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Passenger Sees Blind Man Get off the Bus  Immediately Takes a Video When the Driver Follows Him Out for This Reason
Driver Gets off Bus to Help Blind Passenger Cross the Street
Uplifting News

Passenger Sees Blind Man Get off the Bus Immediately Takes a Video When the Driver Follows Him Out for This Reason

The act of kindness is inspiring thousands.

So often, we go about our days without really paying attention to our surroundings or those passing us by. But sometimes, if you stop for a little breather and actually take in what's happening around you, you may realize there are many, everyday acts of kindness you can perform.

This kind bus driver reminds us of that, which is one reason her story has gone viral.

A Random Day


Bus driver Ciji Crawford was going about her business one day in Miami-Dade County, Florida, when she noticed a new passenger on her route. The man was blind and needed assistance, so she asked if she could help him.

According to NBC South Florida, the man initially resisted help, but Crawford told him it was no problem.

“I would want someone to do the same thing, and that’s how I was looking at it,” she told the outlet. “That was the right thing to do.”

Crawford then checked with the other passengers to ensure they were okay if she walked the man across the street. When no one objected, she got out and helped the man safely cross.

She had no idea anyone was really paying attention at that moment, let alone recording her act of kindness.

A Surprise Viral Moment

two people crossing the street

However, someone was recording the moment, and they later posted it on social media, where it was shared wide and far. “When my job called me and told me, ‘Hey, you went viral,’ I’m like, ‘What?’” Crawford recalled to the news outlet. “I didn’t even think about the incident because it was something that, you know, was natural to me.”

In the video, Crawford and the man can be seen laughing as they cross the street.

“He was saying, 'You know, you an angel.' And that’s when I said, 'You know what, if I was strong enough, I would carry you,' and that’s what the video showed of us actually laughing,” Crawford explained.

As for why the video went viral, Crawford has some ideas. She says it all boils down to kindness and compassion, and to someone who just took a couple of extra minutes out of their day to help a stranger in need.

“That was something that the world needed at that moment,” she said. “To show that it’s still some good people out here in this world and everybody deserves love and compassion and understanding.”

Everyday Acts of Kindness

Acts of kindness don’t have to be large or extravagant to make a difference in someone else’s life. While grand gestures and big donations are nice and, of course, welcomed, it’s the small moments that add up to something wonderful.

Holding the door open for someone else, saying good morning or actually stopping to listen to someone when you ask how they’re doing, or giving someone on the streets an extra dollar or two are all little ways to spread kindness.

You can also spread kindness within your own relationships and friendships. Maybe send unexpected flowers to a friend to cheer them up. Bring a coffee in for your co-worker. Or volunteer to help someone with a move, their kids, or even their groceries.

There are many ways to help others if we just stop and assess how. And, as this bus driver reminds us all, your act of kindness may inspire thousands of others to step up their kindness game too.

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