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Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman hugging and Keith Urban giving a speech.
Uplifting News

How Nicole Kidman Saved Their Marriage After Keith Urban's Addictions "Blew it to Smithereens"

Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman may have a marriage made in (Hollywood) heaven, but it started in hell.Less than four months into their union, Urban's battle with addictions spiraled out of control, forcing Kidman to stage an intervention. With his life and marriage imploding, he sought help at the Betty Ford Center, his third rehab stint in eight years. Despite all of the voices telling her to walk away, Kidman held on fast to love.

How Tom Cruise Kept His Family Afloat When His Mother Finally Left His Abusive Father
Uplifting News

How Tom Cruise Kept His Family Afloat When His Mother Finally Left His Abusive Father

A-List actor Tom Cruise, 61, is known for many things. He's A Scientologist! He's an adrenaline junkie with a taste for death-defying stunts! He's the guy with his shoes on Oprah's couch!But where certain celebs are known for their traumatic childhoods and heroic origin stories, the controversial Cruise (born Thomas Cruise Mapother IV), keeps tight-lipped when it comes to his personal life and is lesser known for his humble beginnings. It may seem that at 61 years old, with a staggering $600 million net worth, things came easy for the Top Gun frontman, but the truth is Tom's early life was anything but easy.Growing Up in an Abusive HomeBefore he was one of the highest grossing box office stars of all time, Tom Cruise grew up in poverty in Syracuse, New York. Cruise is the third of mother Mary Lee Pfeiffer's four children. Growing up, Cruise along with his sisters Lee Ann Mapother DeVette, 64, Marian Mapother, 62, and Cass Mapother, 59, were tragically subjected to their father's abusive behavior. As a child Cruise did not have a stable upbringing. His family was constantly uprooted with Cruise attending 15 schools in 14 years. Cruise's biological father, Thomas Cruise Mapother III, was an electrical engineer. Mapother III, could never hold down a job and kept the family on the move in a restless search for work. At a young age, Cruise and his family relocated to Ottawa, Canada where Cruise lived until the 6th grade. Yet, everywhere Cruise went, his father's abuse continued, until one day, his mother Mary Lee decided she'd had enough.“He was a bully and a coward,” Tom Cruise said of the father who beat him. “He was the kind of person where, if something goes wrong, they kick you. It was a great lesson in my life —how he’d lull you in, make you feel safe and then, bang! For me, it was like, ‘There’s something wrong with this guy. Don’t trust him. Be careful around him.’ There’s that anxiety.”Tom Cruise, PARADEWhen mother Mary Lee realized her husband's abusive behavior would never stop, she took her four children and divorced him. Mary Lee returned to the United States with her children in tow, in search of a better life, and the young Cruise was determined to help.Supporting His Mother and Three SistersJeff Rayner / Coleman-RaynerWhen Tom Cruise's mother bravely divorced his father, she worked several jobs, day and night just to make ends meet and keep her family out of poverty. Sadly, when you have five mouths to feed, it's nearly impossible to achieve financially, without help. Thankfully, as a young teenager, Tom Cruise was just the kid for the job...literally. It should come as no surprise when his mother was struggling to tread water, Hollywood's resident stuntman jumped into action, to help his mother and three sisters stay afloat in anyway he could.“I’ve always had a work ethic. I’ve had paying jobs since I was about eight years old — cutting grass, raking leaves, paper routes, selling Easter cards and Christmas cards.”Tom Cruise, PLAYBOY (2012)Cruise helped with money from a paper route he picked up. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Cruise admitted he even massaged his mother’s sore feet for half an hour, after she came home from long days at work. Though Cruise's mother tragically passed away in February 2017, the bond between them is everlasting. Cruise is quick to praise his mother for always believing in his dreams of becoming an actor, no matter how far fetched it seemed to everyone else.All His Hard Work Paid off in Ways He Couldn’t ImagineTom Cruise may have a rocky past when it comes to his romantic relationships, but when it comes to his nuclear family, Cruise has always done his best to honor his relationship with his mother and sisters.After getting kicked off his high school football team, in his senior year, one teacher who saw potential in the young Tom Cruise, changed the course of his life with this one suggestion.The Glee Club teacher encouraged Cruise to audition for his high school's musical production of Guys and Dolls, and scored the leading role!"I can't describe the feeling that was there," Cruise's mother said when watching her son on opening night. "It was just an incredible experience to see what we felt was a lot of talent coming forth all of a sudden. It had been dormant for so many years — not thought of or talked about or discussed in any way," she said to Rolling Stone.After discovering his passion for acting, Cruise asked his mother and stepfather the most crucial question of all. He wanted their blessing to pursue an acting career for the next decade, and mother Mary Lee's response couldn't have been more perfect."We both wholeheartedly agreed,” she told Rolling Stone. “Because we both felt it was a God-given talent … So to make a long story short, we gave him our blessing — and the rest is history.”A Mother’s Love Makes All the DifferenceThroughout Tom Cruise's tumultuous journey, one constant source of strength and inspiration was the unwavering love and support of his mother, Mary Lee Pfeiffer. Her enduring love and dedication to her children provided the anchor they needed to weather life's storms. It was her love that fueled Tom's determination to overcome adversity and create a brighter future. Tom Cruise's unparalleled work ethic, instilled by his mother's values of resilience and hard work, became a driving force in his life. This work ethic not only propelled him to success in Hollywood but also served as a testament to the transformative power of maternal love and the unwavering belief in one's dreams, even in the face of the most challenging circumstances.More from Goalcast:Teflon Tom: Why Tom Cruise Remains Hollywood’s Top Gun – Despite His Controversial ReputationHow Nicole Kidman Changed After Her Divorce From Tom CruiseWhat Happened to Katie Holmes After Her Divorce From Tom Cruise?

15 The Notebook Quotes that Will Make you Fall in Love

15 The Notebook Quotes that Will Make you Fall in Love

The Notebook is an American romantic drama that melted the hearts of viewers everywhere. The movie is based on Nicholas Sparks' eponymous novel, and stars Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams.The plot starts in a modern-day nursing home, where an elderly man reads a love story from his notebook to a female patient that suffers from dementia.In the story, Noah, a poor young man, falls in love with Allie, an upper-class girl, but her parents don’t approve of their relationship, which breaks the couple apart.As the years pass, the main characters eventually end up together, and we find out that the two old patients at the beginning of The Notebook are, in fact, Noah and Allie. If you don’t get emotional during the movie or while reading the book, you’ll most certainly cry at the end of the story.Here are 15 The Notebook quotes that will make you fall in love with… love:So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday.– NoahIt was real, wasn't it? You and me. Such a long time ago, we were just a couple of kids. But we really loved each other, didn't we?– AllieShe made me who I am and holding her in my arms was more natural to me than my own heartbeat.-- NoahBut despite their differences, they had one important thing in common… they were crazy about each other.– DukeA person can get used to anything if given enough time.-- Nicholas SparksI am nothing special. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.– NoahI think our love can do anything we want it to.– DukeNo matter what happens to us, everyday spent with you is the best day of my life.-- NoahThe best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.– NoahSummer romances end for all kinds of reasons. They are shooting stars-a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, a fleeting glimpse of eternity. And in a flash, they're gone.– DukeWould you stop thinking about what everyone wants? What do you want?– NoahThis is just a fight we're having and tomorrow it will be like it never happened, right?– AllieI could be whatever you want. You just tell me what you want, and I'm gonna be that for you.– NoahPoets often describe love as an emotion that we can't control, one that overwhelms logic and common sense. That's what it was like for me.– NoahThe scariest thing about distance is that you don't know whether they'll miss you or forget you.-- Nicholas Sparks

16 Peter Pan Quotes About the Beauty of Innocence

16 Peter Pan Quotes About the Beauty of Innocence

Have you ever felt like being an adult just doesn’t work for you sometimes, and how great things would be if you could just go back to being a child?It’s not about running away from responsibilities; it’s just about being human and wanting to take a break every now and then. Well, Peter Pan knew all along that adulthood was just not for him.RELATED: 21 Incredible Dr. Seuss Quotes to Boost your OptimismPeter Pan didn’t want to grow up, and he did everything in his power to make sure he remained young at heart. While he could sometimes be selfish, Peter was also clever, caring, and a confident leader. And let’s not forget about his ability to fly, courtesy of happy thoughts and a bit of fairy dust. I wonder where we can get some of that...An adventurous character created by J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan represents unending youth and has become a cultural symbol for innocence and escapism.Here are 16 Peter Pan quotes that will awaken your inner child:Forget them, Wendy. Forget them all. Come with me where you'll never, never have to worry about grown up things again.– Peter PanI’ll think of a mermaid lagoon underneath a magic moon.-- WendyNever say goodbye because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting.– Peter PanWendy: Where do you live?Peter Pan: Second to the right, and then straight on till morning.Never is an awfully long time.-- WendyYou know that place between sleep and awake where you’re always dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting.– Peter PanWho be you to order me about and call me girlie?-- WendyTo die would be an awfully big adventure. To live would be an awfully big adventure.– Peter PanAdventures! In which good triumphs over evil!– WendyYou see, Wendy, when the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies. – Peter PanHook: What of Pan? Would unhappy thoughts bring him down?Wendy: He has no unhappy thoughts.Girls are much too clever to fall out of their prams.– Peter PanGrowing up is such a barbarous business, full of inconvenience... and pimples.– Captain HookThere are many different kinds of bravery. There's the bravery of thinking of others before one's self.– Mrs. DarlingI remember kisses, let me see. Aye, that is a kiss. A powerful thing.-- SlightlyCome with me where dreams are born and time is never planned.– Peter Pan

27 Classic Forrest Gump Quotes that Will Change your Outlook on Life

27 Classic Forrest Gump Quotes that Will Change your Outlook on Life

Originally written by Winston Groom, Forrest Gump is an American romantic drama movie directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks.The film has its origins in Groom’s novel, but some events and some of the character’s personality traits are described quite differently. Forrest Gump is a masterpiece with outstanding performances that remain etched in cinematographic history.It’s hard to believe that Forrest Gump was released in 1994 and that it can have the same emotional impact even if you watch it ten times. Aside from depicting everyday drama that so many people can relate to, the movie itself is a major life lesson – we can always succeed if we believe in ourselves, but we also need someone to encourage and not give up on us when we’re in doubt.Although Tom Hanks already had an impressive career as an actor, he undisputedly gained more fame by portraying Forrest - a kind-hearted boy with marginal intelligence, often bullied because of his physical disability and low IQ. Encouraged by his mother, Forrest eventually finds his way in life and proves that in spite of what anyone says he is capable of achieving success.Even though not many show him kindness, Forrest keeps on being the good man his mother taught him to be, doesn’t let anything interfere with his happiness, helps whenever possible and never ceases to follow his dreams.Besides being a commercial success, Forrest Gump serves as a true inspiration; it teaches us to never sink into a place that feels like there's no hope left. The movie won six Academy Awards and due to its major impact, in 2011, was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry, as the Library of Congress described it as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".Here are 27 Forrest Gump quotes for a more positive life outlook:My mama always said ‘Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you’re gonna get.’– ForrestYou have to do the best with what God gave you.– Mrs. GumpI don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze. But I, I think maybe it's both.– ForrestWhen I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate. When I had to go, you know, I went.-- ForrestMy mama says that stupid is as stupid does.– ForrestDon’t ever let anybody tell you they’re better than you.– Mrs. GumpI'm not the smart man. But I know what love is.-- ForrestWhat's normal anyways?– Mrs. GumpMama always said, dying was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn’t.– ForrestForrest: What’s my destiny, Mama?Mrs. Gump:You’re gonna have to figure that out for yourself.Bubba was my best good friend. And even I know that ain’t something you can find just around the corner.– ForrestNow, mama said there’s only so much fortune a man really needs… and the rest is just for showing off.-- ForrestMy mama always told me that miracles happen every day. Some people don’t think so, but they do.– ForrestYoung Jenny: What’s wrong with your legs?Young Forrest: Um, nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy.My mama always said you’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on.-- ForrestDear God, make me a bird. So I could fly far. Far far away from here. – Young Jenny CurranMe and Jenny goes together like peas and carrots. – ForrestHave you found Jesus yet, Gump? – Lieutenant Daniel TaylorI didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir. – ForrestRun, Forrest! Run!- Jenny CurranMama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.- ForrestFor no particular reason I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean. And when I got there, I figured, since I’d gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on going. When I got to another ocean, I figured, since I’d gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going. – ForrestMy mama says they were magic shoes. They could take me anywhere. – ForrestListen, you promise me something, OK? Just if you’re ever in trouble, don’t be brave. You just run, OK? Just run away. –Jenny CurranNow you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was goin' somewhere, I was runnin'! – ForrestMrs. Gump: You do your very best now, Forrest?Young Forrest: I sure will, MommaYou can't be doin' this, Forrest. You can't keep tryin' to rescue me all the time. - Jenny CurranRemember what I told you, Forrest. You're the same as everybody else. Do you hear what I said, Forrest. You're the same as everybody else. You are no different. - Mrs. Gump

How "Everything Everywhere All At Once” Went From Oddball Indie Flick to Big-Time Oscar Winner

How "Everything Everywhere All At Once” Went From Oddball Indie Flick to Big-Time Oscar Winner

A film that really has everything, everywhere, all at once, and then some!It’s safe to say that this breathtaking A24 production has captivated audiences like no other, leaving a trail of multiple Oscar awards and box office triumphs in its wake, while also inspiring its fair share of memes, reactions, and reenactments. Nobody ever expected the indie gem, Everything Everywhere All at Once to make such a cultural impact within such a short period. After all, it’s a movie chronicling the ups and downs of an Asian-American family against the backdrop of multiverses, existentialism and kung-fu action. RELATED: Michelle Yeoh’s Astounding First Oscar Win at 60 Makes History –There’s Always Time To Break Down BarriersBut its absurd wackiness underpins a message of hope and kindness, which makes it special. Everything Everywhere All At Once's success at the Oscars calls for a closer examination of its underdog tale and how it gradually ascended to widespread recognition. The film took home seven Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Editing, Best Original Screenplay, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Supporting Actress — almost everything (wink wink). The recent achievement reminds us that every creative idea has its payoff, and you have to keep hoping that your time to shine will arrive sooner rather than later. The 12-Year Process To Turn a Half-Baked Idea Into a RealityEverything Everywhere All At Once/IMDB What’s so incredible about this movie is that the directors and screenwriters at the helm of this extravaganza, Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, ruminated on their out-of-the-world concept for nearly 12 years. Nothing extraordinary takes a second; in fact, it can take years of ideation, calculation, revision, and collaboration. “And so it’s a very organic process. We never know where our ideas start and when they end, really. It’s about the accumulation, that snowball effect that a single idea can have sometimes,” Kwan told Deadline recently. RELATED: ‘Black Panther’ Director Shares Heartfelt Letter on Twitter, Gives Us All a Lesson in Positive LeadershipBefore EEAAO, their filmography included the music video for "Turn Down For What" and the Daniel Radcliffe-led black comedy Swiss Army Man. So, it goes without saying that the unforeseen triumph of their latest venture surpassed their wildest expectations. Speaking about how the film was received at the SXSW festival in March 2022, Scheinert says, “The reception still humbled us and freaked us out. And it was the first time we got a taste of just how much people resonated with the emotional side of the movie, not just the action.”What grounds the emotional basis of the narrative is Michelle Yeoh’s career-defining performance as Evelyn Wang: a frazzled, overwhelmed laundromat owner going through the wringer on all fronts. Not only is she facing an IRS investigation into her business, but her relationship with her daughter is strained and her marriage is on the brink of collapse. Adding to her troubles, she is currently being pursued by an elusive villain who wields influence over parallel universes. Obviously, the narrative is intricate and multi-faceted and quite a bit surreal, but, according to the Daniels, there is a truth holding together all the motions — that is, the generational gap between Evelyn and her daughter Joy. The Unprecedented Box Office Success & Why It Matters for Asian-AmericansEverything Everywhere All At Once/IMDB The status quo rarely positions middle-aged women as the center of the action, much less middle-aged Asian women. However, the Daniels had known from the beginning they would focus on this demographic as their driving force. “We always knew the film was going to be about generations, that gap that happens with every generation, because it felt like a really perfect way to explore the multiverse…” says Kwan.Thankfully, their labor of love astounded people across the board, garnering widespread recognition from both the masses and the critics. It grossed more than $107 million globally, making it A24's top-grossing movie of all time, and the first to exceed the $100 million milestone, surpassing Hereditary (2018). IGN reported that the film recently earned the distinction of being the most-awarded film of all time. So far it has received a total of 156 accolades from leading critics' groups and award organizations, including nominations and wins for the ensemble cast featuring Michelle Yeoh, Ke Huy Quan, Stephanie Hsu, and Jamie Lee Curtis.A Pop Culture Phenomenon Amidst a Sea of Unoriginal, Formulaic FranchisesEverything Everywhere All At Once/IMDBThere is no doubt that Everything Everywhere All At Once has become a cultural phenomenon — an endeavor so exceptional in scale that it will be revered and commemorated in the years to come. But the question remains as to how such a bonkers, offbeat idea from an indie creative team turned into an award-season juggernaut competing against the likes of studio franchises and traditional Oscar ‘bait.’ Well, it seems that there is a lot of power in the word of mouth. With the movie industry saturated by well-known superhero spectacles, it’s frankly refreshing to watch a movie that’s about original characters in an original universe deploying original thematic elements to drive story and character development. RELATED: Sean Penn Loaned One of His Oscars To Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy – For a Touching ReasonThere is also the case of the COVID-19 pandemic impacting what viewers are finding engaging and relatable. The chain of events portrayed in the movie comes from a place of self-reflection and the decisions we make, which shape us into the person we are today. The film also encompasses themes of infinite universes, all of which are determined by the paths we take. Though this has been explored before in cinema, Everything Everything All At Once turns the trope on its head and treads upon entire new territory with its motifs of everything bagels, buttplugs, hot dog fingers, and the truly unpredictable. How EEAAO Changed The Lives Of Its Central CastFinally, the film must receive credit for rejuvenating the careers of the parties involved. Before the movie’s release, perhaps only Jamie Lee Curtis among the cast could realistically be called ‘superstar.' But over the past year, Yeoh, Hsu, and Huy Quan have been catapulted into stardom and shown no signs of slowing down. When asked about the success of EEAAO, Yeoh says, “What I found so beautiful was, [the movie] was giving a voice to a very ordinary woman, aging immigrant woman, who's never really had a voice before,” Meanwhile, Huy Quan has just been grateful for the opportunity to get back on the screen, since he’d well and truly believed that his days as an actor were behind him. “It was a role that I thought was written for me, and I was just so excited [...] I felt whatever that was missing all those years. ... All of a sudden I felt like I was back where I needed to be,” he told NPR. Everything Everywhere All At Once’s Oscar glory is an example of working harder as well as smarter for your dreams. It only takes one project to transform everyone’s lives around and propel them toward victory, and that’s exactly what the Daniels managed to do for the EEAAO cast and the crew. Sometimes you don’t need big bucks or powerful connections to make magic happen; all you need is an innovative idea that comes from within, something that’s not masked by ulterior motives or greed or money. It’s about making a connection with someone else and introducing them to a weird, wild, and wonderful world.

Paul Rudd Vs. Wilford Brimley: Why Do People in the Past Look So Much Older Than Us?
Pop Culture

Paul Rudd Vs. Wilford Brimley: Why Do People in the Past Look So Much Older Than Us?

If you type “Paul Rudd Wilford Brimley” into Google Image, you'll be met with dozens of side-by-side photos comparing Ant-Man star Paul Rudd and Cocoon actor Wilford Brimley when they were 51 years old. The contrast is striking. In his early 50s, Rudd could easily pass for a man a decade younger, while Brimley at 51 could be mistaken for someone in his 70s. RELATED: Paul Rudd and Wife Julie Yaeger Are Hollywood's Most Un-Hollywood CoupleWhy is there such a marked discrepancy? As it turns out, there are myriad reasons. The most notable might be that, in the Rudd vs. Brimley comparison, the images of the latter were taken in 1985 during the filming of Cocoon.Brimley, who passed away in 2020, was born in year 1934. Rudd, on the other hand, was born in 1969. Had the two shared a birth year, perhaps they would have looked more like peers in their early 50s. However, part of the reason people in the past look so much older than we do today, even at the same age, is because, biologically speaking, they were older.People Are Aging More Slowly Than EverPaul Rudd in Only Murders in the Building Season 2 (2022)The average life expectancy of an American over the past 170 years has trended, dramatically, toward longer life. Looking at data compiled by Statista, average life expectancy in the United States was a mere 40 years in 1860. However, by the early 1900s, it had risen to 50. Fast-forward to the mid-1960s, the average had surpassed 70 years. Today, it's 80.To live longer, people had to live healthier. Much of that was due to improving medical-treatment options and a greater understanding of disease, aging and immunity. Diet had to improve was well. Another important factor was the reduction of harmful habits like smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol. Add to that the tendency to get more exercise and recreation. It’s also difficult to overstate the importance of preventive measures like wearing sun block and protective clothing have on health and appearance.Paul Rudd and Wilford Brimley Weren't the Same Biological AgeWilfred Brimley in Cocoon (1985)When you lead a healthier life than you predecessors, your body shows it. People today really do look younger than those of the same age from generations past. That's because they are in better shape, right down to their very cells. Skin protected from sun damage ages more slowly. RELATED: Your "True" Age May Not Be Your Birth DateA body nourished with good foods doesn't break down as quickly, with stronger bones and a better ability to heal and maintain itself. Simply put, the biological age of two people separated by many decades (say, Paul Rudd and Wilford Brimley) is likely not the same, even when the two were, in calendar years, the same age.But biological age is not the only reason people in the past look older than we do today. Perception also plays a role. There could also be called bias at play.Why Do People Look So Much Older in Photos from the Past?Photo from Suzy Hazelwood, from PexelsIt's not only photos. People from the past look older in movies, too. Even in audio recordings, people sounded older. Or did they? When it comes to the voices of people from the past, that “old-timey” sound has more to do with recording equipment than it does with their voices. Earlier generations of recording hardware couldn't capture nearly as wide a range of frequencies as we can today. Thus, many overtones were lost, especially lower bass tones. RELATED: Classmates Refuse to Sign Bullied Boy's Yearbook - Then Paul Rudd Stepped InVoices sound less rich and melodic have an almost awkward higher pitch that does, indeed, sound older and out of date. So, the guy announcing the horse race or the fellow reporting on the Hindenburg disaster? They didn't actually sound like that.But as for why people in "classic" photos and films look so much older? That's likely, as we have discussed, because they were older, at least in biological terms. A poorer diet, more direct exposure to the sun, smoking, drinking and other factors may well have aged them. Another factor is that, despite being objectively less-healthy, people in past generations did tend to be trimmer on the whole. And a more slender face looks older than a plump face, while thinner bodies more prominently show bones, veins and the like, which can make someone appear older.In the Battle of Brimley vs. Rudd, Cut Wilford Some SlackWilford Brimley in The Firm (1993)Finally, consider this. Your mind is trained to associate black-and-white images, or grainy color, with age. If you see a photo of your grandfather at age 18 next to one of you at 18, he will likely look older. But now view that photo of yourself with a black-and-white filter (or a grainy color filter), and chances are you too will look older in the altered image.Want to take things a step further? Colorize the image of the person from the past. He or she will suddenly seem younger. The same goes for the clothing. Fashion from, say, the 1950s is destined to look antiquated, even in a modern setting.And one more note. While Wilford Brimley definitely looked older than Paul Rudd at 52, do note that the character he played in Cocoon was "aged up" with makeup so he could later appear younger, as required by the script. So, let’s give Wilford a break, Rudd’s seemingly eternal youth not withstanding.KEEP READING: Here Are Myths About Aging You Shouldn't Believe If You Want a Better Life

The 10 Best Vin Diesel 'Family' Memes That Are Heartwarming AND Hilarious
Pop Culture

The 10 Best Vin Diesel 'Family' Memes That Are Heartwarming AND Hilarious

The Fast & Furious franchise boasts nine films in its core line, with a 10th, Fast X, arriving in theaters theaters in May 2023. Over more than two decades, the Universal Pictures movies have thrilled audiences with car chases, gravity-defying stunts, edge-of-your-seat action. They're also filled with a surprising number of references to family, primarily by protagonist Dom Toretto. It's little wonder, then, that Vin Diesel family memes have become practically a cottage industry.RELATED: Vin Diesel & Paul Walker Were More Than Just Friends, They Were BrothersWhat’s such a delight about the Dom memes is that most are not only amusing, but also heartwarming in their own way. They perfectly fulfill the prime directive of a meme. Namely, rapidly expressing an idea based on the use of quickly recognized images with the addition of text. However, these are, for the most part, upbeat -- a pleasant contrast from the snark so often associated with memes.What Is the Vin Diesel Family Meme?It’s exactly what you expect, really. It's nothing more than Diesel’s Fast and Furious character, added to image from other movies, TV series, or even ads. Dom Toretto responds to the situation at hand with some words about -- you guessed it -- family. Dom may save the day on behalf of family. He may strike someone down in the name of family. He may reply in a way that’s totally nonsensical, but also quite funny, because… family quotes.Examples of Vin Diesel’s 'Fast and Furious' Family MemesLet’s take a look at 10 of the best family memes that are both amusing and, in their own way, touching. Sure, there are plenty more Dom Toretto family memes out there that are funny, but these are also heartwarming and, in some cases, even motivational memes.1. Vin Diesel 'Lion King' Family MemeThe Lion King "family memeIn this mashup of Fast and Furious movies and Disney's The Lion King, Vin Diesel’s Dom saves Mufasa from what most of us know as one of the saddest scenes in animated history. Because when you’ve got family, you don’t fall to your death in a stampede. You get saved.RELATED: Vin Diesel, the Off-Screen Hero Who Wants You to Look Beyond His Physique2. Vin Diesel 'Harry Potter' Family MemeHarry Potter "family" memeThere are plenty of Harry Potter Vin Diesel family memes. Most involve the actor jumping in to help Harry in a wizard battle. However, this one is much more charming and benign, however. An apparently magical Dom Toretto leaps away from young Ron Weasley because he has so much to do, what with having... family.RELATED: 22 The Lion King Quotes Filled With Powerful Life Lessons3. Vin Diesel Loki MemeLoki "family" memeSure, Loki may boast of an army in Marvel's Avengers. But when Dom Toretto replies, “We have a family,” you know which side to back. Dom's family values trump an extraterrestrial army. And, while Hulk may smash, the Furious franchise is fast ... and furious.4. 'Titanic' Family MemeTitanic "family" memeThis family meme turns the saddest moment from the tragic film Titanic into a moment of levity. Dom Toretto saves Jack from the frigid Atlantic, because, “There’s always room for family.”RELATED: Newer Generations Are Critical of Harry Potter - Do They Know Something We Don't?5. 'Pawn Stars' Family MemePawn Stars "family" memeThis Pawn Stars meme takes a jab at Fast & Furious (a hint at weak storylines) and saves the day with a mention of ... yes, family. Which, in this case, is the best Vin Diesel can do.6. Vin Diesel 'Star Wars' Family MemeStars Wars "family" memeThe lightsaber battle between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker is an iconic moment from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. The scene also provides one of the franchise's most-memeable lines: “I have the high ground!” However, when you’re facing Dom Toretto, high ground matters not. It's all about family.RELATED: The Most Motivational Star Wars Quotes From a Galaxy Far, Far Away7. The 'Jaws' Vin Diesel Family MemeJaws "family" memeYou know the iconic line from Jaws, right? “We’re gonna need a bigger boat!” Well, when you have Vin Diesel and family around, no big boats are needed. Only cars, a shotgun, and the gang all together.8. Vin Diesel Extended Warranty MemeExtended warranty "family" memeOne of the funnier, more innocent Dom memes mashes up Vin Diesel with a telemarketer offering an extended warranty on his vehicle. Does he need something like that? Of course not.RELATED: Star Wars Icon Stands Up For Bullied Boy Who Chose Not to Fight Back, as It’s ‘Not the Jedi Way’9. 'Braveheart' Dom Toretto MemeBraveheart "family" memeMel Gibson's Scottish hero William Wallace starts to say the English may take the lives of the Scots, but they’ll never take their freedom. It's the most famous line from Braveheart. However, Dom interrupts with what he considers most important, “our family.”10. The Gravity Family MemeGravity Jump memeThis self-referential meme makes sense of a Fast & Furious 6, in which the laws of physics are defied. Tyrese Gibon's Roman Pearce is able to ignore the forces of gravity and wind because has family!KEEP READING: Five Sad & Heartbreaking Anime That Will Hit You Right in the Feels

Chris Evans Reacted to Captain America’s Virginity Reveal - Why Is It Such a Big Deal?
Pop Culture

Chris Evans Reacted to Captain America’s Virginity Reveal - Why Is It Such a Big Deal?

Marvel's She Hulk: Attorney at Law made waves beginning with its Disney+ premiere's running gag about the likelihood of Captain America's virginity. Yes, title character Jennifer Walters is absolutely fixated with the question of whether Steve Rogers ever had sex.RELATED: She-Hulk's Sexual Liberation Is Crucial for Marvel and Disney+The joke builds to a payoff that expands our knowledge of Captain America, and adds another detail to Marvel Cinematic Universe. But all of this (humorous) fuss about virginity raises the question: Why is it a big deal if Captain America is a virgin?The Question of Captain America's Virginity Predates She-HulkCaptain America: The First AvengerThe conversation surrounding Captain America's virginity is hardly a new one. Fans have wondered since the 2011 release of Captain America: The First Avenger whether Steve Rogers ever had the time, or chance, to dance the horizontal mambo. Actor Chris Evans himself even speculated on the subject as far back as 2014, during the production of Avengers: Age of Ultron."He's probably a virgin," he told Entertainment Weekly. "He's probably a virgin! I don’t know when it would've happened."RELATED: She-Hulk's Review-Bombing Exposes One Crucial Detail About Marvel Shows - And It Might Make You AngryWhen the writer noted that Captain America could have been presented with an opportunity during a USO tour, Evans conceded, "He was on tour. Maybe, that's true. Maybe one of those [dancing] girls blew his mind. He's probably just a good guy. He was probably holding out for Peggy Carter and he's probably a little more old-fashioned in that sense."However, She-Hulk protagonist Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany), isn't so convinced. In a flashback in the premiere episode, she needles her cousin, Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) for information about his Avengers teammate's sex life.“Steve Rogers did not have a girlfriend before he went into the service,” Jennifer observes. "So he becomes Captain America, and from that moment on he's a symbol of America. He is rushed to the front lines, he becomes a war hero, then he is frozen in ice. Based on everything you've told me, after he gets unfrozen, he goes from world-threatening disaster to world-threatening disaster. That's when he's not a fugitive from the law. So it seems like he was pretty, pretty busy … Obviously, Captain America was a virgin!"Bruce is clearly uncomfortable with the topic of Captain America's virginity, as anyone might be while discussing a colleague's bedroom activity (or lack thereof). However, he finally gives Jennifer a straight episode by the end of the episode: "Steve Rogers is not a virgin. He lost his virginity to a girl in 1943 on the USO tour.""I knew it! Captain America fuc—!" Jennifer cheers, only to be interrupted mid-sentence.Chris Evans Reacts to Captain America's Virginity RevelationTatiana Maslany as Jennifer Walters and Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner in She-Hulk: Attorney at LawIt might seem like an odd choice for the Disney+ series to showcase speculation about Captain America's virginity. But She-Hulk showrunner Jessica Gao revealed there originally was going to be a lot of more of it in the series."It used to just be a running joke, that it’s going to be a lifelong obsession for Jen, that this is the one thing that keeps her awake at night,” she told Entertainment Tonight. “It actually used to be in the show a lot more, where in every episode there would be some little reminder, like you’d see that her search history was this, and she was always in asides talking to other characters where everybody’s reaction was like, ‘She’s talking about this again.'"RELATED: How Marvel's Most Inspirational Captain America Quotes Can Help You Save the WorldEvans reacted to the new revelation by tweeting three laugh-crying faces and a zipped-lip emoji. Mark Ruffalo responded with his own tweet: "Sorry bro. It was under extreme duress."Apparently, Evans wasn't informed the information was going to be revealed. As Ruffalo explained to Entertainment Weekly, "I laughed my ass off. I’m like, ‘Does someone need to talk to Captain America about this?’ I haven’t. I was afraid he was going to have it cut. Too late now, buddy. The cat’s out of the bag."The entire gag was, no doubt, a way to lampshade something fans have been wondering for years. But it also raises an important question: What's with our culture's outdated obsession with virginity?What Is Virginity, Anyway?Greek goddess Artemis, often described as a virgin goddessVirginity as a concept is pretty messy. It goes as far back as ancient Greece, where virgin simply meant an unmarried female-presenting person or goddess. In its classical definition, a woman didn't need to be chaste to be a virgin, and a man couldn't be a virgin at all.RELATED: Marvel’s Most Inspirational Spider-Man Quotes that Give Power to Your ResponsibilityThe typical modern definition of a virgin is a person, of any gender, who has never had sexual intercourse. But what counts as sex? For heterosexual couples, anything short of penetrative sex isn't likely to be consider "real" sex. But in queer culture, a whole variety of activities fall under the umbrella of sex. So, two people could engage in the same activities, and one could be considered a virgin and the other not, depending on their identity and who they're with. A person's virginity, then, is in the eye of the beholder, which is just plain weird.Virginity in Pop Culture, From Hocus Pocus to TwilightOmri Katz as Max Dennison in Hocus PocusThere's a gross double-standard when it comes to virginity. Female-presenting people are still celebrated -- even fetishized -- for remaining virginal. Our culture has idealized the idea of the "pure" woman who saves herself for Mr. Right. (Never mind that many women are not interested in finding the "right" man, or any man at all.) We see this everywhere, from franchises like Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey all the way to young women, in the real world, successfully auctioning off their virginity to the highest bidder. It seems like our culture hasn't evolved past the archaic obsession with female purity.RELATED: Twilight's Relationships Were Way More Toxic Than You RememberMeanwhile, there's pressure for male-presenting people to be experienced in bed from a young age. It's reached the point that being a male virgin past a certain point in adolescence is often viewed as embarrassing or shameful. Movies like The 40-Year-Old Virgin make laughing at male virgins the main event. But the object of ridicule doesn't have to have even reached adulthood. Disney fans will remember Hocus Pocus, in which the 15-year-old protagonist's virginity is not just a plot point, it's a running joke. It could be argued that Jennifer Walters speculating about Captain America's virginity is somewhat subversive. After all, it's a female character obsessing over a man's sexuality, and not the other way around. And making the franchise's symbol of masculinity relatively chaste is a refreshing departure. But so what if She-Hulk revealed that Captain America had been a virgin? Virginity is hardly the symbol of inexperience and naivety that our culture makes it out to be. It simply means that someone hasn't slept with anyone yet. Making Steve Rogers a virgin would have sent powerful messages about male sexuality: that it's OK to wait, that manliness is not defined by the notches in one's bedpost, and that inexperience in one aspect of life doesn't equate to inexperience in others. KEEP READING: Marvel Movies Teach a Difficult Lesson About Modern Manhood

50 Most Memorable Twilight Quotes
Pop Culture

50 Most Memorable Twilight Quotes

Based on Stephenie Meyer's supernatural-romance novel, the 2008 film Twilight was a box-office that launched a movie franchise. Starring Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan as Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, it earned more than $400 million worldwide, and captured the hearts of fans with its story of vampires, werewolves and forbidden love. It also delivered its fair share of memorable, if sometimes silly, Twilight quotes.RELATED: Twilight's Relationships Were Way More Toxic Than You RememberThe story is simple, really. Bella Swan moves to Forks, Washington, where she meets Edward, a classmate who also happens to be a vampire. He falls immediately in love with her because of the smell of her blood. Edward finds it nearly impossible to stay away from Bella. But after much pursuit, and a bit of the cold shoulder, Edward eventually wins over Bella. The two begin dating, which results in a lot of near-death experiences for Bella as she becomes more involved and invested in Edward's life. There is even a love triangle involving Jacob, a werewolf played by Taylor Lautner.Twilight has a lot of beautiful people in the cast, including Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone. The success of the film led to the production of sequels New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and Breaking Dawn Part 2. Fans to this day can't help but appreciate the genius -- or, sometimes, "genius" -- scripts and dialogue, so we thought we'd gather up 50 of the best quotes from the franchise.Funny Twilight QuotesSummit EntertainmentDude, you really don’t want to start comparing stinks.JACOB BLACKI have considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite.BELLA SWANGet a whiff of that, here comes the human!ROSALIE HALESo you’re worried, not because you’ll be in a house full of vampires, but because you think they won’t approve you?EDWARD CULLENYou know your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash.BELLA SWANI can read every mind in this room, apart from yours. Money. Sex. Money. Sex. Cat.EDWARD CULLENRELATED: This Is Why It’s So Satisfying to Reread Favorite Books and Re-Watch Favorite MoviesI don't really like the rain. Any cold, wet thing I don't really...BELLA SWANWhat did you expect? Coffins and dungeons and moats?EDWARD CULLEN“Doesn't He Own a Shirt?”Summit EntertainmentThe little dark-haired girl’s Alice. She’s really weird, and she’s with Jasper, the blond who looks like he’s in pain.JESSICA STANLEYThat’s Edward Cullen. He’s totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody here’s good enough for him. Like I care, you know?JESSICA STANLEYYeah, um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it.EDWARD CULLENStop trying to take your clothes off. It might be too late for my soul, but I will protect yours.EDWARD CULLENI’m really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type.BELLA SWANAren’t people from Arizona supposed to be like, really tan?JESSICA STANLEYRELATED: The Winchesters: How The Supernatural Prequel May Fix the Series’ Most Toxic ProblemIt’s like first grade all over again. You’re the shiny new toy.JESSICA STANLEYLook, I’m sorry I’m being rude all the time. I just think it’s the best way.EDWARD CULLENPurple’s cool.BELLA SWANHi, I’m Jacob. We used to make mud pies when we were little.JACOB BLACKHey, did you get contacts?BELLA SWANBella, we shouldn’t be friends.EDWARD CULLENI leave you alone for five minutes and the wolves descend.EDWARD CULLENBella, you gotta go to Jacksonville. So I can’t hurt you anymore.EDWARD CULLENCringy Twilight QuotesDon’t worry about the bears, Bella. My kung fu is strong.HARRY CLEARWATERIf I could dream at all, it would be about you.EDWARD CULLENYou wouldn’t have to change for me, Bella. I’m in love with you, and I want you to pick me instead of him.JACOB BLACKNo measure of time with you will be long enough. But, we’ll start with forever.EDWARD CULLENYou are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yoursEDWARD CULLENRELATED: Robert Pattinson Refused to Do One Dangerous Thing for The Batman, Calling It ‘Part of the Problem’You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you.EDWARD CULLENHe called you pretty… That’s practically an insult, the way you look right now… You’re much more than beautiful.EDWARD CULLENLook after my heart -- I’ve left it with you.EDWARD CULLENImprinting on someone is like… Like when you see her… Everything changes. All of a sudden, it’s not gravity holding you to the planet. It’s her… Nothing else matters. You would do anything… be anything for her.JACOB BLACKI was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.BELLA SWAN“You’re Like My Own Personal Brand of Heroin.”Summit EntertainmentWe only drink animal blood, but it’s your scent. It’s like a drug to me. It’s like you’re my own personal brand of heroin.EDWARD CULLENI don’t have the strength to stay away from you anymore.EDWARD CULLENYou better hold on tight, spider monkey.EDWARD CULLENRELATED: Robert Pattinson Handled Being Cheated On By Kristen Stewart In A Surprisingly Mature WayDo I dazzle you?EDWARD CULLENAbout three things I was absolutely positive: First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him - and I didn't know how dominant that part might be - that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.BELLA SWANBella Swan: Why did you hate me so much when we met?Edward Cullen: I did, only because of wanting you so badly. I still don't know if I can control myself.“I’d Rather Die Than to Stay Away from You.”Summit EntertainmentEdward Cullen: So the lion fell in love with the lamb.Bella Swan: What a stupid lamb.Edward Cullen: What a sick, masochistic lion.I’m not afraid of you. I’m only afraid of losing you.BELLA SWANBeautiful? This is the skin of a killer, Bella. I’m a killer.EDWARD CULLENI like watching you sleep. It’s, uh, kinda fascinating to me.EDWARD CULLENWhat if I’m not the hero? What if I’m the bad guy.EDWARD CULLEN“Please Don’t Make Me Choose. Because It Will Be Him, Every Time."Summit EntertainmentDeath is peaceful - easy. Life is harder.BELLA SWANOK, well, let's say for argument's sake that I'm not smart. Would you tell me the truth?BELLA SWANWith all the golden lines that Twilight has brought its fans, we're lucky that the series has provided us with a lifetime of laughs and cherished memories.KEEP READING: What Happened When Kristen Stewart Broke Free of Twilight