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Man wearing glasses sitting on a couch and a screenshot from a Reddit post.
Uplifting News

Grieving Fan Feels "Awkward" to Talk to TV Star - So He Goes Out of His Way to Remedy It

For a lot of people, meeting their favorite television or movie star is high up on their bucket list. It's why hundreds of thousands of people shell out big bucks and brave massive crowds at various pop culture conventions every year. After all, they aren't JUST celebrities; oftentimes they've been with us through some of the most significant periods in our lives (they just don't know it.)So, when one grieving fan heard that Alan Tudyk, the star of Resident Alien was going to be at the Boston Fan Fest, she knew she had to meet him. She wanted to thank him for helping her survive the darkest time of her life. However, when the time came, her nerves got the better of her and she "blew it." Fueled by embarrassment and remorse and needing to vent, she turned to Reddit to share her experience. And that's when fate...who looks suspiciously like Alan Tudyk...stepped in.

Man Writes a Request on His Pizza Order After No One Wished Him for His Birthday - Restaurants Response Is Surprising
Uplifting News

Man Writes a Request on His Pizza Order After No One Wished Him for His Birthday - Restaurants Response Is Surprising

*Featured image contains photo by Andrew NeelBirthdays are supposed to be a day of celebration. The one day of the year you're celebrated and loved just for being born. But what happens when you're living out Molly Ringwald's nightmare in Sixteen Candles and your own family forgets what day it is?Well, for a guy named Jason from New York, you turn to your local pizza place for some much-needed comfort food — with a HEAPING DOSE of black olives, thank you very much.(Look, I'm not a fan of olives either but it's the dude's birthday and he wants what he wants).And boy, the restaurant definitely delivered.A Pizza Restaurant Makes “Olive” His Birthday Wishes Come TrueWhile placing his order for vegan chicken nuggets and a pizza, Jason decided to add some special instructions. After all, it was his birthday.The instructions read: "It's my birthday and not even my family called me. I'm sad and I really like olives. Please put on as many black olives as you can. I want you to put on so many black olives that you start to question mine and your own sanity. As much as you can include without being fired. Thank you."Turns out, they understood the assignment. Jason was so impressed by the restaurant's response to his request that he posted about his experience on Reddit's popular r/MadeMeSmile forum under the username u/Jmklein17. He captioned his post, ”I had a c***py birthday but my local pizza place had my back," and attached a photo of his receipt and the pizza he received.Not only did Norbert's Pizza in Brooklyn, NYC, smother the pizza in an impressive amount of olives, but they added an extra container of olives on the side just to be sure. And to "top it off" they even hand-drew a special birthday message on the inside of the box.(And if this doesn't make you want to immediately pick up the phone and start ordering your pizza from Brooklyn, nothing will.)The Pizza Restaurant’s Kind Actions Are Being Hailed OnlineFor Jason, it helped turn an otherwise awful birthday around. "[I] didn't get any birthday wishes from my friends or family so I ordered myself a pizza that was admittedly way too expensive," he shared with Newsweek. "I wasn't sure what to expect, but they really went above and beyond on the pizza — even gave me an extra container of olives on the side in case it wasn't enough. It was very sweet and definitely made my day a little better." People loved the restaurant's response so much that they've upvoted the post more than 97,000 times with many commenters sharing their own birthday wishes."Awww! I LOVE olives too! You’re “oliviously” an awesome person. Happy birthday!" wrote one.Another wrote that as a fellow pizzeria worker, he loved getting bizarre requests like Jason's."I've worked a ton of pizza jobs, and this is the kind of s*** I lived for. It's easy to get lost in the monotony, but getting an opportunity to cheer up a stranger is always a joy. Plus, it's fun to be a little creative with box art. I remember every single instance of people asking for weird custom stuff like this. Just wanted you to know you made their night as well."Even the Smallest Acts of Kindness Can Make a Significant ImpactNorbert's Pizza didn't have to go the extra mile. They could have added a couple of extra olives and called it a day. Instead, they took Jason's plight to heart and did what they could to honor his request in the most amazing way possible.In the end, Norbert's Pizza didn't just deliver a pizza; they delivered a lesson in empathy and the profound impact that one small act of kindness can have.More from Goalcast:Teen With Disability Works at Pizza Joint – Is Speechless After Customer Gives Him $5 Tip Then Changes His MindThe Founder of Little Caesars Pizza Has Paid Rosa Parks’ Rent for Decades – AND He Kept It a SecretDelivery Man Sees a High-Speed Chase and Runs to Stop It – All Without Dropping His Pizza

Woman Finds Out Her Car Is Repeatedly Being Stolen - So She Leaves the Thieves This Snarky Note in the Glovebox
Uplifting News

Woman Finds Out Her Car Is Repeatedly Being Stolen - So She Leaves the Thieves This Snarky Note in the Glovebox

*Featured image contains photo by Umut SarıalanPicture waking up to déjà vu, your car gone again! Now, for most, this is a hypothetical horror, but for a woman in Portland, Oregon, it's a frustrating reality.The Note One Woman Left in Her Car for the ThievesPhoto by Sam LionMeet "mfiasco," the proud yet weary owner of a 1995 Honda Civic. Her car seems to be a magnet for local thieves, almost like it has a revolving door just for burglars. When asked about the situation, she shrugs it off, stating her first line of defense is never leaving anything valuable in the car. Her coping mechanism? “…as long as it isn’t impounded, I just shake my fist at the sky and then go about my day.”Acceptance, however, doesn't mean she's ready to play the victim. Locking the car proved useless, so she came up with a quirky and ingenious solution — a glovebox note.This wasn’t your run-of-the-mill “please don’t steal my car” note. It was a witty guide for the thief, complete with do’s and don’ts. The note started with a humorous acknowledgment, “Hello! If you’re reading this, you are probably stealing my car.”The tone shifts from potential niceties to a candid admission of financial struggles, “I would love to afford a car that doesn’t get stolen and burglarized all the time, but I’m broke and this is what I’m stuck with. So, you got me. Again. You’re not going to get into trouble for stealing my car.”How One Woman’s Out of the Box Thinking WorkedBut she didn’t just stop there; there was a plea and a favor, “One quick favor: please do not leave my car somewhere it will get towed. If I have to deal with one more impound lot holding my stolen crappy Honda for ransom, I am going to lose my mind.”The note wrapped up with a win-win proposition for both parties, “Please just leave my old piece of crap car in a neighborhood or something. There’s a note in this envelope; just stick it on the dash or under the wiper. A passerby will see it eventually and call me and then I can come get my car. No cops, no questions asked; I’m not even mad at you.”So, did this approach work? According to mfiasco, it did! In a triumphant update, she shared, “I left a snarky note in the glovebox of my Honda the last time it was stolen. Just recovered the car from the most recent theft. They read my letter and I think it worked; they ditched it in front of a house this time (YAY).”It's a quirky tale of resilience and wit in the face of an exasperating situation. As readers, it leaves us not just chuckling but also pondering the unexpected effectiveness of creativity in problem-solving.More from Goalcast:Man Who Was Born Addicted to Drugs Works at a Car Dealership – One Day, a Random Family Walks Out With More Than Just a CarStruggling Man Pulls a Cart of Stray Dogs – Curious Woman Passing By Finds Out the Reason WhyCareless Driver Doesn’t Care About Blocking Handicapped Woman’s Parking Spot – This Conflict Drives Her to Action

Woman Finds Worn Out Paper She Cant Understand - Turns to an Unlikely Source to Decipher a Piece of Family History
Uplifting News

Woman Finds Worn Out Paper She Cant Understand - Turns to an Unlikely Source to Decipher a Piece of Family History

“Food is the love language of our family,” says Natasha Contardi. “My nonna put it in us.” When her grandmother started to suffer from dementia, though, there was the fear that that language would get harder and harder to understand. So Natasha started in earnest to recopy cherished family recipes and to make sure that she understood how to make them — and pass them down to her children. A Favourite Family RecipePhoto by ready madeGetting her large, Italian family together to cook is one of Natasha’s favourite traditions. Dozens of family members join in, from Natasha’s nonna down to her young daughter Teagan. It’s during these mega cooking sessions that the family shares stories, skills and know-how. It’s how they recall family memories — and make new ones.So Natasha catalogued all the family recipes she could find. She practiced making them with her family to get the “right feel and smell and learn the muscle memory.” The smallest details were important to keeping her family traditions alive and strong.One day, when Natasha was rifling through a stack of her grandmother’s recipes, she came across a time-worn slip of paper in the bottom of a recipe box. The recipe was in Italian, written across the paper in an elegant but old-fashioned cursive. Natasha couldn’t read it, so she took it to her grandmother; but unfortunately, Natasha’s nonna didn’t recognize it.A Puzzle Brings People TogetherPhoto by Ron LachStruck by the fact that her family’s history was slipping away through the cracks of her grandmother’s memory, Natasha was determined to decipher the recipe. She needs to find people who could read the old, Italian writing. She also needed to find people who were familiar with this type of recipe.So she turned to social media. On Reddit, Natasha could both find a large enough audience and target a group of people with a very specific interest or skill set. Natasha posted a photo of the recipe on a Reddit community called r/Old_Recipes. “Help understanding old Italian recipe: Found in my Nonna’s recipe stash, it’s not her handwriting and I have the hardest time reading cursive. Anyone want to take a shot?”It turned out that many people wanted to take a shot. Members of the online community jumped at the chance to help Natasha translate this piece of her family’s history. Some had experience with old recipes; others could read the Italian script. Piece by piece, they added their knowledge and expertise to figure out the puzzle.The Recipe Comes Back to LifeA food historian and owner of a bakery in Mexico recognized the word “serpentone” as the term for a very specific pastry from the Umbria region of Italy. Natasha confirmed that her family was from that area.Other Reddit users translated the list of ingredients, often times tossing ideas back and forth. They collaborated to figure out whether or not the recipe was calling for extra egg whites, for example, or for egg whites to be set aside. Still others contributed their knowledge of the Umbrian dialect and culture, explaining how some parts of the recipe were left out because it was simply assumed that the reader would know them. There were conversations about figurative language and specific terms such as the word for “pan.”And the recipe turned out to be very old — versions of it can be dated back to 400 A.D.When Natasha was able to assemble all the pieces, she was left with a 1,600-year-old recipe for a very special, snake-shaped pastry made with almonds and wheat flour. While several contributors recognized the pastry in the recipe, there are just as many different ways to make it. Natasha’s family’s recipe seems to be the only one calling for chocolate.A Piece of Her Family’s HistoryPhoto by August de RichelieuWhat Natasha had discovered — with the help on an online community of history, cooking and culture buffs — was a piece of history that could be traced through generations and generations of her family. And which she was now ready to pass down to her daughter.When Natasha shared what she had learned with her nonna, the elderly woman’s memories of the recipe started flowing back. She remembered asking her sister-in-law to write down the special recipe with chocolate. Natasha had unearthed another way to connect with her grandmother.Four generations of the Contardi family continue to cook together, and there’s always a warm story to share in the kitchen. Natasha recalls the homemade pasta sauce her grandfather would make and stock away for the winter, the jars of homemade jam, Bundt cakes with apples or pears, and preserved meats.Natasha says that food is the language of love in her family — and by working to hold on to these cherished family recipes, she’s shown everyone from her grandmother to her daughter how important it is to hold tight to these kinds of family ties.More from Goalcast:Woman Leaves School to Become a Stay-At-Home Mom of 9 Kids – Years Later, a Family Meeting Changes Her LifeTeen Has to Get a Job to Help Provide for His Family at 13 – Years Later, Something Unexpected Reminds Him of His Forgotten DreamGrandmother Has Had One Major Regret for 40 Years – She Finally Decides She Has Nothing to Lose and Does This At 59