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LIttle girl wearing glasses, a house on fire and a mom with three kids (inset)
Uplifting News

Six-Year-Old Notices Her House Is on Fire - Runs Inside To Save Her Family

Olivia Patterson may only be 6 years old but she didn't let that stop her from being a superhero.Not only did she save the day, but she also saved her family — from a devastating fire that ravaged their home and could have turned deadly.

22-Year-Old Man Tries to Kidnap Little Girl in Public - But She Escapes Thanks to Her Bravery and a Cup of Coffee
Uplifting News

22-Year-Old Man Tries to Kidnap Little Girl in Public - But She Escapes Thanks to Her Bravery and a Cup of Coffee

You never know what you might do in an emergency situation until you’re actually in an emergency situation. At that point, instinct takes over, and you hope that you’ll do the things you were taught. Luckily, that’s exactly what four girls did when they were faced with a potential kidnapper one summer night in Michigan.A Scary ConfrontationOne Friday night, four girls were leaving a Speedway gas station. The youngest was in Grade 6, the oldest was in Grade 8. As they walked away, they noticed a strange man following them. So they crossed the street and went into a well-lit area, but he just kept coming.Then the girls’ worst fear came true when the man, a 22-year-old named Bruce Hipkins, allegedly grabbed the youngest girl, Allison Eickhoff, and said she was coming with him.The 11-year-old was scared, but she knew she had to fight back. Thankfully, the other four girls, including her older sister Lauren, decided to fight too. They hit, kicked, and threw whatever they had at him, including a cup of coffee.“My sister's friend just kept hitting, kicking, and scratching him and I just kept hitting him too,” Eickhoff told WNEM-TV, as per CBS News.A Narrow EscapeThe girls kept fighting until Hipkins reportedly let go of the 11-year-old. But when he tried to grab another one of the girls by her hair, they kept coming at him. Eventually, he fled on foot, and the girls ran down the road to an inn. There, they used the phone to dial 9-1-1.“They did exactly what they should’ve done in that situation,” Police Chief Jason Oliver told BuzzFeed News. “A lot of girls would’ve run, but they decided to fight and stay together. They did an amazing job.”“My dad taught me a few moves,” Allison added. “He taught me if anybody tries to get you, just aim for the neck and start punching, kicking, screaming, everything you can do to just get them away.”The girl added that she was doing okay, although she was scared to go outside by herself. Fortunately, though, no one was hurt, and Hipkins was arrested on several charges. Later he was convicted for unlawful imprisonment and criminal sexual conduct. These days he lives in Michigan but is listed on the state’s Sex Offender Registry.Being PreparedThere’s a Stephen King quote that goes, “There’s no harm in hoping for the best as long as you’re prepared for the worst.” We all hope that we are never in a situation like these girls experienced, but we also never know when we will need to act. That is why it’s important to prepare ourselves and those we love, just in case.Never be afraid to talk to kids about stranger danger or better yet, strange behavior. Remind them to never go anywhere with someone they don’t know, even if that person seems friendly. Let them know that well-meaning strangers don’t ask kids for help or randomly give them things without their parent’s permission, even if they happen to know names or personal information.And in the case that a child ever is in a potential kidnapping situation, teach them the importance of fighting back. Teach them to kick, scream, slam, throw things, and call attention to the situation.Hopefully, they’ll never have to use those skills, but at least they’ll be prepared for that scary, worst-case scenario.More from Goalcast:Man Lures 5-Year-Old With Ice-Cream and Kidnaps Her – But 2 Teens on Bikes Take Matters Into Their Own HandsMan Calls Cops and Claims to Be Kidnapped – When the Officer Arrives at the Scene, He Finds Something Completely Different9-Year-Old Girl and Her Baby Brother Kidnapped at 7-Eleven – She Follows Her Gut and Saves Her Brother’s Life

Teen Realizes Something Isnt Right at a Stop Light - Causes a Car Crash on Purpose to Save Strangers Life
Uplifting News

Teen Realizes Something Isnt Right at a Stop Light - Causes a Car Crash on Purpose to Save Strangers Life

It's not every day you hear that a car crash prevented an accident rather than caused it, but that's exactly what happened one morning when one high school student was on her way to school.Nobody Wanted to Help a Stranger — Until One Teenage Girl Came to the RescuePatricia Horwell / Florida WeeklyTeenager Olivia Jones had only just obtained her driver's license when the unthinkable happened. While she had stopped at a red light, Olivia looked over and noticed the driver in the lane next to her appearing unwell, to say the least.At first, Olivia wasn't sure what she was seeing. “I thought she was texting, because she was looking down, straight down," but Olivia was dead wrong. In reality what was about to happen would take "distracted driving" to a whole new level. Olivia was ready to turn away and focus on the road ahead when the worst thing that could happen, happened. "She started seizing,” Olivia recalled.It's safe to say when it comes to "fight, flight, or freeze," Olivia's definitely the former. Her fighter instincts kicked in at just the right time and the teenage athlete sprung into action — literally. YouTube / WSTP NewsWhile still at the red light, Olivia flung open her car door and launched herself in to the middle of traffic, waving and screaming to the other driver's in their cars, signalling for help. Despite her frantic efforts, not one single driver came to her aid. This shocking lack of response left Olivia with no choice, and the clock was ticking. Now completely incapacitated, the seizing driver's car was sliding into oncoming traffic. Without a moment's hesitation, Olivia did the only thing she knew how to do.She Took the Hit — So No One Else Had ToIn an act of courage and quick thinking, Olivia put herself in harm's way, in order to save the seizing driver and the other drivers in oncoming traffic.The debilitated driver was completely helpless. When Olivia realized no one else on the road was prepared to inconvenience themselves to help save a stranger (and everyone else in her path), she jumped back into her own car and did the gutsiest thing she could do.She allowed the seizing driver to T-bone her car, in order to prevent the driver from barreling head first into oncoming traffic. Olivia pulled off this crazy move by maneuvering her car up and around the cross walk and twisting her wheel all the way to the left — I bet they don't teach that in Driver's Ed.The damage wasn't pretty, but for Olivia? The real damage that would have happened had she not been there, would have been far worse than a dent in her 2003 Nissan Altima.Bobby Lewis / WSTPAfter the successful crash (you don't hear that everyday), Olivia rushed out of her car, set the woman’s vehicle in park, and removed her seatbelt. The woman had blood in her mouth and had involuntarily wet herself, so Olivia helped her onto the floor as she called 911. Only 2 minutes later, an ambulance arrived and rushed the woman to the hospital. It's easy to chalk up Olivia's bravery to just young dumb luck, but the truth is, her heroic act was just a testament to her character.Bravery Was in Her Nature and It Paid OffYouTube / WSTP NewsEven though Olivia's friends were quick to call her rescue mission "dumb," many authority figures saw her act in a different light. "She just jumped right in. It was amazing. It was amazing. We’re so proud of her," one teacher remarked of her courage.“I was just really blown away when I was told the story. That’s so her. That’s so Olivia." Leslie Hopkins, Clearwater PrincipalWhen Olivia's story was shared, it was clear she's a standout student in more ways than one. The Clearwater High School athlete is a volleyball star. She shared she had plans of attending college on a volleyball scholarship and becoming an orthopaedic surgeon — and while it may be too early to tell if Olivia has a promising career in the medical field, she certainly has the quick decision-making chops for the job!In the midst of feeling overwhelmed and scared, she still managed to find a solution. "My legs were shaking," Olivia shared, "I was really nervous."She Had No Plans to Repair Her Vehicle DamageEven though Olivia was more than happy to sport a dent on her car door (because what high school student can afford to pay for car repairs), her selfless act caught the attention of a local auto body shop — who chose to mirror Olivia's selfless act of kindness and step up. Boy, did they not disappoint.Bobby Lewis / WSTPThe mechanics surprised Olivia when they offered to fix her car for free! To sweeten the deal, the mechanics even incorporated a few extra touches, decking out Olivia's Nissan with black and red stripes, mirroring the school colors she sports on her volleyball jersey."Being young that gives her incentive to be good, to not to turn your back on somebody but to help somebody out,” said Alan Bland, the man who fixed her car.Try and Put Yourself in Someone Else’s ShoesSuccess ConsciousnessIt's easy to think we know what we'd do in a scary situation, but sometimes, when the unthinkable happens, our brains go into survival mode. Like the other drivers in traffic — we want to stay as far away from the chaos as possible.Studies have proven if you're in trouble, don't yell "HELP" — instead shout, “FIRE, FIRE, FIRE” at the top of your lungs. People will stop and pay attention if you yell "fire" because it has a connection to their safety and they will run to your aid to see what's happening. If you've ever witnessed something troubling happen and you've stood by instead of stood up — it doesn't make you a bad person. Just know it's your human nature kicking in trying to protect you. However, as Olivia's story proves, if we can find the strength to be superhuman — even if for only a few quick moments — it can make all the difference for someone who needs the "protection" more than we do.It's hard to put yourself in someone else's shoes, especially when it's an inconvenient time like rush hour...but it's not hard to imagine how grateful the driver who had the seizure is for Olivia's kindness. After all, wouldn't you be?

Teens Notice Attractive Woman Whisper 2 Words From the Car Next to Them - Immediately Realize Something Is Wrong
Uplifting News

Teens Notice Attractive Woman Whisper 2 Words From the Car Next to Them - Immediately Realize Something Is Wrong

Texas teenagers Aaron Arias and Jamal Harris are downright heroes.You never know who you might notice in the car next to you when you’re cruising along or waiting at a stoplight. Sure, it’s not exactly the best place or time to get to know someone, so we often take a quick glance and then go about our busy days. But sometimes, noticing the smallest of details can make a world of difference in someone else’s life.Teens Notice a Woman Mouthing “Help Me” From the Car Next to ThemBack in August 2013, 19-year-old Aaron Arias and his 17-year-old friend Jamal Harris were driving in downtown Dallas to pick up a friend from work when they noticed an attractive girl in the backseat of the car next to them. Not being the one in the driver’s seat, Jamal’s gaze lingered a little longer than Aaron’s, and he realized the girl was mouthing something: “Help me.”At first, Arias thought his friend was joking, but then they saw the driver’s face, looked back, and realized it was for real. So they got focused and called 911."Yes, I'm on the highway. I'm witnessing a robbery. Not a robbery, a kidnapping,” Arias explained on the call, which was later released and picked up by several news outlets. “It's me and another guy. So we're checking out the girl in the backseat because, we're like, 'Okay, she's kind of attractive,' and then all of a sudden the guy is turned back, looking at us,” he continued.We looked in the backseat and the blonde female in the back was saying, 'Help me' or something, whispering it. So I'm assuming it is a kidnapping.Aaron AriasAccording to NBC DWF, Arias and Harris followed the guy for nearly an hour while they stayed on the phone with responders. Eventually, the driver realized he was being followed and he started acting erratically. He sped up, slowed down, and tried to lose the guys, but finally the police arrived."Thank God. You guys are awesome," Arias said in the recording as the man started to flee. "Oh my God. Oh my God. Get him! Oh my God."Arias Calls 911 and the Woman Is Rescued by Police After a ChaseFollowing a small chase, authorities arrested a man named Charles Atkins Lewis Jr. who was charged with aggravated kidnapping and held on a $50,000 bail. According to The Dallas Morning News, the unidentified, 25-year-old woman had been at a young professionals party downtown. It was about 11 p.m. when she was walking to her car and was struck on the head three times with what she believed was a handgun.The man then forced her into the backseat of her car. Police later found a handgun and a knife, and in an affidavit, the woman told investigators she was fearful of sexual assault and death.So it’s no surprise that when she was rescued from the car she ran straight towards the two teens who had ensured her safety, and gave them a giant hug. "I would describe it as the best hug I have ever gotten,” Arias later told NBC DFW, adding that he would like to stay in contact with the woman, but he also didn’t want to interfere with the investigation.Arias and Harris’ Instincts and Quick-Thinking Saved a Woman’s LifeThankfully, because of two teen heroes and the quick thinking of the woman in the backseat, this story had a happy ending. It certainly highlights the importance of trying to communicate your situation to those around you in a time of danger, but it also reminds us that if you see someone asking for help, you should always take them seriously.If you can’t physically help a person yourself or the situation is too dangerous, calling 911 is always the best option. In this case, it may very well have saved this woman’s life. It’s also important to educate young adults and children on what to do and how to react if and when they ever find themselves in that kind of horrific situation. Because as much as we’d all like to think it could never happen, you really never know when you may witness (or be the victim) in a similar scenario.More from Goalcast:Man Lures 5-Year-Old With Ice-Cream and Kidnaps Her – But 2 Teens on Bikes Take Matters Into Their Own HandsStranger Meets Woman at Gas Station and Kidnaps Her – After Nearly a Year, Her Quick-Thinking Saves Her LifeMan Calls Cops and Claims to Be Kidnapped – When the Officer Arrives at the Scene, He Finds Something Completely Different

Woman Helps Group of Motorcyclists Who Got Into an Accident - A Year Later, They Show Up at Her Daughters Lemonade Stand
Uplifting News

Woman Helps Group of Motorcyclists Who Got Into an Accident - A Year Later, They Show Up at Her Daughters Lemonade Stand

Bikers, with their leather jackets, roaring engines, and tough exteriors, often carry an image of rugged individualism. But underneath those helmets are hearts capable of remarkable kindness. This story is a testament to that fact.What One Nurse Saw While on a DriveThe tale begins with a terrible accident. Daryn Sturch, a dedicated nurse hailing from Indiana, was cruising down State Road 19 near Denver in September 2018. Little did she know that this ordinary drive would soon turn into an extraordinary moment of heroism.As she drove, she came across a harrowing sight: a severe accident involving multiple motorcyclists. Without hesitation, she sprang into action. Daryn, a nurse, understood the critical nature of the situation. Lives hung in the balance, and her skills were desperately needed.Daryn's daughter, witnessing her mother's unwavering commitment to helping others, recalled the moment:“I’m a nurse and saw several motorcycles were involved. I need to help.”With those words, Daryn rushed to the scene, unaware of the profound impact she was about to make.The accident was grave, and some of the bikers required immediate airlifting. Daryn's quick thinking and medical expertise played a pivotal role in ensuring that all of them survived. Her actions demonstrated the importance of swift assistance in road accidents, where seconds can make the difference between life and death.Why a Group of Motorcyclists Came to a Nurse’s HouseAfter the accident, fate took its course, and Daryn lost touch with the bikers she had helped that day. Yet, the memory of that fateful encounter lingered in her heart. She often found herself reflecting on the lives she had touched.Little did she know that the same motorcyclists, members of the Milwaukee Iron motorcycle group from Kokomo, Indiana, were equally eager to reunite with their guardian angel.Fast forward to the following year. Daryn's daughter decided to set up a lemonade stand, a quintessential childhood venture, on a warm day. As she cheerfully sold her refreshing drinks, an unmistakable rumble in the distance heralded a heartwarming reunion.A group of motorcyclists, the very same individuals from that life-altering accident, rumbled onto the scene. They had seen Daryn's post about the lemonade stand and saw it as the perfect opportunity to reconnect with the woman who had saved them.The scene that followed was a testament to the power of gratitude and human connection. Daryn's daughter greeted the bikers with waves, and they responded with enthusiasm. They parked their bikes and approached the lemonade stand, not just for a glass of lemonade but for a chance to express their profound gratitude.Why It’s Important to Not Judge People at First GlanceDaryn, overcome with emotion, took to Facebook to share this touching reunion. She expressed her pride in her daughter's initiative and her deep gratitude towards the bikers who had come to visit. Her post resonated with a message that transcended gratitude; it emphasized the importance of empathy and understanding.In her own words:“Thank you Milwaukee Iron for stopping at Bryanne’s lemonade stand and making her day. We love the T-shirts. #greatpeople.”Daryn's message serves as a poignant reminder that appearances can be deceiving. It's all too easy to judge people based on stereotypes, but beneath the surface, we're all capable of extraordinary acts of compassion. Daryn's courage and the bikers' gratitude teach us a profound lesson in empathy and humanity.In a world that sometimes feels divided, stories like this one bridge the gaps and remind us of the goodness that exists in people from all walks of life. So, the next time you encounter someone who doesn't fit your expectations, remember Daryn and the Milwaukee Iron bikers, and let kindness guide your actions.More from Goalcast:Man Lures 5-Year-Old With Ice-Cream and Kidnaps Her – But 2 Teens on Bikes Take Matters Into Their Own HandsWoman Buys 3-Year-Old a New Bike After She Finds Out His Was Stolen – Only Later Does Everyone Find Out Her Real StoryBullies Target 7-Year-Old in Horrific Hate Crime – Little Did They Know 20 Bikers Would Show Up at Their School

Postal Worker Notices Mail Piling Up at 80-Year-Olds House - Little Did She Know What She Was About to Walk Into
Uplifting News

Postal Worker Notices Mail Piling Up at 80-Year-Olds House - Little Did She Know What She Was About to Walk Into

Unless you’re home during the day, odds are you don’t pay that much attention to your mail carrier. But they sure as heck pay attention to you. In addition to knowing where you live and whether you’ve collected the mail, many postal workers will take note of whether your car has moved over the past few days or if packages are piling up. And, as this story proves, that can be a really good thing.The Mail Was Piling UpKayla Berridge was walking her normal nine-mile delivery route in a small New Hampshire town when she realized mail had been piling up for about four days at one resident’s home. It was odd to Berridge, as she and the 80-year-old woman who lived there would sometimes exchange pleasantries.“I hadn’t seen her in a while, and I noticed her mail wasn’t getting picked up, so I got a little concerned,” Berridge told CNN.“I just had a gut feeling and wanted to make sure,” she added to an ABC News affiliate. “Most people put a hold in if they're not there, so when people pick up their mail every day, you start to notice their habits.”Berridge followed her intuition and called the police to come and do a wellness check on the resident. Little did the postal worker know that she was about to save a life.The Woman Had Been Struggling for DaysInside the home, the Newmarket Police Department found the woman trapped on her bedroom floor under a bunch of artwork and frames. They estimated she had tried to grab her bed for support, but the items fell on her, trapping her for at least three days.She was suffering from hypothermia and dehydration when they found her, but otherwise, she was okay. And it was all thanks to Berridge taking note of the situation and following her gut.“We just think it's indicative of a small town and the mail carriers and the residents knowing each other and realizing something might not be right and reaching out to the proper authorities,” Newmarket police Lt. Wayne Stevens told the ABC affiliate.To CNN, he added that had Berridge not taken action; this woman would have had a much different outcome.“Without a doubt, she saved this lady’s life,” he said. “That’s part of being a letter carrier in a small town and taking your job to the next level. She did a great job.”Listening to Your IntuitionMost of us don’t go out of our way to find ourselves in a situation where another person needs our help, so it can be hard to know what to do when we are in a moment where our actions could have a major impact.Berridge had never been in this situation before, and she could have easily ignored her gut or waited another day to make the phone call to the police. But by trusting her instincts and doing what she thought was right, she saved a life.It’s a nice reminder that if you do find yourself in a similar situation where something doesn’t look right, you should act on it. Ask questions, don’t be afraid to step in, and if you really think it’s necessary, call someone for help.After all, as Berridge proved, it could be the difference between life and death. More from Goalcast:Woman’s Dog Saves Her Life by Sniffing Out 1-In-22 Million Kidney Donor During Trip to the Beach Fisherman Notices Jeep Sticking Out of the Water — What He Does Next Saves a Woman’s Life

Police Officer Pulls Over Speeding Mom and Her 10-Year-Old Son - Immediately Realizes Something Wasnt Right
Uplifting News

Police Officer Pulls Over Speeding Mom and Her 10-Year-Old Son - Immediately Realizes Something Wasnt Right

No one ever wants to be pulled over by the police. Stopping at the side of the road for speeding, running a red light, or some other infraction can be scary, not to mention costly if the officer decides to give you a ticket.For one mother in Rockwood, Michigan, however, getting pulled over by the police one day was absolutely terrifying for a whole other reason.A Dire SituationWhen Officer Nicholas Mitchell pulled over Rhonda McArthur for running a red light on a Monday morning, McArthur was petrified. Not because she would get a ticket or have to pay a hefty fine, but because her 10-year-old son, Nick, was in the backseat and he was in trouble.That morning, Nick had a serious asthma attack while he was getting ready for school. Unable to help her son, McArthur put him in the car and sped towards the hospital. When Mitchell pulled her over, Nick was almost out of breath.“He's telling me that he can't breathe. I'm like, 'Oh my god,' and so then I start panicking,” she recalled to Click on Detroit.“It felt like someone was holding my throat and choking me,” Nick explained to the publication. “I thought this was going to take forever.”Recognizing a Bad SituationOfficer Mitchell immediately realized something was wrong. “I could hear somebody in the car with very labored breathing; couldn't breathe at all,” he explained. So instead of asking McArthur for her registration and ID, he called for an ambulance. When one wasn’t available, he knew he had to save the child.With help from firefighters, who gave Nick an oxygen mask, Mitchell put the boy in the backseat of his cruiser.“Officer Mitchell just said, 'Let's go, get in the car,' and he drove us all the way to the hospital, lights, and sirens, as fast as he could,” McArthur recalled.They arrived at the hospital just in time, doctors later said, and Nick was saved. Now, Mitchell is being hailed as a hero.“It makes me feel good, and that's why I do this job, to help people,” he said.Putting People FirstMitchell may not see himself as a hero, but he absolutely became the McArthur family’s hero the day he pulled them over. Not because he was doing his job but because he was able to look at the situation and realize it wasn’t black and white.Yes, this mom broke the law by running that red light. But it was also a matter of life and death. By recognizing the situation and reacting quickly, Mitchell proved that sometimes, you have to have flexibility and forgo the rules in order to put people first.While we hope to never be in this kind of situation with a child’s life at stake, there are smaller ways to put that into practice with others. Not docking someone’s pay for being late, for example. Or perhaps it’s not giving them grief when they have to reschedule your appointment.The thing is, we don’t always know what someone else is going through, and they could have really great reasons for not showing up on time or having to reschedule with you. Unless you ask questions and show empathy and compassion, you’ll never know.We all deserve a little leeway in life, so why not start by giving it to others?More from Goalcast:Police Officer Pulls Struggling Father Over – Has The Best Response When He Hears His Touching StoryDistraught 79-Year-Old Is Pulled Over for Speeding – He Did Not Expect the Treatment He Received From the CopPolice Officer Passes by Struggling Homeless Woman on the Street – The Message on Her Shirt Makes Him Pull Over

Doctors Luggage and Equipment Were Seized at the Airport  So He Performs Surgeries in Flip Flops
Uplifting News

Doctors Luggage and Equipment Were Seized at the Airport So He Performs Surgeries in Flip Flops

The surgery Dr. Matt Oliva and his colleagues perform takes just four minutes and costs roughly $75 per patient. It also changes lives.According to the World Health Organization, more than 2 million Africans have lost their sight due to cataracts. A cataract is a clouding over of the eye’s natural lens, leading to blindness. As would be expected, when a person can’t see, their quality of life dramatically decreases —but even more so in a poverty-stricken country where options are extremely limited. They can’t work, and their family members must not only work to feed them but also keep them out of danger. Indeed, in Ethiopia, blind people are called “a mouth with no hands” because they have to be fed but can’t contribute to the household income.Cataract Surgery Changes LivesPhoto by MART PRODUCTIONThis is where Dr. Oliva and the Himalayan Cataract Project saw an amazing opportunity to do so much good for relatively little investment. Dr. Oliva has sat on the organization’s board for over a decade. He performs the simple, affordable cataract surgery in countries where residents would never get it otherwise, countries throughout Africa and Asia. On this particular trip, he joined fellow doctors from the United States and Canada at the Bisidimo Hospital in Ethiopia. Word had spread and the line at the hospital, a former leper colony, was long. Even though the procedure takes only minutes, some of the prospective patients would have to wait a day or two for surgery. They knew it. They had brought tents.A Doctor Without His ToolsDr. Oliva, on the other hand, arrived at the hospital without his bags. They had been seized by authorities at Ethiopian customs. The large amount of medical equipment he had brought with him from Oregon raised a red flag.But the doctor was undeterred. He would just have to improvise. Dr. Oliva donned a pair of flip flops, courtesy of the hotel he was staying at, and green scrubs from the hospital and got to work. In just six days, the team of doctors performed 1600 cataract surgeries. Many patients had just one cloudy eye, but others had two. The most complicated procedures — patients with deeply sunken eyes, for example — might take up to 20 minutes.A New Outlook on Life for Amina Ahmed60-year-old Amina Ahmed was the lucky recipient of one of those surgeries. She had heard about the campaign on the radio. Her extended family was struggling, her children working to feed and care for their mother and their own children at the same time.They worried about Ahmed when they couldn’t be around to watch her. Driven to exhaustion over the last four years of Ahmed’s worsening blindness, they hoped that the surgery be the miracle they had been praying for.And to their delight — especially Ahmed’s — it was. Cataracts develop for a variety of reasons, often with age, from injury or overexposure to sun or even vitamin deficiency. The lens of the eye becomes cloudy, causing the person to lose their vision. But the solution is shockingly simple. Doctors can remove the patient’s natural lens and replace it with a plastic one — a lens that will never become cloudy. And that lens only costs $4.That was exactly what Dr. Oliva’s team did for Amina Ahmed. And in the space of a few minutes, her world changed.“When I went to the hospital,” she said excitedly after the bandages were removed, “I couldn’t see and now I can see everything…I’m very happy. I can see the faces of everybody.” For Ahmed, “everybody” includes her children and extended family — but especially her two-year-old grandson. Before the surgery, she knew her grandson only by voice. “Now I can see his face,” she rejoiced.The Problem of AccessibilityIn Ethiopia, there are only 100 eye doctors. That’s about one eye doctor for every one million people. Dr. Mulu Lisanekwork, an ophthalmologist from Addis Ababa, says that all this untreated blindness contributes to poverty in Ethiopia. “People stop being productive when they get cataracts. And productive people are less productive because they have to take care of their blind family members.”Dr. Oliva knows firsthand the joy the simple surgery brings to his patients and how much it changes their lives. Eventually, the Ethiopian customs office did give the doctor his luggage back. But the minor setback hadn’t slowed him down. On a good day, Dr. Oliva and his team treated 400 cataracts.“It doesn’t really cost very much money,” said Dr. Oliva. The plastic lens itself costs $4, and even with overhead and personnel costs, a patient can have his or her sight restored for a mere $75. It truly is nothing short of a miracle.More from Goalcast:Mom Refuses to Terminate Her Pregnancy After Doctors Suggest It – Now Her Toddler Is Proving Everyone WrongDoctors Predicted He Wouldn’t Live Past the Age of 2 — 18 Years Later, His Heroic Nurse Gives Him This Snazzy PhotoshootPastor Donates Kidney to Stranger He Just Met – During the Surgery, Doctors Make a Shocking Discovery