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Do you believe in soulmates? That one person you're destined to be with? The "ONE" the universe has already connected you to, long before you even meet?If you don't, this may just change your mind and make even the most skeptical among us believe that fate? Really does exist.

How Rihanna & A$AP Rocky Proved Friendship Is Essential to Romance

How Rihanna & A$AP Rocky Proved Friendship Is Essential to Romance

Musician, actress, entrepreneur, fashion designer, national hero, and soon, mother — it seems like there isn’t anything remaining on Rihanna’s to-do list. She has achieved everything she's aspired to do, and then some. Since her pregnancy announcement in late January, the artist has been on cloud nine, flaunting her baby bump with pride and joy whenever she goes, not bothering to mask the significance of the moment and what it means for her. RELATED: Nicolas Cage’s Confession about Being Married Five Times Will Give You HopeRihanna has never shied away from discussing her aspirations of motherhood; she was always going to find a way, with or without a man. In this case, however, she does have someone by her side: A$AP Rocky. The rapper and Rihanna have been together since as early as 2019, though it’s only recently that the two have visibly displayed their love for each other in public. As one can imagine, it’s not an easy feat to capture Rihanna’s heart: you have to be someone really special — and have done something really special — to convince her to give you a chance. Thankfully, Rihanna’s latest Vogue interview sheds some light on the origin of their romance and how they’re preparing for parenthood. Rihanna on A$AP Rocky’s Journey through the "Friend Zone"In the profile, Rihanna opens up about her first meeting with A$AP Rocky and how his unconventional approach worked in his favor. Many will remember a 2012 VMA performance in which Rocky joined Rihanna on stage for the latter’s rendition of ‘Cockiness.’ The duet ended up being so charged and fraught with mischief that Rocky couldn’t help but pull an incredibly aggressive move. “He grabbed my ass on stage. That was not part of the rehearsal!” she told the magazine. Rihanna’s entourage prepared for the worst and was fully braced for the Barbados singer to unleash her anger on the rapper. Instead, she let it go. “My manager was like, 'Oh, God, she must like this guy a little bit. She never lets this s*** slide,'” she remarked. RELATED: What Is Emily Blunt and John Krasinski’s Secret to Staying Fantastic Forever?Like many couples before them, Rihanna and A$AP Rocky didn’t necessarily feel a romantic connection from the jump: it was a feeling they had to nurture over a long period of time. Their first focus was to forge a beautiful friendship that could stand the test of time. Once the friendship had developed, and they knew they could trust each other with their lives, they sought to deepen the bond and explore what simmered underneath. People don’t get out of the friend zone very easily with me [...] And I certainly took a while to get over how much I know him and how much he knows me, because we also know how much trouble we can land each other in.Rihanna to VogueIndeed, she had to go through an internal journey to discover what she really wanted from him and figure out whether they could make sense as a couple, at the very least. Though the chemistry had been uncovered a while ago, both hesitated to take the first step, knowing how delicate the entire matter was. “I certainly took a while to get over how much I know him and how much he knows me, because we also know how much trouble we can land each other in,” she told the magazine. Why Rihanna Wants to Spend Her Life by A$AP Rocky's SideAnd so they maundered and dawdled and stumbled around each other, aware of their attraction to each other but afraid of the consequences. However, as the pandemic hit, the two chose to form their own COVID-19 bubble.It was during this lockdown experience that the two realized their mutual desire and how they had grown to love each other over the years. “He became my family in that time,” said Rihanna. She also detailed a long, meandering road trip they undertook from Los Angeles to New York City, where Rihanna would “grill barefoot” and Rocky would “tie-dye T-shirts picked up at the gas station.”The road trip sealed the deal — new memories, transformative experiences, and quality one-on-one time that allowed them to get to know one another on an unprecedented level. By the time they completed the journey, a relationship had sprung into life. Speaking about why she cherishes him, Rihanna said, “I love the simple things but also the grand adventures. There’s no pretentious my-brand-your-brand bulls***, it’s just us living.”RELATED:Why Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor Reconciled – and What It Teaches Us about LoveThough the couple is plagued daily by rumors and judgment and intrusion, it doesn't bother them in the slightest. When you know you’re in it for the long haul, you don’t need anyone else’s good wishes. Besides, Rihanna says her closest family members love the rapper, including her dearly beloved mother. “There are some guys that I’ve dated that she won’t even look at to this day. But she was charmed by him from the jump,” said RiRi. I just feel like I can do any part of life by his side [...] What I love the most about us? Transparency with everything: how we’re feeling, what our goals are, what our fears and insecurities are.Rihanna to VogueAt the end of the day, if A$AP Rocky has the stamp of approval from Rihanna’s loved ones, why does the public think it has any right to impose their opinions on the couple? From Rihanna’s point of view, she’s ready to spend the rest of her life with Rocky and trusts him enough to raise a child with him. Everyone knows how secretive Rihanna is about her love life, so to have her sing praises about her significant other is nothing short of remarkable and does speak volumes about the work A$AP Rocky has done in building a partnership with her. What Rihanna and A$AP Rocky Can Teach You About "The Friend Zone"You should never begin a friendship hoping it will eventually turn into a relationship. Ideally, friendship should never cease to exist, no matter where you stand as a couple. A$AP Rocky spent years developing a rapport with Rihanna, one that was based on trust and respect and admiration, and possibly, the occasional flirtation. He had no guarantees Rihanna would go on to return his affections romantically, but still, he waited and persisted and tried. That’s the best thing you can hope for: delivering wonderful experiences and a shoulder to cry on, and just genuine company. It doesn’t matter if there is no potential for anything more; as long as you’re focused on the moment and not the destination, it will be worth your time. KEEP READING:Why Did Will Smith’s Fresh Prince Co-Star Karyn Parsons Disappear – And Where Is She Now?

What Sexual Chemistry Is and Why It Matters in a Relationship

What Sexual Chemistry Is and Why It Matters in a Relationship

A good relationship isn’t defined by just one quality. Strong partnerships are typically between people who have shared values and goals, mutual respect and deep love for each other. However, many would argue that having strong sexual chemistry is also an important component of a fulfilling relationship. Sometimes sexual chemistry happens right away—like when you fall in love at first sight. Other times sexual chemistry grows over time as a relationship develops and your initial chemistry deepens. While not everyone believes it’s essential for a relationship to make it long term, sexual chemistry plays an important role in how we idealize and evaluate romantic partnerships.To better understand how and why people experience sexual chemistry, let’s break down what sexual chemistry actually is and what it means in the context of long term relationships. What is sexual chemistry?How to define sexual chemistry? Most mainstream depictions of sexual chemistry involves feeling an instant attraction, a strong sexual impluse toward another person. Some believe that the feeling needs to be reciprocated to consider it sexual chemistry, while others believe that impluse can be one-sided. Some of the hallmark qualities of intense sexual chemistry are feeling a magnetic pull toward another person, or even feeling instantly in love with them, and needing their physical touch. There’s a sense of falling in love but it’s usually more physical than emotional, though it could be both. How does this work? The brain produces some seriously strong hormones—dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin—when we experience pleasure and reward. (Oxytocin is particular is known as the “love hormone” or “cuddle hormone.”) Feeling sexual chemistry, strong attraction or mutual lust can send these chemicals into overdrive, lighting up our brains. Sexual chemistiry can be a full body sensation, a palpable heat that makes you more aware of your senses in general. However it shouldn’t be confused with love. Sexual chemistry is a highly physical attraction toward another person. Sometimes it comes with an emotional connection, but not always. Instant sexual arousal doesn’t autmatically lead to a loving relationship. In fact, just because you have good sexual chemistry with someone that doesn’t mean you would be good long term partners. In short, lust doesn’t always lead to love, but some form of platonic love. But it can be fun while it lasts. Signs of sexual chemistryYou don’t need to be an expert that reads sex quotes all day long to know that sexual chemistry can be pretty obvious. That said, it’s still useful to know the common signs that you’re potentially falling in lust with someone. While sexual chemistry is usually thought of as a mutual experience, it can also be onesided if you find yourself lusting after someone else. Here are the most telltale signs of sexual chemistry:You can’t stop touching each other.When you have sexual chemistry with someone, you typically find all sorts of excuses to touch them or be close to them. This means putting a hand on their arm or leg when you’re talking, sitting closely to them, brushing a stray hair out of their eyes—you get the idea. You may not even be conscious of your physical closeness, in fact, your touches may be almost instinctive. You feel those butterflies in your stomach when they’re around you.When you’re with someone you have sexual chemistry with, you may feel nervous or even anxious around them, especially if you don’t yet know how they feel toward you. Your body changes when you’re around them.Many physical changes can happen in your body when you have sexual chemistry with someone. Your skin may get flushed, your heart rate and blood pressure increases and you will likely feel sexually aroused. You fantasize about sleeping with them.(Getty)When you have sexual chemistry with (or just for) someone, you likely think about having sex with that person. A lot. Even if you two are physically intimate, thoughts of that person in sexual stiuations likely run through your mind constantly. You rarely go on actual dates.People who experience a lot of sexual chemistry usually spend a lot of time between the sheets. You may take breaks from the bedroom to go to work, get groceries, shower and so on but most of your time together is usually spent leading up to sex and having sex. Benefits of sexual chemistry: Why physical chemistry is important in a relationshipPhysical attraction is essentially what separates friendships from romantic relationships. Having strong sexual chemistry with your partner is not the most important factor in your partnership, but it can be very important to many people, especially for those in monogamous relationships.Having physical chemistry helps you and your partner maintain an active sex life. When you and your partner maintain sexual desire and physical attraction toward each other you’re less likely to lust after other people. Plus, having regular sex has a number of health benefits including stress reduction, better sleep, increased immune function and more happiness overall. However, having sexual chemistry with someone doesn’t automatically mean that you and this (very sexy) person are headed toward lifestime love. Lust and attraction aren’t usually enough to make a relationship work, though having sexual chemistry can bring two people together and make them feel like they are instantly in love. (Blame those feel-good hormones.)Intense sexual chemistry can lay an initial foudation for love but it takes more than sexual attraction to keep a relationship going. If you and your partner’s values and goals are aligned, however, having a strong physical attraction toward each other can just make your relationship that much more fulfilling, in and out of the bedroom. On that note, if you’re not quite sure where your relationship is heading with someone you like, here are some questions to ask your crush. What to do when sexual chemistry diminishes Over time, it’s normal for sexual attraction to wane in a long term relationship, especially after you’ve had children. Other stressful life factors like job loss, health issues or the death of a close family member or friend can also take a toll on sexual chemistry. Time itself can cause couples to lose focus on their physical attraction for each other. There are many things you can do, however, to regain sexual chemistry if you feel like you need to heat things up again in your relationship. These are just a few ideas to get you started:Talk about itFirst and foremost, it’s important to acknowledge the proverbial elephant in the room. If you feel like your physical attraction for each other has decreased, don’t be afraid to speak up. Express to your partner that you miss the physical side of your relationship and explain if you’d like more frequent affection, sex or just more fun in general. Approach the conversation without accusing your partner of falling short of your expectations and share how much you still find your partner attractive. Voice your appreciation for each otherIn your day to day life, don’t forget to express gratitude for your partner. It’s easy to get bogged down in your respective to-dos, your jobs and your obligations but when you don’t take the time to truly appreciate each other, your chemistry suffers. Make sure your partner knows how good they look in their work attire, how much you miss them during the day and how grateful you are that they filled the car up with gas on their way home. These compliments and expressions of appreciation go a long way toward increasing desire. Be aware when your partner reaches outWhen your partner scoots closer to you on the couch to cuddle, be receptive. Put down your phone and accept the physical gesture. Sometimes we don’t even register when our partner is trying to make a move because we’re tired or distracted. Pay attention and reciprocate when you can. Set aside quality alone timeMaintaining sexual desire can get more challenging as you get older, especially if you have demanding jobs or young children. Make a point to schedule in date night, and even sex, so that the physical part of your relationship don’t die a slow death. Get creative: Maybe you can take a lunch break together for a midday quickie or get a sitter once a month so you can get dressed up and feel like your old selves again. Make alone time a priority to help rekindle the spark. Do you really need sexual chemistry in a relationship?(Getty)Intense sexual chemistry certainly makes a relationship exciting. But is it a requisite for a happy, healthy relationship? It depends on who you ask. Some people crave a relationship with a strong physical connection. Other people seek out a more emotional connection with a potential partner. What matters most of all is that you feel confident and happy in whatever relationship you’re in. If the sparks are flying, great. If your bond is more like a low simmer, that’s fine too. Only you know what kind of connection will be most fulfilling for you.

Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet's Whirlwind Divorce and Reunion, Explained

Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet's Whirlwind Divorce and Reunion, Explained

Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet exemplified the power of second loves, which made the news they had broken up after 16 years together all the more surprising. The Aquaman and Justice League star and his wife announced their decision to divorce on Instagram in January 2022 via a joint statement that confirmed they were “​​parting ways in marriage." In the since-deleted post (via CNN), they appeared to blame pandemic pressures for their separation, writing, “We have all felt the squeeze and changes of these transformational times… A revolution is unfolding ~ and our family is of no exception… feeling and growing from the seismic shifts occurring.” Momoa and Bonet first met in 2005 when, as the actor told James Corden said, they just happened to be in the right place [at the] right time: a jazz club. Their connection was instant, with Bonet once telling Porter magazine, “We have been together from the day that we met.” Dating on their own terms, they didn’t actually tie the knot until 2017, but before that, they wasted no time growing their family. The couple welcomed daughter Lola lolani in 2007 and son Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha in 2008. They also mastered the art of the blended family as Momoa embraced Bonet’s daughter with ex Lenny Kravitz, Zoë, as well as Kravitz himself. As Vanity Fair proclaimed in 2018, “Jason Momoa, Lenny Kravitz, and Lisa Bonet have mastered the modern divorce.” So what exactly went wrong?Why Did Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet Divorce in January 2022?(Photo by Mark RALSTON / AFP) (Photo credit should read MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images)Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet’s undeniable bond left fans scratching their heads following news of their divorce. However, according to several insiders, their split didn’t happen overnight. Rather, as one source told People, they slowly grew apart “because of different focuses” and had apparently “been doing things separately for quite a while.” Momoa was reportedly all about work as his career took off, but Bonet wasn’t. The insider claimed Momoa, “wants to keep working as much as he can" while Bonet “enjoys her life in L.A.” and would rather stay put. That meant they were spending a lot of time apart as Bonet reportedly had “no interest” being "on every location” with her hubby. As the insider noted, "For some people, it might strengthen their marriage. For Lisa and Jason's marriage, being apart has been a disaster.”It’s a sentiment that was echoed by another source who spoke with Hollywood Life. As they told the outlet, Momoa “has been incredibly busy making films,” which has been great for his career, but detrimental for his personal life. Shooting one flick after another has meant that “there are periods of time where he must go a week, or more, without seeing his family.” This, in turn, reportedly left Bonet “to bear the full brunt of parenting” way too often because “they don’t use nannies or help,” which was “hard on her sometimes.” As the couple’s priorities and goals shifted and evolved, they reportedly “weren't the same together anymore.” While Momoa “wanted to travel and adventure much more,” Bonet preferred to keep things low-key and “read, write poetry and cook at home.” As yet another source told Us Weekly, “they wanted to live different lives” and it “started to cause friction.”Are Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet Back Together? When Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet first announced their divorce, they underscored the fact that their "devotion” to their kids would be “unwavering” and that they planned to continue “living the prayer.” They vowed that love would prevail and, as one insider correctly told People, theirs would not be a “scandalous divorce” because “they are both very spiritual and believe in a higher power.”Love has indeed prevailed. Despite the fact that Momoa was spotted without his wedding ring back in January, an insider told People that he and his ex still care "deeply about each other.” Now, Hollywood Life has learned that Momoa reportedly moved back in with Bonet and that they’ve called off their divorce. According to an anonymous source, “They decided to work on things rather than throw in the towel because they have so much invested in each other.” They added, “Everyone is really hoping that they can make this work this time around.” Life & Style has also stated that the pair’s split was put on hold, citing a source who explained that “they never stopped loving each other and have reconciled.” In an effort to make things work, they’ve reportedly begun couples therapy and Momoa is said to have “freed up time from his busy schedule to get their marriage back on track again.” The actor allegedly vowed to make “big changes” and is believed to have promised Bonet that “making their relationship work comes before anything else.” The insider also claimed that while they’re “taking every day as it comes and seeing what happens,” it’s been “so far so good.”Momoa and Bonet have yet to confirm the news of a reconciliation themselves, but the actor did show up at The Batman premiere on March 1 to support stepdaughter Zoë Kravitz. He told Entertainment Tonight that while Bonet couldn’t be there, he “and the babies” were “representing.” He enthused, “We're very excited to just be here. It's still family, you know?" However, the actor later appeared to deny the reported reconciliation when he took to Instagram to say “mahalo to the fans and press for being generous and giving us space for the children [because] it’s hard enough separating in the public eye.” What Can Jason Momoa & Lisa Bonet's Split and Reunion Teach Us about Love?The situation continues as the two privately either patch things up, or work out how their future will play out for them and their shared family. One thing is undeniable, though, and that is that Momoa and Bonet remain paragons of the modern family unit, no matter what that looks like. Their mutual admiration and respect, even in the face of different life paths and potential splits, is an example of how we can approach our own lives -- with patience, understanding, and sometimes, space. It takes incredible maturity to cultivate that kind of understanding and make it work, especially as celebrities, quite frankly, where the public eye can afford a harsher view.

Questions To Ask Your Crush

Questions To Ask Your Crush

On a scale of one to ten, making the effort to know your crush better hovers somewhere around a 20 in terms of importance. Sure, social media has informed you that they like long walks during the summer, and their feed is filled with all their favorite bands, but what really gets them ticking? Do they have extended family out of the country? Have they ever been to a nude beach? What’s their life philosophy, or the craziest thing they ever did while traveling? Is there such a thing as a perfect date? Do they believe in love at first sight? How do they define love, and what is their history with long term relationships? If the situation permits and you're comfortable enough together, you can take things a notch higher and ask if they like being called sexy, or how they feel about dirty talk. If we stick to stereotypes, most women prefer cuddling after being intimate, while most guys don't care for it; if you have a window, you can also ask where your crush stands on cuddling.When considering questions to ask your crush, the last thing you want to do is make them feel awkward or like they’re at a job interview. Finding the right balance between a game of 21 questions and a friendly, light-hearted conversation is usually ideal. This way, you’ll learn more than their favorite childhood memory or their last relationship – you’ll get an idea about whether or not that special person has romantic feelings for you as well! RELATED: Love at First Sight: Does it Exist in Today’s World?We’ve selected a number of questions with very specific agendas to help you know your crush better. These questions will range from silly trivia to deep questions that will give you a better idea of their way of thinking. They may also help with forming a connection. We’ve also included a few good questions to ask your crush to determine how they feel about you.Before we get ahead of ourselves, there’s one thing you may need a little help with: how to get them talking in the first place!How To Start A Conversation With Your Crush: Your First Impression Is ImportantPhoto by Good Faces on UnsplashMaking the leap from watching your crush go about their day at work, school, or the gym to actually pulling them aside for a chat can be a very scary task. But for all new relationships, even friendly ones, it’s a necessary step.When it comes to questions to ask your crush, you might be worried: What happens if they aren’t interested in speaking with you? Will they roll their eyes if you catch them at a bad time? What if your voice suddenly cracks mid-sentence? It can be unnerving. To ease the pressure, here’s a foolproof approach to starting a conversation with your crush. Relax before reaching out to your crushEven though you’re probably super nervous and struggling to keep your voice at a reasonable pitch, your crush doesn’t need to know all that. Present a picture of relaxed calmness by first taking the time to cool yourself – and perhaps your sweaty palms – before reaching out. After taking a few calming breaths, it might be a good idea to practice what you plan to say to avoid stumbling your words. It will also keep you better prepared for whatever they might throw in response.Pick the right time to pull them asideThe most important thing to do to reduce the risk of any awkwardness or the inconvenience of having too little time to speak, is to strike up a conversation with your crush at a time that works best for them. RELATED: 25+ Fun Date Ideas for Every RelationshipThis means avoiding any interruptions on their commute to the bathroom, class, or what might be an important meeting. Instead, look out for downtime around lunch break or the end of work when they have less pressing matters to deal with. To have a lasting first impression on your crush, it’s important to plan for a time that allows for at least a few minutes of conversation.Use something from your surroundings to spark a conversationIf your crush is unfamiliar with you, you can begin conversing by making quick introductions. If after introductions are made, there's a little uncertainty about how to carry on, you can use something around you as a prop. Did you both survive a grueling session at SoulCycle? Make a light-hearted joke about keeping your exercise to four-wheelers next time, or make a casual remark about the end of the school/work day. Icebreakers don't have to be profound, but they should be interesting enough to arrest and hopefully keep the attention of your crush.Be casual and speak like you already know themWhen speaking with your crush, you want to avoid sounding clumsy, bossy, or even uninterested in an attempt to play things cool. An easy hack when speaking is to talk to your crush as if they're your friend, or at least a casual acquaintance you get along with.This means adopting the same kind of speech patterns you'd use with a friend: 'hey', instead of 'greetings'. Likewise, avoid strictly technical issues like work deliverables, or relatively obscure topics like the economy in Paraguay.Ask about something you know they’re working onDepending on the flow of the conversation and how much knowledge you have about your crush, you can extend the conversation by bringing up a non-personal project they may be working on. You could ask how they're coming along with their fitness goals, possible work deadlines, or an important upcoming test.In exchange, you can also contribute something similar you're working on, or provide some light insight or comments on whatever answer they present.Ask about something you’re certain they’ll have an opinion onAgain, if you've done your research, and you probably have — you can steer the conversation seamlessly to a topic they may have vested interests in. Comment about how you can’t wait for the weather to change so you can finally enjoy some time in the sun, or drop a casual remark about a band, food, location, or anything that could excite your crush and lead to a longer conversation.RELATED: Do The 36 Questions To Fall in Love Really Work?Following a hopefully memorable first impression, you can keep their memory of you fresh by saying hello the next time you happen to cross paths – and if things went well, they may even say hi before you do. In subsequent run-ins with your crush, you may exchange telephone numbers and social media pages to stay in touch. This helps to set the stage for questions that can help with getting to know them better.Good Questions To Ask Your Crush: Getting To Know Them Better(Stewart Cohen/Getty)It can feel a tad overwhelming deciding where to begin on your quest to get to know your crush. Here are some questions you can ask; conversation starters that can help build familiarity.What do you look for the most in a friend?This sets a very innocent tone for associating with your crush. It’s harmless enough to show your interest in a possible companionship, while also allowing you direct information about what they prioritize in those closest to them.By learning what your crush looks for in a friend, you can also learn important things about their values. Do they place a premium on loyalty? Are they big on people around them showing spontaneity with adventures? This question could be an eye-opener as to how compatible the two of you may be.What’s a “bad” TV show you absolutely love?A fun ice-breaker — this question not only lets you peep into the kind of shenanigans your crush gets into in their downtime, it by default, always demands an explanation. This allows for a longer conversation, with the possibility of linking to other unlikely interests they may hold.What’s the perfect way to eat cereal?Equal parts a get to know you question, as well as a test of personality — this question lets you know whether or not your crush will be cool to hang out with on the breakfast table. You’re also giving them the opportunity to use their sense of humor.RELATED: Social Exchange Theory: Psychology’s Most Powerful Relationship Hack, ExplainedWho is your celebrity crush?You’ll want to ask this question to have an understanding of what physical attributes appeal to them. This information will also give you an idea of the traits your crush looks for when pursuing romantic feelings, based on what it is they like about their celebrity loves.What is your zodiac sign?If you take zodiac signs seriously, this is going to be one of the most important questions you’re going to want to ask. Test your compatibility with your crush — if the stars are aligned and you’re feeling extra flirty, you may pass a comment about how well your signs go together.What’s the one thing you can always talk about with no preparation?This is a loaded question that not only lets you know what your crush is interested in, but also comes with the added benefit of watching them be cute while explaining this topic passionately for minutes on end.What’s the best compliment you never get tired of hearing?While you may think every part of your crush is dipped in gold and glitter, use this question to hear straight from the horse’s mouth, what their best features are and what they love being praised for the most.If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why x-ray vision?Because, why not?!Deeper Questions To Ask Your Crush(powerofforever/Getty)The aim of these questions is to take things a few steps further in the process of getting to know your crush. These may require a level of emotional intimacy, so you’ll want to make sure your crush is comfortable enough around you to freely answer these questions without any holdbacks. What happened the last time you cried?Sharing a source of pain isn’t easy, so you’re certain to have crossed a threshold of closeness if you ask and your crush answers this question. Be sure to stay gentle with this line of questioning and it's best not to ask this out of nowhere; it should be related to something you were already talking about. Watch for cues that they are open to speaking more, or would prefer to stay quiet on the subject.Describe your most vivid childhood memoryWatch them light up as they recall a time and space entirely different from how you view them now.How different is your life from what you imagined it would be when you were younger?Dig deeper into their youth, and learn more about their previous expectations and how much it differs, or is the same with their present.RELATED: The Buddhist Practice of Sympathetic Joy Leads to Happier RelationshipsWhat’s the first thing on your bucket list?Use this question to find out not only how adventurous your crush is willing to be, but to also segue into their thoughts on death and the afterlife. What would you pursue if money was no object?Would they start a dog orphanage or head into professional juggling? Learn about the wildest aspirations your crush may have with this question, and feel free to share your most audacious plans as well.What was something that terrified you, but you did anyway?A very vulnerable ask, they may hesitate to share this, but feel free to encourage them by sharing a similar moment of your own.What's a random moment in your life that changed your trajectory completely?This may require some thought from your crush, so be a little patient while they try to figure it out. Where you can, offer some useful guidance to help them answer.Things To Ask Your Crush To Know How They Feel About Love(Stewart Cohen/Getty)Not to get ahead of ourselves, but you definitely want to put feelers out to get an idea of how romantically compatible you and your crush may be. Before venturing into these questions, however, you must have established a relationship with your crush that encourages them to speak openly with you about love and past relationships.In best-case scenarios, you may have already exchanged a few flirty questions, so these additions can help with continuing the conversation, and maybe even move you on your way to a first date!How old were you when you had your first kiss?A harmless introduction into their love life, make the moment even more enjoyable by also sharing your first kiss and the events that followed shortly after.Have you ever been in a long-term relationship?This may give you a feel for how your crush enjoys longevity in relationships. Using your discretion, prod deeper into what they think may have contributed to its length, and find out what they enjoyed the most about their union. You could possibly learn a few things about keeping the interest of your crush for a long period of time.RELATED: What Does Passionate Love Really Mean?Describe your idea of a healthy relationship.This is another good question to ask your crush if you’re hoping for a future with them. What do they hope for when starting a relationship? What’s their idea of an unhealthy partnership? Use their responses to find out more about their preferences when in a couple. What is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?Don’t feel any pressure from this question, but instead use it as a guide to the love language your crush prefers. You may also use this opportunity to find out what they’ve done that most deeply resonated with a former partner.What is the biggest deal breaker or things you won’t accept in a new relationship?Keep your pen to paper with this question, and listen carefully for anything that you may be guilty of with their answer. Would you ever make the first move if you had feelings for a person?If you’re feeling extra spunky, get a quick feel for how your crush fares in the bravery department. Fingers crossed, they’re open to making the first move, but if their response says otherwise — you may need to muster up the courage to find out how they feel directly.Does My Crush Like Me?Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on UnsplashTo wrap up, while you’re asking all these questions to know your crush better, it’s important to keep an ear out for certain inquiries they might throw your way. In some cases, your crush is sending you clear signals that they may be interested in a relationship with you, and are equally on a fact-finding mission. Look out for questions about your relationship status, food preferences, life goals — you know, the kind of questions you’d ask them. Their body language, the speed of their responses, as well as increased laughter when you’re around them are also easy ways to determine whether your crush is also crushing on you. No matter what happens, have fun and be confident!KEEP READING:The Most Powerful Questions to Ask Your Partner to Connect on a Deeper Level

After 22 Years, Man Marries The Woman He Thought He Had Lost Forever As A Teen
Love Stories

After 22 Years, Man Marries The Woman He Thought He Had Lost Forever As A Teen

True love will never be denied – or forgotten. And when childhood sweethearts couldn’t make it work as teens, they ultimately did find each other again and make it count as adults.Like a scene from a movieIn a romance that seems like a real-life version of The Notebook, Helen Marshall and Graeme Richardson, who are now in their early 40s – first fell in love in school as teenagers. They dated for just under a year when Graeme proposed to his then-girlfriend Helen. The couple was very much in love but their parents would not allow them to get married so young. Eventually, he went away to college and while they tried to keep in touch, somehow his letters never got to her. Moving onLife happened and Helen and Graeme moved on with other people. They both got married and started families with their new partners. They never forgot each other though, and sometimes would even see each other when dropping off each of their kids at school.Twenty years later, both found themselves single again, and that old flame started to get sparked.A happy endingNow they are married – and when Graeme proposed, he used the same ring he used over twenty years ago with the original proposal. Thankfully, this time to much more positive results – and a happier ending.“We’re the other half of each other. I just feel like I’m home. Like I’m whole. He’s my soul mate, and I’m his,” -Helen MarshallGraeme was quoted in the Good News Network, saying, “Helen’s the other half of me. She’s the opposite to me; the extravert to my introvert. It just feels like the right ending. My friends have never known me as the happy and content man I am now.”It's so wonderful when a beautiful love story does indeed have a happy ending -- and that ring finally got to be put to its intended use.More uplifting stories:Interabled Couple Finally Get Married And Destroy All Misconceptions About LoveWoman Who Was Always Dumped For Her Weight Finds Love With Personal TrainerWoman Marries Man Who Saved Her Life At The Vegas Mass ShootingInterabled Couple Defies All Odds And Stereotypes With Soulmate Love Story

How Joshua Jackson and Jodie Turner-Smith's Romance Defied All Obstacles

How Joshua Jackson and Jodie Turner-Smith's Romance Defied All Obstacles

Joshua Jackson famously spoke about the struggles of modern dating back in 2016 when he stopped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show and admitted that becoming single after a 10-year relationship was anything but easy. Jackson and longtime partner Diane Kruger had parted ways in July 2016 and, as he pointed out, “Things have changed a little bit since last time I was single.” Lamenting that “everything’s in your phone now,” he continued, “There’s no more talking to people anymore. You talk to someone and they’re like, ‘Oh, no, no, no, no. We don’t do that anymore.’ So it’s been quite a big change!” It’s not surprising then that he met his future wife, model-turned-actress Jodie Turner-Smith, the old-fashioned way: at a party. But as it turns out, they didn’t actually plan to embark on a serious relationship. Three years later, they’ve tied the knot and started a family, proving that you really never know when someone special will enter your life and enrich it.Here’s what we can learn from Joshua Jackson and Jodie Turner-Smith’s surprise romance: Joshua Jackson and Jodie Turner-Smith have done an impressive job of keeping their love life under wraps, only giving fans small glimpses into their personal life. But in the little they have shared, they’ve revealed a few key lessons about what makes their union work. For one, they know how to have a good laugh. Sitting down on Late Night with Seth Meyers in May 2021, Turner-Smith recounted the first time she met the Dawson’s Creek alum and it sounds like a scene straight out of a rom-com. Turns out, they were at a party when she noticed the actor from across the room and decided to play it cool. "I saw him before he saw me and when I saw him, I was like, 'I want that,’” she recalled. "And then when he saw me, I just pretended like I didn't see him." Luckily, that didn’t deter Jackson who had the perfect icebreaker ready. “I was wearing this T-shirt from a movie called Sorry to Bother You [in which] Tessa Thompson plays a character called Detroit and she has this T-shirt that says, ‘The future is female ejaculation.'” That’s the exact shirt Turner-Smith was wearing to the bash “and so he shouts across the room, 'Detroit!'” Then “he comes over and does this really cute, charming thing that he does and just all night— he just basically followed me around the party,” she recalled. Needless to say, she didn’t mind, but she also didn’t make too much of it. Proving that you can never really anticipate a special connection, Turner-Smith laughingly admitted, "When I first met my husband, we had a one-night stand. We're in a two, three-year one-night stand now,” she joked.Joshua Jackson and Jodie Turner-Smith really, truly appreciate their love Meeting the right person at the right time isn’t a given and Joshua Jackson and Jodie Turner-Smith are actively appreciative of the fact that their paths crossed when they did. Speaking with People in April 2021, Turner-Smith shared how they never take their connection for granted. “We high-five each other all the time about how great we chose. We're like, 'You did a great job choosing,' and then we're like, 'Yeah, you too,’” she quipped, gushing, "I think it's really beautiful to be with someone who is so supportive and so loving. We're so similar in so many ways,” she continued. “We're like mirrors for each other. And I just really love that human being.”She wasn’t kidding! Jackson has shown the world just how supportive he is on numerous occasions, like in June 2021 when the actor took to Twitter to praise his wife’s modeling work, writing, “Can I just take the moment to not that my wife has been absolutely smashing the photoshoot game this year.” In keeping with their shared sense of humor, Turner-Smith didn’t thank her hubby for the sweet sentiment, but rather corrected his typo, tweeting back, “note* @VancityJax.” “Spelling or no. I'm not wrong,” he fired back.I think it's really beautiful to be with someone who is so supportive and so loving. We're so similar in so many ways. We're like mirrors for each other. And I just really love that human beingJodie Turner- Smith to PeopleThe Little Fires Everywhere star has also always been there to support his wife’s career. Turner-Smith, who started as a model and got her first big acting break as a lead in 2019's Queen & Slim, told People that she loves talking shop with her man. "He has a wealth of experience to offer and advice to offer that's based on experience. And I love that,” she enthused. “I just love picking his brain about things.” Plus she teaches him a thing or two as well. “I'm somebody who's just beginning. So that energy of someone who's just beginning, that excitement, that just everything and anything is possible, I think that I really inspire him with that,” she told the mag.Their love grew quickly, but it wasn’t easyJoshua Jackson and Jodie Turner-Smith were first rumored to be dating back in November 2018 when they were spotted holding hands in Los Angeles. One source told Us Weekly that they had actually attended Usher’s 40th birthday party together the previous month and that “they were all over each other. Super smitten and gazing into each other’s eyes as they danced together their whole night,” the insider revealed. While the pair didn’t openly confirm nor deny the reports, they did give fans a few hints that their relationship was going well. In August 2019, for example, Turner-Smith shared a snap of her and Jackson lovingly gazing into each other’s eyes and wrote, “Two people who only fancy each other a little bit.” They finally went red carpet official that November and immediately sparked marriage rumors by sporting rings on their wedding fingers. According to Daily Mail, they obtained a marriage license in Beverly Hills in August 2019, and in December 2019, it was confirmed that they had indeed tied the knot in total secrecy. Although, when The Sunday Times asked Turner-Smith about their nuptials in February 2020, she played it coy, saying, “I haven’t said to anybody, ‘Yeah, we got married.’ People are assuming whatever they want, but when people tell me ‘Congratulations,’ I say ‘Thank you,’” she teased.Why so much secrecy? It turns out, they’ve been subjected to some terrible scrutiny. As she told the outlet, although they were sure about their connection, others weren’t. “There was this wave of people who were upset that I was possibly married to a white man,” she revealed, explaining, “In America, interracial dating or marriage is not something that is as accepted. Certain people feel strongly against it, in both communities. I felt it from the Black community,” she admitted. Adding that “it is so complicated,” she hinted at why they’ve chosen to be so secretive about their relationship, saying, “I’m learning there are certain things I have to really keep for myself.” Joshua Jackson and Jodie Turner-Smith are “obsessed with each other” In April 2020, Joshua Jackson and Jodie Turner-Smith grew their family when they welcomed a baby girl, but that too came with its difficulties. For one, there was the pandemic. Speaking with Good Morning America in March 2020, Jackson admitted, “It’s a bit stressful right now and we’re just trying to figure out how to be smart about being quarantined. The medical system right now is a little bit difficult, so we’re figuring it out day by day,” he said. He also told Live with Kelly and Ryan they were “just trying to figure out [...] how to get through this with our sanity.” In the end, the delivery went smoothly, but as Turner-Smith shared with The Sunday Times, that wasn’t their only concern. “The racial dynamics over here are fraught,” she said of the U.S. “White supremacy is overt. It’s the reason I don’t want to raise my kids here. I don’t want my kids to grow up doing active shooter drills at school,” she continued. As for England, where she was born, she said that it too had “gone off the rails [...] so I was thinking maybe Canada,” seeing as Jackson hails from Vancouver. But through all the tough times, their devotion has never wavered and they’re as “obsessed with each other” as ever. So much so that Turner-Smith admitted she actually watches her husband’s old films when they can’t be together because of work. “I do it whenever we’re apart because I miss him so much,” she confessed, adding, “He loves that I am obsessed with him!” Their obsession is especially clear on Instagram. In February 2020, she celebrated their second Valentine’s Day as a couple by gushing that “it’s even more magical than the first” and shouting out “the man who sees my soul and holds my heart.” She’s also called him her “soulmate” and “#1 daddy,” writing, “Us girls are so lucky to have ya.”White supremacy is overt. It’s the reason I don’t want to raise my kids here. I don’t want my kids to grow up doing active shooter drills at schoolJodie Turner- Smith to The Sunday TimesJackson, on the other hand, prefers to pen longer captions. Much longer. In May 2020, he celebrated Mother’s Day with a heartfelt (and very lengthy) letter to his wife, thanking her “for being the light that you are. For the passion with which you threw yourself into nurturing and protecting our child when she was in your womb. For the dedication and will you showed bringing her into the world,” he gushed, adding, “Thank you for the depth of grace you have found since our daughter has arrived. The commitment that you make look so effortless but I know is anything but. Thank you for making me a father. For trusting me enough to embark on this journey together.”He was back at it again in celebration of his wife’s most recent birthday in September 2020, this time thanking her “for choosing to share your light with me. Thank you for walking this path of life as my wife. Thank you for bringing our daughter into the world,” he wrote, concluding, “This last year has been the happiest whirlwind of my life. I can’t wait to see what all the years to come bring our way.”Joshua Jackson and Jodie Turner-Smith show us the importance of living life in the moment and embracing it as it happens. While they weren’t actively seeking out a connection when they met, they were open to it and so, they were able to quickly realize they had something special and they embraced it, becoming unabashedly “obsessed” with one another. More inspiring stories:Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick’s Secret to a Happy 32-Year Marriage Will Surprise YouWhy Tom Hiddleston’s Romance With Taylor Swift Was Not As Fake As You ThinkThe Truth Behind Amy Adams and Darren Le Gallo’s 20-Year RomanceAt 50, Gwen Stefani Found Love With Blake Shelton After Overcoming Infidelity