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Woman with three kids and a woman with her three adult children.
Uplifting News

40-Year-Old Mom Spent Three Years In Prison - Now She's an Intern at Princeton

Life can take us down unexpected and scary roads. Sometimes, we don’t know how to get off those roads and begin the climb to a better future. As this mom proved, however, anything is possible with a second chance and a little determination.

Stressed Mom Dining Out With Kids Notices Stranger - Little Did She Know, It Wouldnt Be the Last Time She Heard of Her
Uplifting News

Stressed Mom Dining Out With Kids Notices Stranger - Little Did She Know, It Wouldnt Be the Last Time She Heard of Her

*Featured image contains photo by Keira BurtonDining out with small children can be a stressful experience. While it's important to teach kids how to act in public (not to mention parents need to get out of the house and live life too), the reality is that it often comes with its fair share of chaos and unpredictability. Not only do you worry about how your kids are going to behave, but you also stress about how other restaurant-goers are going to react to your children. For one frazzled mom in Australia, a fellow diner's response to her two young kids left her on the verge of tears...but for all the RIGHT reasons. Stressed-Out Mom Apologizes for Kids Making NoiseMom Tyne, her husband, and their two sons, aged three and 18 months, were on a weekend getaway to the Sunshine Coast. It was a chance to relax, have fun, and spend quality time together. But for Tyne, grabbing breakfast at a cafe before heading to the Sea Life Aquarium felt anything but relaxing. As any parent of toddlers can relate, you hope for the best but prepare yourself for the worst. As the family waited for their meals, she noticed a woman sitting at a nearby table reading a book. Tyne's alarm bells immediately started ringing. Worried that her boys would disturb the woman by being anything BUT peaceful and quiet (because, kids) Tyne decided to try to diffuse the situation before it reached catastrophic levels. "I immediately apologized to the lovely lady sitting near us as she had a book and [I] was afraid the boys wouldn't be too peaceful." Tyne via the Facebook group, "The Kindness Pandemic""We were chatting for a little and then she left after her breakfast,” the mom added. Little did she know it wasn't the last she would hear from the stranger. Stranger Leaves a Heartwarming NoteWhen the family got up to pay their bill, they were shocked to learn it had already been covered. Not only was it paid for, but in its place was a handwritten note. It read:"It was such a pleasure sharing my brekkie space with you. Please keep doing what you’re doing. You’ve got a beautiful family. Hopefully, you can splurge a little more at Sea Life today. Love Em.”It was from the stranger Tyne had felt compelled to apologize to. Instead of being upset with Tyne for having children being just that, children, she encouraged the mom to keep up the great parenting. Having the tab covered was nice, but it was the note that really meant the most to Tyne. While the message was simple, it packed a powerful punch. "I almost cried. She paid for us... And her kind words were what I needed to hear.”Tyne via FacebookTyne was so grateful for the heartwarming gesture that she decided to share about it on social media in the hopes of tracking Em down.“If you are Em staying in Mooloolaba for work and went to a quirky local that’s your favourite — you are an amazing soul.” she wrote.“Thank you, thank you. We will pay it forward,” she added. The Difference a Kind Word Can MakeBeing a parent isn't easy, especially when kids are young. It takes a lot of hard work, perseverance, and teaching them how to function in the real world. If we want children to grow up into responsible, self-sufficient caring adults that positively contribute to society, they can't be raised in a vacuum. So yup, that means they do have to go out in public. Unfortunately, however, when parents do venture out with their kids they often feel judged rather than supported. This is why Tyne was so apprehensive about her fellow diner's response in the restaurant.The fact that the stranger reacted the way that she did is heartening. It didn't just make a positive impact in Tyne's life, it's also a great reminder for us as well. Because sometimes? Parents just need some encouragement. So the next time you're out and about and you see a parent trying their best, take a moment to let them know that you see them and they're doing a great job. Chances are, they really need to hear it. More from Goalcast:Shocked Mom Finds Dozens of Notes In Her Daughter’s Drawers – Realizes Her Husband Has Given ThemWoman Finds a Note Left by a Stranger on a Train – And It May Have Saved Her LifeProud Military Mom Leaves Work for the Day – Finds a Note From a Stranger That Brings Her to Tears

Overwhelmed Workers Sob After Manager Abandons Them - The Host Gives Two Customers an Idea
Uplifting News

Overwhelmed Workers Sob After Manager Abandons Them - The Host Gives Two Customers an Idea

We all know on a practical level that waitressing is a tough gig. But the truth is — at least for most of us, when we're being served a plate of cold eggs — our 'understanding' nature goes right out the window.The person we want to be (someone who understands it's not the 17-year-old server's fault our eggs are cold) is not the person we are in the moment (someone who's giving the 17-year-old server a bad tip).Honestly, it's only human.But one Texas mother and daughter duo are proving they may be superhuman — or at least, just really empathetic. The Local Denny's Diner Was SwampedSugarlandSylvia Arredondo and her mother Idalia Merkel did the coolest thing possible when they arrived at a Denny's that was short staffed. Like, really short staffed.Two college students were left to fend for themselves when their manager had all but abandoned them at the busy restaurant.Arredondo and Merkel had come from a concert to grab a bite to eat and it seemed like a lot of other people had the same idea because the place was packed.Arredondo was confused when an older gentleman sat them at a table. It seemed like the "host" didn't really know what he was doing — because it turns out he didn't!The “Host” Gave Them a Great IdeaArredondo would soon learn the "host" was actually just a customer who was trying to help organize the chaos. He shared that his wife used to serve at a Denny's. He understood first hand how low the federal minimum wage was ($2.13) — and how dependent those two college staffers were on tips.As it turned out, only two college kids were working the late night shift. One girl was waitressing and one young man was cooking. They called their manager and co-workers for back up...but nobody picked up the phone.Understandably, the tag-team had been so overwhelmed by the crowd, the waitress broke down in tears. The cook comforted her, until he broke down in tears and she had to comfort him!"All we knew was this sweet young lady and young man showed up to earn a paycheck, and we were all determined to not let them sink!"Sylvia Arredondo, FacebookWell, this was all the ammunition this one mother-daughter team needed to jump in a do their part. Arredondo waited tables and her mother got to flipping burgers!Read Sylvia Arredondo's Story Here:Arredondo managed to snap a picture of her mother behind the counter and shared the post to her social media page with a detailed caption sharing the unexpected twist their night took.They Rolled up Their Sleeves and Got to WorkThis one crazy night was reminiscent of the old saying, "When the doctor thinks, the patient dies." Instead of trying to get everything right — Arredondo and Merkel didn't think — they just jumped right into action."I think at one point we even told someone, 'I know this is not what you ordered but it’s food, and if you’re hungry you’ll eat it!' No one had the audacity to argue with us!"Sylvia Arredondo, FacebookArredondo continued, "My mom instantly became a cook's helper and I became a waitress. Another couple started bussing and cleaning tables, another gentleman started washing dishes." It seems their work ethic inspired others to get up and do what they could — even if it wasn't perfect.One Person Can Change the Mood of a Whole RoomIdalia Merkel/FacebookIt sounds like a scene out of a movie. The whole restaurant was working together to make the night a success! Many of them were inspired by Arredondo and her mother leading the charge."Once it was all said and done, strangers were hugging strangers and thanking each other for coming together and for their helping hand. It literally took a village. It was so heartwarming to see others pitch in to help and Do The Right Thing!!"Sylvia Arredondo, FacebookGoing out of your way to be help clean up a mess you didn't create can be really hard most of the time because it requires patience. And when we're "hangry"? Patience can definitely be in short supply.But this mother-daughter duo put their grumbling stomachs on the back burner and got scrambling eggs on the front!This was one situation where there wasn't a silver lining. So these two incredible women made their own!More from Goalcast:

8-Year-Old Keeps a Big Secret From His Mom for Months - The Truth Makes Her Sob
Uplifting News

8-Year-Old Keeps a Big Secret From His Mom for Months - The Truth Makes Her Sob

The best presents are the ones that surprise and mean something special to the recipient. Putting time and effort into curating the perfect thing can lead to downright joy, especially if the person you’re giving a gift to has no idea it’s coming.One eight-year-old boy nailed his holiday present to his mom this past Christmas for all those reasons and more. So naturally, the sweet story soon went viral on social media.An Unexpected GiftLast holiday season, a mom named Ruth Hagmann received a Christmas gift from her eight-year-old son, Hudson. In a video that has since gone viral on TikTok with thousands of views and comments, Hudson handed his mom a small gift.Inside was a pair of glasses and an American Girl tag. Hagmann immediately teared up and covered her face as Hudson went to retrieve the larger present: an American Girl doll named Molly.“It’s Molly! It’s my Molly!” the mother said in disbelief, wiping back tears as her family watched. As for Hudson, he was so excited for his mom to open the present that he could barely stand still. Apparently for good reason: this surprise was months in the making.A Lost Childhood RelicMonths before the Christmas exchange, Hudson told his mom he was scared of losing his favorite toy, a little crocheted ghost. He then asked her if she had ever lost a toy. She had indeed.Growing up, Hagmann had Molly. “I brought her everywhere. I was obsessed with her. I did everything with her,” the mom told Good Morning America. When she turned ten, her father died. Hagmann's family moved, and she lost the doll.“We moved around so much when I was little that I ended up losing Molly, and that made Hudson sooo sad to hear,” she shared on Instagram. For the rest of the year, Hudson continued to ask her about the doll.Secretly, though, Hudson had started planning the ultimate Christmas gift and had asked his family for help. They spent months looking online, but thanks to a 2021 re-release of The American Girl for its 35th anniversary, they were finally able to locate Molly. Everyone managed to keep the big secret for months.“After I stopped sobbing, I just was staring at him in awe, and I just kept saying, 'You have no idea what this means to me.' And he was just saying, 'I love you, Mommy, I love you, Mommy,'" Hagmann continued to GMA.“I think he just wants me to … feel like, I don't know, that I could have my favorite toy — and it was just so sweet. So, I just kept telling him how much I loved him and how thankful I am.”An Unforgettable ChristmasHagmann added that it was just so wild that her son cared enough to ask and to question her childhood in the first place, adding that he’s an “old soul” and a thoughtful kid. “It was just an amazing Christmas. It was one I’ll never forget,” she added.But things got even better. After the post went viral American Girl contacted Hagmann. They had seen the video and wanted to send the family to New York City to visit the American Girl doll café. They also offered to give Hudson any Mattel toy that he wanted.“He truly healed my inner child with this gift,” Hagmann added on Instagram. “I can’t believe how sweet he is.”Knowing Our ImpactThis story is so sweet because it goes to show you how much kids can surprise us and how the little things can make a big difference. Hudson was curious about his mom’s past and asked questions, showing that he cared and wanted to bring her some joy. And, he did it in the sweetest way possible.The action also reminds us that we, too, have the power to impact people we love in a positive way. By practicing active listening, asking questions, and taking the time to get to know one another, we can make a huge difference in each other’s lives — with or without a physical gift to match.More from Goalcast:11-Year-Old Returns All of His Christmas Presents – Surprises Everyone With What He Does With the $95Poor Student With “Nothing to Give” Surprises Teacher With an Unforgettable Christmas GiftTeacher Finds Out Parents Can’t Afford to Buy Their Kids Gifts – Gets a Second Job So All 50 of Them Receive Presents

Mom Has Perfect Response to Teacher Who Called Her Sons Lunches Disgusting - Then She Receives a Shocking Email
Uplifting News

Mom Has Perfect Response to Teacher Who Called Her Sons Lunches Disgusting - Then She Receives a Shocking Email

It's 2024 and it's look like some people still haven't gotten the memo we need to be inclusive of every culture.What's even more disappointing is when these "misunderstanding" people are the ones who are responsible for educating the future leaders of tomorrow!The internet was furious when one loving Korean mother, was schooled by her son's teacher (so to speak). Yes, one preschool teacher claimed this mom packed "inappropriate" lunches for her son. The only problem? They weren't really inappropriate at all. These lunches were totally standard for Korean culture. Here's how one Korean mom — who went be the alias flowergardens0 — decided to handle the situation.And here's why Reddit users are backing her up.One Mother Turned To Reddit — They Were InfuriatedWhen it came to standing up for herself, the 34-year-old mom aka flowergardens0 wanted to make sure she didn't cross the line. She knew parent-teacher relationships have an unspoken, delicate balance. So, she decided to "ask the judges." This fierce mama turned to the popular Reddit thread "AITA?" to ask for a little bit of guidance.The acronym AITA humorously stands for "Am I The A**hole?" The Reddit thread is a safe online space for users to anonymously get honest feedback to see if they handled a difficult situation correctly. She wanted to make sure she didn't overreact — because if she did, she wanted to make it right.Here’s What She Wanted to Know:"I (34F) have a (5M) son who attends preschool. A few hours after I picked him up from school today, I got a phone call from his teacher. She made absolutely no effort to sound kind when she, in an extremely rude and annoyed tone, told me to stop packing my son such “disgusting and inappropriate” lunches.I felt absolutely appalled when she said this, as me and the teacher have, up until now, always maintained a very friendly relationship. She added that the lunches I’m packing my son are “very distracting for the other students and have an unpleasant odor.” I told her that I understand her concerns, as the lunches I pack are definitely not the healthiest, but the lunches are according to my son’s preferences."Even though she was taken aback by the teacher's surprising overstep, she took a deep breath and did her best to try and reason with her.How One Mother Responded to a Teacher’s ComplaintsShe responded by saying she "very much appreciated her worries, but that at the end of the day, I am not going to drastically change my sons’ lunches all of a sudden."Flowergardens0 correctly asserted that it’s not her fault if other students are “distracted” by his meal. "It is very important to me what my son enjoys, and I want him to like my lunches."Reddit/ flowergardens0After the call ended, this mother felt confident in her choice of words.Then she received a follow up email that made her question whether or not she did the right thing.The Teacher Wouldn’t Let It Go — She Called Her Response “Unacceptable”The teacher wasn't happy with the boundaries flowergardens0 set down. So she sent an email telling flowergardens0 her response was “unacceptable.”She went on to write her son's lunches are “just too inappropriate to be sent to school any longer.” Unsure what to do next, flowergardens0 bravely put herself out there on Reddit and got a bigger response than she could have ever imagined and all the comments were unanimous."I want to maintain a healthy relationship with my son’s teachers. I am confused as to what to do. AITA?"Reddit/ flowergardens0“She’s Too Inappropriate to Be Teaching at the School Any Longer.”Even though she wasn't sure if she did the right thing, the votes were in. It was quickly revealed she was "NTA" or in other words "not the a**hole." This teacher definitely crossed the line."The other kids are bullying your kid""This teacher isn't teaching these kids to accept differences"Protecting Her Son’s “Preferences”One of the more interesting takeaways of this story is even though the other kids in his class were complaining about his lunches, her 5-year-old son was not. He didn't ask his mom to switch it up and pack him ham sandwiches instead of kimchi and sriracha dishes.Even though he was so young, this little boy still knew who he was. He knew what he liked, and "trying to fit in" wasn't going to change that.This mom obviously did a good job raising her son. So it's no surprise she reflected the same confidence. When this teacher tried to shame her, she stood her ground and stood by her son's preferences.It may been picked up from a drive-thru window, but that didn't make his meal any less happy!A Lesson in Clapping Back, RespectfullyAs much as we want them to be, our kids aren't always on the right side of history.In every parent's life there will be many times their children will be wrong. Yes, it's important to recognize their missteps and help them make amends.That being said, there will also be times when our children need us to stand up for them. Just because an authority figure isn't happy with their choices — or ours for that matter — doesn't mean it's right.Sure, this teacher may not have been fully attune to her actions. But from the outside looking in? It seems like she was using her power position to intimidate a student's parent and get her way.Thankfully, this mama stood her ground and hopefully helped this teacher realize that instead of trying to make one student change their habits to make others more "comfortable," there is an awesome opportunity to teach all her students a powerful lesson about including everyone.More from Goalcast:

Mom Has Controversial Response After Mean Girls Bullied Her Daughter Over $10 Water Bottle From Walmart
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Mom Has Controversial Response After Mean Girls Bullied Her Daughter Over $10 Water Bottle From Walmart

When Dayna Motycka's daughter faced bullying over a $10 Walmart water bottle instead of the pricier $45 Stanley, Dayna shared her frustration on TikTok. The video sparked a heated debate about societal values and parenting. Despite Dayna acknowledging her privilege, the question lingers: Is fitting in by buying the expensive bottle the right solution?Her Daughter Was Bullied for Shopping at WalmartFor Christmas, all the other girls in her class had gotten brand label "Stanley Quencher" water bottles. The trendy mug is all the rage and retails for upwards of $45. When Dayna's daughter returned home from school after the winter break, she was devastated to learn her little girl had been bullied for buying her bottle at a discount store.This Ohio mom wasted no time. She took to TikTok to share with her followers the "short and sweet" lesson she learned — and audiences were divided.In the video Dayna holds up the $10 Walmart tumbler in question:"This is the cup we got our daughter for Christmas. This isn't the Stanley. This is a $9.98 Walmart Cup that she said she thought was cute."Even though there isn't a noticeable difference in quality — especially for a young girl — it didn't stop the kids from calling her daughter a "fake."“And they made sure to let her know that this is not a real Stanley, that this is fake, and it’s not as cool.”Dayna MotyckaThe Shocking Part? Her Daughter Is Only 9 Years Old!At such a young age, these kids are already tuned into putting others down for displaying signs of being in a "lower" class. But Dayna doesn't necessarily blame the kids for not knowing any better — it's the parents she has a reminder for.The mother believes this sort of bullying starts at home with the parents. “This doesn’t start with the kids. This starts with us, with parents, with moms. What are we teaching our kids?” Her message was clear: What are we teaching our children about the importance of labels?It’s About Time to Break the CycleDayna's simple story grabbed the attention of TikTokers everywhere. Her video quickly received nearly 4 million views and over 18,000 comments. “You’d better believe that if our nine-year-old daughter came home and, somehow, we found out that she had made fun of another girl at school for not having something name-brand… we would be calling the family," Dayna shared. "We would be making her write a note to apologize, we would make her apologize in person because that’s not what we do in this household.”One commentator was quick to draw the parallels between past and present...and her sentiment hit home for many:"The girls who made fun of others in the 2000s for not having Uggs/Abercrombie are the moms of the girls making fun of others for not having Stanleys."@_stephanie_v_Her “Quick Fix” Only Made Matters WorseDayna ended the video with admitting that even though she knew better, she ultimately decided to get her daughter the Stanley mug so she could fit in with the other girls. Her response drew a mix of some positive praise and some raised eyebrows from users who were unclear as to what her message was.Is It Fair for Her to Say One Thing — Then Do Another?In her video, Dayna is quick to acknowledge her privilege. She discloses to her viewers that yes, she has a one Stanley Tumbler for herself and that yes, she can afford to buy her daughter the pricey water bottle as well — but that's not the point.On one hand its important that Dayna is contributing to the conversation and grabbing headlines with her wise words on the subject matter.But on the other hand, it's important to remember that there are plenty of parents who aren't in Dayna's position and wouldn't be able to afford buying the $45 bottle. So what is the solution for them?It Starts With you…so You Decide!While is totally relatable that Dayna caved to the pressure and got her daughter the trendy water bottle to "stop the bleeding" (so to speak), making the immediate problem go away is just a temporary solution — and in some cases can even make matters worse.The long con is helping her daughter build up her confidence and sense of self, so in the future, those kinds of comments won't get her down. But the hope for tomorrow doesn't have to be the reality for today!Every day we face new situations and there's rarely one right or wrong answer. The fact of the matter is, we don't need to die on every hill. For some of us, that can be a really hard lesson to learn. Ultimately, it's OK for Dayna to share her frustrations with her daughter's experience of bullying and then still try and put an end to that bullying by helping her fit in. There's times to fit in and times to stand out.For this mom, she weighed the pros and cons and cut her losses. Despite certain convictions we may have...we should always work to judge others less. Take the good, leave the bad, and just try to do the next right thing.And if that's not enough, there's always this Reddit mom, who's fighting the system!More from Goalcast:

68 Mom Quotes That Will Make You Want To Call Your Mom and Tell Her You Love Her

68 Mom Quotes That Will Make You Want To Call Your Mom and Tell Her You Love Her

In this collection of 69 heartfelt mother quotes, we explore the diverse, touching, and even downright funny aspects of motherhood. Mothers hold a unique place in our hearts, often embodying an irreplaceable source of love, wisdom, and support. Their influence shapes our lives in countless ways, from the early days of childhood to the journeys of adulthood. These quotes, shared by writers, poets, celebrities, and everyday folks, remind us of the special bond we share with our moms and the profound impact of their love has on our lives.Warning: as you read through these quotes, you'll find yourself you may just find yourself missing your own mom and feeling the urge to reach out and share your appreciation for the amazing woman who has played such a significant role in your life! For those whose mothers are no longer with them, may these quotes can serve as a beautiful tribute and a source of solace, celebrating the enduring spirit of maternal love. Empowering Quotes About Motherhood (19)"Motherhood: All love begins and ends there." Robert Browning"A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take." Cardinal Mermillod"A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend."Unknown"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." Rajneesh"To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow."Maya Angelou"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever."Unknown"A mother is the one who fills your heart in the first place."Amy Tan"A mother's love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible."Marion C. Garretty"A mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking."Helen Rice"A mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired; it need not be deserved."Erich Fromm"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness."Honore de Balzac"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path."Agatha Christie"Motherhood is about raising and celebrating the child you have, not the child you thought you would have."Joan Ryan“Motherhood has relaxed me in many ways. You learn to deal with crisis. I’ve become a juggler, I suppose. It’s all a big circus, and nobody who knows me believes I can manage, but sometimes I do.”Jane Seymour“(24/7) once you sign on to be a mother, that’s the only shift they offer.”Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper“Motherhood is hard enough without judgement from others who don’t know the whole story.”Sarah Addison Allen“You don’t take a class; you’re thrown into motherhood and learn from experience.”Jennie Finch“Chosen motherhood is the real liberation. The choice to have a child makes the whole experience of motherhood different, and the choice to be generative in other ways can at last be made, and is being made by many women now, without guilt.”Betty Friedan, "The Feminine Mystique""A mother's arms are made of tenderness, and her children sleep soundly in them." Victor HugoFunny Quotes on Motherhood(27)Photo by Andrea Piacquadio /Pexels"Does this baby make me look fat?"Amy Schumer"You can tell what was the best year of your mother's life because they seem to freeze that clothing style and ride it out."Jerry Seinfeld"Raising kids may be a thankless job with ridiculous hours, but at least the pay sucks."Jim Gaffigan"If your kids are giving you a headache, follow the directions on the aspirin bottle, especially the part that says, 'keep away from children'.Susan Savannah“Honey, I’m your mother. It’s my job to strong-arm people into seeing how amazing you are.”Beverly Goldberg, The Goldbergs"Setting a good example for your children takes all the fun out of middle age."William Feather"“The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.”Calvin Trillin"Motherhood: feeding them as a baby and then through most of their twenties." Unknown"I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them.”Phyllis Diller"A suburban mother's role is to deliver children; obstetrically once and by car forever after." Peter De Vries"Silence is golden. Unless you have kids. Then silence is just suspicious." Unknown"Behind every great kid is a mom who's pretty sure she's screwing it all up."Unknown"You know you're a mom when you understand why mama bear's porridge was cold."Unknown"I don't want to sleep like a baby, I want to sleep like my husband" Unknown"My two-year-old referred to her coat pockets as "snack holes," and this is what I shall forever call them" Rebecca Caprara"I told my mom she was invading my personal space, and she said, 'You came out of my personal space.'Unknown"I was a really good mom before I had kids." Trisha Nobile"Parenthood: Where you can never find the scissors but your kids always know where you hide the chocolateUnknown"If a woman speaks and no one is listening, her name is probably 'Mom!'"Unknown"My mother's menu consisted of two choices: Take it or leave it." Buddy Hackett"I used to have functioning brain cells, but I traded them in for children." - Unknown"The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable."Lane OlinghouseWhen your kids are teenagers, it's important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you."Nora Ephron"I might look like I'm listening to you, but in my head, I'm thinking about what to cook for dinner."Unknown"I asked Mom if I was a gifted child. She said they certainly wouldn't have paid for me."Calvin and Hobbes"If at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way your mom told you to do it from the start."Unknown"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing."Phyllis Diller"When your 'mom voice' is so loud, even the neighbours brushed their teeth and get dressed" Unknown"They say to test out baby names, say them over and over again. Bull. What they should really suggest is to be called Mom over and over again and see if you still choose that."UnknownCelebrity Quotes About Motherhood (23)"Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials."Meryl Streep"A mother's arms are more comforting than anyone else's."Princess Diana"It's not easy being a mom. If it were easy, fathers would do it."Betty White“'You have suffered enough.' That became my mantra for motherhood from there on out. You have suffered enough. If you can make it easier, make it easier, and don’t feel guilty about it.”Ali Wong"Wine is necessary."Kelly Clarkson"Motherhood is basically finding activities for children in three-hour pockets of time for the rest of your life"Mindy Kaling"Every day when you're raising kids, you feel like you could cry or crack up and just scream 'This is ridiculous!' because there's so much nonsense, whether it's what they're saying to you or the fact that there's avocado or poop on every surface"Kristen Bell"Sleep at this point is just a concept, something I'm looking forward to investigating in the future"Amy Poehlr"It’s the best acting of my life right here, the well-rested woman. It’s my finest role"Kerry Washington"You know how once you have kids you never ever pee by yourself again? At least one of them is always in there with you at all times."Jennifer Garner"I always say if you aren't yelling at your kids, you're not spending enough time with them."Reese Witherspoon"No one told me I would be coming home in diapers, too."Chrissy Teigen"Ah, babies. They're more than just adorable little creatures on whom you can blame your farts."Tina Fey"Usually the triumph of my day is, you know, everybody making it to the potty."Julia Roberts"Stop saying 'we're pregnant.' You're not pregnant. Do you have to squeeze a watermelon-sized person out of your lady hole? No."Mila Kunis"I don't think so mommy!" is what my child said after, "Can you please pick up the popcorn you threw all over?"Anna Faris"'I've leaned that it's way harder to be a baby. For instance, I haven't thrown up since the '90s and she's thrown up twice since we started this interview."Eva Mendes"Twelve years later the memories of those nights, of that sleep deprivation, still make me rock back and forth a little bit. You want to torture someone? Hand them an adorable baby they love who doesn't sleep."Shonda Rhimes"The majority of my diet is made up of foods that my kid didn't finish." Carrie Underwood"Becoming a mom to me means you have accepted that for 16 years of your life, you will have a sticky purse." Nia Vardalos"Parenting is f---ing hard!" Adele" I can be covered in spit up on a conference call while I'm pumping and that's okay, because this is my perfect. It may not be somebody else's, but this is mine."Kerry Washington"Like all parents, my husband and I just do the best we can, and hold our breath, and hope we've set aside enough money to pay for our kids' therapy." Michelle Pfieffer"I'm one of five kids. My husband is one of four, so we're officially breeders."Blake Lively

Woman Going Through a Tough Time Scolds Loud Teens at Movie Theatre - Then, Their Mother Tracks Her Down
Uplifting News

Woman Going Through a Tough Time Scolds Loud Teens at Movie Theatre - Then, Their Mother Tracks Her Down

They say it takes a village to raise children. But sometimes, that village can be made up of unexpected allies. That’s the lesson one mother learned when she found out that her kids had been misbehaving at the movies and completely ruined the experience for one family going through a rough time.A Night Out Turned SourA few years ago in Birmingham, Alabama, a mom named Rebecca Boyd was having a rough week. Her husband had just been laid off, and she knew finances were going to be tight for a while. So, she decided to treat her 12-year-old daughter, Ashley, to a movie. It was going to be the last treat for a while, and she wanted to enjoy some time with her kid.Unfortunately, when they settled in their seats, things took a sour twist. Two teenage girls sat behind them, giggling, talking loudly, and even kicking their seats.“At one point, I turned around and told them that we paid for the movie just like they did,” Boyd told Yahoo Parenting. “They just giggled at me and continued with the same behavior.”Needless to say, the night out at the movies wasn’t exactly what Boyd had wanted for her daughter during their last outing for a while, and she was extremely disappointed.Confronting the GirlsAfter the movie wrapped, Boyd sent her daughter to the car and decided to do something about the situation. She confronted the teens and told them just how much their behavior had affected her and her daughter.“I told them they needed to realize that their behavior affects others and they never know what other people around them are going through,” she recalled. “For instance, my husband was just laid off from his job, and this would be the last movie I could take my daughter to for a while, and they had ruined that.”With that, Boyd met her daughter, and the pair went home to go about their lives.Tracking Down a StrangerBoyd may have accepted the situation for what it was, but someone else was furious about it: the girls’ mom, Kyesha Smith Wood. The girls had been at the movies with their brother, and he promptly told his mother what had transpired when they returned home.Wood was angry at her daughters and wanted to do something to help make up for their behavior. So she went on Facebook and shared a post asking for help in finding Boyd. “If you are this woman, please message me,” she wrote. “I can assure you that these girls are being strongly dealt with and appropriately punished. This rude, disrespectful, and awful behavior is unacceptable, and they owe you an apology,” she continued.“My husband and I are having them write your apology letter tonight, and we would like to pay for your next movie and snacks out of their allowance. Please message me if this is you. I apologize profusely for their disrespect.”A Chance to Make Things RightThe post began circulating on social media, and before long, Boyd saw it. She reached out, and the two moms connected.“I was very touched that Kyesha was not offended that I approached her girls,” Boyd said. “Her kind letter brought tears to my eyes.”As for Wood, she was grateful that somebody stood up to her daughters and reprimanded their actions when no one else would.“I thanked her for correcting my girls in my absence and letting them know that they were wrong,” Wood added to “A lot of times, people get nervous about saying something to a stranger’s kids. But it takes a village to raise our kids. We as a community need to hear this, that there are parents out there who still believe in old-fashioned methods.”It Really Does Take a VillagePart of the reason this story resonated with so many people may be because it’s a valuable example of parents helping other parents out. Boyd could have blamed the teens' parents for their actions or chosen not to forgive. And Wood could have taken Boyd’s words the wrong way and confronted her for it.Instead, both women showed up for each other as mothers who are just trying their best to raise decent humans. It’s a nice reminder that, no matter what your parenting style, we’re all in this together. Supporting one another is key to making it all work and to helping parents everywhere feel less alone in their journeys.More from Goalcast:Manager Approaches Mom After Customers Complain About Her Child – He Pays for Their Meal After She Asks Him This QuestionBullies Call Mom A “Whale” In Front Of Everyone – Her Reaction Takes Them By SurpriseRude Man Asks Mom to “Shut Her Baby Up” – She Can’t Believe When His Own Dad Teaches Him a Lesson in Public