and beyond to find stable housing for Mounir, as well as new clothes and even a visit from a doctor. They follow this up with a wad of cash, as Mounir is moved to tears. Just like before, he immediately thinks of others who need the money more. After they insisted he accept the gift, Plan LB agreed to keep the money safe for him since Mounir was worried about thieves taking his money. They obliged, taking their charity even further. Within two days, they had located a home for Mounir. "You bought me a barber, food and drink, comfort," Mounir said in a video update. "May God make it easier for everyone. Everyone needs it."In a third follow-up video, Mounir gets a much-needed shower, new clothes, and good food. He looks and feels like a new man, but as always, his thoughts are for others. "May God bless everyone watching or hearing this," he says happily.Mounir's selflessness is what has made him a hero in the eyes of many. He had nothing, yet he thought of others and wanted to help those who were even less fortunate than he. He reminds us that even in our darkest moments, we can find light in helping others.The Power to Make a DifferenceHis story has inspired many people to perform acts of kindness, both big and small. It's a reminder that one person can make a difference, and that the smallest gesture of kindness can have a profound impact on someone's life.Mounir's story has also highlighted the issue of homelessness in Lebanon and around the world. It's a reminder that we need to do more to help those in need and to address the root causes of homelessness.In the end, Mounir's story is a story of hope, love, and selflessness. It reminds us that we all have the power to make a difference, no matter how small. As Mounir said, "May God bless everyone watching or hearing this." Let's take his words to heart and spread kindness and love wherever we go.